Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 143- Fire Floor

[Vol.2] Quest 143- Fire Floor

Hearing there was a storehouse from the Ganesha Familia in Rivira, Cirrus and Ai went down to shut it down.

Down on the 18th floor.

“That’s the last of them!” said Ai tying up some Evilus members.

“Honestly, it’s like their just doing so much random shit.” Said Cirrus looking through their base. “Herbs, poisons, monster drops.” He picks up some books and skims through them.

“Why not question them for answers like what Kaguya suggested?” said Ai.

“Because torture doesn’t get you the right answer it gives you the answer that you want to hear and…” Cirrus closes the book and walks over to the members. “They have a ledger along with current inventory including those suicide jackets. This place is a supply point, I’m sure they have several more.”

“So we just take these guys back to the surface?”

“…Yeah, seems you lot were lucky that you were dumb enough to have kept a fucking ledger.”

He could see the relief in their eyes as they would just be taken back.

Dragging them to town they heard a commotion.


They quickly rushed to the entrance to the 19th floor where several people were gathered.

“What’s going on!?”

“Y-you’re the Kirin! And the Flashing Saint!” said a women.

As the words left her mouth everyone quickly turned to them.

“Please you have to help! Theirs a fire on the 20th floor!”

“A fire? On the 20th floor!”

“Yeah! even some monsters are starting run up to get away from the fire!”

“You’re going to help right!?”

They all started to surround Cirrus and Ai when Nox who remained on the surface talked to him.

‘Oi! Evilus started attacking the soup kitchen your Familia started up! it’s a bloodbath!’

‘What!? fuck! I can’t go up and-‘

“Of course we will!” shouted Ai. “Me and Cirrus will go down and help! You guys put these Evilus members in the town’s jail! Hold the line until we get back alright!”

“Urooo!!!” they all shouted as they take the members away.

‘Shit!! Nox keep an eye on the situation, I’m stuck here dealing with another issue.’

‘Got it!’

“Well let’s get going!” Ai said running ahead.

“Looking at you leader!” Cirrus followed right behind.

Running through the 19th floor they spotted some adventures running from some Deadly Hornet’s also known as the Upper Class Killers.

“Ai! Go!”


Ai kicked off and with a single breath reached the adventures and cut down the hornet’s.

“W-were saved!”

“Are there any other adventures!” Cirrus shouted.

“A-a few!”

“Then go! Go and help those on the 18th floor keep the line now!!”

“Y-yes sir!!!”

The adventures then quickly left.

“Ai can you handle this floor?”

“I can, are you going down to the 20th?”

“I am, that place is far more dangerous then here.”

“Then go! I’ll Handle this floor!”

“Thanks! (Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)!! (Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!!!

Arriving at the 20th floor all he could see is a sea of fire.


Cirrus quickly went to work scouring the floor.

He saved as much adventures as he could, but most were found burned alive or killed by monsters.

“Fuck…I need to end this fire.” Cirrus shifts his weapon into spear mode. “(Swords of Damocles)!” The blade activate it and Cirrus held the weapon back and he switched to his Cretan armor. “Time to test this new function.” Cirrus twists the pommel of the and a long metallic red cloth came out. “It’s a wonder how useful Mystery and Blacksmith are.” Cirrus begins to spin his weapon and he continued to increase its speed turning it into a super charged electric chainsaw.



He started to cut down as much as he could to limit the spread of fire. In his stopping of the fire he caught a glimpse of black armor before fire filled his sight.


After 4 hours the fire had died out and Cirrus had returned to the 18th floor and found several adventures injuries, Ai was tending to their injuries.

“Ai what happened?”

“That guy in the black armor you fought back in winter. He came up from a different path and took everyone here out.”

“So he was the guy I saw…shit he got away.”

“Hm, I was busy getting people out, so I missed him, luckily no one attacked by him died or got any serious injuries if not just a bit banged up.”

Haaa…alright does this town has a alchemy set!”

Cirrus spent the time making potions and applying them to the adventures getting them all healed.

When he and Ai returned to the surface they saw the result of the blood-filled day, the air was tinged with the smell of blood.

“…Fuck I need a bath.”

5 days until the Great Feud-

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