Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 201- Two Stars Left

[Vol.3] Quest 201- Two Stars Left

Leaving Yamato was actually far easier than Cirrus had thought. Since he left Susanoo in charge, along with several of his loyal employee's even leaving behind some communication tools in case something comes up that needs his intervention. Nox also stayed behind as Cirrus could always just summon her, and it would be a good way to give him reports.




High in the air, Cirrus has Ai on his back.

“So, do you feel nervous about returning Ai?”

“… Somewhat, but I’m sure from what Asfi has said, it’s a lot more peaceful now!”

“Hm… it’s a good thing Finn dealt with it.”


With Cirrus’s speed, they could quickly return to Orario within 13 days.

When they arrived outside the city, Cirrus and Ai decided to not cause too much of a commotion and really wanted to surprise their friends. Only Circe, Ais, Lenoa, Ouranos and Fels knew of them coming back, but not when they will arrive.

“These invisibility cloaks are pretty good! I’m sure Art would say something like ‘These will make you lazy!’ and then make you do stealth training.” Said Ai.

“Sounds like her, but seeing as we're in a city, I think it’s no problem.”

“That and she is still looking for Chang’e, right?”

“Yeah, she said she found traces of her way south. I am surprised Chang’e would go so far and be so lost.”

“She is gonna feel really sad that Artemis already claimed you.” Ais then linked her arms with his. “You know another goddess would make things—”

“Ai you know the criteria. Plus, I don’t want another goddess in my life. Both you and Art have a near bottomless lust.”

“Aww~ Here I was thinking we could even ask Aisha if she—”

“You spent too much time with Aphrodite.”

“Me and Artemis have! And don’t you go taking the moral high ground! You have a job as a lord Yamato’s greatest family to ensure an heir!”

“Well you shouldn't take the traditional road either! It's not my fault they kept sending more and more suitors to try and be my mistresses! I'm pretty fucking sure they do that because I send the girls back with some money for their travel and time wasted."

“You should have left me in charge of that! Your to soft on pretty girls!"

"Ai you literally made a suitor pee themselves in fear. You even focused your bloodlust on another girl so much her hair turned as white as yours! You even cut down one of them!"

"Well their not coming back now are they? Plus I could see they were gold diggers, so many of their words were as hollow as their perfume were expensive. And that last one need I remind you that they challenged me to a one-on-one duel without a Falna! They had the gull to assume they could beat me so easily!"

Fighting Ai was one of the criteria's.

"Honestly a third wife... Why are we even entertaining the idea?"

"You didn’t say no when I brought it up in bed!!"

“Me and Art were both thinking with our—well, lower regions and we were tired okay!! We needed some hydration to get our heads straight!!"

“Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses. Well you and Art didn’t fight hard or back on my suggestion of a possible third wife the next morning or the afternoon! Or even the followings days!!"

Cirrus and Artemis didn't want to admit that the idea spoke to them a bit.

“Ai come on! Y-you know, Art is like a vegan who has only ever eaten non-meats for years! The moment she ate meat (love), she fucking nosedived into the deep end! And I am a guy so—”

“Do not rely on your gender to get out of this Zep-Zep!”

“Do not call me that we have over this several times before!”

“Only if you tell me you’re not at least interested in Aisha! Or even possibly Bache from Telskyura! Both are strong tanned skinned beauties with a good waist, bust, and thighs! I know those are your favorite!”

‘How the fuck did Ai get so degen—oh… right Aphrodite. God fucking dammit, she really did drove that stake of love real deep.’

Cirrus was very shocked how far Aphrodite took this golden chance to really impart to Ai and Artemis some of her views. Cirrus as much as he says not not wanting a possible third wife he is lying to himself that he wouldn't want another. Even Cirrus wasn't able to escape Aphrodite's influence when they are spoken to him in bed through his wives.

“… You just have a thing for Amazoness, don’t you?”

“No, I just have a thing for Aisha, is all.”

“Yeah, yeah, she’s your first female crush or something. I told you I would be fine if—”

“No! We are husband and wife! I will only lay with her if she is part of our family! Not the Kyūjouno, but like you know, our family. Also, I will preference that Aisha is not my first female crush she was my first friend outside my Familia and you! So she is very special to me and it just so happens that she was a very sexy and kind to have been the catalyst that got me on this road that Artemis finished!"

“Yeah didn't you talked with Aphrodite on how you felt about holding those intimate feelings for Art?"

"I mean Aphrodite helped me understand what I was going through to ensure Art would agree to a polygamous marriage. We really do owe her a lot."

"I know. I am a bit surprised how she and Hera get along so well?"

They enter a secret tunnel in the west of the city and arrive in the Room of Prayer.

“Hey-o!!!” said Cirrus, popping in. “I’m back!”

Ouranos’s eyes widen a bit from their arrival.

“You arrived as you said you would, very punctual, as always.”

“Hello Lord Ouranos!”

“And to you as well, Ai, it’s good to see you two again. Did Artemis not come with you?”

“Oh, she’s busy finding a moon goddess from Chyong. Apparently she went to go find me and well has been trying to find me for 7 years.”

“… Fels should get here rather—"


From the shadows, Fels came out and hugged him.

“Fels! It’s good to see you again!!”

“My, you have grown! You’re as tall as me! And you my daughter!” Fels said, coming up to Ai. “You have grown up so well!” hugging her as well.

“It’s nice to be back, Fels!”

“Now, what brings you here?”

“Well, Circe said that Ais reached level 6, and I promised her a duel and so here I am along with some gifts for Astraea and the others.”

“… Cirrus, you need to know something,” Ouranos said. “Given that you are in the city, it is inevitable.”

The sudden shift in tone made Cirrus anxious.

“… I know that voice. What happened?”

“As per Lady Astraea’s request, we didn’t tell you…” said Fels.

Cirrus and Ai’s hearts slowly sank; the highs of reuniting with family now slowly dripped away as they told them of the Astraea Familia.

Kneeling down in the yard of the abandoned home of the Astraea Familia, Cirrus simply kneels with his eyes closed with Ai next to him.

“C-Cirrus?” a familiar voice came up. “Ai…”

They open their eyes to see Circe shaking. She came after Fels told her.

“Circe… you got a new haircut?” Cirrus said with a low tone of voice and a slight smile.

“You look very cute with it,” said Ai, wiping away the tears.

“I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you… The day it happened Ryuu told Astraea to leave and find you but… She came to me and told me to not tell you… I was adamant about this and that we should tell you but…”

“… It’s fine… I just…”

He was feeling a lot of emotions right now. Emotions that he will need time to really process.

“We just need some time to think it through, oh you know where Ryuu is, right?” said Ai.

“Hm, I have been monitoring her since that all happened.”

“Thank you. Is she still up?” Cirrus stands straight up.

“Hm, the pub should be closing soon.”

“… Tell Lenoa I’ll be coming home soon.”

Moving through the streets to the Hostess of Fertility with their hoods still on Cirrus, looks at this familiar place and takes a deep breath.

“I’m sure everything will be okay.” Ai said, putting her hand on Cirrus.

“… Thanks.”

They see the closed sign and enter the pub.

“Pubs closed! Can’t you read!” shouted Mia.

“Sorry, but could you stay open a bit more for us? We came a long way and were hungry.”

“You got the money?” she said, looking at them.

“Mia… do you really think I lack money?” Cirrus removed his hood, as did Ai, and her eyes widen.

“… Your back…”

“Hm, can we get the usual please, and um, could you tell Ryuu that I’m here?”

Her face was a bit saddened at first, but she nods and leaves.

Cirrus and Ai went and took a seat and after a while, they could hear quick footsteps approaching them.

Coming out in a green maid outfit with a white brim, she stands and looks at Cirrus and Ai, eyes widening.

“C-Cirrus, Ai…”

“… You look good in a maid outfit.” Cirrus said with a small smile, standing up and walking toward her.

“You’re here…” she said. “A-about Astraea they are—" There was fear and anxiety in her voice trying to say the words.

“I know.” Cirrus comes and grabs her hand and pulls her in for a hug. “I’m glad you are still alive.”

“B-but- “

“You shouldn’t beat yourself up… if fine… it’s not your fault… It’s not your fault.”

Hic! Hic!” Ryuu hugs him back and tears fell from her face.

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

Ai walks up to her and hugs her as well.

“I-I’m sorry about Kaguya! I-I’m so sorry about Neze and Lyra and, and—"

“It’s not your fault,” Ai said calmly to her. "Let out your sadness. You have beaten yourself up for too long."

The three of them stood there in one another’s arms for a good while.

Truth be told, over the years Cirrus has worked on keeping his anger in check. Having become a central pillar of Yamato and Chyong Cirrus needed to learn to temper his anger as it was the one thing that has gotten the better of him several times. At least as far as he knows, he never felt extreme anger like the one during the Great Feud.

“It is good that you're still around.” Cirrus hugged her just a bit tighter.

Had Ryuu been killed, he truly would have ripped through the city, brick by brick and skin by skin.

In their heartfelt moment, they could feel some snooping eyes.

“… You three, it’s rude to watch a heartfelt moment.” Cirrus glares at the doorway and three people come out, Anya, another cat person, and a human.

“S-sorry meow, we wanted to Menow who came here?” said Anya.

Ryuu quickly cleaned herself up a bit, with Ai helping her a bit as Cirrus walked up to the three waitresses.

“Anya… Do you really not remember? I know you’re a bit of an airhead, but…”

“Hmmm….” She was thinking long on it. “Oh! Cirrus! Ryuu’s Familia member!”

“There you go! And it seems that jogged you two’s memories, huh?”

He could see the two shaking a bit, the human more than the Cat Person.

“You, I don’t know, but you… Your name is Lunoire Faust, right?”

“!!” she shook in fear, even more, to hear her teeth chattering.

“Do you know her Cirrus?” asked Ryuu, looking over.

“Yeah, back when I was a musician, this one here was an assassin, and she tried to kill me.”

“I-I-I told no one, sir!!” she shouted out, giving him a salute.

“Very good. I’m glad such a loyal person is working with Ryuu. And you… What’s your name?” Cirrus said to the other Cat Person.

“M-Meow, I’m just another friend of Ryuu!” she said with a forced smile.

“She was also an assassin sent to kill Ryuu! If I’m in this boat, then so are you!” Lunoire said.

“Meow!! You damn traitor!!”

The two bickered with each other.

“… Heh seems you found a group of people similar to our Familia, Ryuu,” Cirrus said, looking back at Ryuu. “Well, minus the assassin's stuff, you know, but close enough.”

“Hm! They are like a second family. Unfortunately, you couldn’t see Syr.”

“Well, maybe next time. For now, I like to eat and catch up with you.”

Cirrus sat back down, and Ryuu sat down as well. They caught up on the years they have been separated.

When the food came, Mia slammed it down with a big smile as Cirrus reached in and just dropped a bag of Valis.

“H-how much was that?” asked Ryuu.

“Enough for the 3 of us and for tomorrow as well. Oh, I even brought gifts.” Cirrus reached into his bag and pulled out a box and handed it to her.

“What’s this?”

“A gift, seeing as a weapon, wouldn’t really be useful considering you still have mines I would imagine that a new hood would do you better.”

Ryuu opens the box to show a beautiful green hood with a gold trim.

“Its… It's beautiful.”

“It’s not as strong as I would have liked it, but, well, getting materials for it wasn’t the easiest.”

“We do have more gifts but um… You know.” Said Ai.

“Ah… Well, you could give them to Lady Astraea. Lord Hermes should know where she is.”

“I’ll be sure to ask him. In the meantime, do you know where they are buried?”

Ryuu gets a quiet for a second.

“Yes… Since I didn’t know where they wanted to be buried, I buried them on the 18th floor.”

“… I see. Well, I will go and pay my respects to them.”

“Do you know where they wanted to be buried? You have been with them longer, so… Do you know?”

“Sorry, but your guess was as good as mine. They weren’t exactly the 2-steps ahead kind of Familia. But so long as you buried them, I’m sure they would have loved it.”

A small smile and a blush grew on her face.

“Thank you.”

They finished eating, and they left. Cirrus and Ai returned to Lenoa and Circe, their they celebrated as well gifting them presents from Yamato.

Okay so my release schedule will change rather significantly.

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I will release one chapter. I could still release on Sundays if you guys really want me to.

I am doing this simply to give myself more time to check and go over my stockpile and edit them.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.