Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 184- Aphrodite

[Vol.2] Quest 184- Aphrodite

One month later.

"Huff! Huff! Honestly, how is this harder than making a sword? Praise from the gods of forging is easier to get than building a damn fucking house!" yelled Cirrus, carrying timber to the area where Ai and he sparred.

"It’s coming along just fine, Cirrus!" said Nox, sitting in a warm shelter. "The walls are already built, so you just need the rest of the house! Make sure you make them sturdy and thick! Don't want sounds to leave the home!"

"Stop making those jokes!"

"Hmm... How about no."

For the past month, Cirrus has been working on a home for him and Ai. Aomi suggested he get a place of their own since, as a young couple, they couldn’t exactly stay at their home forever. Plus, Ai wanted a place near the stream, so Cirrus got to work.


Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!

Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!

Cirrus drops several wooden logs.

"Why can’t anyone from the village come and help?"

"Because it’s a tradition of the village apparently. Akeru did, and now so are you."

"Fuck" he said, a bit exhausted.

"Hm, hm…want me to get you a drink?"


"I’ll be back in a second. Ai should be coming soon."

Nox left while Cirrus made all the materials actually usable by turning the lumber into planks and beams and making a flat clearing to build the foundation of the home.

"FuckThis is going to take forever….I should have done more construction jobs!"

Coming up the road Cirrus made and paved to get to and from the village was Ai with a basket of lunch.

"Cirrus!! Lunch is ready!!"

"Oh thank Astraea finally!!"


After eating, Ai looked around.

"Hm! It’s coming along really well! How long do you think it’s going to be finished?"

"Umm…I say 3 or 4 more months? I still need to do the piping and so much more, but at least the dam area is ready to get worked on!"

"Then I can start to help too, right!"

"If you follow my instructions, then yes."

"Great! Shall we get started after lunch-"

"Ai!! Cirrus!!!" said one of the children running to them.

"What’s wrong, Yukiko!" said Ai.

"A-A goddess!! A goddess came here!! She said she’s looking for you two!"

Ai and Cirrus looked at each other and then back at Yukiko.

"What does this goddess look like?" asked Cirrus.

"She’s really pretty! With hair as golden as the sun and green eyes like yours!" she said.

"…Well I never met a god with those descriptions?" said Cirrus.

"Then let’s go and look." said Ai.

As they were walking along, Nox chimed in.

‘Oi a goddess is here and she’s really chatting up the town... But how the hell isn’t she cold?? She is showing so much skin!?

"Did you get a name?"

'No, she came in and requested you and Ai. Don’t worry, her children don’t look strong, but they are some rather handsome men if I do say so.

"Well, that doesn’t narrow anything down... Keep an eye on her; we're almost there."

‘Got it!’


As they arrived at the village, they could see the crowd surrounding the Familia.

"Oi! What’s going on?" shouted Cirrus.

The villagers all turned and made way for the goddess.

The goddess was as Yukiko described, but Cirrus felt this kind of presence before. His soul was slowly getting drunk as she walked closer. Her gilded hair and lush green eyes with clothes that are adorned by the beauties of the sea with pearls scattered about her clothes.

"You’re a love goddess, aren’t you?" Cirrus looks at her with sharp eyes and a stronger will.

"Oh? I didn't even say anything, and you picked it up on it, huh?" said with a grin. "My glory is truly universal!!" She said proudly.

"So…this is what it’s like to be around a love goddess... Hmm, it’s really like my soul is getting drunk." said Ai.

"Oops! Sorry, I can’t turn that off! You know how it is for us love gods!" she said.

"So do you have a name, Lady Love Goddess?" asked Cirrus.

"Oh what are my manners!" she said, giving a graceful bow. "My name is Aphrodite! the Fairest of all of Heaven!"

She then stood back straight and proud, puffing out her surprisingly smaller bust than what one would expect from a god of her fame.

"AphroditeAh, I heard of you."

‘It explains her clothes for a goddess said to be born from sea foam.’

"Then you heard of my great beauty! Go on! Soak up my radiant-"

"Yeah from Hephaestus."

"!!" Aphrodite was stunned by his words. "W-w-what did she s-s-s-say???" She said, a bit scared, traumatized by the name and goddess.

"Hmmm seems my suspicions were right," Cirrus said with a smile. "You two were an item back in heaven, huh? Tell me, was it, Ares?"

"!!!" Her face turned bright red.

So this part of the myth happened, huh? I guess it’s on both parties then.

"Well no matter, I hold nothing positive nor negative against you, Aphrodite."

"R-really!" she said brightly.

"Of course, that situation is between you and her. So what brings you here? I hope it isn’t something like trying to get me to join your Familia? Because if you had to pick Hephaestus or Astraea, which would you pick to fight?"

"R-right! Ahem!" She regained her composure. "I came because you-" she said, pointing towards the sky. "Shot the moon correct!"

"…I did. Last I heard, you're not a lunar god."

"Of course not!" She said with a big grin forming on her beatific face. "Then have you received your punishment for taking several gods and goddesses' "celestial chastity"?"

"No, I left before Artemis could think about what it would be."

Her grin widened even further.

"Then I got here first!! Hahahaha!!! What great luck has fallen on me! I shall stay here until she arrives!"

"She arrives?" said Ai. "Who?"

"Well, Artemis, of course. Unless some other moon deity comes and tries to snatch this charming child away." She said, touching Cirrus’s chest. "Oh my, you're rather built." She said this while feeling his muscles and then his abs. She then looked up to meet his eyes. "Really do have eyes like emeralds! Hm! Hm! Truly the most beautiful color!" She turned back to the villagers. "So do you have a spare place?"

She then went off, along with her children.

‘I can do what Hera said later! For now, I wanna be warm!!

She will forget.

Watching them leave, Ai walked next to Cirrus.

"Are you fine, Cirrus?" asked Ai.

"…I am but…seems Artemis is on her way here…shit I really do give her trouble."

"Well... What do you think the punishment is going to be?"

"Don’t knowbut I’m going to go back and work on the house."


The docks of the Red Port.

"So what do ya want, Goddess?" said a ship captain.

"I want passage to Yamato," Artemis spoke, with her Familia behind her. "And I want to get there quickly. A certain love goddess left a fresh trail. "

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