Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 174- Old Friends of Ukhara

[Vol.2] Quest 174- Old Friends of Ukhara

We headed southwest towards the Kaios Desert, Cirrus wanted to see his old crew and maybe deal with some stuff.

After one week of travel, they arrive at Ukhara, the city before the Grand Sand Sea. They walk around the city in their desert attire.

"So why did you want to come here, Cirrus? I figured you would have some issues coming back?"

"Well, I had time to sort of work through my issues somewhat through venting them at the Nightmare. But even then I still kinda want to...confront it a bit. I wanted to take this chance to see how my old crew was doing, so I sent Nox up ahead."

"Your old crew? You don’t mean-"

"We have been waiting for you, sir." said a dark-skinned man with a scarf over his head. "And let me say your lover looks exquisite!"

"Cirrus, who is this?"

Cirrus walked up and extended his hand.

"My, your manners have been refined, Robert; I assume it’s due to the rich merchants you escort now, right?"

He gave him a wide smile and shook his hand.

"Yes! Captain Jane Rackham has been very diligent in how we present ourselves."

"I also noticed your fingers aren’t callused. Have you not been playing the guitar?"

"Hahaha! Sorry but no, we have been rather busy. Come, I’ll show you the way."

"Say, where is Bann? Is he still around?"

"Oh, he’s currently out on business, sadly."

Walking through the streets of Ukhara was very different now; there were roads and streetlights. Kids aren’t lying around ready to steal. In fact, there were a lot more businesses now.

Robert led them to a walled-off building that was like a fortress.

"Nice place! Is this the crew or what?" asked Cirrus.

"It is our Familia."

"Familia?" Cirrus said, surprised.

'It seems Nox wanted to surprise me. She has gone quiet.’

"Yes, wait here. I’ll go inform them of your arrival."

He heads off into the building.

"So he was the guy who taught you how to play the guitar?"

"Yeah, it’s a crazy tale of how he even got here from Meilstora."

"Well, what happened?"

"Well, it all started when he was-"

As he was talking, several people came out, rolling out a red carpet and lining up beside it where two people came out.

"Yo!! Boss!! It’s been a long time! You look far better without the mask!" said Jane.

"So you are the Demon of Shalzard, huh?" said a god who looks like a young boy with a Hijab with white and brown attire. "My name is Al-Kutba! The head of the Al-Kutba Familia!! I would like to express my gratitude for everything you did for Jane and the others!" he said, giving a courteous bow.

"No problem at all! I’m sure you had a hand in making them this prosperous!"

"We can discuss such things inside. Come."

Cirrus and Ai walk on each side. Cirrus remembers that on the crew, they all took a look at him as he passed by.

Walking into the Familia home, it’s a rather spacious place filled with several art pieces and statues.

"Nice huh Boss!" said Jane. "Took us 3 years to build and furnish it but it’s pretty dam nice!"

"You have done well for yourself, Jane."

"I can say the same for you, Boss! Who’s the pretty girl? Huh! huh!" she said, nudging his side.

"My name is Shirakusa Ai!" she said proudly.

"Shirakusa huh? Are you from the Far East?"

"I am."

"Then you’re a long way from home, huh! Well, it’s not like people from your country don’t cross through here. We get a few of them every 4 or 6 months?"

"I’m amazed! Were they with any merchant group or?"

"Uhh I think their-"

"With the Ebisu Familia," said Al-Kutba. "The last time they came by was 2 months ago."

They went into the living room and sat down.

"Two months ago, huh? Then did they go to Varga?" asked Cirrus.

"No, they went to Lioad Town. It’s a commercial city located on the northern edge of Israfan."

"Enough business talk!" said Jane. "Sorry for cutting you off, Lord Al, but it’s been a long time and I'd like to catch up with my old boss!"

Several of the Familia members popped up.

"Hm! hm!"

Al-Kutba smiled as he looked around.

"Very well! Shall we have a party then?"


They all shouted and went to get started.

"Oh, do you know where Nox is?"

"Oh your Familiar?" said Jane. "Yea there in your room! Oh, speaking of which, you should be able to find it! It’s on the 4th floor!"

"We will get you when everything is set." said Robert.

"Hm, very well."

Cirrus and Ais both go upstairs.

"…Boss is a lot more cuter than expected, huh?" said Jane. "We all thought his face was burnt or something?"

"Fortunately no, but I still remember when we received news of him from the passing merchants! And the first time we saw his face, how shocked we all were. " Robert said, with his eyes closed, remembering it.

"Hmm…the kid also softened up. Before he had this cold and tired aura about him, especially when we had to fight."

"Yes…I still remember when he cultivated that reputation.." He opens his eyes and gets a drink. "I think that’s when we realized how lucky we were. One wrong move and well…"

"Yeah…dead under the passing sand."

"Well, aren’t you two glad he changed so much?" said Al-Kutba. "From what I heard and read, he’s actually mellowed out as he has gotten older, or it could be the Flashing Saint."

"S-she’s the Flashing Saint!" said Jane. "Lord, do you have the paper!?"

"I do, I even have Cirrus’s new one that I got 2 days ago from the local guild."

"N-new one?" Robert said.

"Yes." He took out two papers. "Level 6 of the Susanoo Familia, The Flashing Saint, named for her drawing speeds that can cut down anyone in a flash and the world’s strongest man, Level 8 of the Astraea Familia, the Uncrowned Emperor."

"L-level 8…" said Robert.

"Heh…hahahaha!!! That's our Boss!" said Jane. "He was always one to make a name for himself!"

"Yes, but it’s also quite intriguing to learn that he "eloped" with the Flashing Saint. Currently, there is no bounty on his head for his return or even price for information. "

"Lord Al-Kutba," said Jane. "We sure as hell aren’t going to sell him out no matter what! Even if we did, what could a Familia of level 1s do against them?"

"I fully understand the futility of it and even the information on his location would only result in blood spilled and, given his history in these lands, I would rather not have the Golden Horned Demon of the Sands causing trouble. I mean, who am I? Some stupid god that fights against foes far above what their Familia is capable of?"



"Lord Aries, are you getting sick?"

"No, I assume someone is saying great things about me!"

Back at Ukhara.

"Well…she did say I would find it." before Cirrus and Ai was the captain's door he had on the main ship when he was a desert privateer.

"Let’s go see what's inside!" Ai opened the doors and entered.

Cirrus remembers it clearly, this was the room he had stayed in for 5 months, and everything was the same as when he left.

‘Just like then huh.’

Nox flaps onto Cirrus’s shoulder while Ai jumps on the bed, which is a lot bigger now.

"Yes…it’s just like the captain's room on the main ship all those years ago. Ah, they even have the old map I used to plan out raids on Israfan!" Cirrus said, walking to them on display.

"Hm? Are these yours?" Ai said.

"They are, oh my scimitar! I was curious where I left it!"

‘Where did you leave that captain of the Vritra’s Familia whip?’

"Uhh…I think I left it somewhere in Lenoa’s house? I’m not too sure at one point I just lost it."

"Mmm…" Ai said, looking at all the stuff. "I can see why they would call you the Demon of Shalzard. You really like to hit their supply lines."

"Yeah…" He walked over and saw Bukhara on the map crossed out. "I…really do like hitting them where it hurts." He felt a mix of emotions upon seeing it.

Ai, see that he remembered that dark time in his life.

"So how long are we staying here, Cirrus?"

"Ah well, I say 3 days. I wanted to go and find the place where I found Nox."

Nox turned back to her human form.

"Ah really!! We are going to where it all started!!"

"Oooh I wanna see!"

Later that night, the party started, and they fully enjoyed themselves well into the night feasting with the Al-Kutba Familia.

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