Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 79.5- Divine Mirror

Quest 79.5- Divine Mirror

Orario, Underneath the Guild in the Room of Prayer.

"This fight... I was on the edge of my seat wondering how Cirrus would win." Fels said.

"Yes... He has grown strong in the last 2 years." Ouranos said.

"He is nearing his 11th birthday in a couple of months… He truly is a talented son."

Fels and Ouranos continued to watch, rooting for Cirrus to win.

Stardust Garden.

"He’s like a shooting star…" said Neze.

"I don’t know how you got him after that poor first introduction!" said Lyra, with her feet kicked up, watching the Divine Mirror.

"That is why he is my Little Lone Star, always outshining everyone around him… Alise, are you alright?" said Astraea. "I know how much you wished to beat him so—"

"No, it's fine!" she said with a forced smile on her face. "That just makes me wanna train even more to beat him!! But I need to know what he is capable of so..." She then quietly sat down and watched as the fight went on.

"I feel the same way, captain!" said Kaguya, sitting next to Alise. "If we’re lucky, we could get an injury that lets us beat him easily!"

‘Ahh… that won’t happen as easily as you think, Kaguya.’ Thought Astraea as she looks back at the mirror.

Traveler's Inn.

"Zephyr sure has gotten strong huh, Lord Hermes." Said Lydia.

"Hm! Hm! it’s a good thing we're good friends with him!" Hermes said. "But those gods are gonna bully me even more…"

Asfi, who was in the room, was so focused on the mirror that she didn’t pay attention to her Familia as she was absorbed in the fight.

Twilight Manor.

"So he was holding his strength back then," said Riveria. "He is the epitome of a magic swordsman, and he is Chant Connecting as well! I had thought I was the only one able to do that!"

"He’s also a hell of a lot tougher… That armor magic of his is pretty damn useful!" said Gareth.

"Aye… he’s sturdy as one could be. Those strikes look very heavy." Said Dain.

"His movements tell me he’s looking for a weakness." Said Noir. "As a fighter, what do you think, Bara?"

"… He plans on ending it quickly. From the first time he got hit, his movements have become far more refined and energy-efficient. I’m impressed a child his age could have such skill to be able to do it while going at such absurd speeds."

"Yes… his speed is not that of a level 5. I could only compare it to the captain of the Zeus Familia, Maxim," said Finn.

"Are you sure, Finn!" said Loki. "That’s a rather bold claim."

"I am. I can still remember seeing him dashing across the desert sand fighting the Behemoth. A bit of the sand turned to glass from how fast he was running, though it could have just been his magic?"

"Knowing them, I wouldn’t doubt it was their own physical strength," said Riveria.

"So… you think the Masked Prince is a level 8?" said Gareth.

"No…" said Loki. "If anything, he must have a skill that boosts his speed, or it’s the magic armor, it could even be his stats overlaying to have him have such an absurd level of speed to be actually comparable to lightning."

"Seems we are lucky he is Astraea’s child," said Riveria. "I wouldn’t want to fight that."

They all breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Susanoo’s home, the Eight-Fold Izumo.

"That kid is pretty damn good!" said Susanoo. "I knew he was holding back! I know when someone is in a storm pretending to be a gentle wind!"

"I hope he wins." Said Kushida. "I do not think many people could fight a monster of that size."

As the Familia watched, Ai was making origami cranes.


She had a face mixed with emotions, and concern, for Cirrus’s safety as he was in a life-and-death battle, he was being struck by a foe the size of a literal mountain, and he was just barely reaching her own height, counting the fox ears, and sadness. If the worst-case scenario happened, he would fail to kill that monster… she would lose a person who is special to her.

‘Come on, Cirrus!! You can do it!!! Ah!! I should have made and given him a charm!!’


Watching the battle were Ottar, Mia, and the other executives.

"Lucky that kid went easy on you, kid!" said Mia. "Would have been a show to see this up close!"

"H-he’s so fast…" said Allen, awestruck.

"Waaa…" Anya said, looking in a trance at the fight.

"…" Ottar didn’t say a word. He simply sat and looked at the fight as it progressed.

‘You… you are your mother's child. That ferocity in battle, that power and speed… yes, next time we face, I will bring true victory to my goddess.’

In Freya’s room, she was watching with sheer utter euphoria.

"Ahhh~~♥!! Yes!! Ahahahahah!!! Show me more Cirrus!! Show me that brilliant gold and white soul!!! Ahh~~♥! It's shining so brightly! What a truly beautiful scene!!"

Somewhere in Orario.

"… Seems we have to plan around this Valletta." Said Apate. "Semele you as well. We need to plan around this monster in case he survives."

"I will make adjustments to the plans for him." Said Semele. "Valletta, are you willing to change the plans?"

"Of course I fucking am! Are you seeing this damn monster? Whether he wins, I sure as hell am not gonna try to stop people from killing that mountain-sized fucker!"

Outside of Orario, Telskyura.

"So this is the child that took down now 3 of your main and several smaller members of your group, huh?" said Kali, a small yet impish goddess with hair as red and long as freshly spilled blood, with dark skin and attire matching that of the country she rules.

"Yes…" said Alecto. "Which is why we wish to get rid of him, so if you could let us do as we will alone, we won’t bother you, and my captain, Turn, will be more than happy to face your Familia!"

"Hmm... So tell me, is this monster you wish to unseal… is it as dangerous as this one on the Divine Mirror?"

"No, from the research we did, we found that it’s a completely aquatic monster. So long as one does not go near its corrupted waters, everything will be fine! We even had some of the crafting Familia’s left in Evilus to make this monster bait to get it to go after someone else!"

"Well… if he comes here and asks where you are, I'll sell you down the river!" she said with a smile. "So make sure you work fast because that child has enough power to turn a country over, and especially if he kills that mountain-sized titan, he can single-handedly bring ruin to a nation, that as a goddess of destruction I assure you."

Her blood-red eyes and devilish smile were enough for Alecto to confirm it, and seeing Cirrus fight the monster on the screen was more than enough evidence.

A man with gray hair, facial hair, and bright yellow eyes were watching the fight in a lonesome home out in the wilderness, far away from anyone in a small village in the mountains north of Orario.

"… I didn’t think there was an adventure like this in Orario… quite amazing." He looked at the man and woman across from him. "What do you think, Zald, Alfia?"

"The boy is impressive... He would have easily risen through the ranks of our Familia," said Zald, a tall man with dark brown hair, and gray eyes with scars around them in a plain white shirt with overalls.

"… His magic is very flexible and paired with his skill with that poisonous weapon, he isn’t one you should let your guard down in a fight," said Alfia a fair-skinned woman with heterochromia and silver hair, wearing a basic plain outfit that could be used for any occasion. "What do you think, Zeus? Or should I call you Georgos?"

"When it’s just us here, you can call me Zeus, but once outside, I would like you to call me by my new name. But yes, he is a very talented individual. In the time that I’ve been here and the heroes I've met, he certainly has far more skill and power than many of them. "

"I heard the kid killed some monster that was ravaging the Southwest of the continent that was sealed away?" said Zald.

"Ah… the Nuckelavee… so many good men and spirits gave their lives to seal it away… but now the Hecatonchires have been freed… let’s see if he can take it if not it seems you two would need to get out of retirement to fight this damn cursed abomination."

"But… tell us, Zeus," said Alfia as she slowly opened her eyes, showing her green right eye and grey left eye. "Is he able to kill the One-Eyed Black Dragon?" she asked in a stern and serious tone of voice.

Zald also calmed his expression and looked at Zeus.

"… Given a few more years… I am certain he will be able to, but he would need more help."

"That is… hmm." Zald looked down into his drink, thinking.

"Well, I hope you enjoy this spectacle. I need to get back. Bell should be waking up soon." Zeus gets up and walks to the door.

"By the way, I heard Hera has been looking for you, Zeus," said Alfia. "So you better keep your wits about you or else she’s going to actually find you."

"Geh! But I was getting close to the pretty girl 3 farms over!"

In Rakia.

"Whoa!! He's so amazing!!" said a young boy with red hair. "Lady Phobos, don’t you think so, too?"

"Hm! Yes, Welf he is!"

"And that weapon!! Grandfather, can I try to make it?"

"Hahaha! Sure! I’ll help you out!"

In the royal palace.

"What an amazing display of power!!" said Ares. "Hera! What do you think? Have you seen such prowess!!"

Hera glanced over with sharp ruby eyes that could split a diamond in half if ever weaponized. She parts away her tied-up, glossy golden hair.

"… Hmmm, the child is powerful, so what? He’ll probably end up dead soon anyway." she turned back, and angrily clenched her fists.

"Come on! Do you not wanna see this?"

"I only came here since you owe me a favor." She said, with a stern and cold tone of voice that made Ares straighten up.

"Ahem! Well, um yes! I will still honor it! But are you sure you don’t wanna join my country? With your experience, we could conquer Orario and reestablish you as the strongest Familia, then finding Zeus would be far easier to do."

"I don’t care about that anymore… the children I and Zeus lost will forever remain in our hearts. To start over would be to replace all that they had done. As gods, we will live forever, but our memories are not perfect…"

"I see… well, how about you just sit and watch this epic battle? I think this kid is going to win! Isn’t that right, Martinus?"

"Of course, Lord Ares!" said the king of Rakia.

"Fine, if you're so damn persistent about it." Hera took a seat and watched the Divine Mirror.

Next to the king was the young prince, Marius.

‘Waaah!! So this is an adventure of Orario! Maybe one day I will be like him!’

Somewhere in the world.

"Lord Erebus, shall we keep going or…"

"We’ll watch." So said the god of evil. "We have been searching for a long time. We deserve a good time to relax! After all, finding the remnants of Zeus and Hera is no easy task."

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