Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 102- Back In Orario

[Vol.2] Quest 102- Back In Orario

After a few weeks of travel, they made it to the outskirts of the Labyrinth City.

“Now we just—“

“Yeah, I’m going to have to stop you there, Ai,” Cirrus said.

“Hm? What do you mean? You walk into the city with your mask and—“

“I know but… from what you said of Evilus… I think it’s better to remain “missing” to the public and world, seeing as it helped get them out in the open again.”

“But with you, we can—“

“I know Ai but… it’s better for me to be “Gone” but no need to worry. I’ll be in the city just… more hidden.”

“Mmm…" She wanted to work alongside Cirrus fighting crime. "Nox, what do you think?”

“Whatever he wants, Ai.” She said. "I follow wherever he goes."

"Even after what he did in leaving you? How are you not more mad at him? You forgave him rather fast."

"I am a spirit, we do not process the same way as normal people."

"She is right." Circe backed her. "Our emotions are... well it's complicated. Just know that so long as we are by our masters we will fine with anything they do and say."

"Sounds kinda... messed up." Ai immediately thought of a slave broken in by their owner. She saw it only once and it was enough for her.

"We were created to serve, just how the gods made us. On a side note regarding the previous question before we went on this spirit emotions things. I would assume Cirrus would need to re-acclimate himself with how the current state of affairs are right? Though I can say that about myself as well.”

“That’s true, but I can help!”

“… Yeah, speaking of that, how did you get permission to leave Orario from Susanoo or even Kaguya? They’re both very protective of you.” Cirrus said with a curious look. "They are not gonna be happy."

“U-um well…” she began to sweat bullets.

Cirrus, Nox, and Circe could see Ai's tail began to go a bit in-between her legs.

'Her thighs are pretty thick.' Cirrus glanced before looking at Ai's eyes. 'But I am also not in a better situation.'

“Seems were both in hot waters Ai, um… how about this, once I’m settled in Nox, will deliver you a letter for you to meet up? Is that good for you?”

“Y-yeah!" She smiled brightly, her fox tail began to wag a bit more energetically. "I’ll have a red cloth to show when it’s good to come to my window still.”

“Then shall we return?”

“Hmph! You first!”

“Fine, but I… hey want to have a race to who can return back to the city first?”

“Heh~ what do I get if I win?”

“Anything you like, of course, that goes for me as well!”

“Heh! Heh! Deal!” she then broke into a sprint towards the city’s entrance.

“Nox, can you show Circe to Lenoa? I’ll be going to report to Ouranos.”

“Sure thing, come.”

Both she and Circe turned to birds and flew off to the city.

Watching from a slight hill on the outskirts of Orario, Cirrus could see Ai running towards the city’s entrance.

“Poor Ai, you may have sharpened your…" He gently touches his lips and smiles. "Boldness, but you need to think outside the box.” His smile turns into a smirk.

Cirrus then began his run. He started to go a bit away from the people and to in-between of the wall of the East and Southern entrances.

Ai, who made it to the line, turned to see Cirrus running a bit away from her in a different direction.

“Where are you…” she looked where he was going, and her eyes widen. “Ah fu—“

Running at full speed, Cirrus tossed his weapon, having it impaled on the top of the wall. He holds up his hand as his magic circle appeared.


If he could move things to him, then shouldn’t it also works the other way? This was one of the few discoveries Cirrus found while working on his boat.

Cirrus flung himself over the wall while grabbing his weapon along the way. He gave a wink to Ai as he jumps down into the city, keeping his momentum.

“… dammit,” Ai said, kicking a rock over. "Ugh!" She grunted to herself. "I wanted to win!"

Walking through the secret tunnels, Cirrus felt a sense of nostalgia looking at the pathways.

“Ah… it’s been too long… I wonder how Ouranos is going to react?”

After a few minutes of walking, Cirrus made it to the end. He placed his hand on the wall and it opens up.

Walking in the room of prayer, he could see Ouranos at the glances of his peripheral. He could see his eyes widen as Cirrus walks in the center and kneels down.

“Hello, Lord Ouranos.” Cirrus said with his eyes looking down. “It has been four years since I last saw you upon your lone throne.” Cirrus looks up with a smile.

“… Yes… it has been a long time; it is good to see you healthy and well. It seems your… absence has changed you much.”

“Ah well, being stuck on an island with another spirit will do that to you.”

“Yes, I can see… another sprite?”

Cirrus explained to Ouranos some key events of what had happened.

“How extraordinary… to think you would find another Spirit of Nox’s… actually, no Circe said she is the Unique Sprite of Witchcraft, yes?”

“Yup, so like magic and stuff, right?”

“More like being a highly skilled maker, her abilities lie in creating rather than fighting like Nox.”

“Well… I should have put that together since she helped make the boat I made… guess I was busier making a way out than to ask questions.”

“Nevertheless, I am joyful you returned. It's unfortunate Fels is out doing a job. If you wish, I could call Royman to announce your—“

“Yeah, about that. I think for now I’ll remain “missing” from the public eye.”

“Oh? can I ask why?”

“I learned that after I was announced missing that Evilus grew bolder in their activity, so I don’t wish to mess with it, at least not for now.”

“Ah… very well, I will let you return home. When Fels returns, I will inform them of your arrival and if you see Sunny Saint, tell her her mission is complete.”

“… I forgot her title is that… smirk!

Soon after leaving Ouranos, Cirrus returns home through the back.

“… I’m baaaaack….” Cirrus said softly.

“Ah, Cirrus.” Said Lenoa. "You brought back a child who can help with my workload!” Lenoa said with a smile on her face as Circe reads several books on herbs and tonics.

“There is so much development! It’s way more than what you said, Cirrus!” she said with a big smile on her face.

“Um… yeah um Lenoa about—“

“I knew you weren’t dead. You’re a Level 6. It’ll take a little bit more than water to kill you.” She said.

“… I don’t know what to say… um, I’ll be in my room?”

“Oh, I told everyone that Cirrus went back home to Altena just so you know,” Lenoa said.

“T-thank you!”

The next day.

“Time to see Astraea, huh?” said Nox.

“Astraea? Star-Maiden?” said Circe.

“Yeah, she’s the god who is giving me her Falna… and from what Ai said, she has gotten more members… ugh.”

“Sneaking in won’t be easy now.” Said Nox.

“Hmm, whatever, I got a new cloak of invisibility, so let’s get going.”

“Um, could I stay?” said Circe. “I wanted to update my knowledge of the world and there are tons of books here!”

“Maybe later for now I think it would be better if you learned about the city. Besides, I’ll show you a place with even more books.”


“Yeah, that place is filled wall to wall with books.” Said Nox.

“Owahh!!! Let’s get going!”

Leaving out the back, Cirrus took the secret passage to head down to Astraea’s Familia’s home.

Arriving at the home, Cirrus looks at it for a while.


“Come on, let’s get this over with Cirrus.” Said Nox.

“Mmm… fine.”

Jumping onto the Familia’s ground, Cirrus opened the door from the back and walked in.

“Wonder if she’s in… should have checked first.”

Walking through the halls of the home, Cirrus could see the slight changes and as he walked to the living room, he saw an Elf and Lyra with Astraea.

They were talking with one another. Cirrus waited a bit for them to finish.

'Seems we got a new member.' Cirrus looked at the elf with long golden hair and blue eyes. 'She's pretty, I hope we get along.'

After a bit, it seemed it was time for them to go on patrol.

‘Nox, Circe. Is there anyone coming?’


'Not at all.’


As Astraea cleans up, Cirrus equips his deer mask and removed his hood, he begins to walk when a creak filled the room.

"!" Astraea quickly turned her gaze. “Show yourself! How cowardly of you to sneak up on a goddess!!”

“Well, I wasn’t planning on doing anything.” Cirrus walked out into the light; the gold of his antlers shined brightly.


“Yeah… sorry I was gone for—!!”

Astraea quickly hugged him. Relived and joyous he came back to her.

“Where have you been, you stupid child!” she said with tears down her eyes. "You had me worried for so long!"

The strength of her hug told all Cirrus needed to know how much she missed and worried for him.

“I’ve… it’s a long story.”

They sat down and Cirrus explained to her what had happened and what he’s been doing for those 4 years and his plan to stay missing.

“Mmmm… I’m not a fan of you still being considered missing, but… if that is what you want.” She said with a stern face. “So, are you here to have your status updated?”

“Yes… to be honest, I was nervous… and fearful of what you are going to do.”

“Oh no, I wouldn’t do anything.” She smiled passing off a wave.

“Ah good.”

“Because Artemis is going to.”

“Fuck." He didn't like Artemis was going to be angry. "How angry do you think she will be?"

"Hmm..." Astraea gave it some thought. "Pretty peeved if I do say so."

'Welp fuck. Guess I really will turn into a deer.' Cirrus does not like his future.

Having his status updated in Astraea’s room, Cirrus finds it nice there is more stuff in it.

“So you have more Familia, huh?”

“Yes, just two years ago we recruited an Elf named Ryuu Lion. She doesn’t like to be touched.”

“Like every other elf?”

“I’m afraid it’s more… ingrained in her, but there are few people who can touch her, so there is small progress.”

“That’s good. Little steps help you along.”

'She's already better than most elves.'

“Yes, I couldn’t—oh? Seems you can level up! And some new skills, of course.”


“Yes! But what you did was beyond reckless!” she bonked his head.

“Y-yeah… so any new development skills?”

“Hmm well, there is Chain Attack and Initiative.”

“Uhh, I’ll go with Chain Attack.”

“Very well.”

A few seconds later, she hands Cirrus his last stats as a level 6.

Cirrus Zephyr

Lv. 6

Strength: E475→ A876        Endurance: E499→ SSS1197

Dexterity: E468→ S965       Agility: E480→ S989

Magic: E499→ SSS1132       Mage: D→C

Immunity: D→C                    Martial Arts: F→E

Crush: H→G                          Blacksmith: H→G

           And his new status.

Cirrus Zephyr

Lv. 7

Strength: I0           Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0          Agility: I0

Magic: I0                Mage: C

Immunity: C→B   Martial Arts: E

Crush: G                 Blacksmith: G

Chain Attack: I


[Dia Chrysomallos: Veltió̱]

  • Super Short Chant.
  • Enchant Type.

[Kaló Spirtáda]

  • No Chant.
  • Summoning Magic.

[Dia Dikastí̱s]

  • Short Chant.
  • Enchant Type


[Anthos Adonis]

  • Increases speed of growth.
  • When on the border of Life and Death, all parameters will drastically increase.

[Leo Nemeaeus]

  • Recovers users Stamina faster. (Passive)
  • Grants user the development abilities Strong BodyStrong Defense. Strength of effect is proportional to the user's level. (Only activated when using [Dia Chrysomallos: Veltió̱]).

[Lefkí Nýchta’s Iérakas Dýo Logía]

  • A pact forged with a Spirit of the White Night, the spirit and user are bound through mind, body, and soul.
  • A pact forged with a Spirit of Witchcraft, the spirit and user are bounded through mind, blood, and soul.
  • Grants Shadow Storage.
  • Grant's new creations.
  • Grants user Development Ability Spirit Healing and Magic Resistance. Strength of effect is proportional to the user's level.

[Medea Fotisméno Pólemos]

  • When engaged in battle, user thoughts will be accelerated.
  • Grants user Development Ability Metal WorkingMixing, and Mystery. Strength is proportional to the user's level.

[Anemos Sámael]

  • When in the sand, wind, or poison, all physical stats are increased. Effect stackable.

[Orpheus Megaleíologia]

  • When playing an instrument, all will be charmed.

[Skiés Voí̱theia]

  • Able to summon the versatility of The Hecatonchires.
  • Its essence empowers you.

After she finishes, a small puff of pink smoke comes off of Cirrus.

“That’s a lot of change,” Cirrus said, ignoring the smoke as he is looking at the new stats, magic, and skills.

“Well, what do you expect? You made another contract with another Spirit! But I must say these skills are… very overwhelming! 2 out of 7 of your skills are for non-combat while the others are for it! It makes the gap between you and first-class adventures so wide there is no hope to cover.”

“Ah well… what can I say? I put in the work!”

“Clearly not enough if you were gone for four years!”

Leaving the home, Cirrus decides to walk towards the clothes district and he sees the state of the city.

“They did put in a lot of work.” Said Nox.

“Yeah, it’s slightly better than when we were around.” Said Cirrus.

“Hmm seems lawlessness is still around… well, I guess that chaos is fun.” Said Circe. “So how long till the place you talked about?”

“Later, we need you to get more clothes. Wearing a robe is not the best.”

“Say… how much do you have left?” Nox said.

“… I mean, I haven’t used a single Valis in four years, so we should be good now that Shadow Storage can be used.”

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