Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 19

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 19

Episode 19.

Immediately after speaking with Yuriel, Iden headed straight to the drawbridge of the Holy Empire.

I saw Euron waiting at the end of the bridge. He was carrying a huge chest and his luggage, and anyone could see that his legs were shaking.

It was quite a distance, but it was reflected clearly in Iden’s eyes.

There was also a large man standing next to Euron, and although it felt familiar in some way, I couldn’t quite remember it.

Iden immediately rode his horse and headed towards them.

The large man waved his hand in a friendly manner towards the approaching Aiden.

“uh! Lord Iden, here. Here. It’s been a while. Ah, hasn’t it been a while? haha. Anyway, nice to meet you.”

As soon as Iden arrived, he shook my hand. A memory flashed.

A man who introduced himself as having killed a monster in the North. I forgot his name, but he was a paladin who was severely beaten by Iden during the investiture ceremony.

Iden got off the horse and took his hand. He stopped laughing and opened his mouth with a serious expression.

“I would like to formally apologize for the disrespect I committed towards you and your servant. You really are a great man. “It seems like the seeds here are doing their part now.”

The chest Euron was holding contained Aiden’s weapons. His face was swollen as if it was about to explode, but he was holding his own.

Moving seemed very difficult.

As soon as I received the box, I collapsed onto the floor.

“······Two hours.”

The paladin’s laughter rang loudly.

“The squire was also a very fundamental friend. Effort is always right. Nothing like cancer. But Lord Iden, will you accept my apology?”

“I never took it to heart. “I just want to hear your name again.”

“Haha, this is the part where I feel the need to vent. Please remember that this is Tyrun. It is a name that will cause an uproar not only in the North, but the entire continent. haha!”

Although he was a fool, he felt like a passionate human being. Aiden nodded and opened his mouth.

“I guess I’ll be able to hear your name in a few days. “Where we are heading now is the north.”

The first ruins where the holy relics rest. The records and Noble Phantasm of the great hero Arhan were buried in the frozen ground.

Tyrun opened his eyes wide.

“At a time like this? If it’s true, I want to stop you. It’s not winter in the North right now. It was a time when animals were moving south in search of food, so the church settled nearby and withdrew. It was an operation I controlled. So I can assure you. “This is the most dangerous time in the North.”

Winter comes to the North once every five years. It was the season when the demi-humans living beyond the canyon evacuated to the south because of the extremely cold weather.

Normally at this time of year, the Empire would be in a festive mood. Ein hunting. This was because once every five years it was an opportunity to capture those who were inevitably heading south.

Fighters in a sample gladiatorial arena for experiments with sex slave wizards who will satisfy the unique characteristics of cost-effective labor…etc.

As such, the use of demi-humans did not discriminate across fields, so people flocked to the north during this period.

But not this time. The large-scale capture operation was decided to be cancelled. This is because the power of the church, the main axis of demi-human hunting, was gathered in the Vatican.

If things were as usual, Tyrun would have been waiting in the north.

Aiden also planned to head to Dongto to explore the ruins five years later.

It seemed like the time to pass the Pope’s trials and obtain Elohimderk would roughly coincide with that.

One Elohimderk was already hanging around Aiden’s neck.

There was no need to waste time. For Iden, it was no exaggeration to say that Sein was a pumpkin that had been rolled down on a vine.

Iden shook his head at Tyrun, who tried to dissuade him by saying it was dangerous.

“We need at least one paladin as a watchdog. “If the demi-humans do not stop moving south and invade the empire’s territory, the upper regions will become hell.”

It was a lie. There was no way the demihumans would come down below a certain level in the first place. At least for now.

There was only one reason why Iden was in a hurry.

This is because exploration of the ruins was only possible during the coldest week in the north. There isn’t much time left.

Tyrun nodded as if he didn’t doubt Aiden’s words.

“Amazing. I sincerely wish to share your thoughts. this person···. Ugh. “I’ll just refrain from saying anything.”

Aiden was rather grateful to the church. It was obvious that if Tyrun followed him, he would be in trouble in many ways.

“Your Majesty will definitely have work to do here.”

“I guess so, but I can’t help but feel regretful. “I would have been a little more free if I hadn’t been promoted like Sir.”

Paladins also had ranks. Aiden had no intention of moving up from the bottom for a while. I needed freedom.

“Anyway, since you say so, I will offer you a small favor. Please accept it.”

Tyrun took out a faded red gem from his arms.

“It’s a senior level. “If there is someone in the group who knows how to use magic, I will relieve you of the cold a little.”

It was an item that was difficult to obtain. Among the artifacts Euron purchased while Iden was with Tegain was a replica of that gem.

“I will use it well.”

“It was nothing.”

Aiden climbed Petra.

“I will remember the favor.”

“Haha, this is nothing. Go faster than that. “I kept holding on to a busy person for too long.”

“Then see you later.”

Aiden rode his horse and headed north.


Three days have passed.

The horse’s hooves stepping on the ground made a soft sound. The once green land was covered in white, and the cold north wind blew.


Euron sneezed, shaking his fur.

Cold air surrounded Iden and Euron, but it was only the beginning.

“You can handle the heat well, but you can’t handle the cold.”

“Actually, I grew up in the south, so this is my first time seeing snow. “Now I understand why northerners get excited about words that describe their eyes beautifully.”

Euron shivered and took out the white fur from his backpack and handed it to Aiden.

“I think you should wear it now, Sir.”

Aiden actually didn’t mind. This is because they invested in cold resistance in preparation for what might happen in the north in the future.

“I don’t need it yet, so put it away.”

I didn’t tell Euron to wear it. He too had to adapt to the climate. The north is kind in its own way; the higher you go, the colder it gets slowly. Maybe it was giving me time to get used to it.

So we continued heading north, leaving our hooves in the pure white snow. Suddenly, a vague shape began to appear in the distance.

“Lord Iden? Do you see it over there? “It looks like a house, but why is it like that…”

It was a hut located in the middle of a snowy field. The smoke rising from the cave was blown away by the cool breeze.

“If Daryl trusted me, he’d be there.”

There may not be. Even if he ran away, Iden had no intention of going after him. The relationship ended just like that.

Iden and Euron tied their horses to the fence and knocked on the door.

“Are you inside?”

As soon as Euron finished speaking, the door burst open.

There was a small old man standing in front of the door, and his eyes were deeper than his appearance. The old man looked at Aiden from head to foot.

“Nice to meet you. “I am Paladin Iden.”

“A strange body logo. His achievements are unreasonable for his age. “How old are you?”

“I’m twenty-two this year.”

The content was different, but the setting was the same.

“Oh, you’re younger than I thought.”

Did Aiden say he was that bad? I had a thought. There was nothing I could do. The two years that passed changed everything for Iden. Even the facial expression and eyes. It wasn’t like this from the beginning.

“What about next door?”

“It’s a seed.”


Euron was horrified by the old man’s gaze. It felt like the eyes were massaging my whole body like hands.

“It’s going to be hard.”

He said something unintelligible and gestured inside.

“Both of you, come in.”

The cabin was very warm. I could hear the sound of firewood burning and the scent of phytoncide was in the air.

Sein, who was sitting at the table in the middle, smiled brightly and welcomed Aiden.


“So what about Daryl?”

“My brother is over there—”

I saw Daryl walking from afar outside the window.

He was steadily approaching, wearing only a pair of panties and carrying a huge rock on his back.

The old man clicked his tongue.

“Tsk Kadak ruined the kid. “What do wizards know?”

As Archmage Kadak’s name came out of the old man’s mouth, Euron looked at Iden with wide eyes.

“The old man is one of the continent’s sword saints.”

Sword Saint Gielan Fenrir. He was a long-time friend of Archmage Kadak and the protector of the North.

A castle wall that prevents demi-humans from coming down any further. The old man was one of the monsters in the worldview.

“Swordsmanship and everything else is useless. “What is the use of being called out like that when you are stuck in a remote area?”

Iden shook his head.

“Those who inherit the old man’s sword are renowned throughout the continent. “The Sword Saint is here, but his will continues to spread.”

“Failures. “Things that cannot even be called imitations are just tarnishing my name.”

Gielan’s personality remained the same as in the original. The old man looked at Aiden with a slightly suspicious gaze.

“But for what reason did you send your siblings to me?”

Iden looked at Sein, who was preoccupied with his conversation with Euron.

“It’s to save my siblings.”

“Are you a paladin?”


The old man let out a laugh.

“He’s a strange guy in many ways. When I heard it, he declared that he would wash away the black blood.”

“you’re right. “I’ll tell you in advance, even if you ask me how, I can’t answer.”

“under! It’s rude. “It makes me want to ask.”

Violation of the prohibition resulted in death.

“The answer lies in the ruins led by Elohimderk. “I cannot comment further than this.”

“They said the necklace chose you.”

“I guess so.”

“Do you know what’s sleeping there?”

“Isn’t it the Noble Phantasm of the great hero Arhan?”

“That’s a fact that even little kids know. “Exactly.”

Of course I knew. Gielan looked appalled.

“Looking at you, I see you understand.”

“I came here to take it in the first place.”

“Who said something was given for free? listen carefully. You are certainly a distant person, but it will take a while for your bowl to be filled. “If you’re conceited, you’ll get seriously hurt.”

Aiden knew his own weakness well. Since I only had one life, I had no intention of overdoing it.

I came here because I thought it was possible.

“I will take your advice to heart.”

“Leave the seed behind. “He’s dead.”

This was a problem that Iden continued to worry about. Euron was definitely growing, but in the north it was worse than a herbivore.

Aiden cannot protect him. I was grateful that Gielan brought up the story first. Actually, I was planning to ask for it and was secretly looking forward to it.

“thank you.”

“I guess I have someone to make fun of.”

“No matter what, I’m good at one chore. “Cooking is also good.”

“If you want to go, don’t talk nonsense, just leave quickly. “The bitter cold will begin.”

Iden bowed his head and approached Euron.


He got up and gathered his luggage.

“You stay here.”

Euron’s hand stopped. Then he looked up at Aiden with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

“that. “That is…”

“You are a burden in the North.”

A shadow passed over Euron’s face. Because I knew better than anyone else.

Iden approached Euron and whispered lowly.

“The old man loves passion and effort more than talent.”

If you’re quick-witted, Euron will understand. At that moment, Daryl came in, trembling. He had a dissatisfied expression on his face, and it seemed like he had been treated harshly by the old man.

“You damn old man. “Will I get better from this cold weather?”

“Put on Daryl’s clothes and come out. “We’re leaving right away.”

He looked a little gloomy as he tried to bask in the warm fire. Without saying a word, I took Sein and followed him.

Iden came outside and took off her necklace.

And it was infused with divine power. The crystal jade soared into the air and colored the sky with blue brilliance.

A long track continued all the way to the other side of the sky. After crossing the canyon and reaching the horizon, it continued to advance.

It was a road visible only to the eyes of the owner.

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