Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 189- Solar Invitation

[Vol.2] Quest 189- Solar Invitation

Two weeks later

Fuyukusa's outskirts

"You seem nervous, Akio." Said Kushida, riding on her horse.

"…I am not, I’m 31 and I am one of Lady Amaterasu’s personal guards. I have nothing to be nervous of… But why would that smith be in Fuyukusa?"

"Hmm... We just have to wait and see." A grin appeared on her face. "And are you sure it’s not because when you left your village? You never came back or even sent a letter to your parents?"

"No... They understand I left to make our family great so we wouldn’t have to play second to the Gojouno or any of the Jouno Families."

"That’s not what I saw."

"What would you know, you with no family name."

Her grin widened even more.

"I heard your sister returned."

"So what…I have never seen her."

"And that she’s a level 6."

"…" his expression slightly changes. "Then I will ask Lady Amaterasu to have her as her guard. As the head of the Shirakusa Family, she will do as I say."

"And what if she refuses?"

"She is only 15. I have years of combat experience and I have you as well. She can’t possibly win against you and me together."

'How sheltered is he!? Does he not think a 15 year old reaching level 6 is concerning? No. Given how isolated this country is they have no frame of reference to how strong a level 6 is. I guess that is why Lord Susanoo did not say much. The least they know the gap in their strengths will give him some opportunities to maneuver.'

"Hmm….Well, let's hurry up and get the blacksmith!" Kushida galloped on ahead, and Akio followed in tow.

When they arrived at the village, they found it more renovated with more humans in the village.

"Humans…why are there so many here?" Akio said, looking around.

"Let’s ask your parents. I’m sure they know." Kushida said, heading to their home.

As he rode there, he could see the villagers looking at him and murmuring.

‘It has been a long time since I last came here. I doubt they would remember me…

"My if it isn’t little Akio." said an older Renard woman.


"The eldest son!?"

"One of Lady Amaterasu’s personal guards!?"

His name quickly spread, and he made a small smile before continuing off to his parent's home.

"Wait here I shall go get them." said the attendant, leaving.

"…So much has changed since I left."

"Yup, so much has changed since I last came here years ago." Said Kushida.

A while later, Aomi and Akeru came in.

"Ah my son!" said Akeru. "You have grown up well and strong!"

"Thank you, father. You look well. Mother, healthy as always."

"Would be healthier if you were more like Aki and Ayumu, but it’s nice to see you at last." Aomi said.

"So what brings you and Lady Kushida here?" Akeru said as they took their seats.

"I have been asked by Lady Amaterasu to bring the blacksmith that forged the weapon that allowed the Susanoo Familia to return."

"Yeah, we are here to bring Cirrus to Amaterasu," Kushida said. "He even plans on having Ai be her personal bodyguard."

"Cirrus? Is that his name? I haven’t heard of such a famed smith’s name?"

"You would be lucky if you even heard of it given how dam isolated this country is. I have to go to Hinata to get new information from the merchants that come there.."

"Hmm… Well, we are here for them both. And should they refuse to come, I would appreciate it if you would help in convincing Ai."

The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Sorry Akio, but you’re on your own on this one. We can ask her, but she will say no." said Akeru.


"Sorry, but you will have to talk to her and him."

"Her and him?"

"Oh, did I not mention that the blacksmith and your little sister are a couple." said Kushida with a smirk.


Walking towards the nearby woods on a stone-bricked path Akio tried to get answers out of Kushida, but she simply kept walking.

"H-how is this Cirrus!? Can you tell me anything?? What he likes or what his temperament is!?"


"Vice-Captain Kushida! Can’t you tell me anything!?"

"Yeah be as respectful as you can. Cirrus has an eye for bullshit."

With each step he took, he could feel his heart racing faster and faster. What else was Kushida not telling him.

When they made it to the end of the path, they found a home surrounded by a sturdy-looking wall, much like Akio’s parents’ home, but with an odd symbol on the gate.

"This symbol... Why do I feel like I've seen it before?"

"That’s Cirrus’s signature. I’m sure you saw the golden ball on the tassel when Lord Susanoo gave the weapon to Lady Amaterasu."

"That’s right! So this place is his home…but when was this built?"

"Rather recently, doesn’t your village have that odd tradition of the males building homes for their lovers or something?"

"I don’t remember?"

"Oh well, let’s knock."

Kushida walks up and knocks on the door.

"W-wait we need to-"

"Oh, it’s open! Ai-chan!! Are you here!" Kushida said, walking in.


Akio followed her.

They were walking along the outside when they heard the blades clashing.






Sparring in the backyard were Ai and Cirrus.

"I know you can be faster than that, Ai!!"

"And I know you can too!!"

Sword and spear clash with one another in a flurry of strikes.

Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh!

Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh!

Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh!

Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh! Clang! Whoosh!

Strong gusts of wind filled the area; the snow was being blown back from where they were sparring.

"Ooooi!! Ai-chan!!" shouted Kushida.


Stopping mid-swing, a strong gust of wind blows through the area once more.

"Lady Kushida!!" Ai said, running to her.

"Ai-chan! It’s been a while!"

They hugged each other before Ai’s eyes landed on Akio.

"Who is this?" she asked, looking at him more sharply.

"Ahem! My name is Shirakusa Akio, your oldest brother."

He could feel another pair of eyes upon him. He glanced to see the human man with emerald eyes staring at him, examining him.

‘So…that’s Cirrus…

"So what brings you here, brother?" Ai says, looking at him in his red eyes.

"Right, um. I've come to meet with the blacksmith who forged the blade, Heavenly Cloud Gathering Cutter, at Lady Amaterasu's request."

"Oh?" Cirrus said. "The goddess of the country wants to see me? Well, I was wondering when it would happen, but it seems it was ever so long before Lord Susanoo couldn’t push it back." Cirrus said, sitting down on the engawa.

"So you have been conspiring with Lord Susanoo after all, Kushida." Akio said.

"No, we simply said he would arrive a month or two after we did and he arrived within that time frame. You should blame the poor information this country gets." Kushida said with a grin.

"…What’s done is done, Sir Cirrus. Would you come and meet with Lady Amaterasu?"

"Mmm…I guess."

"R-really?" he said, a bit surprised.

"Yeah I mean she lives in the capital right? We can buy some stuff for the house while we're there."

"Oh, that’s right! There should be plenty of shops in the capital!" said Ai.

"Oh!" he opened the door. "Shopping! I haven’t done that in a while!" said Aphrodite.

"A-A goddess!" said Akio, taking a step back.

"Oh? Who is this cute little fox?" Aphrodite said, coming up to him.


His heart was beating faster and faster.

"That’s my older brother." Ai said.

"Oh? The one who serves Amaterasu, huh?" She takes a few steps back. "Sorry, any closer and you’ll fall head over heels for me!"

"Sorry," said Cirrus. "She is a love goddess, so you know, keep your guard up."

"H-hm!" Akio steeled his resolve and calmed his heart. "So when do you think you will be ready to leave?"

"I say... Two days."

"Two days... Hm, alright." He nodded. "I shall be going then."

"Wait aren’t you going to stay and eat for dinner?" said Ai.

"Huh? Oh, um, I was planning on staying with mother and father?"

"Well, why not stay here and eat! You can stay with them tomorrow!"

"I…I guess?"

"Great! I’ll get started on dinner! Cirrus, could you clean up!"

"Yeah." He as his glances back at Akio.

Ai quickly rushed inside, as did Kushida and Aphrodite, leaving Cirrus with Akio.

"So um—"

"We don't have to talk you know. Just help out with the cleaning." Cirrus started, getting up and starting to clean up the backyard a bit.

"…Right. Have we possibly gotten off the wrong foot?"

"No. I find you suspicious. You haven't seen your family in years and you come here all of a sudden."

"Ah well um... I have been busy in the capital making a good name for our family."

"Hm... I see."

They clean up the yard a bit and go back into the house.

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