Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 79: Qi Circulating Throughout

Chirp! Chirp!

An eruption of countless bird cries filled the air!

Secret Technique: Hundred Falcons’ Cry!

Terrified, Falcon unleashed his ultimate move.

However, this time, the piercing sound of white birds lacked its usual sharpness and instead carried a mournful lament, akin to the sorrowful cry of a cuckoo’s bloodied wail!

Fang Xi looked up to see iron chains rattling, with one end bound around a person.

The individual appeared disheveled, their clothes torn and tattered, yet massive shackles hung from their shoulder blades, neck, wrists, and ankles.

Despite these restraints, their movements were remarkably agile, effortlessly countering Falcon’s desperate attack.

As the two figures separated, Falcon’s face turned pale as he stared at his right shoulder.

Shockingly, half of his arm had vanished without a trace…

On the opposite side,

Dugu Wuwang held the severed limb, and beneath his hair, two faint scarlet glows seemed to flicker.

“Dugu Zongshi? We’re from the Zongshi Association!”

Zhou Tong’s face paled with shock. “Why did he attack us?”

“Damn it, something went terribly wrong… Not only is Dugu Wuwang alive, but he’s also gone insane…”

Falcon swiftly retreated, intricate patterns resembling mystical seals appearing on his body.

The bleeding from his severed arm rapidly stopped, and new flesh began to regenerate at the wound, accelerating its healing process.

This was the Secret Art of Restoration!

As a renowned expert from the Zongshi Association, Falcon naturally had prepared several secret techniques for such situations.

Unfortunately, his arm remained in Dugu Wuwang’s grasp; otherwise, he could have reattached it immediately.

The mention of ‘Dugu Wuwang’ seemed to trigger a reaction in the figure opposite them.

Dugu Wuwang abruptly lifted his head.

With a rustle, his hair spread out, revealing a pair of crimson eyes.

Despite being over eighty years old, Dugu Wuwang displayed remarkable vigor. His skin was taut, his posture erect, and every muscle on his body appeared incredibly robust. Veins like writhing blue worms stood out prominently, belying any signs of age or frailty.

“Dugu… Wuwang…” he muttered, his bloodshot eyes intensifying further. “Flesh of demons… become my blood… devouring fiends and consuming magic… surpassing zongshi… beyond mastery…”

“Dugu Wuwang is regaining consciousness!” Zhou Tong’s face lit up with joy at this sight. “The association mission brief stated that if we manage to save this great zongshi, our merit points would double!”

However, in the next moment:

Dugu Wuwang let out a guttural roar, his muscles bulging as flesh intertwined with itself. Body hair fused together, forming swathes of jet-black scales that covered him entirely.

Thin black lines converged on his forehead, protruding outward to transform into two slightly curved, pitch-dark horns.

Instantaneously, Dugu Wuwang morphed into a grotesque figure, adorned with scales and demonic horns! No, he had become a demon!

With a swift movement, even Fang Xi struggled to track his trajectory through the air. The massive iron chains strained under the force, emitting mournful cries from the immense pressure.

In the next instant, this demonic warrior reached Zhou Tong, unleashing a vicious strike with claws that no longer resembled human hands.

“Secret Technique: Origin Copper Body!”

Within a flash, Zhou Tong deployed his ultimate hidden skill!

Abandoning offense entirely, he focused on defense, crossing his arms to shield his chest.

His astral energy transformed into a brass-like hue, making him appear like a deity descended from the heavens!

Zhou Tong had unparalleled confidence in this move: “Even for the guild leader, my defense cannot be breached within a single attack!”

But moments later, searing pain surged through his arms!

“How is this possible?” Stunned, he looked down at the demon claws pressing against his crossed limbs.


Instantly, each scale on the demonic arm vibrated, emitting bursts of air currents, amplifying the force behind the claw strike!


Dugu Wuwang’s demonic transformation allowed for a second burst of power; his razor-sharp claws shattered Zhou Tong’s arms and struck directly onto his chest.

The hard-qin zongshi was instantly sent flying, bones breaking audibly beneath his ribs…


With a rushing sound, each scale on the demon warrior’s arm vibrated, propelling additional force into the strike.

The victorious demon warrior aimed to follow up with another attack, but suddenly felt a strong pull at his ankles as thick iron chains tightened around them.

Fang Xi moved swiftly, like a fleeting shadow, grabbing Zhou Tong and rapidly retreating.


Zhou Tong spat out blood mixed with fragments from his internal organs, revealing the patterns of the Secret Art of Restoration on his body. “Just barely…so close! That bastard nearly shattered my heart!”

“Is that…could it be ‘Qi Circulating Throughout’?!” Falcon, missing one arm, stared at Dugu Wuwang transformed into a demon warrior, his face filled with uncertainty and surprise. “I didn’t expect Dugu Wuwang to truly be such a prodigious genius, combining the pinnacle of astral energy mastery with demonic transformation. This form optimizes every aspect for martial arts application… Now, every part, every organ of his body is perfectly attuned to martial techniques, unleashing unparalleled effectiveness!”

Within the Zongshi Association, there were two major schools of thought regarding zongshi advancement:

Firstly, focusing solely on astral energy, achieving the ultimate limit known as ‘Qi Circulating Throughout’, before attempting ‘True Astral Manifestation’!

In this path, ‘Qi Circulating Throughout’ involved saturating the entire body with astral energy, enhancing a Martial Saint’s capabilities comprehensively.

The second path involved exploring the Fiend’s route!

It seemed that Dugu Wuwang had subtly merged both paths together!

Not only did he achieve ‘Qi Circulating Throughout’, but he also utilized demonic transformation to enhance his organs and reshape his physique, resulting in an astonishing increase in power.

Fang Xi examined Dugu Wuwang’s feet closely.

Despite being covered with scales and sharp claws, the peculiarly twisted muscle contours and pores capable of expelling air were clearly designed for enhancing movement techniques!

“A monster, truly a monstrous creature!”

“To think this world’s cultivators could reach such heights!” Fang Xi was deeply moved.

Simultaneously, a profound sense of admiration for Dugu Wuwang arose within him.

Achieving this level, Dugu Wuwang undoubtedly deserved the title of the greatest zongshi in a century!

Taking a deep breath, Fang Xi stepped forward steadily.

“Grandmaster Fang, what are you doing?” Falcon watched, utterly astonished. “Dugu Wuwang, fearing his own descent into madness, forged these mystic iron chains at Seeking Defeat Peak to restrain himself… just in case he loses control and attacks indiscriminately… Keeping our distance is wise; getting closer would be courting death!”

“How can I easily give up encountering such an opponent?”

Fang Xi’s eyes blazed with intensity as he suddenly roared, “Primal Unity!”


In that instant, crimson astral energy surged forth from every limb, bone, and pore of his body!

From a distance, it appeared as if he were clad in a suit of scarlet armor!

“That is…the genuine ‘Astral Energy Circulation’?” Zhou Tong rubbed his face incredulously. “Hasn’t Grandmaster Fang just achieved zongshi status? How could he already reach the pinnacle of astral energy control? Wait… According to our association’s research, achieving ‘Astral Energy Circulation’ requires a flawless body, devoid of any hidden injuries, with blood qi at its absolute peak. Without those meticulously developed secret medicines, how is this possible?”

Based on the Zongshi Association’s findings, mastering ‘Astral Energy Circulation’ necessitated being a zongshi and attaining the realm of a perfect, unblemished physique.

In reality, advancing through martial ranks often involved competitive battles, leading to few cultivators remaining entirely injury-free. Even among zongshis, such perfection was rare!

Within the Zongshi Association, only exceptional prodigies nurtured from a young age, practicing top-tier techniques, had a chance to break through to this realm! Alternatively, one would need extremely valuable secret medicines to heal the body, mend injuries, and enhance blood qi.

This was the very realm that Zhou Tong and Falcon had relentlessly pursued.

Yet now, it effortlessly manifested within Fang Xi!

“So this is…the pinnacle of astral energy?”

Fang Xi shook his arm, noticing that with a full layer of astral energy enveloping him, air resistance seemed significantly reduced. A realization dawned upon him.

The concept of ‘Qi permeating the body’ essentially creates a streamlined virtual armor around the zongshi, minimizing air resistance to its lowest possible level.

With reduced air resistance, the speed of one’s strikes naturally increases!

In any martial art, achieving ‘Qi permeating the body’ transforms the cultivator into the optimal form for executing that specific martial technique!

“However, the orthodox path for warriors relies on astral energy; once depleted, it’s gone!”

“Dugu Wuwang truly went further by transforming his own flesh and blood, transcending humanity through martial arts!”

Fang Xi’s ability to reach this point was entirely due to the nourishing effects of the Everlasting Spring Art, complemented by the cultivation world’s Blood and Qi Pills among other medicinal aids.

Combining these allowed him to ascend to the peak of the zongshi realm.

Nevertheless, attaining ‘True Astral Manifestation’ still posed significant challenges.

As per Fang Xi’s conjecture, he might require a second-order Blood and Qi replenishing treasure pill to grasp the opportunity for breakthrough!

But for now, this was more than enough!

Fang Xi faced the transformed demon Dugu Wuwang, his right hand clenched tightly into a fist!


As he unleashed this punch, Fang Xi felt not resistance but rather amplification from the surrounding air, akin to a fish effortlessly gliding through water. His boxing technique soared to unprecedented heights.

“Demonic flesh… transform me into a zongshi!”

From Dugu Wuwang’s snarling mouth filled with sharp teeth, emerged a mumbled incantation as he extended his clawed hand!

The motion appeared casual, yet concealed lethal intent and infinite variations, showcasing martial skills deeply ingrained within him!


The fist of true astral energy met the demon’s razor-sharp claws.

In the next instant, with a gusting sound:

Dugu Wuwang’s arm propelled forward even faster than Fang Xi, lunging towards him!

Fang Xi swiftly retreated, narrowly avoiding the heart-piercing claw at the critical moment.


After missing its target, the scaled claws underwent a bizarre transformation.

The sharp claws detached swiftly, propelled with immense force like bullets firing outwards.

Bang! Bang!

Fang Xi couldn’t evade in time, and five nails struck his chest, sending him flying backward.

“Ah… Grandmaster Fang, what folly!” Witnessing this, Falcon sighed softly, “With Dugu Wuwang’s current strength, even if the Union Head himself arrived with those few ‘Qi-perfused’ grandmasters, they might not be able to subdue him… This is dire; he doesn’t possess the Secret Art of Restoration!”

However, moments later, Falcon’s jaw dropped as Fang Xi stood up unscathed, casually dusting off his chest.

Rustle! Rustle!

His clothing tore apart like confetti scattered by a gust, fluttering away. Several claw fragments mixed with snake-dragon scales fell to the ground.

“Not bad, managing to penetrate two layers of my defense… Just shy of actually harming me.” Fang Xi raised his head, eyes gleaming with unprecedented interest. “Let’s begin round two!”

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