Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 75- The Search Is On

Quest 75- The Search Is On

In the arena, Artemis and Quetzalcoatl stand breathing heavily with bruises on their bodies.

"Huff! Huff! You're pretty good!" Quetz said with a bright smile.

"I Huff! Huff! didn’t think I would have this much fun!" Artemis said, also with a smile. "But can we call it a tie? I would like to have a match when I’m not on a time-sensitive job."

"That’s fine by me! Next time you bring your children around, we could have a fun little match!"

Arriving back at the inn, she found Cirrus and Nox surrounded by people. When they spotted Artemis, they said their goodbyes and came up to her.

"Artemis, how was your search?" Nox said. "You look a bit banged up?"

"Fairly well. I had to fight another god, but I got some helpful information."

"Um… what’s with the crowd?" asked Rethusa. "And were the others?"

"They're sleeping," said Cirrus. "And the crowd are our fans. Nox thought the best way to get reliable information and money was to put on a show… it worked too well. "

"Hm! hm! They even asked us if we wished to perform for the Empire’s god and king!" Nox said.

"We declined as well, and won't be staying here for long," Cirrus said. "So, what are your clues?"

"Do you mind if we eat first and talk about it tomorrow? I’m really sore?"

"Hm, that’s fine, Lady Artemis."

The next day, after eating, Artemis told the Familia that in the east were some dwarven villages, but there were a series of mountains with several paths. Supposedly, Quetzalcoatl was going to give her a map of the villages' locations but didn’t have the time at the moment.

So until the map was done, they had to stay in the city, which Quetzalcoatl assured them wouldn’t take more than two days.

Until it arrived, Cirrus and Nox went out and performed again, getting more information on the events of the Empire, and getting money. The others went to buy supplies for the long journey.

By the time the maps arrived, Cirrus and Nox had made a name for themselves as a traveling duo called Night Sky in the city.

It saddened many to know they were going to leave. Nox assured them they might return in the future and that they will perform a show they will be telling their grandchildren.

Some days later, one of Quetzalcoatl’s children delivered the map to Artemis.

"Mmm…" Artemis examined the map intensely.

"So, how many villages are there?" asked Cirrus.

"About 48 of them, each one is on a different mountain," said Artemis. "All scattered about the difficult mountain paths."

"… Uhh, those mountains in the distance?" Nox said, looking out at the horizon filled with mountains that could easily blot out the sun if one were to get close.

"Yup, let’s get going!" Artemis said with a big smile.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck." said everyone but Artemis.

It was going to take them a good while to find them.

In a dwarf village inside a mountain.

"Hurry it up, you damn dwarves!!" shouted Gut, whipping the dwarves as they moved several rocks.

"P-please, we are tired!" said a dwarf woman.

"Keep mining! Or else we’ll kill your damn children!"


Up on top watching, this was Loviatar.

"If only we could have more time… Lowya, is there any word of Zephyr coming here?"

"None. These mountainous areas make information incredibly hard."

"I thought I asked you to secure a reliable source to get information?"

"You did, but these mountains make it very difficult. We have to go to the nearest villages and force them to go and get us information. We couldn’t send one of our own, as the last report we got was when the Nuckelavee was killed by Zephyr."

"Dammit… why couldn’t these dwarves build some tracks that head into other villages… for the coming months until we break the seal enough for the monster to finish the rest? I want the security to be raised more than usual."

"Very well, my goddess." Lowya took his leave.

Walking around and organizing the Familia, he went outside and stood on the balcony of the Hecaton Village, a natural fortress that stood in a mountain belt. The tips were scratching to the heavens by how tall they were.

"… I wonder how much of a monster you are, Zephyr, to get past this hellscape of a terrain… kukukuku well now a few of the Familia have reached level 3, let’s see how you handle us!"

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