Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 123- Meeting

[Vol.2] Quest 123- Meeting

Two days after the War Games ended, the Guild announced Cirrus's level up to Level 7. Many people affiliated with Evilus began to quickly scramble even faster upon the news, leading to many being captured. It would take some weeks to get the information out of them leading to Fall come.

The Guild's special back room.

“So all the big names are coming?” said Ai nervously.

“They sure are,” Cirrus said with his feet kicked up, reading a book.

“You should act like you are serious too! So no feet on the table!”

“They’re the ones running late.”


Cirrus glanced over at Ai to see she has a stern look.

“Fine…” he put his feet down begrudgingly.

“Good, now we just have to wait for the rest of them to arrive!” she said, getting everything in order.

"It's odd seeing you this organized. I always saw you as the messy type."

"Well, I had to help Lady Kushida a lot, so I naturally just sorta got used to organizing stuff."

Knock! Knock!

The door opens to a Pallum and a High Elf.

“Sorry we're late!” said Finn.

Finn came in followed by Riveria.

"A member of our Familia wanted to come and, well, it took longer than expected.” Said Riveria as they both took their seats.

“Is that all the information you gathered?” asked Finn, looking at a wall of threads and papers.

“Yup, these are all connected people and possible connections to Evilus we have gathered. I would go more into it when the rest arrive,” Cirrus said.

“Hm, very well,” Finn said.


“Is something the matter?” Cirrus asked Riveria.

“Sorry I still find it hard to learn you were Zephyr?”

“Ah well, I did pretty well in hiding who I am. After all, who would think a kid could fool an adult?” He said with a smile.

“Then what else are you lying about, I wonder?” Finn says. "You also look similar to—"

“Many things! Everyone has their closet of secrets; some may have a skeleton or two, others some very embarrassing stuff.”

“And what stuff are you hiding, Cirrus?” Ai said.

“That’s not important right now. What is important is for the next people to arrive right now!” Cirrus points at the door, but nothing happens. “Fuck, I thought they would arrive.”

“Have you been here long?” asked Riveria.

“I have. I’ve been here since 8 in the morning setting everything up."

“I got here around 10,” Ai said.

“Sorry, we kept you for so long, then.” Riveria gave a slight bow. “Since I have you, I meant to ask you about your magic?”

“My magic? What the lightning or armor one?”

“The lightning one. You seem to be able to use Chant Connection?”

“Ah, that, yeah, I was just messing around with it and found it out.”

“Y-you mess around with it?”

“Yeah, like all researchers, do I mess with it and kept notes on the results of each chant and, through testing in the dungeon, I found a few of them to be reliable. I’m sure you kept notes on your results as well, right?”

“Um, yes, I do, but I always researched the chant and see which one fit and which ones are… umm, how do I put it…”

“Too dangerous? Yeah, I get that a lot, but if you risk nothing, you won’t yield a high return.”

“Hm, you are very right.”

They all talked for a while when the last group of people came in. Shakti and Ilta, the captain and vice-captain respectively of the Ganesha Familia. Ottar and Allen from the Freya Familia.

“Sorry, we were caught up in an investigation!” Shakti said.

“Hm, it took longer than expected,” Ottar said as he takes a seat.

Soon enough, everyone had come and sat down.

“Alright!” Cirrus said, getting up and putting his hands together. “Now, shall we get this meeting started? We're all busy people! First up.” Cirrus took out a long stick. “The Ikelos Familia!”

“Didn’t they disappear in the dungeon?” said Allen.

“Reportedly yes, but as far as we are concerned, no bodies were found, nor has their god Ikelos been desperate in finding people to join his Familia.”

Cirrus went over all the stuff he had gotten from Alecto’s children and several other people caught in the scramble to hide. For the past few days, Cirrus has been organizing and with help from his Familia confirming whether what they say was true.

With the confirmed information Cirrus could find suspected Evilus supporters more or less and to monitor them along with suspected supporters and begin an investigation.

"So from here on, they will need to be extremely careful in how they approach things. They will try to cover their tracks as best as they can to go underground, so we need to really starve them out as winter is approaching."

"This is good work," Finn said. "I'll make plans and place people to keep watch."

"Yeah and we'll start busting down hard on their warehouses no matter how small it is," said Allen.

"Then this meeting is concluded. If more information is found, there will be another meeting."

And so the meeting ended right there.

 In a dark alley, Cirrus waits in the shadows as a small figure arrives to meet him.

“Sora, sir, I brought back information!” said Lili in ragged clothes. “It seems they are now blackmailing merchants into continued services.”

“Any names or Familia?”

“Rudra and Apate, these two have been moving far more actively.”

“Hmmm I see… thank you and make sure you stay safe alright.”

“Hm will do!”

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