Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 53- The Nightmare

Quest 53- The Nightmare

Two Years later in Orkney.

“It has been a long time, but we finally have it ready!!” said Lowya, the captain of the Loviatar Familia.

“Shame really I was enjoying a life of praise!” said Olic, the vice-captain. “I’ll go get Lady Loviatar and we can get this underway.”

After a while, they bring their goddess to a ritual site deep within the swamp.

“So, is this the place?” she said, looking around.

“Yes, from the town’s records and our own research, this is the site where it was sealed.” Said Lowya.


Loviatar walks around and taps the ground to find it solid and dry. She looks around again to find the whole area rather clean compared to the rest of the swamp.

“… Let me see.”

Her Familia quickly gave her space as she knelt down and with 2 of her fingers tapping the ground, her Familia could see her Arcanum begin to appear before quickly disappearing.

“Great job, my children! You have found a monster!”

“Then when shall we release it!!” they said joyfully.

“We aren’t.”

“… Eh?” they all said.

“B-but that is why we came here, Lady Loviatar.” Said Ucer.

“If we release it, then it will simply kill us first, so we will prepare a bit to ensure our survival.”

4 months go by and they have everything set.

“Wah! What a beautiful place Lady Loviatar had made just to celebrate one of our traditions!”

“They even brought fine drinks as well!!”


As the townsfolk enjoy the festivities, the Loviatar Familia themselves already packed all of their stuff.

“Lady Loviatar, everything is all set! We are ready to leave on your order!”

“Good, now for the last touch.” She gets a knife and pricks her finger, putting a drop of blood in a vial. “You know what to do, Lowya.” She hands him the vial, and he nods.

“Yes, Lady Loviatar!!”

He goes to the stone paving they built that leads to the seal and puts it on an altar next to the path.

As the blood drips down, a complex magic circle appears, covering the entire swamp.

“Come on, Lowya!” said Gut. “We really don’t want to be caught up in this massacre!”

Back where all the townsfolk where they didn’t realize a magic circle was erected. Beneath them, the once solid and dry surface slowly turned black and purple. Its hardness was now as fragile as wet sand.

Deep underneath the site lay a sphere of highly poisonous water surrounded by a lake's worth of water so pure, even in mud, one can still drink from it.

In that sphere of poison, a monster finally opened its two separate eyes.


The pure clean water surrounding it started to slowly get corrupted until, after 20 minutes, the whole water was tainted.

With nothing left to keep the monster at bay, its flaming green eyes radiate in the murky poison-filled water like an angler fish as it rushes up to the surface.

“Hey, is it me or did you feel a rumbling?”



“What the hell!!!”

As the townsfolk are in a state of shock, they look at the cause.

From the ground, a human-shaped body appeared along with a horse. Green flames ignited, and the dust settled, at least revealing its form.

Stand nearly 6 feet tall at their horse's head and about 9 feet at their humanoid-like head with a moving eyeball attached to the nerves. Its horse portion had features of a fish with a singular giant eye that burns with green fire. Its human part was merged to the horse's part’s back with long arms that reach to the ground. Despite all of this, its most obvious feature was that it had no skin. It was like a monster made of pure muscle, with its yellow veins pulsating with black blood.

“S-someone get the- GUAK!!”


With its human hand, it stabbed the townsman with its fingers, killing the man.




Far away, the Loviatar Familia could hear the ever-faint sounds of screaming and smoke far off in the site's direction.

“The Nightmare has been released Lady Loviatar.”

“Fufufu… now we head to Northern Mountains!” Loviatar said as she and her children ride off away from the massacre.

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