Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 190.5- Opportunity

[Vol.2] Quest 190.5- Opportunity

While Akio was out, Cirrus spoke with his parents.

"So what do you think of Akio?" asked Aomi.

"He’s fine enough, a bit too confident in himself."

"Hm as one should be as head of the household." Said Akeru. "But don’t think he’s like all the others. Given that he truly cares for this family and village. He trained hard to become one of Lady Amaterasu’s guards to find a chance to help our family break away from the Gojounos."

"Yes he is not fond that we are tied to them." said Aomi.

"Mmm…I know Kushida told me what he wanted late at night."

"And? What do you think? I know that, after a long time fighting, I would imagine you would want to live peacefully." Said Akeru. 

"You are not wrong. I enjoyed these peaceful times and I wish I could keep living like this but…"

"You can't, can you?" Aomi said. "I noticed you never really let your body rest. You are always on the move, either walking around, sparring, or just making tools. You always have something to keep you preoccupied."

"Yes, it reminded me of the soldiers who came back from war. They always kept themselves busy by either cleaning their gear, polishing their swords, or working out. But it was your eyes that really reminded me of them. They have seen some dark stuff, far darker then—"

"Even my own," Aomi said, cutting off Akeru. "And I worked for the Gojounos for over 30 years, since I was 10. So tell us... Is that darkness still eating away at you?"

"…Yes. It will always eat away at me. No matter how many I save, my hands are always stained. But I think I’ll use this to chance to make a significant change. To really change the world in a meaningful and long-lasting way."

"Oh?" Aomi raises her eyebrows. "In what way?"

"By putting an end to this country's constant war and building something to make everyone’s lives easier."

They looked at him with some skepticism. But they knew he at least had something in mind.

"You would need resources and people, something we can’t give you." Akeru said.

"I know full well, but not if I get a seat on the royal court using my level as leverage."

"You wish to join Lady Amaterasu's court!?" They both shouted in surprise.

"Well mostly for the benefits. The politics thing I really don’t care much for. I will use everything in my disposable to create the city I envisioned. A city that can be compared to Orario, not in its strength but its greatness. An economic power that will work to benefit the people and not the rich. A place where everyone has a home and food in their stomach. A place where every child can learn to be anything they wish. That is what I want. That is my goal. Instead of saving lives one by one, I am going to not only save but change them and the generation after next."

"And what if someone tries to change it? I mean, there are the other Jouno families who will try and—"

"Try as they might, I am a level 8. I will walk right to their family head and rip his fucking off along with his spine."

They could feel his intensity. The look in his eyes told them he has done worse before, and given that he is a level 8, there is really no one who can stop him if he decides to use violence.

"I see…" Aomi said, thinking about it. "So long as you go with the peaceful option first, then we will aid you in this endeavor."

"Of course." He bows his head. "That I will always do, but should they keep being obstacles then…"

Aomi smirked as both he and she had the same look in their eyes.

‘I think Ai inherited my tastes.’ Akeru thought about how similar Aomi and Cirrus are when it comes down to getting things done.

"I am really proud to eventually call you my son."

"And I’m proud we are not in your crosshairs!" Akeru said.

"Like-wise." He said, getting up. "Then I need to get going. I have a coach and wagon to finish building."

He took his leave of the room and left through the back.

While walking back, Cirrus goes over the plans with Hecton on how the city would be built and its layout.

"Given you wish to keep this village from gentrification and retain the local food sources, it should be possible." Hecton said, popping out of one of his mouths from the shadow of Cirrus’s collar.

"Good. We should place the center closer to the seaboard, maybe a mile or two?"

Given how long he has been in Orario, its influence permeates through to his city plans.

"A second Melen I see. Very well, we can work on plans for that when the city is more populated."

"I do need to make it clear that the city must be walkable. For the trading part, we will need to speak with some experts on the matter to fully start the building."

"Sir… I know you wish to make amends for your past deeds, but—"

"Hecton I know I am effectively taking the weight of a city onto my shoulders with several thousand lives on the line, but what is the point of being a level 8 and not using it to my advantage? Oh! We saw people from Hóngsè that had a lot of trading and it didn’t feel too congested."

"Sir, before I answer your question, can you do me a favor?"

"This is a first. Sure, what is it?"

"Can you set aside a day or two to relax? Your talk with Ai’s parents enlightened me on how much of a workaholic you are."

"…I’ll be sure to do just that."

‘After all, if this is this world's version of Japan, then the last thing I want to do is recreate its work culture.’ His mind was filled with flashes of his life just before he died. ‘No, I’ll fucking make sure that never happens.

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