Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 165- The Final Battle, Dragon Slayers

[Vol.2] Quest 165- The Final Battle, Dragon Slayers

Landing beside them, they take a breath of relief.

"Sorry, you had to step in, Ai," Cirrus said. "You look pretty good with red hair." With a gentle, affectionate smile, he said.

"Glad you like it!" Ai said, looking at Cirrus.

The two were in their own little world, looking into one another's eyes.

‘Did that dragon knock a few screws loose?' Asked Circe, landing on his head.

"Highly likely…and you Ais." Cirrus turned to see the child with anger in her eyes. "Shall we slay a dragon?"

Her eyes were filled with resolution and a bit more clarity. With Cirrus here she was sure the dragon will be slayed.

"Yes!!" Her heart thumped again, excited to be fighting by Cirrus' side.

"Then fight!!! Fight till it’s fucking dead!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With a flap of his wings and the kick of his legs, he shot off like a bolt of lightning.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ai and Ais let out their war cry with the full resolve to kill this dragon.

Ai and Ais followed in-suit, along with Circe and Nox.

A storm of black wind, flashing red steel, blinding light, and lightning swarmed Delphyne.


Not a single second did they relent in their assault.

Slice!! Slice!! Slice!! Slice!!

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!


Pew!! Pew!! Pew!! Pew!!

Crackle!! Crackle!! Crackle!! Crackle!!


Crack!! Crack!! Crack!! Crack!!

Ais was the least experienced in such a situation, but she had some help.

"Move kid!!"


Cirrus grabbed her out of the way of Delphyne's attacks.


"Use your goddam legs, Ais!!" Cirrus shouted. "Move!! Move!! Move!! You are covered in wind but move like a damn rock!!"

"Then show me how to move!!" She shouted.

"My pleasure!! Follow along!!"

Cirrus rushed across the ground, with Ais following as best as she could with her wind. The more she observed Cirrus, the more she got an understanding of how to really move with her magic. She adjusted the flow and strength to optimize it on sheer instinct alone.

Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! Bam!!

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!!

Swish!! Swish!! Swish!! Swish!!

Eventually, she adopted how he moved into her own style. The only part she couldn’t copy was his flying movements. His flying was very loose yet ridged, with constant adjustment and high awareness of the area and people. But even that she took into account to how she moved.

Crack!!! Crack!! Crackle!!!

Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!!


Slice!! Slice!! Slice!! Slice!!

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!


Pew!! Pew!! Pew!! Pew!!

They were putting everything on the line. Any scraps they received they ignored and ran headfirst. They were all in a flow, they moved with every ounce of what their bodies can give them and then some.



"[Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

‘[White Night]!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

‘[Atéleio̱tos Voyage]!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seeing the damage that they did, Cirrus knew they needed a bit more power to finally kill it. Nox’s magic was too devastating to use here, and his final attack needed time to build up. That was until he realized Ais was here. He saw her wind and his electricity when an idea came to mind.

"Ais!!" He shouted. "I need your help! Ai! Nox! Circe! Can you guys keep it busy for a second!"

"Right!! Alright!!" they all said.

  Ais then made her way to Cirrus.

"What do you need of me?" she said, still high off the battle.

"I need you to follow me and listen to my instructions!!"

"Hm!!" She nodded in agreement.

With her his attack will be even more easy to pull off with far more devastating results.


On a hill on the 18th floor.

"Watching them fight is like watching the heroes of an old fight." Erebus said, looking out.

"Yes…like stars that fill up a night sky…and even the less bright ones have shone their brilliance. " Astraea said.

Erebus looks over to find that Alfia begins to use her final magic.

As the intensity of magic condensed, her magic [Genos Angelus] was canceled out.

"That shield!!! The Aegis!!!" shouted Erebus. "Hahahaha!! What a grand trick!! It’s as if Zeus had thrown one of his lightning bolts my way and caused such misfortune!!"

"And it seems the Nightmare has finally run its course." So said Astraea, looking up at Cirrus with Ais on his shoulder.

The gods watched as they flew a bit away as the others handled Delphyne.

"Remember Ais!! Collect the static and energy in the air itself!! Condense your magic!! Hone it down till it’s as thin as the edge of your blade!!! "


A torrent of wind and lightning converge while a red beast plays with the Black Dragon, being pecked on by the white owl and twilight hawk.



Pew!! Pew!! Pew!!

Crackle!! Crackle!! Crackle!!

Ai jumps around, impeding any of its movements, along with Nox, bombarding it with beams of light while Circe rains down lighting from above. They wait for Cirrus and Ais to finish.

They notice the Astraea Familia has finally gotten Alfia down to the end of her rope.

"[Veil Breath]!!!"


"Keep fighting!!" shouted Riveria.

"[Earth Raid]!!!!! We’ll help keep it pinned down!!" Shouted Gareth.

"…." A big grin appears on Ai’s face. "Right!! Let’s pin this dragon down!!!"

Up on top, the lighting and wind blended together. The speed at which the lightning gathered was extraordinary. The spear he used was white-hot and spinning so fast it was a blur.

"T-the lightning!? It’s not jagged!?" Ais said surprised.

"That is because there is no oxygen within this space you made Ais. When lightning comes down it will avoid air as much as possible, giving it its jagged edges. Much like lightning, it will always take the quickest path to the BOTTOM!!!"

"Combination magic!!" shouted Ais.


The firing of the super-charged railgun filled the eyes of the dragon as its breath once did to Cirrus.

A blast of divine sunlight eradicated the monster in a flash of brilliant might-







-All the way down to the Deep Floors.

"Huff! huff!"

Cirrus quickly descended back to the ground and flapped his wings just as they were about to crash and landed as fast and safely as they could.

"Huff! huff! huff!" Cirrus lays on his back, breathing heavily.

"Huff!! Huff!! I-Is it done? " said Ais next to him near a Mind Down.

"Huff! huff! Nox!!"

‘Hai! Hai! I’m on my way to see!’ She flies down the Dungeon.

Flying to them was Circe. She turned back to her human form when she was close enough.

"Honestly, you are so dam reckless! Ais! You better not follow in his irresponsible footsteps!"

She takes out several potions and drenches Ais and Cirrus in them. She even got magic potions and forced them down Cirrus’s throat when Ai, Gareth, and Riveria came.

"Is the dragon killed?" asked Ai.

"We will know soon enough. For now, can you help me up?"

Walking to where the Astraea Familia was, where Alfia stands before a pit of fire. Alfia was very much more battered than when he tossed her. Her elegant, refined clothes were in tatters and covered in not just her own but those of the Astraea Familia as well.

"Ah…cough! Cough!" she coughs up intense clots of blood. "You came to see me off…" She made a displeased expression, unhappy to see the son of her tyrant of a Familia captain. "Did Hera tell you something to say to me?"

Cirrus slowly walks and pushes by to her. She couldn’t fight anymore; she was on her last leg.

"You look like a animal near death."

"Yet I still stand on my own two legs. Cough!" She makes a light bloody smile, happy that she last this long despite everything. "So, what did that heartless woman have to say to--Cough!"

"Hear said you were a thick-headed daughter."

"Figures, that woman was never easy to please—"

"And that she hopes you find peace with your sister, and in her own words, said, "Goodbye, my 3rd favorite daughter."."

 Alfia widens her eyes before making a smirk.

"..Heh…he haha-Cough!-hahaha-Cough!-hahaha!!!!!! I never expected I will be Cough! on the receiving end of Hera’s Cough! Jokes!!!" she said with a big bloody smile that stretched ear to ear. "Say… nephew," She said forcibly, still unhappy Nephele had a son who was actually strong. "Come closer I have some Cough! Cough! special words for you."

Cirrus slowly walked up to her with some caution, and she leaned into his ear.

"Tell Cough! Cough! Hera I am sorry I was so Cough! Cough! thick-headed and that Cough! Cough! may she never find Zeus. You Cough!! Cough!! Old hag."

Cirrus could see the peace in her eyes and tone of voice.

"Heh." Even in the end Alfia still disliked her goddess. "Is that all?"

"No… Cough!! I want Cough!! You to give this." Alfia rips off her green brooch and hands it to Cirrus. "To Cough!! my Cough!! sister’s son. He is in the Cough!! Cough!! north of Orario raised by an old man named Cough!!" Him willing to still listen to her last words was enough for her to know he can be trusted, far more than his mother at least. "Georgos. He is raising your Cough!! cousin."

"!?!?" Cirrus was beyond shocked. Zeus still has his own legacy in the world.

"Promise me Cough!! Cough!! you give it to him and to never Cough!! tell of his lineage until he is ready, especially Cough!! Cough!! Hera."

"I promise on my life." he clenched the green broach tightly. "But you have some audacity to ask me that after all you did."

"Heh. I am Hera's daughter afterall." She smiles one more time before she pushes Cirrus away.

"You fuck!" He shouted.

"Hahaha!!" She laughs to her heart content as she fell into the inferno, yelling out. "Farewell you monster!! And you, Justice Familia!! And farewell, Orario, you noisy town! The future is within your grasp!!! Do not let my betrayal be in vain!!"

And so she let herself fall down into the abyss, swallowed by the remaining intense flames.

 ‘Ah… Meteria…I’m coming home…don’t worry, your child will be safe. This is the 1st time…I was ever happy about you captain.’

Her body turned to ash as she fell from floor to floor until eventually, only ash remained.

"…Fuck I’m tired." Cirrus falls back suddenly.

"Cirrus!!" Ai quickly caught him, but she found he was asleep.

"Well I can’t blame him," said Gareth. "Let’s get climbing. I wish to sleep for a good couple of years after this. "

"Hiyaa!!" Kaguya kicked him in the ribs.

"Ahhh!!! You bitch!!"

"That’s for slapping me!!"

"I'll throw you down that fucking hole!!"

            And so ends the Great Feud.


Great Feud Results:

  • Elimination of Evilus’s strongest powers.
  • Captured:
    • God of Darkness, Erebus
  • Causalities:
    • 972 injured
    • 4,498 Civilian Deaths
    • 2,743 Adventure Deaths
    • 2,947 Evilus Deaths
    • 9 Gods returned to Heaven
    • Several adventures reach 1st class

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