Dark and Light Martial Emperor

Chapter 62

Episode 62.

Byeoksan’s eldest son (2)

Myeongchisan (明致山) was quite surprised.


The wind passing through the bamboo forest shook Yeon Ho-jeong’s collar.

It feels as if it will be scattered by the wind. An empty energy filled my whole body.

‘It’s a bitch.’

I heard that he hasn’t reached the age of maturity yet.

But the atmosphere was very strange. Even with ten masters standing in front of him, he seemed completely unfazed.

Also, what about that posture?

‘I’m free.’

Even though I was just standing still, I felt like I could run anywhere.

This is true even though the state of divine law does not appear to be outstanding. He was a young man with such a mysterious temperament.

Myeongchisan was honestly impressed.

“Yeonga had an accident. “Do you mean to say that we have raised this level of talent?”

Yeon Ho-jeong asked calmly.

“Are you from a famous family?”

The voice was lower and softer than I expected. I heard that he had a rough temperament, but if you just listened to his voice, there was no sign of that at all.


“It’s later than I thought.”

“You’re late… Does that mean you knew we would come?”

“It’s hard not to know. “Is there a place in the land of Hanam that the eyes of the famous family cannot reach?”

“what? haha!”

Myeongchi-san burst into laughter without realizing it.

He’s a bold guy. He was an arrogant guy.

Still, I didn’t hate that confidence. There were no such outstanding warriors within the famous family.

Myeong Chi-san said with a smile.

“It’s amazing that you have the courage to remain so calm even in front of warriors dispatched from a famous family. I like it.”

“I don’t like boys.”

“You’re also eloquent. “I’ve been sharpening my whole life, so I’m jealous when I see someone as eloquent as you.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.


He is a master at the peak.

But he was not an ordinary peak expert. He could not be compared to Myeong On-ji, who was said to be the master of the Amsadai, let alone Chuseong of the Neighborhood Association.

Have you been sharpening your whole life? I believed those words.

Even though I heard this from my junior, I am not angry at all. That leisure was that of the strong.

‘This could be dangerous if you mess with it.’

So it’s good.

I was truly lucky to meet such a man as my first partner.

“Let me introduce myself. “I am Myeong Chi-san, a member of the famous Blue and White Military Army.”

Blue and white disease-free.

It refers to a group of warriors who only practice martial arts without holding any position in the Nine Ju Myeongga.

They are neither part of a combat unit nor mobilized for domestic work. These were people who did not hold any position throughout their lives, but were sent to the relevant mission when ordered.

He was a problem solver, so to speak. However, he was not an ordinary problem solver.

Among the countless Myeong clan bloodlines, the group to which many collaterals belonged was the Cheongbaekmubyeong.

“And they came out of Homyeongjeon.”

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“I don’t know what organization it is.”

“Hehe, it’s okay if you don’t know. “There is no need for you to know.”

There was no need to know, but it was worth being cautious.

Myeongchisan is a powerhouse. However, the nine warriors he brought with him were strong enough. I don’t know their actual combat ability, but each one of them possessed two or three more martial arts skills than the members of the Army.

Yeon Ho-jeong tilted his head.

“So why?”

“Didn’t you tell me? I thought you would come find me. “There must be a reason for thinking that way, right?”


In an instant, Myeongchisan’s eyes became sharp.

“Amsadaera… Did that kid from Myeong Onji even blurt out the unit’s name?”

“Before I even asked, I started talking.”

“That can’t be possible. “That child is not half-trained.”

“I stabbed him mercilessly with an axe, and it seemed like he didn’t want to die, and it all burned.”

Myeong Chi-san’s face hardened.

He read the truth in Yeon Ho-jeong’s words. Yeon Ho-jeong wasn’t lying just now.

‘no way?’

And the comment that it was cut with an ax bothered me.

Myeong Chi-san’s voice subsided slightly.

“I’ll ask you straight. “Where is the secretariat?”

“Did they save the men who came to kill them and send them away?”

You came here to kill me?

“That’s nonsense. “They never meant to kill you.”

“Why are you so assertive when you weren’t even there?”

“It’s better to leave the puns aside. I’ll ask again. “Where is the secretariat?”

“All of the Ming clans have poor understanding. “That girl said the same thing.”

Yeon Ho-jeong grinned.

Crumbling. Crumbling.

Wherever the mysterious prayer went, a faint light blue air current gave off a fierce spirit.

“It was a battle of life and death. “There was no reason to look at it.”

“…You mean you killed them all?”

“Then will I die?”

“this guy! Speak straight! “I asked if you really killed the assassins!”


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes turned cold as he lifted the ax at his feet.

“I killed it.”


An extremely deadly force emanated from Myeong Chi-san’s body.

That wasn’t all. A bloody murder occurred in the bodies of the warriors belonging to Homyeongjeon.

It was a heartfelt life. He was ready to tear Yeon Ho-jeong to death at any moment.

Myeongchi-san spoke in a calm voice.

“I received orders to bring you in, but they didn’t say anything about your condition.”


“You should think about losing a limb.”


Tight speculation gradually turned into living.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled colorlessly.

“Will such a soft promise be enough?”

Myeongchisan shouted.

“Hold him to his knees!”

At the end of the moment, the warrior stood and took out his horned bow like lightning.

Shhh! Teeeeee!

The speed of setting the arrow and pulling the string was as fast as lightning. Flash! The moment he did so, the arrow was already being fired.

The arrow’s target was Yeon Ho-jeong’s thigh. The intention was to block movement from the beginning.


The archer’s eyes wavered.

“You’re using it as a guy with good arrows. “I have a lot of money.”

The arrow was caught in Yeon Ho-jeong’s hand. Of course, I grabbed it so naturally, as if I thought it was aimed at the thigh.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes became cold.

“Thanks to you, I couldn’t even eat, you damn bastard.”


He stepped on the ground strongly and fired an arrow.

Peeing! puck!


The archer stumbled, holding his shoulder. There was an arrow stuck in his left shoulder.

It was faster than shooting with a bow. It was as if I had mastered the art of darkness.

The light in Myeongchi Mountain’s eyes became brighter.


An expert who has practiced archery is quick at using new techniques. It was natural to shoot the bow from a wide distance.

The archer couldn’t even react properly and was hit by an arrow. If I hadn’t instinctively tilted my upper body, it would have hit my chest.

“Do your best!”


Eight masters jumped towards Yeonhojeong.

It was a faster and more aggressive walking method than the female messenger. They closed the distance in an instant and each wielded their weapons, and it was a perfect joint attack without any leaks.

Yeon Ho-jeong swung the ax.

Damn it!

Seven weapons flew out. However, one sword broke through the wind and left a wound on Yeon Ho-jeong’s shoulder.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s body whipped around like a whirlwind.


The thief fell to the ground. He was hit by Yeonga’s high-pitched shell.


The thief, who was trying to get up again, vomited a handful of blood and collapsed on the spot.

Myeongchisan’s face was filled with surprise.

‘In one blow?!’

The warriors of Homyeongjeon basically train their external skills as well as their internal skills. This is because in moments of danger, one must throw one’s body to block the enemy’s sword.

The warrior with that strong body fell to the ground with a single blow.



Yeon Ho-jeong rushed over.

As if they had been waiting, the remaining seven warriors also brandished their weapons and put pressure on him.


It is definitely on a different level from the members of the Army Corps of Engineers. If they were wildcats, they were wolves. Each one had its own distinct direction and route.

Even a single blow can lower the power. It was a formation designed with that intention.

Since this is the case, we have no choice but to do our best from the beginning.


It was a stronger advance than when the arrow was fired.

Yeon Ho-jeong swung his ax like a windmill.

Damn it! Quang!

It was overwhelming majesty.

All weapons hit by the ax blade had teeth missing or broken.

No matter how well made a weapon was, differences in weight were inevitable. Moreover, it was an ax whose hardness had been increased thanks to Yeonhojeong’s strength.

Wow! Whoa!

The warrior who was hit with a fist fell down, vomiting blood.

Teeeeee! bang!

He swung with the side of the ax and hit his chest with the weapon. The warrior who flew away broke about a dozen bamboos and fell down.

Kang! Kaga River!

In the midst of this, there was a person who used a sword technique that stood out. I blocked an attack with a fast and light sword with the spear.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was blocking the attack with his unstoppable Yeonhwanggeom spear, cast a sword technique with the upper end.


The prosecutor who was hit in the temple collapsed on the spot.

Myeongchisan’s eyes shook.


Yeon Ho-jeong was a strong man.

Although he was martial arts, his combat power itself was strong.

‘Flow…? No, that’s not it.’


One warrior collapsed again. It wasn’t a fight, but he was struck by the tip of a spear that bounced off while he was approaching and fell to the ground.

‘Read that guy’s weaknesses.’

He can see through the formation’s weaknesses at a glance. I knew where my weak points were, who I should attack, and what my next move should be.

Myeongchisan exclaimed in admiration without even realizing it.

‘It’s a natural talent. Rather than fighting against each other and destroying them, you mean to thoroughly attack their weak points and defeat them, right?’

No matter how you look at it, it was not boneless. The skeleton itself is not suitable for learning martial arts.

But he fights better than anyone else.

I’ve met countless fighters, but I’ve never seen anyone fight as efficiently as me. It doesn’t hesitate to attack its weak points, but when it comes to fighting head-on, it rushes in like a vicious animal and takes it down.

It was not a martial arts family. However, he was not a fighter either.

He is a warrior. He was a guy who only fought to win and knew how to win.

Myeongchisan kicked the ground.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.

He tripped the remaining warrior’s foot and knocked him down, then hit him with the face of the axe.


The jaw, teeth and ribs are broken and blown away. It was precisely the side approaching Mt. Myeongchi.


Myeongchisan’s hand grabbed the warrior’s collar and turned him back.

And before I knew it, Yeonhojeong had arrived.

“I waited.”

“this guy!”

A heavy wooden sword was pulled out from the belt of Mt. Myeongchi.


The resonant sound of iron clashing with metal swept through the entire bamboo forest.

It was an all-out battle from the start. Yeon Ho-jeong took three or four steps back due to Myeong Chi-san’s explosive sword attack.

A light flashed in Myeong Chi-san’s eyes.

I admired the other person, but my admiration was just admiration. This guy was the one who went to the assassins and killed his nephew, Myeong Onji.

I couldn’t forgive.


The method of narrowing the distance was enough to put tongues wagging.

My whole body was full of elasticity. It was a movement on a completely different level from that of the warriors in Homyeongjeon.

Yeon Ho-jeong swung the ax.

Damn it! Whoops!

It was a great martial arts performance.

The ax weighing 80 pounds was struck one by one, but there was not a single scratch on the blade. The blade, protected by powerful internal strength, became a weapon greater than Yeonhojeong’s axe.

The weapons of the two men collided spectacularly.

Blah blah blah!

They hit each other at incredible speeds. It was an incredibly exciting head-to-head match.


Blood spurted from Yeon Ho-jeong’s chest.

After throwing away the heavy bottle, I rotated my sword for a short moment and cut it down. The wound was shallow, but it was a sobering blow.


Yeonga Thirteen’s fist, which was struck from below, was blocked by his knee.

The defense was as good as the harsh attack. It was martial arts in both offense and defense. It was a warrior that was difficult to attack.



Blood spattered from Yeon Ho-jeong’s mouth as he was unable to avoid the attack.

Even though he was coughing up blood, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes followed Myeongchi Mountain until the end.

‘If it’s this guy.’

Buuuuung! Bye!

Myeongchi Mountain also slowed down. The upper body creaked due to Yeonhojeong’s elastic angle technique.

In an instant, my concentration reached its peak. Yeon Ho-jeong’s will became as sharp as a blade in the face of someone who could suffer harm if he made a mistake.

‘With this guy, it’s possible.’


The dark energy of the north swayed within the soft light blue true energy.

It was a Hyeonmugi. However, it was not a flag raised to expand the Northern Twelve Walls.

A martial art that was already prepared. The true energy that was prepared.

That energy was slowly revealing itself under the guidance of Hyeonmugi.

‘I can call this guy out.’

Myeongchisan’s blade was swung mercilessly.

Buuuuung! Wedge!

A terrifying wind blew out. It was a fierce wind blowing through the streets. If you don’t block it, your entire right arm will fly off along with the axe.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes instantly turned white.


Then the world slowed down.

The swaying bamboo leaves slowed down like waves. Myeongchisan’s movements looked frustrating, as if he had fallen into mud.

And in the midst of it all, the blade-like wind that could not be seen appeared as pure white light.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s thigh muscles swelled significantly.


The thrust of cutting the ground resembled the roar of a tiger. The muscles of both arms holding the ax swelled like an angry bull.

‘Come out!’


A white wind rushed into his lungs.

A cold, chilly white energy spread out to the nerves of my entire body like a beam of light.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s mouth suddenly opened.


With the roar of the King of the Mountains, his ax began to show mysterious movements.

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