Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 106.5- Catching These Hands

[Vol.2] Quest 106.5- Catching These Hands

Pankration, the ancient Greek world’s equivalent to the MMA, with a mixture of boxing and wrestling.

Lenoa’s backyard.

“Keep your guard up!!” Artemis shouted as she throws a flurry of various punches.

 Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!

“Guh!!” Cirrus was blocking as best as he can, but Artemis’s strikes were no joke.

‘They feel like I’m getting hit with rocks!’

He really did not want to get hit again with her wombo combo that flowed into each strike.

Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!

He wanted to fight back, but he was not confident in his hand-to-hand to match Artemis, who looked more like a pro as she swings her fists.

“Keep it up, Cirrus!” Astraea said from the sidelines. “You got this!”

“Yeah! Show her what you got!!” Shouted Circe.

“I do not got this!! Save me!! Bam!

Cirrus looked down as his guard was broken, and Artemis showed him, her status as a hunting goddess. Finding a weak point and capitalizing on it.


"Got you!!"

Artemis got in close and restrained him like an anaconda, wrapping around him.

She made him feel like cattle as with some rope and skill she tied him up in 3 seconds.

Phew!” Artemis wipes away the sweat. “You lasted longer this time, Cirrus.”

“Ugh…” He groaned.

Without a Falna, Cirrus was like a deer in headlights.

'Jesus fuckin Christ. I... I have a whole new massive respect for Quetzalcoatl. I... also found a massive weakness in my own abilities.'

He saw how Artemis held her own against Quetzalcoatl in wresting alone for a bit before Quetzalcoatl overpowered her in both technique and strength. So he was not looking forward to this 'training'.

“I’ll help up,” Astraea said, walking over to help.

“I’ll give you another potion.” Said Circe.

While they were helping him out, Artemis was catching her own breath.

She had on a massive smile.

‘This is so much fun! I get to train him with more hands-on experience! I could feel his rough hands and marble body--!?’ Artemis cut that thought process down. ‘No! He is a student! I am doing for his own--‘

She glanced over at him to see his bruised, scarred, sun-kissed body getting dowsed in potions. She could see the forms of his muscles on his body, the potion and sweat highlighted.


‘Y-yes, this is my reward! I searched for him for 4 years. I deserve some nice things!’ she said to convince herself.

After some resting, Cirrus resumed with Artemis' Pankration training, now far better than the last time.

Up in Heaven, the topaz-eyed goddess looks at Cirrus and Artemis.

"Oh Artemis, such a tsundere. But she is rather cute trying to get close as clumsy as she is doing."

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