Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 120 – Stage 4 Ascension. Reality Invasion!

Chapter 120 – Stage 4 Ascension. Reality Invasion!

Gerhart found himself again in a black space. A familiar voice rang-

Greetings, Conqueror. You have grown through several stages, and regardless of how you achieved it, you are now qualified to be called a Conqueror, albeit young.
As a Conqueror, you are now worthy of the next step. You are now one of the peak powerhouses of your world and can now broaden your horizons to other lands.

Perhaps you noticed it, but the amount of energy in your world can no longer satisfy your growing needs for expansion or to subdue the creature that wants to feast on your world.
Having already occupied a good portion of your world's available resources, you only have three options.

First, it is to wait for your world's energy to recover naturally. However, this recovery is too small and would take hundreds to thousands of years. By that time, the entity would have already awakened.

Second, it is to expand to other worlds and realms of this reality. However, disregarding the difficulty of travel, such expansion would not aid you in the short run. No easily harvestable dungeons exist outside your world, meaning you must commit mass slaughter to harvest the energy. But such actions would earn you the ire of entities you do not wish to antagonize. At least, not yet.

Third, you may attempt to conquer another reality. If you have encountered the Otherworlders, you should know the Otherworlders are entities from another reality. These worlds could be barren or rich in resources. If you Absorb or Convert an Otherworlder, you may seize the Reality Coordinates and Identity, allowing you to send an alternate self to invade and Conquer that reality without suffering Reality Rejection. You will need to get used to the foreign laws of reality, and most of your talents and skills will become obsolete. However, you will have the support of the energy from this reality. In a way, the alternate you would be a perfect and independent copy with complete powers, anchored to the other reality as its citizen, and not limited by soul separation limits. However, while you can't directly intervene with one another, you can send each other energy to support one another, creating an alliance.

If none of the Otherworlders have a suitable reality or they prove too troublesome, you may also attempt active searching. But this is uncontrolled and random, potentially needing hundreds to thousands of attempts. And each such attempt is expensive, not something you can afford.

As a last resort, if you fail, flee your world through the Hellish Realms, perhaps consider becoming a demon yourself.

Speak to your Lord of Conquest for more information.

Good Luck.

As it finished speaking, a silver flame appeared in front of Gerhart before merging with him.

After enduring a round of agony, Gerhart awoke.

"How long did it take?" Gerhart asked.

"Around six hours," Hope replied.

"I see." Gerhart nodded. "We will continue elsewhere."

He then turned to the waiting Light Phoenix, "Dismissed."

The Final Boss nodded before disappearing. Gerhart then operated the Idol and exited the dungeon with Hope.

Once they reached their lodging, Gerhart elevated Hope to a Lord of Conquest, costing him a trillion points. Several hours later, she reported the changes- Which were not significant. The Lord of Conquest was merely an enhanced version of the Bannerholder.

In a sense, the Lord of Conquest was an overall commander of the world, while Bannerholders were regional commanders. If a Lord of Conquest placed a tier 4 Statue of Conquest on their world, he and all his troops could freely teleport to any tier 3 Statue of Conquest on the world.

Of course, building something as grand as that would not only require a ridiculous amount of resources but also attract unwanted attention, so unless he vanquished all opposition, it would be best to avoid building it.

"But for now, I should focus on conquering the rest of the dungeons." Gerhart thought. "However, conquering other realities might be a good option. And I just so happen to have a reality that should be rich with energy."

Gerhart absorbed Ma Yang, an Otherworlder, and acquired his Reality Coordinates and Identity. From what Primo gathered, his world was a so-called cultivation world where cultivators reigned supreme through sects and clans.

"Hm... but I don't know what that world is like. Luckily, I have Ma Yang's soul." Gerhart narrowed his eyes and willed himself into the soul graveyard in his body.

The next moment, he summoned Ma Yang's soul, and soon, he awakened.

"什么?啊?我在哪里?你是谁?!" Ma Yang, who just woke up, was startled and looked around with vigilance.

Ma Yang's language wasn't translated due to losing his talent, forcing Gerhart to learn it himself.

However, Gerhart didn't want to bother having a friendly conversation with scum like him. The next moment, Ma Yang shook, and his previously lively state turned dull and empty.

Gerhart then started forcing information out of Ma Yang, learning his language and information about his reality.

After eight hours, Gerhart learned everything he needed and exited the Soul Graveyard.

What he learned made him have no qualms about targeting Ma Yang's reality- Which he thought of as a shitsack.

Sects ruled that world, where high and mighty cultivators ruled with scorn and indifference to the woes of mortals, viewing them as insects crawling on the dirty earth. Monsters and demonic cultivators also roamed the world, slaughtering innocents to be used as cultivation tonics.

Furthermore, sect techniques were regarded as treasured secrets, giving sects a monopoly over who became powerful or weak. Those who didn't have a sect were rogue cultivators, unaffiliated with any sect. But such brave people often turned darker and more cruel due to lacking cultivation techniques and resources, and sect-raised scions scorned them and viewed them as lowlives and frequently targeted due to not having background.

In short, so-called righteous cultivators were nepotistic and narcissistic bullies and leeches.

Demonic Cultivators were those who went against the norm and often used morally questionable or blatantly evil practices to advance.

Rogue cultivators were rogues and thieves for not having a backer.

And monsters were monsters, an enemy of humanity.

From what he understood, there were many resources in that world, and the power of those who were truly powerful was almost godlike, able to shatter mountains and boil seas. The world was also flat and enormous, defying the common sense of Gerhart's world being a round planet.

After looking through everything, Gerhart had a cruel smile. "Perfect."

Without hesitation, Gerhart used the Reality Invasion function.

Reality Invasion activated.

You may Invade a known and currently uninvaded Reality Coordinate or initiate a Reality Search.

"Known Reality Coordinates," Gerhart ordered.

The next moment, Gerhart received information in his mind about the available realities he could invade- Which was one.

Ma Yang's Reality - Status: Uninvaded. Reality Identity: In possession.

Would you like to Invade Ma Yang's Reality? Costs: 1,000b points.

"UWA! That's a lot." Gerhart thought.

Invading just one reality costs a trillion points. It was a massive sum, even for the current Gerhart. However, thinking of it as an investment, Gerhart didn't hesitate.

"Invade!" Gerhart ordered.

Invading Ma Yang's Reality-

Gerhart suddenly went up in silverish flames as he felt a part of his energy leaving him, leaving this reality, going to an infinitely distant place. Minutes later, the silverish fire extinguished as Gerhart sensed a consciousness in another reality connected to him like his clones. However, there was one difference. It wasn't a clone- But an alternate him. It was a new beginning with infinite possibilities.

{I arrived safely inside a creepy cave. I don't see anything hostile, just rotting corpses, infant skeletons, and a lot of dry blood. I guess this is where Ma Yang vanished. But I am still weak and need some time to adjust.} The alternate self said.

"Good. I leave things to you. Use energy at your discretion." Gerhart replied.

{I will. Good luck with your conquest.} Gerhart's alternate self said.

"You too. Do you have a name you wish to use?" Gerhart asked, having learned Ma Yang's language within eight hours.

{Zhengfu Chao.}




On the other reality-

Inside the creepy cave-

A young and naked man who resembled Gerhart stood. He wasn't tall, just around the height of a slightly taller person, and had simple looks.

"This feels strange." Zhengfu Chao muttered.

He tried to analyze himself but realized he couldn't. He was currently the weakest of mortals.

"Relic, strengthen me to the highest possible achievable." Zhengfu Chao ordered.

Moments later, energy flowed through him as he felt the familiar pain of his body transforming and improving, a blackish flame of energy engulfing him.

Zhengfu Chao stayed inside the cave for an unknown amount of time until, finally, the pain stopped.

Zhengfu Chao was now a 2.2m tall strongman bulging with muscles, becoming a strikingly handsome yet fierce man with an overly large tool between his legs.

"Analyze Status." Zhengfu Chao muttered.

Name: Zhengfu Chao
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: (0/120) (Physically 18)

Qi Cultivation Level: Not Started.
Body Forging Level: Not Started.

Qi Cultivation Qualifications: 10(Above Mortal Limit)
Body Forging Qualifications: 12(Above Mortal Limit)
Comprehension Level: 11(Above Mortal Limit)
Physiques and Talents: Chaos Body, Twelve Yang Tyrant Overlord Body, Sword Saint Divine Body, Divine Intuition, Divine Luck, Heavenly Secrets Body, Innate Spatial Body, Omitted(+)

Combat Skills: None.

Cultivation Skills: None.

"Well... It looks interesting enough." Zhengfu Chao rubbed his chin in thought.

What Zhengfu Chao strengthened was his talent, but he didn't start cultivating yet. Ma Yang's skills and talents were no longer relevant to his original reality due to being transformed. And even if he did have them, he would refuse to cultivate such inferior goods.

"Right now, I can probably slap a Foundation Establishment cultivator like Ma Yang to death with my body alone or even strangle a Golden Core Realm powerhouse to death, but this is merely immediate power. I need someone to teach me how to cultivate- or plunder them." Zhengfu Chao squinted his eyes.

There were several known cultivation stages in this reality, or at least on this massive mega continent called the Heavenly Continent.

Qi Refinement was the beginning, from 1st to 9th level. They were considered mortals, and many had access to Qi Cultivation Techniques. A 9th-level Qi Refiner was around ten times stronger than mortals thanks to the Qi flowing in their body, but their physical body was only twice as strong if they didn't forge their body.

Foundation Establishment cultivators were at least 30 times stronger, with peak experts being close to 100 times stronger than mortals- At least with their Qi. Without Qi, they were barely five times as strong as mortals. These were considered inner disciples in most sects.

Golden Core cultivators were the realm after that, and they were considered the Core Disciples and Elders of a sect.

Nascent Soul Realm cultivators were the peak power of the Furious Sword Sect and one of several hegemons of this region.

Ma Yang also heard of Soul Formation Realm experts. However, such experts wouldn't stay in this low-level place. He didn't know of anything above that.

Zhengfu Chao felt he could fight a Nascent Soul Realm head-on right now and win if he used the Banner of Conquest. But that was merely speculation.

"Oh well. No point in staying here." Zhengfu Chao muttered and looked around the cave before finding two relatively clean cloaks, using one as a loincloth while the other as a cloak.

However, he didn't alter the size of his body. From what he learned, body forgers were usually large people, and there were so-called people gifted with divine strength, making them prodigies in body forging. Either way, although it would draw some attention, it wasn't bad. But for safety, he did cover his aura. Who knows what kind of sick bastards were out there?

And so, Zhengfu Chao left the creepy cave and entered a forest.


A wolf-like monster jumped out of the bushes, growling and threatening him as soon as he left the cave.

"Ah, just in time. I was lacking funds." Zhengfu Chao grinned.

Not realizing it was attacking doom incarnate, the wolf ferociously charged at this weak human without cultivation, thinking he was a quick snack.

Zhengfu Chao casually gave it a slap to the head.


Its head directly turned into meatpaste, its bones becoming deadly shrapnel that shredded a nearby tree.

Creak* Drop*

The tree collapsed.

"Whoops. I should control my strength more." Zhengfu Chao muttered, feeling sorry for the poor tree. 

He then sucked the beast into his spatial storage while muttering. "I can trick mortals, but I should get a Spatial Bag to hide my ability soon."

He then continued aimlessly walking in the forest, occasionally killing a monster or two while picking any interesting herbs he found. However, this forest was a Qi Refiner hunting ground, meaning all the monsters here were also Qi Refiners.

After walking for several hours, Zhengfu Chao was annoyed that he wasn't progressing, so he decided to scout the area first.

Crouching down, he gathered strength in his legs and-


He lept dozens of meters in the air, letting him view the surrounding forest.

Suddenly, he noticed a distant river, and his eyes lit up.

River = Nearby Human Settlements.

"All I need to do is reach that river and then run to a nearby settlement. I can get directions and proper clothes from there." Zhengfu Chao reasoned.

Thud* Whoosh*

As soon as he landed, Zhengfu Chao ran toward the river. After killing two more monsters, he safely reached it before he reached a dilemma.

"Should I go upstream or downstream?" Zhengfu Chao asked himself.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to go downstream. He then ran along the river for half an hour before reaching a small waterfall. Not thinking about it too deeply, he casually jumped down. But then his eyes widened as he saw a beautiful young woman bathing right under the waterfall!

"Eh?!" Zhengfu Chao widened his eyes, wanting to return, but it was too late.


Even worse, a tree root or branch tangled his cloak, catching and ripping it, making Zhengfu Chao naked save for his loincloth.



"Whose there?!" The woman was immediately alerted as she picked up a sword while covering her breasts with one hand, pointing it toward the direction she heard the landing.

However, the next moment, she felt her eyes were forever tainted.

She saw a hulk of a man, full of muscles befitting a barbarian, butt naked like a monkey, with a weird-looking makeshift loincloth that did a poor job of hiding the massive bulge inside.

As a woman, even as a cultivator, she only had one instinctual reaction.

"KYA!!! PERVERT!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs while running to the other side of the river.

"E-Eh?! Wait! I'm not a pervert! My clothes got ripped off!" Zhengfu Chao felt a need to clear the misunderstanding and yelled.

But the woman wasn't willing to hear anything of it, exiting the water before using light steps to jump inside the forest, naked.

"But you forgot your clothes!!!" Zhengfu Chao continued yelling as he looked at the female clothes near him, neatly folded, along with a bag.

Half a minute later, the woman raised her head from behind a bush, her face crimson while trying not to look at Zhengfu Chao's bulge.

"Leave!" She demanded.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh. Is there a village downstream?" Zhengfu Chao asked.

"Yes! So leave!" She repeated.

"Okay! Okay! Sheesh." Zhengfu Chao shook his head and ran downstream with only a loincloth.

"Damn barbarian. Showing me that grotesque thing. How will I marry now?" The woman felt like crying, feeling she made a tremendous loss.

Some barbarian saw her naked, and she saw him almost naked. And he had something that massive between his legs! That damaged her chastity!

"Just you wait, you pervert... If I catch you, I will skin you alive!" The woman gritted her pearly teeth.

Not knowing he made an enemy, Zhengfu Chao continued running until he reached a village.

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