Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 206- Wu, Unique Spirit of Poison

[Vol.3] Quest 206- Wu, Unique Spirit of Poison

As his armor fades away, he turned to them.

“Yo!! It’s been a while huh!” he said with a big grin. 

He had grown significantly since the last they saw him; He was no longer a boy. He stood tall and mighty with a blend of eastern and western clothing, a blue and silver spear sat on his broad shoulders. His hair parted to the side and slicked back; his features were more masculine now with a light stubble. Hanging from his left ear was a blue clam with a pearl in it.

“C-Cirrus?” said Ais.

“What up. Sorry I got her a bit late after so long I got a bit out of shape, to be honest, but well, seems I made it enough on time.”

“W-why are you here?”

“I can tell you that later. For now, you need to get out of here.”


“Remember what I said to follow what your elf of a mom says and move.” He said in a stern voice as he turned to face the person at the far end of the floor.

“Come on!!” shouted Finn. “He is covering for us. Let’s move!”

They all followed their captain's orders, but their eyes lingered on Cirrus’s back.

“What luck we have.” Said Gareth.

“Yes, to think he would show up at the right time.” Said Riveria.

“Thank goodness we're saved!” said Raul.

“Who is that guy who just popped up!?” shouted Tiona.

“Ais, you said his name?” said Tione. “Do you know who he is?”

“His name is Cirrus Zephyr.” She said with her head turned to his back.

“And he’s Orario’s strongest adventure, the one who left the throne to Ottar, the Uncrowned Emperor.” Said Finn.

When they reached the stairs, some of them stopped and looked at Cirrus.

“Him… the envy of all smiths!” said Tsubaki.

They stopped out of sheer curiosity. Most of them never saw him in action, and even Finn was curious.

“Hey! While he fights whatever that is, let's heal up and go back in!” said Beta. “I’m not just gonna let some-!!”

A thick layer of thunder and lightning danced around Cirrus as he walked forward. The water was evaporating into a purple vapor with each step, along with slight ripples from the swinging of his spear cutting into the air. With a single strong wide swing, Cirrus discharged the lighting, evaporating a massive chunk of the water.

They could hear the person at the end of the floor laughing.


It was a feminine voice, a young one.

With each step, she took the smaller she looked until they could finally get a good look at her.

A young girl no older than 12 with purple hair and multicolored hair on the inside and and scales covering most of her body.

“Fufu I never seen a human as strong as you before? It’s unfortunate you inhaled so much of my poison.”

“Poison, huh? No wonder I felt so much… better.”

With a swing of the spear, Cirrus slashes her, sending her flying back.


She lands on her back, and it shocked everyone he so easily cut her down.

“Come on, get the fuck back up. You think I don’t know when my attacks don’t land?”


They said, surprised.

“Fu… Nyufufufufufufu!!!!!!” she gets back up with just her legs with a sadistic smile. “Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Here I thought this would be an easy job!!! Where, oh where, did they hide you away? And why do I smell spirits off of you!” she clenched her hands and her eyes sharpened at Cirrus.

“… Make a barrier (Circe) and it’s show time (Nox).”

His magic circle appeared, and two birds flew out.

The pink hawk flew towards Ais and the others while the white owl lands on Cirrus.

Her eyes widen to as far as they could as she looks at them.


Circe glows and flaps her wings, and a barrier covers them.

“This magic… it’s hers… Nox!! Is that truly you!! Why are you with this human!!”

'Tell her I don't want tell her jack shit. What she is doing is against our essence.'

“She says because I was the one who freed her from her tomb and has to forge a contract with me.”

'Oh? Do you want her to get angry, Cirrus?'

'Yes. She can slip out more information.'

“… So you never died… I assume it’s the same for Circe.”

“Correct. Now mind telling me your name? It would be easier to refer to you.”

“My name was once Shuten-douji!! Spirit of the god Orochi!! I discarded my name for a new one!! I am Wu!! The Unique Sprite of Poison!!! Now, what is your name contractor!!”

“My name is Cirrus Zephyr, Child of the Goddess of Justice!! Contractor to the Spirit of the White Night and Witchcraft!! Now come!!!” He says, getting into a stance.

“I’ll be sure to eat you alive!!!! RAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!”

Her body pulsated and grow, she grew to Cirrus height and a bit more, with purple marks covering her in place of her previous wear. From her back, 8 serpents appeared, moving about and eying Cirrus.

'Nox wanna try something I just got?'

‘Oh? I’m all ears!’

“I still haven’t tried it so hopefully this works!!”

The serpents shot out with such force they broke the sound barrier.

Cirrus quickly dodged it and began his assault, swinging his spears into the snake, all the while getting closer to Wu.

“You quick bastard!!! RAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

From her hands, she made whips come out of her palms and attacked Cirrus, causing him to be pushed back from the assault.

“Strength, I say 7 or 8, speed is 6, actually fighting ability 3. Oh well, I wanted to let loose a bit more!!”

“You dare mock me!!!! (Hate, hate, the sin within you. By my law, I shall draw for your punishment. Bathe in the jar of poison of an exuberant banquet. Go and melt to the marrow of your bones.)!! [Hisan Go-doku]!!!"

Black water spewed from the snake's mouths, quickly filling the barrier.

“Better now than ever!! “(Exousía, Adorn)!!!!!!!!” His magic circle appeared. He could feel his veins fire up like all of his cells were being rejuvenated, a feeling he felt once before.

‘This feeling!!! CIRRUS!!!’ she shouts in jubilation as she was feeling the same way as Cirrus.

“(Synafxáno: Nox)!!!

As the barrier was filled with poison under the light, one could see several colors from its reflections. A bright light cracked through the barrier.

‘Circe, remove the barrier.’

‘Got it.’

As the barrier disappears, the poison bursts onto the ground with Wu still standing but Cirrus. Cirrus was standing with new armor and appearance with salt covering him.

"Tap! Tap!" He brushes the salt off himself.

His armor could only be described as the apotheosis of elegance, wearing a tricorne hat with a single white feather, an attire reminiscent of a Victorian era aristocrat with a cravat with a crescent moon symbol on it with a feathered cape on his left side that reached to his legs and just an inch from the ground. It was as if Cirrus was bleached white.

He took a step, and the ground turned to white dust. It truly was like the ground would rather die than to stain this being.

“Ahhh… Interesting.” He said, looking up.

'This is a very exhilarating experience!' Nox said. "Ah~ I am literally covering you!"

"How does it feel?"

'It's the best feeling in the world! Like my existence is truly being fulfilled.'

"How wonderful. I feel... Pure." He looked to his spear and held out his hand. “(Damocles).” His spear comes back to him, and a faint light covers it in white. “Tell me, Wu.” He looked down to see her and his eyes shined a pure glistening silver. “Which generation are you?”


           Upon looking at him, her body immediately developed a phobia of him. She could feel death choking her throat and tears began to trickle down her child-like face.

‘This is why… This was why they chased after her! This! This is a monster!! Nox!!! The White Extinction!! Even her master! Cirrus Zephyr... What a terrible turn of fate they met.'

She clenched her fists to regain some feeling other than terror.

“Arbuda!!!!!!! Revis!!!!!!!! Thetis!!!!!!!!!!” she shouted out running away.

“Calling for help?” Cirrus swings his spear, and the air grows tenser. “Call them. I’ll be sure to cut them down.”

His words were as empty as his appearance. He really was devoid of color.

With each step he takes, he could feel his body burning.

“!?” he dropped the spear to the ground. He looked to see his body was actually slowly burning.

‘I can feel my cells burning! Ugh!! Fuck! Nox’s attributes are burning—no, it’s purifying me down to the cellular level!?’

“Seems you have lucked out. Thank you for telling me the names of your other friends.”

“Dammit!!! I can’t let you—“ Even with tears on her face, she would not let this opportunity slip by.

“Foolish (Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s: Logia].”

From his hand, his magic circle appeared but pure white and from it, 3 swords of thunder appear.


He fires one off, electrocuting the serpents in an instant in a white flash.


He could feel his body burning even more. His very molecules being burned clean.

“Damn!! Damn!!” she quickly ran away back down to the 60th floor covering the way in poison.

“She’s gone… Disengage.”

The armor fades into black ash, and Nox reforms herself from it and lands on Cirrus’s shoulder.

‘I’m… exhausted…’

“So… am I… shit…” Cirrus reaches into his bag and pulls out several potions and drinks them all.

Nox slowly gets into his bag and sleeps.

Circe comes over and puts a healing barrier on him.

‘Are you alright!! What was that!!’

“New… magic… sorry body is… more hurt than I realized (Exousía, Adorn). "

His armor covers him, and his wounds start to heal far, far slower than he would have thought.

Circe looks at it and carefully and at the rest of his burns, which were all on the skin.

‘Cirrus, are you doing better now?’

“Slightly. I still feel... terrible. My skin is stinging like a lemon on a open wound but more potent."

‘Then could I take some of your skin that was burned?’

“… Sure. Your going to examine it?” He disengages the armor, as he was good enough to walk.

'What kind of question is that!? Of course I am!!'

Cirrus holds out his hand and Circe flaps over and with her talons cut a piece of his skin that was burned and tosses it into his shadow.

With great pain, Cirrus bends down and picks up his spear, and walks back to see them all watching him. He reached into his shadow and poured a potion on where Circe took his skin.

“What!? I fucking told you I was rusty!! Bunch of entitled fucks, goddam.”

While walking back to the 50th floor, Ais and Riveria asked him about that armor.

“It was new. I discovered just recently and well, I still need to work out all the pros and cons of it.” he said, using his spear as a walking stick.

“Seems it fucked you up.” Beta said.

“Sure did, well that’s on me. I really should have kept in shape.”

“…” he looked at Cirrus with keen eyes. He didn’t think he would be this humble.

“U-um, is that hawk you familiar?” asked Lefiya.

“Yeah, as well as this one here.” He taps his bag where Nox is sleeping. “Oh seems you gave her the staff, Riveria.”

“I did.” She said with a smile. “She takes very good care of it.”

“I would hope so. The thing is worth at least 40 million.”

“S-so expensive… Did you make it C-Cirrus, sir?” she said timidly.

“I did, as well as that sword you have Ais, they both have my signature on it, the staff on the bottom of the shaft and the sword on the top of the hilt.”

They check to find they had a cloud symbol on them.

“Cirrus.” Said Finn. “Can we ask why you came here?”

“That’s a question best asked at--“

He swings his spear to his right, cutting the Deformis Spider’s web and throws his spear.


The spear then impales several of the other monsters with the spider leaving only dust and silk behind.

“Ooo! Silk!” Cirrus manipulates his spear to pick up the silk and toss over the sliced magic stones. “So hard to come by this in Yamato.” He said as he pockets it.

Many were shocked this was the level 8 adventure given the name Uncrowned Emperor, he was… more than what they expected, a bit foul-mouthed, considerate enough and humble enough to admit his own shortcomings and powerful, far, far more powerful than they expected.

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