Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 92: Chapter92-Dividing the Spoils

Chapter 92: Chapter92-Dividing the Spoils

The eagle's current strength made Owen sense some danger. If Lana were swallowed, she might sustain serious injuries.

Owen's mission was to protect Raina, so he had no choice but to sigh and charge towards the eagle behind Lana.

Lana was simply a madwoman!

After sending the eagle flying with a punch, Owen saw Lana's smiling face and had only this thought.

Clearly, she was gambling with her life, betting that he would intervene!

If he didn't intervene, she would either die or be seriously injured!

And until now, Lana's personality hadn't even met him!

No sane person would dare gamble with their own life.

As Owen fumed, Lana smiled slightly, the teasing expression on her pretty face growing more pronounced.

"Sister Raina is indeed very beautiful and popular. Someone like you must be one of her simps."

"But I guess my sister doesn't like you much. You're all wrapped up, not showing your face. Are you too ugly and afraid of scaring others?"

Lana watched the fight between Owen and the eagle with great interest, occasionally commenting.

Owen's anger flared up.

But with the eagle launching fearless attacks, even when he used Crushing Punch to shatter some of its bones, it seemed not to feel pain, attacking him even more crazily, keeping him pinned in place.

He could only vent his fury on the eagle.

To Lana, Owen's actions seemed like those of someone embarrassed and angry after having their secret revealed. She covered her mouth and laughed lightly:

"My sister won't give you, her simp, a chance, but if you can please me, I might create some opportunities for you. Show me what you've got."

Seeing Lana's increasingly outrageous remarks, even Owen's patience was tested, his mouth twitching in irritation.

He had to speed up, defeat the eagle, and restore Raina's primary personality as quickly as possible.

As Owen's expression grew more serious, the aura emanating from him surged like a tidal wave. His Crushing Punch began to incorporate the power of [Order], making his attacks even more formidable.


A deafening roar echoed as the eagle's massive body was sent flying by Owen's lightning- wreathed punch. It crashed straight into the mountainside, sending rocks and dirt flying and forming a huge crater.

"Not bad, this move has a certain simplicity to it, and it carries a hint of the Order of Thunder, hitting the eagle's weak spot in the chest perfectly..."

Lana's expression became less mocking and more serious and curious as she observed Owen's explosive power.

In her perception, Owen's tier wasn't particularly strong, likely just approaching platinum- tier.

But his combat effectiveness was impressive, even making her feel inadequate by comparison.

In such a brief exchange, Owen had found the eagle's various weaknesses, delivering heavy blows each time. If the eagle hadn't lost its sense of pain, it would have passed out by now. Even if she were the one fighting the eagle, she wouldn't have done much better.

Owen ignored Lana's praise, focusing entirely on the eagle.

At this point, the eagle's feathers were disheveled, stained with blood and dirt, its mouth crooked and eyes unfocused, its aura weak and devoid of its previous madness.

Owen's repeated attacks had driven it to despair.

The thought of revenge was instantly replaced by the urge to escape.

So, after being knocked into the mountainside, it didn't rush out again. Instead, it began digging a tunnel along the mountain, attempting to escape while Owen and Lana were distracted.

Although it was a spellbeast, its intelligence was not low.

Screech, screech, screech...

The eagle's claws scraped through the hard earth and rocks, producing a piercing sound. With

each swing of its claws, the tunnel ahead of it extended significantly.

However, Owen had already noticed its actions. Facing such a powerful eagle, which had become a mortal enemy, he knew he had to eliminate it completely. Otherwise, if it managed to escape and grow stronger, it would become a severe threat.

Owen's killing intent pierced the eagle's back like a spear, the cold breath of death driving it to dig faster.

Though it was an eagle, it had a certain affinity with earth mana. In the depths of Thousand Peaks, with its complex geological structure, the eagle believed that if it could burrow deep enough underground, Owen wouldn't be able to pinpoint its location, despite his keen senses.

This seemed to be the eagle's only chance.

The eagle frantically dug into the mountain, burrowing deeper and deeper.

Owen relentlessly pursued it.

Behind them, Lana watched with great interest, as if she were a detached spectator. However, her mind power remained locked onto both Owen and the eagle.

After a few dozen breaths, the eagle, using its own blood as fuel to dig deeper, was eventually caught by Owen.

The eagle's feathers had lost their luster, and it appeared visibly thinner.

With one powerful punch, the exhausted eagle couldn't resist. Its chest caved in, and under the impact, its back feathers exploded, bones and flesh protruding.


The eagle spat blood and finally collapsed, its massive body limp and lifeless.

As the eagle fell, the ground around it trembled with its weight.

The magical aura lingering in the tunnel above began to dissipate. Without the magic to support it, the makeshift tunnel couldn't withstand the immense pressure and collapsed.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Owen smashed the eagle's skull to prevent it from feigning death. Spellbeasts had extraordinarily resilient life forces, and the stronger they were, the more tenacious their

survival instincts.

Just as he finished this task, the tunnel around him began to collapse.

The tunnel Owen had chased through began to collapse, large rocks falling from above,

sealing the cave and seemingly intent on burying them alive.

The Fallen Angel set on Owen's body glowed, forming a protective shield around him, deflecting the falling debris and preventing any harm.

However, as more and more rocks fell, the tunnel grew increasingly dark.

Owen squinted, looking up at the collapsing tunnel. The eagle, in its desperate struggle for survival, had burrowed nearly a thousand meters underground from the mountains.

For other mages, this situation would have been terrifying, the fear and suffocation of being buried alive overwhelming them.

Owen, although not among them, still wanted to leave quickly. Digging out of a nearly thousand-meter collapsed tunnel wouldn't be easy.

As Owen began to clear the debris with his mana, Lana suddenly appeared beside him.

Holy light emanated from her, dispelling the darkness in the tunnel, and she spoke leisurely:

"Leaving here is just a matter of time. No need to rush. This eagle is surely a treasure trove. Why don't we split the loot?"

Owen had long given up arguing with this madwoman, but knowing the beast core would be useful for Seraphina, he agreed.

Despite doing most of the work to kill the eagle, Owen didn't mind giving Lana the rest of the loot, except for the beast core.

He had the royal treasury at his disposal and wasn't particularly interested in the rest.

"I did most of the work in this fight. I'll take the beast core, and you can have everything else

from the eagle."

Owen laid out his terms directly.

Lana didn't agree immediately. She looked at Owen's masked face seriously, then nodded

when she saw his determined eyes.

"Fine, but consider it as you owing me a favor."

Owen's lips twitched. Was that really how she saw it?

Ignoring her, he took out an expensive long knife from his storage ring and sliced open the

eagle's chest. Blood and entrails gushed out.

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