Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 125- Holy Night

[Vol.2] Quest 125- Holy Night

After informing the Guild and the Loki, Freya, Ganesha, Astraea, and Susanoo Familia, Cirrus returned home.

“Haaa… I’m fucking tired."

“Welcome back Sora!” said Lili.

“Your back.” Said Eupheme.

“Ah welcome!” Ai said.

“Welcome home!” Nox said.

“Welcome back Cirrus!” Circe said.

“Welcome back, kid!” said Lenoa.

“Yeah, thank—… Ai?” he said as he turned his head back. “Eupheme!? What are you two doing here!?”

“I had nowhere else to go and my forge seemed very lonely so I came here plus I never actually spent these times with family or friends so I thought this would be a good change of pace,” Eupheme said with some frosting on the side of her lips. “I also brought some Holy Cake.”

“And I bumped into her on my way home and told me, so I came as well!” Ai said with a smile, with cake frost on the side of it.

 “Ah… did you at least save some cake for me?”

“….” They all look at the cake, leaving only a crumb left.

“Sorry.” They all said in unison.

Haa... Whatever.” Cirrus went into the fridge and took out bottles that read apple cider. “I’ll be changing my clothes.”

As he walks up the stairs, his armor disappears as he enters his room.

Glug! Glug! Ahhh!

‘Luckily, they didn’t notice it was alcoholic! The taste really covers it! Thank you to the society where the drinking age is stupidly low! That and for my high status... Hm? Now thinking about it, the drinking age is so low because of adventures?'

As Cirrus changes his clothes and drinks, he looks out the window to see the snow slowly building up both on the roofs and streets.

“Fuck… why did my Immunity rank have to be so goddam high?” With his rank so high, his body processes the alcohol far better. Most adventures could get drunk rather easily if their ranks are G and below, but once it passes that mark, you can drink with the best of them.

Cirrus walks down and finds all of them drinking the extra bottles of cider.

'... God, I need my own place. They keep taking my shit.'

“… How fucking long was I staring at the window?”

“H-hey Cirrus l-let me see my baby!” said Eupheme, still with a monotone voice but now drunk.


He hands her Brilliant Nightmare.

“M-my baby…” she crawls on the floor with it and sleeps.

“More… m-more cake!” said Nox, sleeping on the couch with Circe and Lili in her arms.

“Potions… albedo… kykeon…”

“Mmm… warm…”


He walked over and noticed there was a bottle of cinder empty by Lili.

"... I fucking need my own place to hide this shit."

Cirrus looks to find Lenoa sleeping in her rocking chair with a magic item he made to help with sleeping in a chair for her.

“… Now where is—“

“Cirrus!!” Ai said, ramming her head into his back.

“Oof! Dammit Ai! Don’t scream!”

“S-sorry! Um, t-this drink made my head all fuzzy…”

“Have you never drunk alcohol before?”

“N-no L-lord Susanoo said I’m not old enough!”

“Ah… I see well. Hold on.”

Cirrus walked back to the front workshop off to the side of the store where Circe worked and got a potion.

“Here, drink this and—“

Ai grabs it and chugs it down.

“Ah… C-Cirrus, this t-tastes odd?” she said, with wiggly legs.

“Yeah, it tastes weird, since it’s a sleeping potion.”

“Wha?” as she falls Cirrus catches her.

Haaa… They wanted to spend this day with me but now they’re all asleep and drunk… guess it’s better than a lonely Holy Night."

He takes Ai to the living room and puts her on the couch next to Circe. he then picks up Eupheme and puts her next to Lili.

He goes and cleans up the mess they made in the kitchen and went back upstairs and got into bed.

“Ugh… those two… who the fuck were they?” The people he fought lingered in his mind. “Hmm… I’m sure I’ll run into them again and next time I’ll be sure to be able to handle that blast, tomorrow I’ll go back into the dungeon and see about the Balor.” Cirrus closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

The next morning he gets up and readies himself when he hears a knock on his door.

“Come in,” he says, putting on his gear.

In popped some fox ears.

“H-hey um sorry about last night, we don’t know what happened. We drank some of the cider in the fridge and then everything went fuzzy… d-did I do anything??”

“No,” he said, with a glance at the door. “You can come in. I’m just putting my gear on.”

She opened the door and entered.

“Whoa… so this is your room, huh?”

She began to look around the room; she notice the shelf of books was compacted like Tetris to fit as many books on a shelf as one could. A small table with several parts and magic stones, even some stuff for alchemy.

‘This room really smells like him…’

“Say, are you going back on patrol?”

“No, I’ll be going into the dungeon.” He said as he finishes.

“Did they really get to you, Cirrus?”

“A bit…” he grabs his weapon and sheathes.

“How far are you going?” she said, sitting on his bed.

“The 49th floor. I’m going to kill the Balor.”

“Oka—wait what?! 49th!”

“Yup, last time I made it to the 49th floor but stopped there since I spent the majority of my time mapping out the previous floors and having run low on supplies.”

“Ah… Okay, well—" Ai then heard a faint whisper in her ear.

... Chance! Go with... Into dungeon... alone together...

Ai's eyes slightly widen.

"T-then um...do you mind if I come as well?”

“… What of your Familia?”

“They're already angry. I didn’t come home. It’s not like they get any angrier!” she said with starry eyes.

“… Sure, you have your gear, right?”

“Yup! I’ll go get it!”

She quickly got up and left.

“Kaguya is gonna fight me if she finds out... Eh? I'll deal with that when it comes."

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