Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 198- Visitation

[Vol.2] Quest 198- Visitation

In the 2 years that Cirrus has been in Yamato, he has risen through the country’s power far quicker than anybody would expect him to. He contracted with several of the other Familia and some Clans that could help him, and in turn, greatly benefit them both. They also won’t stab him in the back, as he could single-handedly crush their family into dust and then absorb their family into his newly established one.

One such thing that has been greatly developed is their form of communication and, in turn, information. With more information, things began to move much more quickly, such as ports to Chyong, with the caveat that Cirrus would ensure that neither side benefited more than the other and that if one side did or acted out of line, Cirrus would bring them back into line. Given Cirrus's position, one would think he would prioritize Yamato, but no, he cared only that no friction happened.

Both countries experienced a golden age of trade and development that could rival other countries. But with such rapid growth, there will be some weeds that require pulling.

Traveling to Yamato, Hermes set his eyes on the land he had never set foot on.

"What luck, isn’t it, Asfi! We’re traveling to the land of Yamato! All the while on business!" said Hermes.

"Lord Hermes, please get down; I know you are excited to find Cirrus, but finding that shipment with you know what is also important." Asfi said.

"I know, I know, but hey, it’s been two long years, so I’m sure you're eager to show off some of your work, huh!" He said, poking her.

"S-shut up! We’re almost at port! So don’t do anything to cause trouble."


They made it to port and found a ride to Fuyukusa, which was actually far easier than they expected it to be.

"So, merchant, how popular is Fuyukusa that a caravan is heading there?" asked Hermes.

"Very! Ever since the establishment of the Kyūjouno Family by Lady Amaterasu, the county has had a boom! Well, only the parts of Amaterasu’s domain. Anything further south and well, it’s more or less still constant war with what few clans still engaged in it, but a few clans did end up joining her domain."

"That sounds very impressive. Who is the head of this Kyūjouno Family?"

"Oh it's Kyūjouno Hakukumo! A human who is surrounded by world-class beauties! Even a goddess of beauty is said to fawn over him."

"Heh~ sounds like a fun guy!"

After about 4 days of travel on paved roads, they made it to Fuyukusa, a city integrated with nature with such grandeur that they thought they had returned to an advanced Orario. Minus the massive towers towards the heavens.

"This is amazing!" said Asfi.

"You can get off here. Up ahead is a bunch of other merchants!"

They get off and look around to see a lot of businesses and people moving about.

"This... it’s almost too much to take in…"

"Let's get going, Asfi, seems like finding that Xeno would be easier than we think."

Asfi followed Hermes around, and they asked the locals where they could find Hakukumo, and pretty much all the residents told him to look for him in his home.

"Um, why his home?" asked Asfi.

"Well sweetie, this is a Saturday, it’s his time off and the only time you can get him is if it’s an emergency or you’re a god, and this handsome man is certainly a god." The old lady said, pinching Hermes' cheeks.

"Ha-ha! Aren’t you a cute ol’grandma! Thank you for the advice!"

"No problem, dearie, you should find his home in the Residential Area in the west, near the Farming and town area. It’s the house with a cloud on their gate."

"Thank you so much, but how much for that ice cream?"

"20 valis and you get this free drink!" she said, handing Asfi a cup of ice cream and a bottle of lemonade.

"With deals like this, it’s no wonder this city got so big." said, Hermes.

"You best be on your way now."

They said goodbye to the old lady and went on to find the house.

To their surprise, when they left the city, they went to the farmland and found it completely different than the city, a tranquil place where they could see children playing around while others were practicing swordsmanship at a school.

"A school in the middle of all this farmland?" asked Asfi.

"No better way than in a tranquil place like this to learn. Hey kid, why aren’t you supposed to be in school?"

"Hm? It's Saturday! The kids at school are the ones who want to learn how to fight!"

"Yeah! Lord Hakukumo said it was optional!"

"Hey, I heard Sato and his friends are playing some games in the park near the Sweet Shop!"

"Let’s go!"

The kids all flee in a hurry.

"Hmm... very interesting…"


They continued to walk and, with some more help from some kind people, they found the house.

"Wow... it’s certainly smaller than what I imagined it to be."

'This divinity? Is it really here?' Hermes thought feeling a divinity he hasn't felt in ages.

"Come Asfi, if my bet is correct, then this should be—"

The door opened to reveal Aphrodite.

"Hermes! I knew I smelled a dam rat!"

"A-Aphrodite!?" he said, surprised. "Why are you here!?"

"I can say the same thing."

"W-were here to give Cirrus an early present from his parent!" Asfi, show her the present!"

Asfi reached over and took out a box with an unfamiliar emblem on it.

"Hmm… Fine, come in; he’s currently sparing with Ai and Artemis."

They walk in to find it breathtaking with a mix of Eastern, Western, and Greek designs.

"Like it?"

"Who made this…" asked Asfi.

"Me and Cirrus did! With our own hands!"

"You built something!? Did Artemis force you!"

"How rude! I got here before her! In fact, I even helped design the city!"

"But you still haven’t told us why you are here?"

"It was for the very obvious reason you are about to see." She said with a grin.

They kept walking, and they saw Cirrus sparing with Ai while Artemis fired off arrows at them both, with Nox watching from the sidelines.

Swish!!! Clang!!! Swish!!! Thud!!! Clang!!! Swish!!! Swish!!! Swish!!! Thud!!!

It was a flurry of clashing of sword and spear with arrows aimed at their weak spots.

Clang!!! Thud!!! Swish!!! Swish!!! Clang!!! Clang!!! Swish!!! Clang!!! Thud!!! Clang!!! Swish!!!

Hermes and Asfi could tell they had done this several times before. They move taking in account the other's threats. Ai moves to keep herself out of Artemis's line of sight. Cirrus spins his spear to strike down Artemis's arrows all the while throwing quick thrusts of his spear. Artemis from a vantage point move around shooting at their most valuable never giving them a chance to stop and breath.

Thud!!! Swish!!! Swish!!! Clang!!! Thud!!! Clang!!! Thud!!! Swish!!! Thud!!! Thud!!! Swish!!! Clang!!! Swish!!!

It was a scene only possible due to two of them being first-class adventures and the other being a goddess of archery. They move with such speed and power even just being around them they are being slightly pushed by the wind they are making.

"See how they're all in sync with one another?"


"Well let's just say-thud!" An arrow flies across Aphrodite’s face.

"You were about to say something inappropriate, weren’t you, Aphro!" Artemis shouted.

"Grr!! Stop firing them so close! A sudden change in the wind and I’m done for!!"

"Then stop telling people private information and especially to Hermes of all gods!"

"Hmph! It's not my fault this is juicy info! Anyway, we have a visitor!"

Cirrus and Ai stop and turn to see Hermes and Asfi.

"Asfi! Lord Hermes!" said Ai.

"Ai! You have grown so much!" Asfi said as Ai came in and hugged her.

"You as well! You look even more mature now!"

"I can say the same for you!"

"…Hermes." said Cirrus.

"Cirrus, it’s good to see you are doing very well for yourself, or should I say Hakukumo?"

"Ah that yeah, Amaterasu gave that name to me. Do you like the city? I worked pretty hard these last few years to make it how I wanted."

"It’s nice, but can we go inside? It’s starting to get a bit warm."

"Ah yeah spring just came, so it’s starting to get warmer."

They go inside, clean themselves up a bit, and sit down in a meeting room.

"So what brings you here, Lord Hermes?" said Ai.

"Well for this. Asfi."

Asfi reaches into her bag and takes out a bag with an emblem on it.

"…This is from Fels, isn’t it." said Cirrus, grabbing the box.

"Yup! And that emblem was Ouranos’s old emblem when he still gave Falna around."

Cirrus opened the box to show 4 rings. One pair was green and purple, and the other was green with light blue.

Cirrus picked two of the rings and held them up.

"…Green and purple for me and Ai…"

Artemis then picked the other up.

"Green and light blue for you and me." she said, with an expression Hermes never thought she would make.

‘Was this why Aphrodite came!!’ He took a quick glance at her, and she looked at him with a grin.

"S-so um, are you two an item or…" asked Hermes a bit nervously.

"We are; it’s his punishment for the moon." Artemis said with a stern face.

"And also for taking her actual—"

Artemis glared at Aphrodite so intensely that it intimidated her, and she sat back down.

"Ahem! On another note, we are here on another business." Asfi regained her composure. "We came here for another reason besides to deliver this; we came here to investigate some people who dealt in monster trafficking." Said Asfi.

Their eyes turned to Asfi and Hermes.

"Oh? Is this a job given to you by Ouranos?"

Hermes took the lead as he saw Asfi begin to falter a bit.

"He did! And seeing as you have so much power, I thought you could help us in this endeavor! For old times’ sake!"

"…Do you know of the Xeno." Cirrus said, looking at Hermes with clear, steady eyes.

"…We do." Hermes said, with eyes as sharp as they have ever been.

"Then it seems you have come here for a job that is already finished." He gets up and walks to the door. "Come."

They follow Cirrus into the woods, which were still part of his home.

 "How big is this place?" asked Asfi.

"Bigger than you think. I had to expand it a bit over time, but this is big enough."

They reached a clearing with an elegant stable.

"What is this for—!!"

They could hear the heavy running of a horse coming their way.

From the woods came a black beast. Its horns were mighty and sharp. A black steed, Asfi had seen in the dungeon, a Bicorn.

"This is Kalion, a Xeno we found while we were capturing some slave traders."

"S-so you are the Xeno who was captured…" Hermes said, walking up to him.

"…Are you the one Ouranos sent to find me?" Kalion said in a wonderful voice.

"Yes, and I am sad to report that your fellow Xeno, Wan, was killed before we could reach him."

"…" Kalion looked a bit sad. "…That is unfortunate. Will you be working with Cirrus to find the people who sold us?"

"We are, but it has been slow."

"As well as for us," said Ai. "All the people we get don’t know anything. It’s always through several middle guys that the original person who sold them is a mishmash of features."

"Yeah, even with my charm, we've got nothing." said Aphrodite.

"We can give you the reports, but they are all the same," said Nox. "We tried everything that wasn’t taken by brute force."

"Then why didn’t you use it?" asked Asfi.

"Because it’s ineffective, torture will only get you the answers you want to hear, not what is true." said Cirrus.

"I see… Then it seems both of our reasons have been resolved." Hermes said, squatting down. "You don’t mind if we stay here for a bit, do?"

"Not at all, but how long do you intend to stay here?"

"Maybe a week. I wanted to see the city you built and report it to Fels. You know, they and Ouranos are a little glum because you haven’t contacted them."

"That… Well, I do have something for you to deliver to them when it is time to leave. Until then, enjoy yourself."

"Great!" he said, standing straight up. "Say, how about we have an early bachelor’s party!"

"…Wouldn’t it be us just drinking?"

"Ahhh! It'll be fine! Hey I can even teach you how to pickpocket!"

"Well I wouldn't miss this chance to learn from the God of Thieves."

As they were leaving, Asfi spoke with Ai.

"So um… When is the wedding?"

"Oh, when we turn 18! So in another year!"

"Truly! I'll be sure to come!"

"Thanks! Oh can you maybe and..." Ai brings Asfi in close. "Maybe invite Kaguya and the others? I know Cirrus is still kinda wanted but I want them to come!"

"Ah... I will try!" Asfi said holding back their fates. "But they have recently been really busy with the new members and all of that!"

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