Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 610: Dangerously Beautiful

Chapter 610: Dangerously Beautiful


Xue Wei took a deep breath as the final beast collapsed on the muddy ground. Although the battle had gone on for a long time, it was impossible to say exactly how many hours had passed due to the never-changing environment.

Although their energy had not yet run out, they were still feeling frazzled, and the constant need to be on high alert was taxing on their minds. If their mental state began to become unstable, then their survival would be in jeopardy, and thus Xue Wei was eager to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

"The beasts' corpses have no value to us, so we should hurry up and leave. Although I do feel uncomfortable with their fate, we are not in a position where we can try to avenge them.

"For now, we need to survive. When we have enough strength to wander these grounds without the constant threat of losing our lives, then we can return to find the reason behind their loss and give them justice."

Xue Wei's voice was stern. Although he also pitied these beasts, he was not willing to risk his life, and the lives of his dear ones, for the sake of investigating their unfortunate deaths.

However, at the same time, he also understood that the gloom and depression had rooted itself deep within his heart, and if he did not find a solution, or at least an explanation, he might develop a heart demon.

"I understand." Hei Gou's voice was hoarse and a bit depressed, but his eyes were not weighted down by the gloom he felt. Although it had a great influence on his emotions, he still knew how to think logically, and understood that there was no way to risk his own life, and the life of his friends, for the sake of some unknown beasts. He was not a saint.

The group quickly fixed their clothes and left the battleground behind. They were eager to leave this obscure forest as soon as possible, but they still did not dare to rush. Although the group of beasts was not impossible to beat, it was not a pleasant experience either, and who knew if even more dangerous creatures loomed within the darkness?

The forest was filled with a bloody smell, but even the initial disgust that the group felt upon entering the forest had slowly evened out. Although they did not like the forest, they no longer felt influenced by the macabre surroundings.

The rest of their journey through the grim forest went without encountering any other living beings. The beast horde from before seemed to be one of a kind, and although the forest was somewhat repulsive, it was not as dangerous as the previous area.

Even so, the group felt excited upon witnessing the border of a new area appearing in the distance.

The area in front of them was in sharp contrast to the forest they were currently in. The lush green grass seemed to be well nourished, and the gentle breeze made it sway in the wind.

Among the leaves a few colorful flowers were spread, bringing a gentle color to the beautiful area, and the skies above were of a clear blue with only a few white cumulus clouds drifting around.

The area seemed so idyllic and beautiful that anyone who witnessed it would want to charge ahead and take a well-deserved rest.

"Wait." Although Xue Wei was also momentarily dazed by the beauty and temptation of peace in front of them, he quickly regained his senses, and awakened the others from their stupor.

"Although it looks innocent and tranquil, please remember the two areas we have passed so far. Nothing here in No Man's Land can be considered peaceful, so we need to be even more alert when encountering something as dangerously beautiful as this."

The words were said in a very plain tone of voice. Xue Wei did not need to put any emphasis on certain words, or even try to stress his meaning, as he was well aware that all of them knew what he meant.

Such beauty was likely to be even more deadly than the previous areas, and if they truly underestimated it, they would not know how they had died.

"The flowers are unlike any I have ever seen before. Although they seem very beautiful, I fear that they might be very dangerous." Ling Xiao could not help but shudder as he looked at the beautiful flowers in front of him.

Although he was a mature man, he still felt an unexplainable fear towards the colorful petals, as if they were trying to absorb his life-force, or even lure him into an eternal sleep.

"You can't appreciate the beauty of flowers," Luoluo said, as her eyes glistened. She looked at the flowers with ardent admiration, but unlike ordinary women, her focus did not seem to be the beauty of the flower, but instead, it seemed as if she wished to eat it.

"I bet this is a certain kind of ghost flower. I am not sure about how it is created, but it is bursting with soul power. If I eat it, I am sure that my strength will increase."

Such words made Xue Wei and the others stunned as they looked at the young girl. Luoluo was usually a very calm and controlled person. Because she had undergone many different experiences throughout her life, she was more calm than most, but even she was drooling upon looking at the flowers in front of her. This meant that they had to be truly delicious in the eyes of a spirit.

Upon seeing her extreme reaction, Ling Xiao, Xue Wei, and Hei Gou's faces all turned to look at Bai Tianyi to see if he was equally tempted, and it was as they thought, even this usually arrogant sword spirit looked like a child that had entered a candyland. The drool was almost dripping from his mouth.

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