Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 178- Outside Orario- Hóngsè, The Red-Port

[Vol.2] Quest 178- Outside Orario- Hóngsè, The Red-Port

Arriving in the country of Chyong, Cirrus found it to be similar to Chinese, and Hindu cultures, with several of the towns they passed by all, having a uniqueness to them of spiritualism and cultural mix together.

"Huhthis country is really pretty." Cirrus said.

"Probably from the trade agreement. Lord Susanoo said when we passed by through this land that it was already this wealthy. The trade deal was simply the cherry on top." Ai said, looking out to the town.

"…Oi how far are we to Hóngsè?" Cirrus said to the merchant.

"Um about three or five days out from here."

"Could you hurry up a bit? I'd really rather get back to see my family."

"Of course, miss!"

The merchant speeded up a bit more.

It’s a shame we never came here before, huh Cirrus?’ said Nox, sitting on Cirrus’s lap.

"Hmm…so Ai, what are your parents like?"

"Wellthey are kind, generous, and loyal. My father does what he can to make me happy as his youngest daughter. My mother was a bit more strict compared to my father, but nevertheless, she still showed love in her actions. My oldest brother, Akio, serves as a personal guard for Lady Amaterasu and is a level 4. I have never met him before, so I can only go on what my parents have said about him. I saw him only once from the back as he stood guard. He took over his father’s role in the family as he held a more prestigious position. My second oldest sibling, Aki, is now the vice-captain of Lord Bishamonten’s Familia. She takes after my mother in strictness. I heard she’s a level 3. The only time I saw her was from a glimpse of her when I left my homeland. The third sibling, Ayaka, the 'Flower of Fuyukusa' is the prettiest of the siblings who married the captain of the Ebisu Familia at the age of 15. Remembering it now was nothing like our parents, she was spoiled and mean…then the 4th sibling, Ayumu. He’s only 4 years older than me and I would say he’s the most…kindest of the siblings by far. Despite being deep within the Gojouno branch affairs, he would always come and see me and my parents every now and again. He is a really lazy person at heart. And last but not least, methe youngest."

"Heh... That’s some family you have"

"Yeahhuh? Your actually a bit like Ayumu?" Ai said, taking a good look at Cirrus.

"Oh? am I?"

"A bit"


After three days, they arrive at Hóngsè, the city of red ports. This city, much like Melen, is a port city that specializes in trade and fishing. Several people come to and from this city as it’s the only place that gets trade from the Far East, or Yamato.

"Whoaso many people and businesses." said Cirrus, looking at this metropolis that dwarfs Melen with its tall buildings along with a booming population.

"Keep your eyes out, children here will rob you blind." Ai said, getting off the carriage.

"Ah…Thanks for the ride! You keep safe, alright!!" Cirrus said the following Ai.

"Take care!"

Walking through the streets of Hóngsè, Cirrus could tell Ai was not feeling herself.

"So you’re not fond of this place, Ai?"

"…it’s mixed. This was the city that caused me to leave my family and homeland, so…ehh…"

"Ahwell then let's hurry and find a ship to take us to Yamato then."

Cirrus made a smile, and Ai smiled as well.

"Alright follow me!"

Cirrus followed Ai to the Red Ports, the place where trade was the lifeblood of the city and nation. Several hundred people and items were moving from ship to dock at an almost blinding speed.

"Come, his ship should be around here." She said, going down into the hectic rush hour of the ports.

After an hour of searching, Ai found who she was looking for.

"Mr. Adams!!" shouted Ai.

"Hm?" turned a man in his 40s with a white open-button shirt and a captain's coat with a graying beard and hair. "Is that you, Snow Fox?" he said, coming in closer.

"That’s how you remember me? Did news of me not reach this far?" She said, approaching him.

"Somewhat the last news I heard of you and your Familia was that you were named the Sunny Saint and your Captain the Storm Blade. So if you are here, then your Familia should also" He looks around to find only Cirrus and Nox on his shoulders. "…Who is this strapping young lad? Your lover?"


"I’m just kid-….oh…" He was surprised by how flat-out Ai was.

"We come here to return to Yamato. Has Lord Susanoo come by?"

"He came by ship some days ago. So has he come to apologize for his actions?"

"Something like that, can you take us to Yamato or not?" Ai said, holding out the bag of valis.

"Sure thing, kid! But I gotta tell you, security has been really tight, so you might see the Vice-captain of the Bishamonten Familia."

"Why is it so tight?"

"Pirates, they have been a real nuisance as of late that and the common sea monster. So we can take you tomorrow once we get everything ready."

"That seems pretty good, Ai," said Cirrus. "We can get a room and see the city for a bit!"

"But we can-"

Ai turned around to find Cirrus in her face.

"Ai don’t you want to see the place for a bit? It’s a shame if we just come and go." He gave her a slight smile and she made a slight blush.

"Not fair" she turned around to Williams. "Fine tomorrow it is then."

"Hahaha!! No problem! We’ll make sure to give you a fine room as well!"

"Why does everyone keep embarrassing me!!!" She said, covering her face.

"Ai why not take Nox with you, I want to ask the captain something?"

"Sure...Come on Nox."

Nox flaps over and lands on Ai’s shoulder, and the two leave to go find a place to stay.

"So will it really take till tomorrow?"

"Yes, my men need to rest to fight the pi-"

"I’ll deal with them and any problem that comes up; you all just need to sail us there."

"Confident, aren’t we? I know your girl is strong, but-"

"I think you misheard me. I mean I will handle any problem." Cirrus looked at Williams with an intensity that made his blood run cold. "Let me deal with the dangers and you and your men can simply have a leisurely time on the ship when danger comes around."

"You…in all my years I never felt such…certainly of death from another? You… you're stronger than your girl-"

"See you tomorrow, captainuh…what’s your name again?"

"It’s Williams Adams, and I’ll make sure not to get on your bad side."

"Thanks, and sorry I was so aggressive. I am rather a bit protective of her and I want her to get back home as soon as possible."

"As any man should be." Said Williams. "But knowing two strong people are riding on my ship, well, I feel a lot safer now! We’ll make sure to get in a hurry on getting the ship ready."

"Thank you again and here." Cirrus puts his hands into his sleeves and pulls out a bag of valis from his shadow. "To make sure everything runs smoothly."

Williams looked at the bag and felt its weight. A big grin appeared on his face.

"Will do!! Men!! Let's get back to work!! We got a premium customer!!!"

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