Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 60- Where To Next?

Quest 60- Where To Next?

Later that night.

After they did the meeting, Artemis was now part of hunting and killing the Nuckelavee. Cirrus was glad he had a skilled hunter with him to find the monster, so he asked their Familia to investigate the town. Given their occupation as hunters, they should have better luck than what self-taught skills Cirrus had, and soon enough.

"We are done investigating the town." Said Rethusa.

"Yup, we checked every home but found nothing aside from a few journals and diaries." another member stated

"Hm, Lady Artemis, did you find anything?" Cirrus said, looking at Artemis.

"I have found a magic spell engraved on that stone pavement formed by a god's blood that leads to the seal. I went to the seal, but it was barren, and the path was partially destroyed circularly."

"Yeah, that was me. I purified the water so the swamp wouldn’t have poisonous fumes." Nox said. "I hope that doesn’t slow down the investigation?"

"Hm, not at all," said Cirrus. "Based on that and what knowledge we have of the monster and goddess in question Loviatar we can assume the spell was used to corrupt and poison the swap in turn releasing the Nuckelavee from its freshwater prison."

"Seems you have the makings of a good hunter Cirrus," Artemis said. "Or do you prefer Zephyr?"

"Zephyr and coming from you, that means a lot, so now that we have how the monster was released that leads to the question… where is the Familia?"

"I found some tracks heading up north?" said a Familia member.

"North… that’s a start, but for now we hunt the monster in question. Artemis, can I rely on you and your Familia to track it down? I need to return to Orario and update my status or you know…"

"Hm, we are on it! But how are we going to contact you?"

"Nox, do you wish to travel with them?"

"No," she said flat out.

"…. I'll hand you my Occulus tomorrow," Cirrus said, walking up the stairs.

"Are you gonna sleep here?" Artemis asked.

Cirrus stops to look at Artemis and the other members of her Familia.

"... Yes. I was here first."

"Well, isn't it right for a gentleman to--"

"Bye-bye hunting goddess!" Nox said, walking up to Cirrus's side. "Enjoy the guest rooms! I am sure their luxury compared to the ground!"

The two of them leave back to their room.

"Lady Artemis, you sleep under the same roof as a--"

"It is fine, Rethusa," Artemis said. "He is a child of Astraea. I trust Astraea can pick children of virtue."

The next day Cirrus handed Artemis his Occulus and parted ways with them after telling them how it works. For now, he returned to get their horse at the village downstream and went back on their way to Orario.

Artemis and her Familia were meticulously following the Nuckelavee's path of destruction. The speed at which they were tracking it was something to praise greatly.

Artemis holds the magic item as her children are in the front.

"Hey, Astraea." She said, walking through a decayed trail.

"Ah, Artemis! Why the sudden call?"

"I wanted to apologize for hurting your child when I first met him. I shot him in his shoulder, hand, and leg."

"… Oh, you were serious! Wow, that’s amazing! Was he wearing his deer mask with the white Hagoromo?"

"Y-yes, well, not at first, but he was quite fast. It scared me when he appeared in front of me… holding one of my children by the neck."

"I am sorry about that. He’s well… he's gone through some stuff." There was a slight pain in Astraea’s voice. "It is something I can't blame his god for involving him in."

"Hm? His god? Aren’t you his god?"

"He was converted into my Familia, yes, but... his God, well, it was a complicated issue, but needless to say, we have a more business-like relationship, as we work toward the same goal."

"And that is?"

"The stopping of Evilus. They were responsible for several attacks in Orario and even in some cities and countries. Cirrus himself has done his part in stopping them, but… they are far slipperier than we had expected and now… well, they released this monster."

"I see. Are there other monsters like this one? It would be helpful to know if there are more monsters like this?"

"We got information that Evilus might try to release 4 more monsters or, well, 3 more. We would have sent more people to investigate, but sadly, we don’t have the manpower to send more. Cirrus is strong enough even at his tender age to deal with it with his magic and skills to either fight or escape, especially when you see his pretty companion. You know what they are, right?"

"Is it so long that you've forgotten that I know every creature in heaven and on earth? She is a Grand Spirit. I had assumed spirits of her caliber could no longer be made because of their… unique abilities. I asked Zephyr- wait, is his name Cirrus or Zephyr?"

"He doesn’t like to say his full name, but his name is Cirrus Zephyr. He prefers to be called Zephyr when he wears his mask."

"Does he not want people to see his face? Or even know his name?"

"No, he simply doesn’t want people to know who he is, so he can still walk in the streets of Orario without someone trying to start something."

"He’s rather clever for a child… he was even able to find where I was shooting and reach me using my child as a meat shield."

"You were lucky he needed answers. If not, that situation would have resulted in the disbandment of your Familia."

"I will keep that in mind, as well as my children. After that encounter, they have been taking this more seriously."

"He has that effect on people… well, I must be going. I’ve been taking up this magic tool for far too long. I must give it back to its true owner."

"W-wait, then who is the owner??"

"… Don’t worry about it! And do be careful! You can't be as reckless as you were in heaven."

The light in the crystal dimmed and Artemis looked up at her children, who were still up ahead tracking the monster.

"… What an odd situation I found myself in."

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