Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 137- A Student’s Gift

[Vol.2] Quest 137- A Student’s Gift

Room of Prayer.

“So it was your creation that caused the sky to rend causing clouds to gather over the city.” Ouranos said.

“It was, Lady Hephaestus can attest.” Cirrus said kneeling before Ouranos.

“He did, it was a weapon that could be compared to a Divine Weapon, albeit on the very, very lower end of the spectrum but nevertheless it is still at this moment I can say is the strongest weapon humanity has made.”

“And can it be replicated?”

“No.” Cirrus said. “The production was only possible due to my magic, skills, and knowledge as well as an absurd amount of expensive material that if one does not have the required qualifications they would be going bankrupt for nothing.”

“And what qualification would this person have to make this weapon?”

“Blacksmithing, Mystery, Mixing, Metal Working, Mage and a library’s worth of knowledge of metallurgy, alchemy, temperatures, pressures and so on.”

“…” Hephaestus was a bit stunned to hear all of this but it all made sense, to make a weapon of such caliber it would need to be the ultimate culmination of knowledge, talents, and techniques. It also was hard to believe considering Cirrus is fourteen.

“I see…and do you plan on making more?”


            ‘Is he really planning on making more! These are strong enough to drive magic swords into extinction! But… if he is planning on making more than could I really commission him to-‘

“I plan on making 5 more, each for a person who endowed me with wisdom, my parent, Eupheme, Lugh, Lance, and Artemis.”

“Lugh and Artemis? How could they activate the weapon?” asked Hephaestus.

“They are gifts that they will find use in their base form, even Heavenly Cloud-Gathering Cutter is more than good enough without being activated to match up to 1st class weapons.”

“Then…could I commission one as well?”

“…Do you wish to add it to your collection Hephaestus?” Ouranos said looking at her.

“Of course any god who lay eyes on them would want one in their private collection and as the Goddess of the Forge I have seen many works of people trying to win my love so having one of such quality as your and not even for my affection is a thing I would very much like. I would also pay for the commission and any material you may need.”

“Mmm." Cirrus thinks on it and figured why not, after all it would give him more experience to shorten the creation of the rest. "…Guess I’m going to make 6.”

“Yes!!” Hephaestus made a quick fist pump motion.

“But know this.” Ouranos said. “As much as they would make dealing with Evilus far easier they swing the scales of balance to far, to those seeking peace I fear they might swing to far and lead to unforeseen trouble.”

“I take it you want to ban me from making anymore then what I already have or planned to?"

“Yes, if word gets out many would become reliant on such power and not seek to grow on their own."

“I can understand that. I will abide by your ban.”

"That makes it even better! I can rub it in those other forge god's faces!" Hephaestus said smiling ear to ear.

"Um...could you maybe do that later? I really don't want to get swarmed with countless requests for one."

"...Alright." She said looking a bit glum but understanding.

Thankfully the whole event was quickly swept up as the Guild reported that some adventures got into a fight and it got heated and that  that was that. If not for the already tense situation of the city no one would have taken it at face value.

Two weeks later and Cirrus had produced another for Hephaestus since she commissioned it for an undisclosed amount of Valis.

“Oooh!!!” she began to rub her face on the hammer. "What's it's name!" She looked with excited eyes at Cirrus.

"I called it Hephaestus’s Finishing Touch, I called it that since I assume you will use it to finish off a work of yours."

"Hm! Hm! I can see it! Ah~ I can't wait to-actually I am going to use it!"

She would keep highly secured with Tsubaki being the only one to know of it’s location.

Two more weeks later and Cirrus gifted a staff named Shadow of Heaven to Fels.

“Cirrus I…I couldn’t possibly accept this.”

“Of course you can! For all you have done for me this is the least I can do!”

Fels grabs the black and silver staff and looks at it.

“This is…beautiful Cirrus.”

“Thanks! Personally, I would have one for a brighter color but since you work more in the shadows I figured-“

Fels hugs him tightly.

“Thank you…my son.”

“…Thank you to mom/dad…oh yeah I have one more thing!”

Cirrus walks to Ouranos and pulls out a Sea Conch with a blue sphere in it.

“What is this?”

“It’s something to make sitting here more bearable, tap the pointy end of the shell.”

“…Click! ♪♪♪!”

Music started to play.


“Yeah I made it, so you aren’t just sitting in silence, the one playing right now is me. I didn’t go with one with lyrics since I figured you more of a refined kind of god.”

“Thank you.” He said making a small smile. “I will keep this safe.”

Word eventually around the Guild was that if you happen to walk pass Ouranos’s Room you could hear a beautiful melody echoing from it.

One week passed and Cirrus gave another hammer to Eupheme. The hammer itself looked very, very ordinary by design as it looked very much like a silver hammer.

“Woooooooo!!!!!” she said starry eyed. “Is this really mine!”

“Of course! You were first person who I could truly call my friend, you even taught me your smithing techniques, so I wanted to thank you.”

“What’s its name! tell me! tell me!” she was as happy as a child on Christmas.

“I call it Arges.”

Arges!! I’ll be sure to keep you well maintained!”

Three weeks later.

“Lady Hephaestus if you ever return to Solingen could you give this to Lugh?”

Cirrus puts down a wrapped up spear.

“Is this…” she picks it up and find’s the end and tip heavy.

“It’s for Lugh, I know he’s your contact in Solingen so if you ever have the chance to go there could you give I to him?”

“Of course!”

One week later at Melen in Poseidon’s Familia home.

“Here.” Cirrus said handing Lance a sword wrapped in cloth.

Lance gets it and unwraps it to find a sheath adorned in Water Lilies. The hilt with a magic stone in it and slight indents that curved upwards, a blue handle with a silver pummel.

“My what a beautiful sword!” said Poseidon in awe.

“Draw it and see for yourself.”

He draw it to find a silver blade so stainless like the clear reflection of a lake.

“This is…amazing.” He said in awe.

“I call it Unfading Light.”

Unfading Light huh…can I test it out?”

“Of course! But I suggest swinging it at open water.”

“Well what are we doing here lets go see!” shouted Poseidon.

Everyone went outside to see the sword in action.

They gathered at the port as Lance stands at the docks end. He holds the sword out and begins to channel magic through it and the blade turns into a shade of blue one would see in a pure clean lake.

He swings the sword at the sea and a powerful force blow cuts unto the sea parting it before it fills itself back in.

Lance looks at it and finds it still shinning. He carefully sheaths it and walks up to Cirrus extending his arm.

“Thank you for such a gift! I don’t deserve this but…thank you.”

“No problem! Besides if not for your training I would have died in the desert!”

“Well now your my level so you can’t get to cocky alright.”

“I’ll take that advice to heart! Oh say did you ever find that old lady who gave me the earring?”

“Nope she vanished into thin air.” said Poseidon.

“Ah…I see, well that’s a shame I wanted to ask her what they are.”

“Guess that’s a question you won’t find out kid.” said Poseidon in assurance.

Reading a book in her home on the outskirts of Melen, Hera smirks.

“Maybe I will introduce myself to him eventually...Hmm...maybe I keep my eye for the right opportunity.” She gets a glass of wine and drinks. "Ahh~ I need more wine." She tosses a bottle of wine into a corner filled with empty wine bottles.

Two weeks later at Astraea’s home.

Currently everyone is out on patrol or in the dungeon.

“So…this is my gift?” said Artemis looking at a wrapped up bow.

“Yeah, I was debating on what it should be but decided on this.”

He unwraps the weapon to show a bow of silver and wood with a magic stone on it as well as a red tassel with a gold sphere on it with Cirrus’s signature which were on all of his creations, a simple clouds blowing from the west.

“This…” she holds and moves it around to find its weight just right. She pulled the string to find it right as well. “It’s a beautiful and very practical, not to heavy on adornments aside from the tassel on the bottom.”

“That’s my signature, Eupheme and Hephaestus told me to make one, so I did.”

“Hmm…it fits it well; do you have an arrow?”

“Of course.”

Cirrus pulls one out from his sleeves and hands it to Artemis.

“Always so tricky.” She notches the arrow and aims. “Good hold as well.” She un-notched the arrow. “So what’s the bows name?”

“Well…” Cirrus took a seat. “I was going to call it Artemis’s Pride but went with Silver Moon.”

“Pleasant name but I think Artemis’s Pride would have fit well.”

“Then…How about Artemis’s Silver Pride?”

“An even better name! Thank you very much Cirrus!" She gave him a very sweet smile that Cirrus would remember vividly as the closes she ever made was during archery practice.

Sometime later somewhere in Orario.

“These…are adventures!!” shouted Zald.

Before lay, several members of Evilus all lined up with a look of an elite army.

“So can we get started.” Alfia said. “We been down here long enough.”

“Of course! Apate what do you think?” said Erebus.

“Perfect! Our children are all trained up and their status are all updated! Thanatos what of your children?”

“Ready for the cause.”

“Then.” A dreadful aura covered Erebus. “Let us drown the city in chaos.”


The city will soon enter its darkest period, the Great Feud is close at hand.

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