Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 88: Chapter88-Crushing Punch

Chapter 88: Chapter88-Crushing Punch

An angel? But angels were legendary beings, unseen for countless ages.

King Aldric, the royal members, and the Council of Elders stared in astonishment and caution at the ghostly blue figure hovering above them.

Marry, who had been about to drink the Mindloss Potion, stopped her actions and looked in bewilderment at the winged figure.

Flap - Flap-

Under everyone's gaze, Owen, with angelic wings fluttering behind him, hovered above the treasure vault, quite pleased with the confusion on their faces.

On his way here, Owen had already activated the Fallen Angel set, wrapping himself up completely.

Because he didn't want to attract the attention of other powers again.

Although it might sound conceited, he knew that he was already too dazzling, causing many forces to be wary of him.

If he displayed even more terrifying combat strength, many kingdoms around the Azure Kingdom would likely be unable to sleep in peace.

After all, Leslie had already shown terrifying strength and ambition, seizing the throne of the Azure Kingdom almost effortlessly.

It was not impossible for them to attack in the future.

Therefore, Owen did not plan to use the Godslayer Staff, [Order], or any of his previous skills this time.

He intended to act entirely as a mysterious figure!

"Kyrik's people? But when did they gain such abilities?" Carlos and Alvin exchanged a glance, their confusion growing.

In their moment of distraction, Owen's wings suddenly flapped, sending a gale through the air.

His figure shot forward like an arrow from a bow, instantly appearing in front of Carlos.

His five fingers clenched into a fist, aiming straight for Carlos's chest.

As he threw the punch, an unending wave of killing intent surged towards Carlos, like an overwhelming force crushing everything in its path.

The enclosed space of the treasure vault quaked with the immense pressure.

Crushing Punch!

This was a skill Owen had picked from the Fate Store on his way here.

It was a seemingly simple magic skill, just a straight punch.

However, simplicity often hid great power.

This punch could grow infinitely stronger, and with Owen's exceptional physique and intense killing intent, it could shatter a mountain with one strike!

Moreover, Owen's eyes had undergone unimaginable transformations, allowing him to see weaknesses, perceive his opponent's quirks, and predict their movements.

Combined with the extreme speed of his angelic wings, the explosive power of the Crushing Punch could break through any defense!

In an instant, Owen appeared before Carlos as if he had warped through space.

The incoming punch, shrouded in killing intent, was like a piercing spear, dazzling and deadly.

Carlos was shocked; the speed and terrifying explosive power left him momentarily unable to react.

"Die, you ant!"

Alvin, standing beside Carlos, frowned and quickly moved in front of him, gripping a green staff in his hand. The staff, like a heavy hammer, had a head resembling a lush, full tree.

As he swung it down, it created a fierce whistling sound, followed by dense green mana, resembling countless willow branches, attacking from all directions.

A loud crash echoed through the treasure vault as the punch and staff collided.

The impact was so powerful that it made everyone in the room unsteady, forcing them to retreat.

The next moment, Alvin's proud expression suddenly changed.

The Crushing Punch, which seemed to have exhausted its strength, bizarrely erupted with even more overwhelming power and killing intent!

Crushing Punch, Second Layer!

Although Owen had only recently learned this skill, the fusion with the Spear of Longinus allowed him to harness an endless ocean of killing intent, driving the Crushing Punch with divine precision.

Caught off guard, Alvin had no time to counter.

As the more frenzied Crushing Punch struck, his staff was instantly knocked away, and the protective shield around him shattered with a single blow.


It was as if his entire body had been pulverized.

Alvin's flesh and bones trembled in pain as he was sent flying, his pale skin turning blood red from the killing intent that infused his body.

Carlos watched Alvin's body fly back, his pupils contracting sharply.

In just one exchange, Alvin had been injured!

Though he recognized Alvin's carelessness, it also highlighted the terrifying strength and combat experience of this mysterious figure.

"Everyone, attack together!"

Carlos decisively commanded, signaling the Nether Guard blocking the door to launch a combined assault on Owen.

The Nether Guard reacted swiftly. Upon receiving Carlos's command, they immediately unleashed their long-prepared magical attacks, all aimed at Owen.

Owen's eyes glowed with determination; the seemingly dense barrage of attacks was full of flaws in his view.

With a flap of his wings, he maneuvered like a fluttering butterfly, evading the rain of attacks.

Simultaneously, he unleashed another Crushing Punch, descending from above like Mount Tai, aimed at the Nether Guard below.

As the punch fell, the air was filled with a rushing killing intent, turning the atmosphere


The Nether Guard could barely track Owen's movements before they were faced with the bloody imprint of his fist, growing larger and closer.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the force of the punch, the Nether Guard were powerless to resist.

They were crushed into a bloody pulp, staining the ground red.

Over a hundred elite Nether Guards were annihilated in an instant, causing both Carlos and

Alvin to breathe heavily, their eyes filled with rage.

"Go to hell!"

As the leader of the Nether Guard, Alvin was furious.

He steadied himself, and complex, dazzling patterns began to emerge around him, with

vibrant life force surging through the treasury.

In an instant, countless green vines sprouted from the ground like thick tentacles, launching

an assault on Owen.

Carlos was well aware of Alvin's methods.

As the vines grew, his form seemed to blend with them, disappearing from sight.

While Alvin and Carlos attacked in their fury, Marry and the others retreated again and again, fearfully moving to the deepest part of the treasury.

King Aldric, in particular, was sweating profusely, his eyes fixed on Owen's back.

Alvin and Carlos were already terrifying enough, but now this mysterious figure appeared, seeming even more fearsome than they were.

This left King Aldric unsure whether this was a good or bad turn of events, his heart hanging

in suspense and anxiety.

Swish, swish, swish!

Thick vines, as wide as an arm, wriggled and twisted like tentacles, wrapping towards Owen.

He punched, smashing the approaching vines into pulp.

However, as long as the roots remained, the vines quickly regrew and continued to extend

towards him.

This method was quite eerie.

Seeing this, Alvin gave a cold smile.

This near-barrier level technique, the Green Vine Domain, was his strongest method.

Anyone trapped within would have their magic and flesh gradually consumed by the

continuously regenerating vines, eventually becoming nutrients for them. Among the many dark magics of the Nether Kingdom, it was quite renowned.

It was precisely because of mastering this dark magic that Alvin could contend with a junior

diamond-tier mage!

Although he didn't know Owen's tier, he was certain it wasn't at the diamond level.

Prolonged entanglement in the Green Vine Domain would surely lead to Owen's demise!

However, Alvin was somewhat surprised to see that Owen's armor seemed completely unaffected by the Green Vine Domain.

It felt as though the domain's power couldn't fully exert itself.

The Green Vine Domain, while not a true barrier, was incredibly close to that level, with its

own set of rules!

While Alvin felt supremely confident, Owen's eyes glowed again, scrutinizing the Green Vine


"The weakness is here!"

In just a few moments, Owen identified a large red spot at the center of the vines, where Alvin

had unknowingly positioned himself, acting as the root of all the vines.

Eliminating Alvin would cause the Green Vine Domain to collapse!

Having confirmed the weak point, Owen hesitated no longer.

He surged downward like a dragon diving into the sea, charging fiercely towards the target!

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