Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 132.6- Promise

[Vol.2] Quest 132.6- Promise

Years ago, when Cirrus converted over to Astraea, Kaguya caught him after having his status updated late at night.

"Let me ask you something?"

Cirrus turns to see her under the cover of darkness. The only way to know it was him was by the gleam coming off his golden antlers.

"I was a bit too loud; I need to work on that," he murmured to himself. "What is it?"

"Well, now that I've got some experience, I can say that, and I admit your words were right back then. Our views on justice were far too black and white."

"…Okay, I’m listening."

"Well, I conclude that no matter how hard one tries, saving everyone is impossible, but saving as many as you can is."

"Hm, well, it’s certainly better than before. Well, I’ll be leaving."

"Wait! I wanted to ask you about yours! On how you view it! I think we are similar in that!"

He stopped walking, but he didn’t turn around.

"My view? I think I said it before."

"Say it again. I want to really soak it in."

"I think I like you the most out of everyone here. Very well." He turns to meet her. "My view is this, nice and simple: the end justifies the means."


"I also believe in the 15th law of power, to completely and utterly crush my enemy to ensure whatever ember they have left to fight will be smothered by the blood of their people."

"But what if that leads to you killing far more than what you save?"

"That doesn’t matter." He walks out into the moonlight, and she can see the conviction in his eyes and voice. "What matters more is that they are dealt with so we can achieve peace. You already know how far I am willing to go."

Kaguya nods.

"Can I ask why or even how you reached this point? You who are younger than everyone in the Familia."

"I’ve read a lot of books, seen many people, seen a lot of violence... In the end, it’s really simple once you understand one key thing about people."

"And that is?"

"We're all just foolish creatures that move more for emotions than for logic. Therefore, you have people who join Evilus to satiate their degenerate desires, which is why you or me even do peacekeeping. Logically, we should try to find common ground without resorting to violence. Logically, we shouldn’t kill one another. Logically, we all should work to kill the Black Dragon. Emotionally, we don’t care; so long as our selfish needs are met, the world can go fuck itself. That is why I will do what I must to ensure peace is achieved. I mean, not to sound dismissive to those I killed, and I truly regret my actions wholeheartedly, but... what’re a few more bodies to the stack?"

Kaguya hated how she understood him. Thinking about his words, she fully gets his logic, but it was far more brutal than what she envisioned—brutality to create a possible future of peace. How many bodies would he stack up to get that future?

‘He believes his own words, and he has the conviction to see them through to the end. I’m a bit scared a person like this even exists, and to make it worse, he’s this young…’

The thought left her with a bad taste in her mouth.

"…Why? Why are you putting yourself through this?"

"…Simple, I don’t want another kid like me to lose what makes them a child. Like me... and like you."

"!!" Kaguya’s eyes widen.

"A child should be playing with their friends and family, getting into trouble, getting scolded by their parents, getting an education... Not killing another person to survive or living on the streets starving and turning to crime just to survive to the next day."

"…" Kaguya didn’t know what to ask next. She was still trying to process everything he just said.

"It’s getting late. Good night, Gojouno Kaguya." Cirrus turned and took his leave.

Kaguya simply stood in the hall for a few minutes, thinking and lingering on his words.

'Conviction—that is what differentiates our views.'

After a bit, Astraea came out to see her standing there.

"Kaguya? Is everything alright?"


"Oh? What’s the problem?"

"…Zephyr. I don’t like him." She understood him, but she despised how blatantly savage his way of seeking peace is for the world he hopes to bring. She would have argued that his way was wrong, but he already proved that he was right with Israfan.

"Oh, is it because of our first meeting?"

"No… I don’t like him because he walks the path of a martyr. He’s going around doing stuff that we should be doing." She clenches her fists in anger. "A mere child is taking on this era of darkness... The only thing that waits for him at the end is death at best, and the other possibility is... I don’t want to think what would happen if he one day breaks."

"…Get some sleep, Kaguya. It’s getting late."

Back to the fight.

"I just don’t want you to get hurt by him!!!" she shouted from the depths of her soul.

"!?" Everyone’s eyes widen at her outcry.

"He wouldn’t hurt me!!" Ai shouted back.

"I know he wouldn’t. I understand him. I understand him far better than you."

"If you understood him, then you would know he—"

"He isn’t going to hurt you in the way you think. But you—"

"I don’t need your guidance!! I am not your dainty little sister that needs your help! I am grateful for the lessons and teachings you imparted to me, but I can stand on my own and make choices on my own!"

"…Yeah, you're right. I have been treated like a little sister. These bruises on my face are proof enough of your ability… fine. I’ll treat you like everyone else." She puts her hands up, ready to keep throwing punches. "Show me you're not a girl anymore, Ai!!!" Kaguya charged at Ai with whatever strength she had left.

"Ahhh!!!!!" Ai does the same.

They both charged at one another with their fists tightened, and they threw their punches.



Opening her eyes, she looks to see Astraea giving her a lap pillow.

"L-lady Astraea?" She said, confused about what happened.

"I unsealed your status, and your injuries have been healed."

"Yeah, a potion or two, and you were good."

She turns her head to see Cirrus sitting across from them.

"So... she won, huh?"

"Yeah, a big, mean uppercut."

"…Promise me."

"I’m listening."

"Promise me… You won’t do something stupid and break her heart."

"I promise you," Cirrus said in the most sincere tone he ever spoke towards Kaguya. "Oh, and Ai is waiting for you in the other room." He gets up. "It’s a bit bad that I’ll be busy the next few days." He took his leave, walking in a hurry.

Astraea helps Kaguya up. She slowly goes to the other room, where Ai was sitting down waiting for her.

"Ai." Kaguya said, standing.

"Kaguya." Ai nods. "You will hold up your end of the promise, right?"

"…I will. But I am still against you being with him."

"… Do you care to elaborate on that?"

Kaguya makes a smirk.

"Why would I do that? You’re a big girl now. If he truly trusts and loves you, he will tell you himself."

"That’s fine by me. But can we still be friends? I do very much appreciate everything you did for me."

"…Depends. Are you going to fight me again if I say no?"

"Very likely. You are a bit hard-headed."

"Nonsense. I am very open-minded." She has her arms wide open for a hug.

Ai gets up, walks over, and gives her a warm, tight hug.

"Mmm! I am sorry for kicking your ass," Ai said.

"Yes, well, I am a sore loser. You should know that by now. HI-YAAA!!!"


She flung Ai through the Familia home.




Kaguya walks through the holes and bends down by Ai's head.

"Ai, I want you to keep this in mind." Kaguya was solemn in her tone.

"W-what is it?" Ai said in pain.

"There will come a time where Cirrus will hurt you. I do not know when or how but that day will come and it will break your heart. He may do something unforgivable, he may leave you to go do something stupid. I know him well enough that is why I know he will do the things I say. So please stop him from martyrdom, you now hold his heart, Ai."

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