Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 82- Celebrity

Quest 82- Celebrity

After waking up, Cirrus got up and walked down with his mask on to find Artemis and Nox preparing food. They were surprised he had woken up and sat him down. Cirrus leaned back and took a deep breath. Artemis informed him he was out cold for 18 days and of what had happened.

"Oh, well… guess that’s that, then."

Food was done and they all ate. After eating, he went out and found that the village was making progress in rebuilding. Many of the villagers who saw him came up to him and shook his hand. They thanked him and praised him for fighting such a monster and told him to look at where he fought.

Cirrus walked into the hole in the mountain and was amazed. The mountains were like glass and the trees were carbonized, leaving a very unnatural destruction.

‘So… is this why you were sealed, Nox… talk about a 'trump card.’

"Amazing, isn’t it?" Said Rethusa, walking next to him.

"Ah, Reth… how was the fight? Did you get a few people?"

"Eh… they were weak, a single shot and they were on the ground crying, but can you really compare what I went through to yours?" she then pointed at the aftermath of the battle.

"Well… we all have our monsters. Mine was just… mountain-sized."

"Well, while we're here, do you mind if you spar with some of the Familia?"

"Hm? Um, sure? But why?"

"Well, we want to improve ourselves so Lady Artemis can rely on us more and on you as well."

"Very well, but how long are we going to be staying here?"

"Until we helped them rebuild some buildings."

Cirrus turns around and sees some buildings being rebuilt.

"… Well, I guess we really will be here for a while."

Cirrus and the Artemis Familia would stay there for a week, helping the village rebuild. Cirrus wanted to leave sooner, but Artemis suggested they do it to help die down the heat for when Cirrus returns to Orario. Cirrus agrees and informs Fels and Ouranos that he’ll be gone for another week.

Fels asked him if his health was alright, and Cirrus said he was fine, just that he was going through some… personal change.

In that week, Cirrus would spar and train with the Artemis Familia far more, improving his archery and close combat skills. They benefited from one another.

"I can see you were trained by Artemis." Cirrus said sweating a bit. "Your aim is annoyingly sharp."

"Fuu~!" Rethusa wipes the sweat from her brow. "Not enough to not get bruised."

During that time, Cirrus and Nox sang their songs to the village to help boost morale and make this experience better for the people and children.



After many of the homes were rebuilt, Cirrus and the Artemis Familia headed back to Orario.

On the way back, they stopped by The Empire for a bit and learned that Ate’s Familia tried to overthrow the ruling Familia in The Empire and lost, returning to heaven and her Familia disbanding.

"I told her not to go far. She brought this on herself. " Artemis said as she sat in an inn listening to Cirrus and Nox tell her what they heard.

"Say, aren’t you going to fight a goddess here?" said Nox. "When were we performing, we heard a wrestling goddess, or something was waiting for you?" she said with a grin on her face.

"Ah yes… well, I guess this would be a good way to show you Pankration!"

On the ride back from The Empire, Artemis was riding with her captain.

"Ugh… how is my neck still hurting after a night's rest?" Artemis said, rubbing her neck.

"You sure put up a good fight, Lady Artemis!" said Rethusa.

"Yeah, but she was like a snake with how she locked your body up with her movements. It was pretty amazing," said Nox.

"Even more when you broke free, and you had her in a headlock!" said Cirrus.

"Sadly, if she wasn’t so muscular, I’m sure you would have won!" said Phi. "But are you being modest and not saying if she used her Arcanum? Even a little sliver?"

"I am positive. She must have worked to gain that strength… or she just had it."

"Hmm… now that I think about it, do gods even gain or lose weight?" Cirrus said. "I saw many male gods drinking beer like it's nothing and yet they have no beer belly?"

"Ah… I don’t know. I always stayed in the wilderness, so I’m usually very active… I should ask some of the other goddesses when we return."

When nearing Orario, Cirrus put on his cloak. When they arrived at the North Gate, many people looked at Zephyr with awe.


Cirrus didn’t know how to feel about this. This was a feeling incredibly more intense than when he fought Ottar, a feeling of awe, reverence, and joy, along with… fear, shallow murderous intent, and envy.

‘So this is what my mom felt all the time… I can truly see why you left me.’

Cirrus looks around as many made way for him and the Artemis Familia to pass on by.

‘The feeling that any of these could try to kill one child to get at them… it disgusts me.’

"Artemis, I’ll be leaving first."

"Alright, are you taking the horse?"

"No, can you handle it?"

"Hm, go on ahead."

She too could feel the glances on her as well.

"Thank you."

Cirrus gets off the horse and jumps onto the rooftops, disappearing from sight along with Nox, who was riding on his shoulder.

‘Boy, that was very… tense.’

"Well, let’s just head back to Ouranos for now. Worrying about those gazes will do us nothing." He activates the hood with Nox resting on Cirrus’s neck, making them both invisible.

Arriving at the Room of Prayer through one of the northern secret entrances, Cirrus kneels before Ouranos.

"It has been a while, Lord Ouranos."

"It has Cirrus. Nox, what is your condition? And you as well, Cirrus? "

"Hm? I’m fine?" said Cirrus. "Well, aside from being a bit tired, I’m good. Nox?"

"I’m fine, actually I’m a bit better!" she said with a smile. "Ever since I cut loose, I have just been in a good mood! Like when I was first released! Or when I was born!"

"Hmm…. well so long as you both are alright; now can you give me your report?"

"Hm, very well."

Cirrus told Ouranos about what happened and about Alecto.

"That is… well, at least now you know where she and some of her Familia went," said Fels.

"Yeah, and it’s in Telskyura, of all places. The last I heard from that place was that they have children who learn to kill before they can even talk," said Cirrus.

"Well, Amazonians are a battle-centric race," said Nox. "I’m surprised they haven’t changed much since my sealing."

"Thankfully, they just stick to their country, and mostly all the Amazonians outside of it aren’t as battle-crazed as them, putting it loosely," said Fels. "Speaking of, you should be even more careful now, Cirrus."

"Hm? Why is that?"

"All of Orario has seen your fight with that mountain-sized monster. Every Familia will try to poach you, and every Amazoness in the city will try to lie with you."

"Ah… that is true," said Nox. "Guess it’s that biological instinct that kept them alive over the years."

"Uhh… care to explain?" said Cirrus. "There aren’t many books on Amazoness or anything of the like? As far as I know, they love battle and that all of them are fe…. male… oh."

Cirrus had figured it out. With the Amazoness being a female-only race, they must breed outside their race to repopulate, and given their nature of loving battle, they would obviously want the strongest genes for their children.

‘What a great time to be going through puberty again!!’

"Worry not, I’ll be sure to protect him!" said Nox, standing up with her right hand to her chest. "None shall take away his purity!"

"… Kill me now." Cirrus, he said under his breath, covering his embarrassed face.

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