Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 157- Reprieve

[Vol.2] Quest 157- Reprieve

When Cirrus next opens his eyes he sees a beautiful shade of indigo shimmering off the light of the moon.

“How was your sleep. Cirrus?” Said Ai looking down at him.

“…Good.” He said with groggy eyes.

He could feel the softness and warmth of her thighs on the back of his neck and head.

“So…are you feeling better?”

“Mmmm…” Cirrus thinks about it. “Maybe. I…I’m still working on it. I have kept some emotions bottled up for a while.

“…Do you wanna talk about it?”

“…A bit but first.” Cirrus reached and removed Ai’s earring.

“Why did you do that?”

“Don’t worry about it but um I…I think I was upset I couldn’t talk with Alfia, I wanted to ask what my mom was like.”

“Hm…Lady Astraea mentioned you met your mother’s goddess right?”

“I did.”

“And did she look like your mother?”

“…Yes. I even asked her some questions about my mom after I got over the surrealism of the meeting and some anger.” He mumbled that last part. “I asked her some stuff, but it was all superficial traits one would have from a person you only read about in books. There was no point in asking her if even she didn’t know her own captain well enough.”

‘I won’t tell Ai about what she did…I want her to keep that memory untarnished.’

“That’s a shame, is there anything you want to make up for it?”

He turns his head and buries his face into her stomach.

“Can I just lay here for a while?” he said with a muffled voice. “I’m still tired.”

“Of course.”

She gently strokes his hair; Cirrus could feel the fatigue begin to melt away.

A bit later.

“Are you good enough to walk? Lady Astraea said you need rest.”

Cirrus sits up.

“…I’m good for now.” He said rubbing his eyes. “Thanks for letting me…you know.”

She smiles warmly.

“Not at all! We all have stuff that’s on our minds. Oh, I found this under your pillow! Don’t worry I didn’t look!”

Ai hands him his status sheet folded up. He opens it to find Astraea had left a message.

“Cirrus, from all that you did, you did more than enough to level up!! Congratulations! Come to me so you can pick your development ability! Which are InitiativeLuck, and Pierce!”

Cirrus Zephyr

Lv. 7

Strength: G244→ B798   Endurance: G220→ X1266

Dexterity: E481→ A800  Agility: C670→ S900

Magic: C676→ X1299      Mage: C→ B

Immunity: B                        Martial Arts: E

Crush: G→ F                      Blacksmith: G→ F

Chain Attack: I→ G


[Amaryllis Leo Antheia Nemeaeus]

  • Increase speed of growth.
  • Recovers user's Stamina faster. (Passive)
  • Pain tolerance is increased. The strength of the effect is dependent on the user's Endurance stat.
  • Grants the user the development abilities Strong BodyStrong Defense. The strength of the effect is proportional to the user's level. (Only activated when using [Dia Chrysomallos: Veltió̱]).
  • When on the border of life and death user’s basic parameters are multiplied by the user's level.

[Lefkí Nýchta’s Iérakas Dýo Logía]

  • A pact forged with a Spirit of the White Night, the spirit and user are bounded through mind, body, and soul.
  • A pact forged with the Spirit of Witchcraft, the spirit and user are bounded through mind, blood, and soul.
  • Grants Shadow Storage.
  • Grants new creations.
  • Grants user Development Ability Spirit Healing and Magic Resistance. The strength of the effect is proportional to the user's level.

[Medea Fotisméno Pólemos]

  • When engaged in battle user thoughts will be accelerated.
  • Grants user Development Ability Metal WorkingMixing, and Mystery. Strength is proportional to the user level.

[Orgisménos Anemos Sámael]

  • When in the sand, wind, and or poison, and cursed all physical stats are increased. Effect stackable.
  • Increased resistance to heat, strong winds, poisons, and curses. Effect strengths depends on the Endurance stat.

[Orpheus Megaleíologia Psychí̱]

  • When playing or singing all will feel your soul.

[Skiés Voí̱theia]

  • Able to summon the versatility of The Hecatoncheires.
  • Its essence empowers you.

“…Huh?” He was surprised, he figured he would reach level 8 after a massive climactic battle.

‘…Maybe I’ll keep this to myself for a bit. Surprise Evilus with this development.’

“What is it? Was it something big?”

“(Damocles, Sing).” Electricity burns the paper up and Cirrus crushes it in his hands. “Nothing much!”

“…I know your lying.”

“It’s a surprise okay!”

“…Fine. Well before the final battle do you wanna go and eat with everyone at Hibachitei.”

“I always wanted to eat with everyone in a grand feast, but…do you think they’ll you know…”

“Come on! You faced a crowd before! Plus it’s a place full of strong and kindly faces!”

“…Alright. If you say so.”

“Oh Nox said you owe her a cake.”

“Cake huh? that’s fine.”

Ai gets up and links her arms with Cirrus.

“Say is that your new sword?” she asks.

“Oh yeah, I got it from my mom’s goddess…I guess I should call her grandma.”

“That’s nice but can I ask why you took my earring? And why you don’t have yours?”

“Lost it while I was fighting some Evilus members, plus I figured we can get new matching pair.”

“Hmm…fine, but can I as least keep it?” she said using her puppy dog eyes. “I grew really attached to it!”


‘It should be fine since I broke what it was connected to.’

Ai gets it and puts it back on.

“There! Looks nice doesn’t it!” She said showing it off.

“It is.” He puts on a warm smile but he couldn’t un-see Hera’s hands on it. “But I think I find you cuter without it.”

“Really? Well, I mean…” A slight flush appears on her face as she takes the earring off. “If we don’t match I see no point in wearing it.” She puts it away in her bag.

Cirrus felt relieved it was put away.

“Now.” Cirrus grabs Gram and puts it by his hip. “Let’s get going before the food gets cold.”


As the two walk quietly through the empty streets to the south of the city, Ai asks him a question.

“Oh I wanted to ask you; I heard your mom is a big deal? And that she was the captain of the Hera Familia. The same Familia as Alfia.”

“That’s right. She um… This sword I have on me belonged to her given to her and to me by Hera.”

“How was she? You didn’t say much about her just that she looked like your mother? And also that she doesn’t know her own captain very much.”

“She was…hmm rather regal, she held herself like a queen with pride and elegance even when she was gardening. But I could see why many don’t like her, she had this attitude of superiority that was well warranted but will only rub people the wrong way.”

“Ah…well maybe one day I would meet her. Maybe she’ll go soft on me!”

‘…It’s a possibility but I don’t want you to meet her..’

“Speaking of, she knows who you are.”

“!?” she froze in place. “D-did she say anything!?”

“Just that she wishes to see you, preferably after this is over.”

‘Fucking Hera…’

Cirrus really didn’t want Ai and Hera to meet but he didn’t want Hera to get angry. If Zeus had to go into hiding and given that Hermes is the only god before Artemis who was given permission to come and go from the city. Cirrus guessed Hermes has been covering Zeus’s tracks just so Hera wouldn’t find him.

“Uhhhhh…” Ai was feeling some butterflies in her stomach.

“Don’t worry too much.”

‘Given that Ai is my girlfriend she would-no I will fucking make sure she doesn’t try any shit.’

“R-really? But you said she was like arrogant and stuff!”

“Yeah well just bring some really good wine, I saw a lot of wine bottles in her house.”

“I’ll get Lord Susanoo’s best drink!”

When arriving at the pub everyone looked at him.

“See I knew this would happen.” He whispered over to Ai.

“Come on a few drinks and a few songs and it’ll-“

“Hey! Hey!”

Lyra and Asfi came up to them.

“You finally came Cirrus!” Said Lyra. “Listen you gotta help make some gear for us!”

“What!? Why!? Why me!? I wanna relax and chill!”

“Finn asked Asfi to help make items to fight Alfia’s magic and Lady Hephaestus asked you to come but you were asleep and busy.”

“Guh…Ai…” he said looking at her.

“It's fine! after everything is over we can spend as much time as we want!” she said with a beaming smile that was too bright for Lyra, Asfi, and Cirrus’s eyes to bear.

“Damn! I feel bad having to do this to you Ai-chan!” shouted Lyra.

“No worries! The sooner this is done the faster peace can come!”

“L-let’s get going!” shouted Asfi. “The longer we stay the harder it is to leave!”

Leaving and arriving in the Blacksmith District Cirrus could see several of the Ganesha Familia keeping guard as well as their captain Shakti.

Many of the blacksmiths stopped working and looked at Cirrus as did the guards.

“Cirrus you’re here!” said Eupheme.

“Eupheme! I haven’t seen you in a minute!” Cirrus came in and hugged her.

“I can say the same, the city really got dark but now it’s brightened up. Speaking of I don’t see my weapon on you?”

“…” Cirrus darted his eyes, and every smith knew that look, they have seen it on several others before him. “I um…I lost it.”

“…Did you lose it in that attack that devastated the Southwest of the city?”

“Okay well, I know where it is it’s just…unreachable?”

Cirrus points at the cracked moon.

“…Do you see that!! My weapon has reached the stars!! Suck on that, you old bastards!!” Eupheme turned to the other smiths in pride.

“Dam Polýmētis!!” shouted several blacksmiths.

“What’s Kirin doing here!” shouted a blacksmith.

“Your not a smith fuck off!!” shouted another.

“Who said that!! How dare you insult my first client!! I’ll smash your dam head in!” she said taking out her normal hammer.

The smith would continue to argue.

“U-um Cirrus?” said Shakti.

“Hm? what’s up?” he turned to weary Shakti.

“Do you still have the sacred branch Ardi gave you?”

“I gave it to the Goibniu Familia or more specifically Ardi’s smith. Hey!! Tommy of the Goibniu Familia!! You still have the branch I asked you to keep safe and process!!”

A blacksmith popped up.

“Sure do sir!” he said holding the worked-on branch.

“Cool thanks! Just hold on to it for a while!” Cirrus turns to Shakti. “To be honest I was just gonna let them work on it since well Ardi didn’t keep her end but…well I figured that since I made a deal for her I should at least honor my end for a kind soul.”

Shakti made a slight smile.

“Thank you…when you're done with it can I be the one to give it to Ryuu?”

“Sure thing.”

Shakti returns to her post as someone comes to stop the arguing.

“Alright! Alright! Break it up!” shouted Hephaestus. “Get to work all of you! We have a get this all done as fast as we can!!”

“Yes ma’am!!” they all quickly got to work.

“Haaa…you finally come, and you cause people to fight, I hope you can make magic swords for Ottar.”

“Do they have to be of the same quality as the hammer I made you?”

“Preferably yes but seeing how destructive it is just…Cirrus where did you get that sword?” She stared intently at Gram.

“Do you mind if I borrow a workshop? When I smith it causes a lot of noise?”

“…As you can see the area is filled with the sound of hammers.” Hephaestus looks around.

“Yeah well.” Cirrus picked up a hammer and a broken sword. “(Damocles)! (Damocles, Sing)!!”

His magic circle appears as the broken sword floats and electricity strikes the sword causing a loud commotion as the sword turns white-hot and Cirrus molds it into a dagger with his signature on the blade. He dips it in water and holds it out.

“Whoa…” said several of the smiths.

Hephaestus picks the dagger and examines it.

“Huh? Swoosh!” she swings the dagger, and it cuts the air. Hephaestus then smiles. “Not bad.”

“!?” all the smiths were shocked by how quick he made the dagger with his magic.

“So can I get a workshop? I’ll make the swords and a variety of other gear for about uhh 2 hours. You have the client’s proportions right?”

“Sure thing!” she said with a grin as she stabs the knife all of the ways to the guard on a table. “All of you better hurry up before he takes your work!!”


That struck a chord in them, and they all began to hammer even harder and faster.


“Well let me show you to that workshop.” Said Hephaestus leading Cirrus to it.

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