Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 193

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 193

Episode 193 -Complete-

The world burned blue. The blue flame that encroached on the son-in-law enveloped everyone in the radius. The flame of the judge that purifies evil intentions. For some, it was as warm as late spring sunlight, but for others, it was as hot as the brimstone fire of hell.

Most people felt warm. There was only one being that cried out in pain.

Only the source of all evil was screaming.

It didn’t last long. Even the terrible noise melted away in the heat and disappeared.

The fireworks that seemed to be in full bloom that seemed to cover the world slowly began to wither. There was not enough firewood for food. There was nothing more to burn.

When my son-in-law woke up again, all evil did not exist. It has been a long time since I returned to a handful of ashes.

Only Aiden remained.

In the middle of the snowy field, he looked up at the sky and chanted.

“It’s over.”

It was an ending I had not hoped for. Humanity survived and malice disappeared. I should be happy, but it was difficult to laugh. A bitter aftertaste remained. Because he faced his own malice in the end. Screaming hypocrisy. Iden couldn’t be happier.

There was still work to be done.

As I was about to take a step, cheers erupted from everywhere. Most of them were filled with awe and joy.

“Long live Baekyang!”


One by one, two people began to kneel on the floor. Suddenly, all the intelligent beings bowed down before the one god.

He was crying out for the only divine being.

Aiden said calmly.

“It’s not over yet. Liberate the suffering frontier.”

The outskirts of the Demon World were still teeming with demons. Because the destruction of the Hell Palace and the malice in the outdoors were separate things. It was prophesied that the Blessed One would empty only hell. In other words, if we just clean up the evil that lurks outside, this world will become clean.

Aiden added.

“The war will not end until the residual evil is eliminated.”

The believers responded by making the sign of the cross.

“““Cast/Walenstal Street. I will root out even a single evil intention.”””

Their voices echoed throughout the earth.

Iden nodded slightly and gestured to the Paladin.

The old man flew over in an instant and knelt down on one knee at Aiden’s feet.

“Did you call me?”

“Create a special zone for demons.”

The malice of hell was gone, but man’s hatred of the devil still remained. Conflict will arise. It was difficult for demons and other intelligent beings to get along. You will have to live separately in separate areas. For now it was.

Until time later erases their hatred.

Paladin nodded.

“I will accept it.”

“Move quickly.”

After saying that, Iden turned his back. The paladin who was looking at his back cautiously opened his mouth.

“······Are you going to heaven?”

In that case, I couldn’t see Iden for a while. This is because the heavenly world and the present world were cut off. In the first place, it was unclear whether Iden would be able to return to his original state.

Iden shook his head.

“I will help you too.”

Paladin swallowed his sleep. It seems that Iden also doesn’t know how to get to heaven.

“Your Majesty will be left alone.”

Iden turned his head slightly and looked down at the Paladin.

“No way.”

“If only…”

“If even the present world and the heavenly world cannot come and go due to the absence of a confederate, does that mean omnipotence?”

Cheon Gwang Jigwi was reborn as the one and only of his time. For the current Iden, impossible things did not exist.

Iden extended his index finger forward. The space was cut vertically.

Saya stuck her head out through the gap.

“it’s over?”

Paladin swallowed a laugh.


“······It looks like your father is still very busy.”

In the carriage returning to the holy land of Berserk, Terra hung her head. It was difficult to hide my disappointment. Iden, whose face is not shown even once. Is he not paying attention to his daughter? Of course, I understood my father’s great responsibility, but

Uriel’s voice cut me off from my thoughts.

“You curse a lot, right?”

Terra looked at Yuriel.

“It’s been like that since long ago. “From His Holiness.”

“Isn’t this really too much? “He left without even saying goodbye.”

Yuriel brushed Terra’s hair.

“I completely sympathize. “I’ve been hurt a few times too.”

When Iden was a Holy Knight, Uriel cheated on him several times. At that time, the relationship between superiors and subordinates was clear, but Iden didn’t mind at all. He was originally that kind of person.

Terra whispered.

“Yuriel hates his father too, right? You can be honest. “Because it’s between us.”

Yuriel touched the tip of her chin as if she was thinking about it, then nodded slightly.

“It’s a bit like that.”

Then he smiled brightly.

Terra pursed her lips.

“But not the facial expression.”

“I don’t hate it.”

“You just said you hated it.”

“Hate and dislike are a little different.”

A doubt crossed Terra’s face.


Yuriel drew a line.

“It’s close to the fundamental feeling of dislike.”

“Then you hate me?”


Uriel thought for a moment and then opened his mouth again.

“Hate is often based on affection or love. “When those feelings are betrayed, people feel hatred.”

Terra, who was thinking about her words, slowly remembered.

“Then Uriel loves her father.”

Yuriel was startled and her face turned red.

“Yes, Your Majesty, those words…”

Terra tilted her head. I asked in a tone of ignorance.

“Saints originally love God. “Isn’t it Yuriel?”

The saint was a woman of God. It was very natural to adore God.

Yuriel took a deep breath and smiled awkwardly.

“Of course, I also admire Your Holiness.”

“Hehe, I knew that.”

Terra smiled brightly and stared at Yuriel. There was playfulness in the innocent expression.

I was attacked by Terra. I was passed over for guided interrogation.

Yuriel sighed softly.

“······That’s too much.”

Terra said, taking her hand.

“It would be nice to be a little more honest. As my mother once said, only up to Uriel. “I will understand that much.”

Yuriel looked a little embarrassed.

“Your Majesty?”

“Yeah, he was talking to himself, but I overheard.”

It was an incredible story. The Saya that Yuriel knew was not someone who would allow a concubine.

Terra stared into Uriel’s eyes.

“So don’t lie about your feelings. Love is a deal to be won. “This is also what my mother said.”

Get it. This time, it was Saya-like words.

Yuriel looked down at her dress. Saya’s original house was placed in her arms. The right to execute Beatrice. The purpose did not end there. Depending on its use, it may be possible to erase Saya’s prohibition.

Why did they give me this? Yuriel couldn’t quite understand Saya’s intentions.

Maybe it’s permission. It was difficult to be sure. However, Yuriel had a choice.

Terra said.

“I like Uriel. So I hope you are happy.”

Yuriel brushed Terra’s hair.

“I’m still happy now.”

If only I could enjoy greater happiness…

Yuriel shook off his thoughts. It’s still early. There were still many people in the outskirts groaning in pain. Only when they laughed could the saint find her own happiness.

This must be Yuriel’s belief.


Time passed quickly.

Four years have passed by quickly.

In the 8th year of the Bacheksar calendar, all the sacred sites of the Demonic Sutra returned to the bosom of humanity. There was almost no residual evil left.

The emperor’s declaration of the end of the war echoed throughout the continent and the Demonic World.

The war is over. A world that has escaped the apocalypse will no longer go backwards but will only move forward toward the future.

Everyone’s expressions brightened. The world that was full of dark clouds had cleared beautifully. Conflicts between races remained weak, but no one forgot the value of coexistence.

Because they served only one god, and that god’s teachings were clear. All intelligent beings are children of the sun. Children did not fight under the sky watched by their parents.

We protected and cared for each other.

There was no need to clash and oppress each other in a narrow continent.

A large number of people moved to Magyeong.

A group of slash-and-burn farmers who lived from one place to another settled in the outskirts of Magyeong. Although they have not yet fully established a foundation for living, this rich land will eventually become their sanctuary.

Like this, the warmth of the sun was seeping into every corner of the demonic landscape.

Today was a little different.

On a stormy night, a boy jumped out of bed. Cold sweat was flowing. Because I had a bad dream.

The scene where my childhood friend Lena grew cold. The boy turned his head out the window. The rain was pouring non-stop. Was Lena somehow stranded in that shower? Maybe God gave her a dream to save her.

The boy kicked the bedding.

I burst out of the shabby room and went outdoors. I was planning to go to Lena’s house first. Because I didn’t know it was just a dream. I’ll have to check it first.

I started crossing the rice field embankment. It was a shortcut. I might get scolded by adults, but I was very anxious right now.

‘······No way, I guess not.’

As I thought about Lena, I became more anxious. Her behavior has been a little strange these days. The amount of talk decreased significantly, and there were many times when I was alone and in a daze.

The boy clenched his fists. I shook off the ominous thoughts. The dream I just had was probably just caused by my worries about Lena.

She will be sleeping well at home without anything happening.

While he was compiling his thoughts, a faint sound came to the boy’s ears. The sound was quickly drowned out by the pouring rain.

The boy who was running stopped. I listened.

Embarrassment flashed across his face.

I heard a youthful groan. I looked straight ahead. A waterway located between rice fields. A black figure was lying face down on a road made of mud.

The boy narrowed his eyes and focused.

“You crazy bastard!”

A large adult was attacking a small girl. Strangely enough, the girl did not resist. Even when her clothes were removed, she remained as hard as wax.

The boy started running across the rice field.

“Stop that!”

The prone figure suddenly stopped moving. I raised my head and made eye contact with the boy.

The boy couldn’t help but be shocked. Because I saw blood-red eyes. Red eyes were a symbol of the devil.

Why is there a devil left here? Everything under the sun would have disappeared. The boy’s body became stiff.

An intense fear invaded my mind. An untrained human being could not stand against the devil. Also, he was so young.

Inyoung raised her upper body. It was much bigger than the biggest adult in the village. Red eyes were shining brightly in the air, several spans higher than the boy’s height.

The guy approaches slowly. A fishy voice continued.

“It’s a pity. “I don’t leave men alive.”

The boy couldn’t even take his feet off. I lowered my eyes in a frozen state. I was so scared that I didn’t want to see it. Instead of the devil, someone else came into view.

A girl with brown hair. It was my childhood friend Lena.

The boy’s pupils fluttered. Are you saying that the woman who was almost attacked by the devil was Lena? The fear disappeared for a moment and anger filled up instead.

If he dies, Lena dies too.

I raised my lowered head.

The devil was already right in front of us.

The guy lowered his waist and looked directly at the boy.

Red eyes shining before my eyes. Even the burning spirit disappeared in an instant. I realized reality. He was too helpless to protect anyone.

I looked at the flying malice, nailed in place. I closed my eyes tightly. This is how you die. A flash of light crossed my mind. The mother’s expression of joy at finding a way to live, the promise she shared with Lena, and the villagers who plowed the rice fields together… the happy memories were replayed for a long time. It’s already time to die.

Just as he was wondering, something landed on his shoulder. I felt vaguely certain. It’s not the devil. Because I felt warmth.

A voice was heard.

“Do not turn a blind eye to malice.”

It was a calm and solemn voice.

“Even at night God watches for malice. “With your eyes instead of the sun.”

The boy slowly lifted his eyelids.

“So don’t be afraid.”

A dazzling backlight shot through the open pupil.

The night disappeared somewhere and bright daylight came. It was so bright that the boy frowned. Only then did the devil’s appearance appear.

An incubus trembles in astonishment. The devil was filled with fear.

The guy was confused.


A large hand handed the boy a small dagger. A calm voice continued.

“Is that child precious?”

The boy nodded as if fascinated.

“Then watch with your own hands.”

What are you supposed to do with this small dagger? The boy raised his arms as if he might have such doubts.

The blade flashed sharply. It was shining brightly, reflecting the sunlight.

“Get down.”

At that moment, the short dagger flashed blue. A pale flame rose into the sky.

The boy dropped his arm. A blue track swept vertically across the devil. The devil’s divine form was misaligned as if reflected in broken glass.

The engraved blade spread out flames and enveloped the demon. The guy evaporated in an instant.

The boy stared at the dagger with blank eyes.

I immediately came to my senses and looked back.

There was a god.

“You have put away your last evil intentions.”

“You can’t believe it…”

Taeyang smiled softly.

“Live without fear.”

The god who said that turned around. As he watched his back as he walked away, the boy shouted loudly.

“My dream is to become a paladin! One day, I will judge evil with your sword!”

The voice of God penetrated my mind.

“Do one good thing rather than cutting down evil. “That is a paladin.”

There was no longer a demon to slay.

The moment the boy was about to answer, God had already disappeared.

You will no longer be able to hear rumors of a god traveling around the border.

Year 8 of the Wallenstal Calendar With this, all malice was extinguished.

The inhabitants of this world no longer feared the night.

This is the end of the prepared story.

We plan to serialize a few spin-offs separately.

Uriel Terra Saya Murciela Heavenly Force… … etc. We plan to organize episodes focusing on characters that have little to do with the plot.

The serialization cycle or time has not been determined.

I wanted to write about everyday things, but I’m not familiar with this part, so my writing skills are slow. We ask for your understanding. ㅜㅜ

* Thank you so much to the readers who followed until the end. I will come back with a much improved version in the next work.

This was Jungjongru.

Thank you again!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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