Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 166- The Final Battle, Epilogue

[Vol.2] Quest 166- The Final Battle, Epilogue

After the battle was done, Cirrus went to the Dian Cecht Familia since the Miach Familia was filled with patients. His body was covered in various injuries and broken bones. Added to that were his exhaustion and being a few magic spells away from a mind down. He was resting for a good while.

"Oh…Airmid your healing people now?"

"Hm! Lord Dian has been teaching me a lot, and I also had a…lot of unfortunate chances to practice," she said regrettably. "You are good to leave. I healed your extensive injuries free of charge!"

"Thanks." Cirrus slowly sits up. "When did he become so generous?"

"Um…The Guild."

"…Piece of-"

In a different room

"Hahahaha!!! I made so much money!!! Hahahaha!!!! They keep rolling in!! Hahahahaha!!!!

Back to Cirrus’s room.

"Well, I made sure you are perfectly healthy! No misaligned bones or bruises! " She said with a small smile.

"Glad I sent you his way…I would have sent you over to Miach but…" Cirrus once looked in the mirror and discovered himself covered in bandages. "Do you have a spare shirt?"

Leaving the clinic, Cirrus looks around to find the city livelier; kids were laughing and cheering.

"Nice isn’t it?" said Nox disguised as Yoru

"Yeah, it is, so what are you doing here? "

"I’ve come to check up on you. You were asleep for 3 whole days. Everyone else is busy with other stuff at the moment, like rebuilding the city."

"Ah…so it’s over huh?"

"…Let me fill you in."

While walking back home, Nox informed Cirrus that the dragon had been slain, as well as a massive chunk of Evilus power and influence that Erebus had built up in the shadows of darkness itself. As for Erebus, Astraea sent him back to heaven. She also informed him that several people had leveled up since this war.

Arriving back at home, Nox had some business to take care of and left.

"Huh…this house is around…even after so long."

With each step he takes, it's like his body is dragging with him several tons of weight.

"(Exousía, Adorn)."

The armor quickly heals Cirrus’s body from the soreness, and after it does, Cirrus can walk around with more spring in his step.

He walked upstairs to find Gram by the bed and Alfia’s green brooch by the bed.


Cirrus walks over and sits down, looking at the brooch.

"…North of Orario, raised by an old man named Georgos…hmm…" He puts it back by the bed and walks to the window. "…I’m still tired."

He goes downstairs and takes a bath. He could see his body riddled with more scars than before.


He gets out and dries himself in the mirror. He then looks at himself more closely and a realization dawns on him.

"…15…15 years…I never noticed how old I looked. "

Cirrus could see locks of white in his hair from the pain of using the max level of Gram. Scars cover about 40% of his body and a soul that weighs oddly more light. Cirrus thought-

"No 15-year-old should experience this much…but my soul does feel lighter…maybe killing that dragon gave me some emotional catharsis? "

He gets finished getting dressed, and he sits down at his forge.

"…Susanoo and his Familia should be getting things sorted for his departure…and for Ai as well…I’m sure she would want to stay, but for me…but I don’t know what to do…"

Cirrus thinks for a while and decides what he is going to do. He gets up and walks to the door and walks outside.

"…I should see how everyone is doing…Ah, then I need to really meet with Ouranos for…Oh well."

Arriving at Lenoa’s home, Cirrus enters through the front.

"Lenoa, it’s me! How are you doing!"

"Ah! Cirrus! Healthy and with no missing limbs!"

"Cirrus! Your all healed! Thank goodness! You were really in a bad state!" said Circe. "Oh Lili is out getting some stuff she should be back in a bit!"

"That's good but um, I actually have something I want to talk to you both about?"

"Hm? What is it?"

Walking through the streets, Cirrus encounters Lili.

"Ah Lili, how are you doing?"

"Ah! Sora! I was just getting done with groceries! Do you wanna come and-"

"I just came back from them actually."

"Ah…" she looked a bit sad.

"Hey, chin up! Tomorrow will be a new day! And I’ll be sure to come by tomorrow alright!"

"Hm! See ya Sora!"

Cirrus bids Lili farewell and continues on his walk.

As he’s walking, he sees Hermes hiding, while Asfi was on a rooftop looking for him.

"Lord Hermes!!!!! Get out of here right now!!!!"

"Come on…come on, move!" he whispered to himself.

"Hey Asfi!!" shouted Cirrus next to Hermes.


"Lord Hermes went that way!" he said, pointing off in a random direction.

"Thank you, Cirrus!!" she then left in said direction.

"Ah!! Thank you so much, Cirrus!! Is there anything I can do!!"

"There is. Have a drink with me."


"Well, I never had a drink with you or Lydia together, so I figured we could have one now?"

A smile grew across his face.

"Sure thing!"

After a few drinks at Lydia’s grave, Cirrus left first to find Asfi waiting next to the entrance to the cemetery.

"Sorry I lied about where he went."

"No…that’s fine. I’m sure Lydia would have wanted a drink with you and her god."

"Hm…" Cirrus made a smile. "Take care, Asfi." Cirrus messes with her hair and leaves.

‘…Odd…why do I feel he’s so far away?’

Walking around the city, Cirrus found Ais buying some potato snacks.

"Seems you found a fondness for it huh?"

"Ah, Cirrus Nom! Your all better."

"That I am. Oh hey, can I get it from the Secret Menu? "

"Sure thing, sir!" said the man selling potato snacks.

"!!" Ais's eyes widen, "S-secret menu!"

Cirrus could see stars in her eyes.

"Yeah, they only tell you after eating 200 of their snacks. Oh, can I have the spicy one please!"

"Here you go, sir!"

Cirrus pays for the food and walks to a bench. Ais, of course, follows him.

"So…are you going back to the dungeon miss level 3?"

"Hm." she nods. "I still need to get stronger and reach level 6! Then you will have to fight me right!"

"That is what I said. It's a promise," He said, smiling at her. "Well, enjoy the snack." He hands her half of his finished food. "Make sure you listen to your elf of a mom."

"Hm! Hm!" she said, stuffing her face.

Walking to the Astraea Familia home when he could hear the home being tranquil.

He walks in and finds Astraea reading peacefully on the couch.

"Cirrus, I was wondering when you would come! I ran into Nox, and she told me you were discharged! "

"Hm, I came by to talk with you about some things and maybe get a status update?"

"Sure thing!"

Cirrus kneels as Astraea updates his status.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, it’s about-"

It was getting dark, and Cirrus was on his way to the Susanoo Familia’s home when he met Eupheme.

"Ah, Eupheme!"

"Hm? Cirrus!"

They came together and hugged one another.

"Is Hephaestus still working you to the bone?"

"Yup…this is our 3rd building this day and well…" she looks out to several buildings in need of repair. "Plus Lady Hephaestus had to go to Solingen on business or something."

"Hmm…how about I come by tomorrow and help a bit?"

"Really? Hey, guys! Cirrus said he’d come by tomorrow and help!!"


"The Kirin!!

"He’s coming to help!"

They all said it as if their savior had come to save them.

"How about I treat you guys to a drink! Hostess of Fertility!"

"We’ll be there!!" said Eupheme.

"Yaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!" all the blacksmiths shouted in unison.

Standing in front of Susanoo’s home, Cirrus knocks on the door and enters. Standing in front was Susanoo.

 "Hey kid, how are the injuries?"


"Hm…I can see that you don’t even need to bring a weapon with you now. "

"Yeah well, the city has gotten significantly safer now."

"It's all thanks to the hard work and effort of several Familia's. I do feel bad about leaving, but I had the Guild’s permission ages ago and we fulfilled our end of the bargain. Plus, we're giving away our assets to the Guild since taking all of this stuff will be too hard and expensive to do. "

"Yeah…at least you are keeping some of your most favorite things, right?"

"Of course! Some of these stuff are priceless! And will serve as good memories of our time here."


"…What’s wrong, kid?"

"Nothing…I was simply thinking of the friends I made in this city…and even outside it."

"Well, that’s to be expected. You have traveled to a few places and saved their homes."

"Yeah…Susanoo when are you leaving?"

"Hm? Oh, I think in about…2 months? We have to get everything all sorted out before we leave."

"I see…Then I like to talk to you about-"

Room of Prayer.

"Cirrus." Ouranos said from his throne.

"Lord Ouranos." He kneels. "Fels." He glanced at Fels, who was nearby.

"Cirrus." They nod.

"In light of all your contributions to the city and, in turn, the world at large, you have proven yourself more than worthy to be called a hero. But I know you do not see yourself that way, correct? "

"Yes." He nods in agreement.

"Then for your actions, I deem your labor…is to slay the Black Dragon. You are to devote yourself to this cause solely. But should anything world-threatening occur, you will answer the call. Do you accept this?"

"…Yes. I accept this labor. "

Cirrus knew this was both a merciful and dreadful punishment. To face the Black Dragon is to literally walk into death... yet it gives him a near lifetime to finish. At 15 years old, he had all the time in the world. To add to that, he is a level 8, so his lifespan is at least going to surpass 100 years if nothing kills him.

"Oh, there is one last thing. Artemis contacted Fels, and she wished to deliver her punishment to you as well when she returns."

"Hm? What did I do? "

"The moon," said Fels. "You cracked it."

"…Ah. I'm not gonna lie I completely forgot about that."

Walking back home, Cirrus noticed a familiar face.

"Hey Allen, I heard you reached level 6! Congrats! "

"Hm, I came here on a request from the Goddess." Said Allen.

"Ah…a commission."

"Hm." He nods.

"Anything she likes or preferences?"

"No, she simply stated that whatever fits her well and that she will pay once it is completed."

"I see...I'll have it delivered once it’s done."

"Hm, goodbye Cirrus." He gave a polite bow before leaving,


Walking back into his home, he was greeted by the smell of cooking. Nox was in the kitchen with Ai.

"I’m home!" he shouted.

"Dinner is almost ready!" shouted Ai.

Cirrus walked to the basement to gather the materials for what he was going to make.

"Hey Nox, come here for a second."

After a few seconds, Nox came down.

"What’s up?"

"Remember that day in the park when you asked me if I was thinking of leaving Orario?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"I have thought about, well, my answer is that I’m leaving."

"…Have you talked to Lenoa or Circe?"

"I have, I still need to talk to Fels and Ouranos about it…I’m not sure if I should? I had the chance to but...I backed out of it."

"And your friends?"

"…No one else knows."

"….When do you plan on leaving?"

"I don’t have a date in particular…presumably after I finish some gifts for them when I leave."

"Hm! Hm! I see…are you telling me this in case I want to stay? Cause you know, I’ll be sticking with you no matter what." She said, poking his chest.

"I figured you would. I simply told you so. If you have anyone you want to talk to before we leave or anything?"

"Hmm…not really. The only person I would be is the restaurant owner. I buy tea and cake from him, but that’s about it."

"I see…well, I guess there is only one last person to talk to. "


"She’s upstairs."

"Ooooh….got you!"

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