Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 49: Become a Spirit Master

Chapter 49: Become a Spirit Master


ALU doesn't know how much time has passed. When the flow of information stopped entering his head, Alu immediately woke up from his unconscious state.

When Alu opened his eyes, Alu found that he was lying in the cave before.


Alu immediately stood up, and surveyed the surroundings for a few moments.

After finding that everything was fine, only then could Alu calm down.

Although many unexpected things happened when he opened his mother's box, everything seemed fine on the outside. It didn't create any distraction like Alu thought.

Of course, if Alu opened his mother's box in the outside world, it might still cause trouble if there was a powerful expert hiding around Alu. After all, even if there was no disturbance, it didn't mean that a strong expert couldn't sense it when a mysterious aura suddenly appeared around him.

After observing the surroundings, Alu then lowered his head to look down. On the ground beside where Alu lay, was the box and earring that his mother had given him.

Seeing the two objects, Alu immediately crouched down to pick them up.

After taking the two objects, Alu stood back up and began to observe the two of them.

Alu first looked at the box that held the earring.

"This box seems to be made of a very strong material. But other than that, it doesn't seem to have any other use." Alu said after a moment of examining the box.

Alu then keeps the box.

After that, Alu then looked at the earring which his mother said was formation disc.


When Alu used his soul senses to observe the earring, Alu was a little surprised because he no longer found space in the earring.

"Has it disappeared?" Said Alu.

"However, this is indeed an extraordinary artifact. I wonder what grade artifact is this?"

ALU looks at the earring in his hands with sparkling eyes.

Although Alu couldn't judge the true strength of the earring, Alu thought that it must be a heavenly grade artifact. Heavenly grade artifacts were artifacts normally used by Heavenly Nirvana stage experts.

"Well, at least she left out a lot of good stuff." Alu nodded.

Alu is now wondering about his mother. Even though her cold attitude displeases Alu, the good things she prepares make Alu can't help but feel joy.

Perhaps cultivators have different personalities. However, no matter what their personalities were, they still had one thing in common. They will be happy if they get something that can increase their strength.

"Mm, bro, you're awake. Your mother is really very strong, now you've become a spirit master. Try to use your new power." Charlie suddenly spoke while Alu was studying the earrings. His voice sounded very enthusiastic.

"Mm." Charlie's words woke Alu up.

Since Alu woke up from his unconscious state, Alu had felt a new strength in his body. The power was concentrated inside his head.

After hearing Charlie's words, Alu stopped paying attention to the earring. But Alu seemed to think for a moment. After that, he then put an earring on his left ear.

After putting the earring in his left ear, Alu began to concentrate on feeling the power rising in his head.

The existence of a new power that suddenly appeared within him made Alu feel strange. After all, he couldn't feel the process of forming that power. And it made Alu feel as if he had just eaten a heavenly fruit that made him step into heaven in one step.

But Alu knew, before he got that power, there must be a very complicated and long process.

When Alu started to concentrate, Alu's consciousness entered a mysterious space in his head.

Before Alu got his spirit power, that mysterious space wasn't inside him yet.

ALU knows that space is what is called the spirit world. It is the essence of spirit power, and a place where spirit energy is stored. Spirit beings summoned by spirit masters also resided in that place.


Alu then appears in his spirit world space.

It was a hundred meter circular space. Within the space, almost all of them were filled with white energy. It looks exactly the same as the energy Alu saw when his mother was fighting.

"It's spirit energy. Now I have it." Alu nodded with a satisfied smile when he saw the energy.

"With this energy, I can form spirit formations. But before that, I need to comprehend spirit formation techniques first."

"Now I want to know how strong my spirit power is?" Alu wondered.

There are also several stages in spirit master cultivation. The first stage is known as the Mortal stage. It was divided into three layers, and each layer was equivalent to the Spiritual Warrior stage, the True Spiritual stage, and the Life and Death stage. Above the Mortal stage is the Nirvana stage which is also divided into three layers.

Even though at this time Alu had just awakened his spirit power, seeing the amount of spirit energy, and the vast space of his spirit world, Alu knew that his current spirit power was definitely not at the Mortal stage's first layer. His mother obviously also helped increase his spirit cultivation.

Alu then tries to feel his spirit energy while remembering the information his mother gave him. Apart from Universe Formation techniques, there was also other Information about spirit masters. Recognizing the stage of cultivation is one of them.

"Mm, this should have reached the third layer." ALU thinks.

And Alu couldn't help but be surprised when he realized that. After all, no matter how talented someone was, it would still take them several years to reach a strength equivalent to that of the Life and Death stage. However, Alu who had just awakened his spirit power had actually reached that level straight away.

"It's just that I don't know how strong my spirit power is."

Spirit power is not like spiritual power. It was very difficult to estimate how strong a person's spirit power would be without directly fighting. And even if fighting, relying solely on spirit power, a spirit master would inevitably lose quickly even if they faced someone weaker. They could only fight if they had already formed a formation.

"Well, I'll think about that later. The important thing is to comprehend the Universe Formation technique first."

"Now is the time to see Charlie and Elly. I wonder what they are like? The God Clan."

After digesting the information in his head, Alu now knew the strength of the God clan. According to that information, among the top ten spirit clans, the God clan was the strongest. They are said to have expertise in using the power of light.


Somewhere far away. It is dark space. No stars were visible in that place.

However, even though there wasn't a single star, the place was filled with countless meteors. Each of the meteors looks so large that they look like a continent.

On top of one of the meteors, there were several people sitting in meditation. Each of them emitted an extremely majestic aura. Their aura made them look like giants who could overturn continents.

Right in the middle of that person, was a young woman with red hair and a cold face. The woman's appearance looked the youngest among the people. However, even though she looked the youngest, judging by the position they were seated, that young woman was probably the one leading them.

When the young woman who had closed her eyes suddenly opened her eyes, the people around her also opened their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, they all looked directly at the young woman.

However, the moment they saw her, they couldn't help but be surprised. It was because they saw that always cold face curved its lips suddenly.

They were of course surprised. After all, they had followed the young woman for years. However, this was the first time they saw the young woman's lips curl up.

Although, because the young woman's face remained so cold that people couldn't tell whether she was smiling or not, it was still very shocking.

"Not bad."

Just as they were being shocked, they heard the young woman speak in a low voice.

"Sister Jasmine, is there something?"

Hearing the young woman speak, one of them finally asked. The one who asked was also a young woman. She looks similar to a young woman with red hair.

"There is no."

Hearing that question, the red-haired young woman, Jasmine who was Alu's mother spoke again. She stared at the young woman who asked before staring at the people surrounding her.

"All the missions here are over. Maybe it's time we returned." Said Jasmine.

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