Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

Li Dongfeng Vs Burning Crazy Song!

The new round of shouting did not give the player a fifteen-game winning streak to create an invincible record. The next battle was the battle between Lei Long Li and Fen Tu Feng Ge.

Lei Long Li stepped onto the platform and patted his enthusiastic shoulder: "Dude, will you go down for a break?"

Energetically carrying his own chair, he walked off the ring.

Burning Road Crazy Song and Lei Long Li stood on the side of the broken ring, and looked at each other quietly.

With these days, they have become friends with each other because of the various things they have encountered, and their moods on the ring are different from those of the past.

Once, the bloodline fighters sneered when they saw the challenge of the family of the Burning Path, and then threw their fists to knock them over, telling all ordinary fighters with cruel reality, how vulnerable they are to the bloodline fighters.

Today, Lei Long Li knows the past of Burning Road Crazy Song, aside from his friend’s identity, this person is also a respectable opponent.

"Mad song, I won’t keep my hand." Lei Long Li watched Fen Tu crazy song quietly: "I rarely admire one person, you count one. So, I will defeat you with all my strength!"

"The same is true of me." Burning path crazy song looked at Lei Long Li: "I have never hit the drive before, it is absolutely impossible to lose to anyone."

"Is it?" Lei Long Li tǐng t 了 ng bore: "Such a coincidence, I do the same! However, I think it ’s better to do it if I want to defeat the motivation."

"That’s not good." Fen Tu Feng Ge shook his head: "Although I like to have something to ask a friend for help, I still like to do it myself."

"That being the case ..." Lei Long shrugged his shoulders: "There is nothing to talk about."

Tu Kuang Ge five fingers squeezed his fist: "Let’s talk with our fists."

"Okay!" Thunder Dragon Li responded, the bloodline battle body opened instantly, Jin Sè’s scales almost covered the whole body, the palms turned into claws, and the three-headed golden dragon hún roared, making the audience feel The stool under the buttocks was trembling, and there was an unexplainable dullness in the mouth.

Really holy! The strength of Thunder Dragon Li Zhensheng showed up. "The young soldiers who had already known last night saw with their own eyes that they could not help but change." This is the start of the newcomer king competition. A young generation of warriors who show true strength.

And, the three-headed golden dragon bloodline family is the most hopeful ultimate awakening person!

At this moment, everyone felt that among the three fighters of the Ultimate Bloodline Family, Thunder Dragon Lee walked in front of the other two.

"Enviable true Holy strength." Fen Tu crazy song Yangtian looked at the three golden dragons fighting hún confidently shouted: "I, Fen Tu crazy song will also step into the true sanctuary! Even if not now" I Can still leapfrog and defeat the true Holy Power! "

At the same time, the two real holy fighters hún blasted out from the body of the burning song, with the rise of the fighting hún, and the double hún domains were fully unfolded.

For a while, the two sides’ full-bodied fighting spirits continued to collide, the surrounding sand and stones were flying all over the place, and the three hún domains also collided with each other.

People are in momentum! The sacred warrior who burned the mad song really is not much better than Lei Long Li Xun.

"Mad song, let me see your twin dragons Li step out, thunder and lightning entangled into a huge power grid, the dark clouds in the sky that have been in the sky since last night, there is still no sign of disappearing at this time" The dull thunder blasted in the middle.

The burning song mad song is not polite to Lei Long Li, and the same is true at the feet. 〖Free〗, the fighting skills, the whole body is scattered with the feeling of 〖Free〗, and the feeling of freedom is directly passed through the seemingly unbreakable The power grid is full of golden light, and the ground-breaking smashing technique bursts into the air. The air was immediately cut into a visible trace.

Ground breaking? Holy fighting skills! Lei Long Li recognized this fighting skill that he had just learned, and knew how powerful this holy fighting skill was, and the dragon claws also made a slash.


Two ground-breaking fighting blasts exploded in the air, and the fist of Burning Away Song was approaching Lei Longli’s lower abdomen, and the explosive fist sprayed the strongest force on the lower abdomen covered with countless gold scales.

boom! bingo!

Burning Road Crazy Song is a bit unexpected "I actually hit the thunder dragon and abdomen of the true Holy!

The next moment, there was an anti-seismic force from the full-contact position. The burning of the heels and the ground produced a harsh friction sound. "The soles of the feet clutched at the ground, but still could not stop the slippery distance. "I slid down to the edge of the platform, only to stabilize my body, did not really fall to the ground.

this is? Burning Road Crazy Song looked up at Lei Long Li who was hit, but his body had not moved, just punched the impact of ng, and the result was that he was shocked and flew out!

"This" ... "Lei Long Li’s belly position hit by the burning song:" It’s the strength of Zhensheng’s body. "

Really holy! What is true saint is not only the improvement of strength, but also an enhancement that has been greatly strengthened. After entering the strong after the true saint, unless facing a large area of magician group attacks, only true saint attacks can Harm to the true Holy Power of the heyday.

"However, you really surprised me." Lei Long Li Lianlian admired again and again: "You are not really scary.

If another strong man of the same level bombarded me with your explosive force, then his arm should have been blown up, but your arm has nothing at all, and even a fracture does not exist. It really surprised me. "

The old generation of strong men sitting in the audience had doubts and surprises on their faces at this time. The strength of the true saints is not normal. There is no fracture of the arm in this crazy song?

"Then it’s time for me to attack." Lei Long Li’s body shook, and the man disappeared into the position he was standing in before. The thunderstorm in the thunder thunder field exploded, causing his degree to suddenly rise, and his palm fell behind the burning song Back position.

With a palm of endless electric light, he was sturdyly shot on the back of Burning Mania Song. Countless thunderbolts radiated from around his body. The next moment he flew out, leaving only a huge muffled sound, The muffled sound is like the ancient war drums coming back from ancient times.

The winner is divided! A thought flashed in the minds of the 200,000 viewers at the same time, watching the body being photographed into the burning song of the pothole deep in the pit.

The stronger than the méng family was also hit by the true saints. They were hit deep into the ground. ”When they were dug out, their bodies were severely damaged, and they seemed to be able to die in one breath. Look.

Now, the head is a real saint-class powerhouse, and was hit by a true saint-level powerhouse. And this attack is obviously stronger than the last battle. The last time was just a punch. Fighting, this time the palm of the hand was simply and neatly patted firmly on the real holy warrior.

Countless fumes rose from the pit, and with the fumes and two huge solid buckets hún, the body of Fen Tu Feng Ge rushed out of the pit, and the body did not seem to be harmed. Only the back was left The fighters of the top 16 who had smashed the palmprint trace factory stunned at the same time. Although the recent Thunder Dragon Lee did not use all the power to release a blow, it was a shot of the true Holy after all, and that blow was definitely on the way Crazy song has no time to do anything to prevent a blow, the power can even be said to double without any problem.

Even if such a blow is not severely injured, at least some injuries should be indicated.

"Know what I’m doing, right?" Lei Long Li looked at the burning song, "Next time, I won’t be so light."

The words fall! Lei Long Li 〖From the show again, the young strong men looked at the holy mobile fighting technique, and did not conceal the envy ejected from the pupils. This fighting technique has a unique taste that seems to be comfortable from the stars of the earth. It makes people feel that they cannot go under the stars.

"Thunder Dragon Li Yidong" people disappeared again!

The instinctual turn of the burning fan song instinctively turned the palm of Dazhenjin hún to the extreme, and the air around it was as hard as iron. Anyone who wanted to approach must first blow through the air like hard steel before hitting him. body.

Kamm ... Kamm ... Kamm ...

The sound of fast cracking sound of solid air was like the sound of instant noodles being crushed by human hands in an instant, and the strength of Thunder Dragon Li Zhensheng easily broke through the solid air, appearing in the four directions left and right before and after the burning song!

Qianjun! Thousands of fighting skills from the motivation!

"Dazhenjin hún field solidifies for me! Fighting skills of thousands of troops, I will too!"

The burning of the flames slammed the body, Dazhenjin hún realm strengthened his body, "and strengthened the surrounding air to completely trap people. At the same time, the Qianjun divided three bodies to confront the Qianjun who thundered Leilong and Li.

Kahm ... Kajia ...

In an instant, the movement of Leilong Li’s three bodies in the air significantly slowed down a bit, showing his true body position, burning a mad song and double hún, at this moment finally blooming his unique advantages, just For thousands of fighting skills of the true Saint-level strong, a momentary flaw appeared.

At this moment, it was enough to burn a mad song to do a lot of things. The booming arm was completely metallized instantly, with a hint of silver sè, like a real silver palm, the dust in the air, by the way A piece of real silver.

Silver palm! Dazhengjin’s unique fighting skills!

Leilong Li Yizhang’s split palm that belongs to the three golden dragons sings to the silver palm that sings madly in the middle of the journey. The two fighting spirits spread all over, and the killing split split palm cannot really wield the power of the true Holy Power Instead, they were pushed back and forth by the silver palm of the Holy Fighting Technique.

In a short while, there was a layer of metallic silver on the surface of the palm of Thunder Dragon Li. That was not just the luster of the metal, but the real metallic silver!

Lei Long Li can even feel that the fighting skills in his palm are blocked by this metal! And it’s hitting the inner layers of the body along the veins.

this is? Lei Long Li has never seen such a weird fighting technique. At this time, the three army members have solved the thousand army who burned the crazy song, and printed their palms on the body of the burning song from different positions. Each palm is like a bell. The mellow metal hit by the stump scattered.

The body of Fen Tu Feng Ge flew hundreds of meters away with three palms and flew in the air to stabilize the falling body. He opened his mouth to spray a few blood, and the body protection skills of Dajinjin’s fighting spirit remained in front of Zhensheng. Still can’t reach the point where it won’t hurt.

"Break me!"

Lei Long Li’s body soared into the sky, and the arm stunned the silver liquid. From the pores of the arm, the palm of the palm squeaked and spewed out a weird liquid, and everyone saw an indescribable horror.

"It’s a pity ..." Burning Road sang a sigh, his fighting skills, gold, silver and bronze three palms! Among them, gold is respected, but no matter how the Jinzhang practiced, Ming Ming’s fight has been completed, but the power is always inferior to the silver palm. "The power can only be similar to that of the copper palm. The power of the golden palm.

"This fighting technique ..." Lei Long Li stared at Fen Tu crazy song and was surprised. This fighting technique is so weird that he can directly turn a person into a silver statue!

"I rely on it! Rich! I love you crazy song!" Broke the wind standing on the edge of the ring 〖Xing〗 shouted furiously: "Go to the battlefield of humans and monsters in the future, I will follow you, you use this The fighting technique attacked and turned all the devil into silver, and I will be rich by then! "

The 200,000 spectators watched the broken wind strangely. These Hydra bloodline fighters are not surprised by the power of fighting skills. "But thinking about how to make money?

When he looked at the broken wind and whispered, he whispered, "He also practiced a golden palm. With a single palm, he can make a person full of gold."

"Crazy Song ... I love you!" Xingfeng Fujii shouted with excitement: "Don’t worry about Kuang Song, if you are defeated, I will help you lay down these three golden lizards to avenge you, and you too Don’t give me too much reward, just accompany me to the battlefield of humans and monsters a few times, remember to use golden palm! "

Golden palm? Lei Long Li re-examined the burning song: "The golden palm is stronger than the silver palm?"

"Theoretically ... but in fact ..." Fen Tu sang a bitter smile and looked down at the shouting breaking wind Fuji: "Master Demon Battlefield, I only use copper palms behind you."

"I rely on it! It’s shameless!" Broke Fengji put his mouth on his face uncomfortably: "However, copper palms are always better than iron palms."

At this moment, the 200,000 viewers were completely speechless about the broken wind, and the 16 strongest turned out to have such a living treasure, which really makes people wonder what to say about him.

"How is it that Jinzhang has real power?" Lei Long Li curiously watched the burning song: "What do you need to release Jinzhang’s power."

"True saint ..." The slang words of the burning song of Burning Path were full of bitterness.

"True Saint?" Lei Long Li shrugged his shoulders: "Sorry, I can’t help you. I have said to my ancestors that it is not difficult for you to enter True Saint." It depends on whether you want to. . "

Fen Tu Feng Ge looked at the big brother lying in the auditorium, and his heart felt a little pain again, turning his head to look at the tall tǐng behind him, which once belonged to the big brother’s fight.

"That method, I disagree.

"Fen Tu Kuang Song shook his head again and again:" Dou hún "is the only memorial left by my elder brother that belongs to me completely. I cannot make a double hún in order to enter the true saint." Lei Longge sighed. In these days, whether it is snake king or drive or ancestor worship. It is said that if the burning song mad song agrees with the double hún unity, then he can quickly enter the stage of true holiness.

The double hún unification is far less difficult than the three hún unifications. ”The motivation has been considering how to break through the true sage. The research method is also to combine the three fighting húns into one, change the quality comprehensively, and achieve a breakthrough in the highest realm. .

But double hún unification is not difficult to study. The coordination of three hún unification is rare. No matter how the research is unsuccessful, it is because of the relationship of the three hún. Even the breakthrough of the double hún fusion will make the body produce. collapse.

"Ah ..." Lei Long sighed. "It seems that I have no chance to see the strongest golden palm today."

The words fell, Lei Longli’s body disappeared again, and the sound of cracking ice in the air suddenly sounded from all directions, and the Dazhenjin hún domain that burned the mad song against thousands of troops, this time could not do the slightest delay In effect, eighteen thousand army figures appeared in front of Fentu Kuangge at the same time, and they were beaten on Fentu Kuangge from different positions respectively.

The burning song of the burning path once again severely hit the ground of Huantai. Thunder Dragon Li did not stop the attack like the previous time. He lifted his left hand from the clouds in the sky to catch a blue leap of thunderous lightning, like the **** who controls the lightning. With the heavy wave of the arm, the thunderbolt became the light of the arm’s thickness, went straight to the pothole, and instantly illuminated the dark pothole, and then bombarded the body that was swaying to stand up in the burning song On, he hit him again in the pothole.

be quiet......

The ring was full of quietness. People looked at Lei Longli who was decisive and could not understand how fierce he was as a friend? Obviously you can knock a person out of the ring but still leave him in the hole in the ring.

The perimeter of the ring was very quiet, except for the squeaking sound of electric fire a, and the wheezing sound after the injury of the burning song.

There is no shēn yin, only the panting after a serious injury, like the deep growl after a beast in the forest is injured.

One second ... ten seconds ... thirty seconds ...

The referee looked curiously on his knees and lay on the ground, his whole body wrapped around the figure of the burning flame song that has not been fully digested by Dian Tuo "slowly retracted his head and made a loud voice around him:" The winner is ... "

"Shut up!" Lei Long Li pointed to the pothole that was tens of meters deep: "Can’t you hear? He can’t hear his roar? Can’t you feel the endless fighting in that roar? Victory? Who said Win? "

The referee gazed at the burning song in the pothole of Yantai, and still could play? He is difficult to stand. "How can he fight?

"Fusion fight hún, you have a chance to enter the true saint, and fight fair with me." Lei Long Li stood on the edge of the pothole, quietly watching the burning song in the pothole: "Entering the true saint, the body will perform once Reorganize, all your injuries will be recovered in an instant, and you have enough money to fight me. Crazy songs, merge your double fight hún. "

"no no no......"

Fantu Fengge sighed a little bit and raised his body, looking up at Lei Long Li on the edge of the pit: "Dongfeng, I know you are kind, just treat me like a friend to tell me this. But that’s me You left me fighting! You know how my brother lives ... "

The body of the burning song slowly rose out of the pothole, tears dampened the dust on his face, his eyes looked at the pale side of the auditorium, and there was a hint of soothing smiling middle-aged man in the net corner.

"This fight hún was left by me, so that the only relic I can accompany for life, brought by me to the moment of death! Do you let me double hún? If you cover me, you can do it Can you do it? Can you do it? Can you? "

Li Dongfeng took a step back subconsciously, and looked at the burning song madly in his mouth, for a while he didn’t know how to answer.

Everyone is a warrior who is affectionate, and it is impossible for anyone to practice double hún unity.

"Crazy song, you can! You have reached the top 16 and we burn the family of Tu Tu proud of you! Let’s not fight!" Suddenly Ritu Tulang got up, tears already streaming down his wrinkled face Everyone can hear that pride and pride: "You are still young" and there is a future. You can definitely step into True Saint, let’s stop playing. "

"I’m going to fight!" Fen Tu Fange looked at Fen Tu howling beside Fang Tulang: "My brother, maybe today will die, or maybe the next moment, I will die every time I fight The last battle that my brother saw "I didn’t want to close my eyes at the moment when my brother closed my eyes, I was lying on the ground like a dead dog!" Committed to fighting for his father, I can step into the true saint. I burned mad songs to fight for my brother, and I can step into the real saint’s situation without double **** without shit! "

"Hit!" The weak Burning Road howling suddenly got up "There was a red tide in the pale face:" Mad song, as you said, I feel that my life is really coming to an end, I feel every time I breathe Extraordinary luxury, maybe I will die in the next moment, I want to watch you fight! As long as you want to fight, I want to see the burning screams! "

"Hit! Fight! Fight! Win all the bloodline fighters to show me! The soldiers who burned the Tujia family only stand dead and not lie alive! Our countless years of hope are on your body and show me! "The burning and screaming face sè growled and roared red:" You are the younger brother of my burning and screaming, it is impossible not to enter the true saint! "

A roar, which shocked the 200,000 spectators present, and also shocked every strongman on the VIP table, burned the family ... a family that bears the hope of countless ordinary people, every soldier here, from From the moment of birth, the shoulders were burdened with unimaginable weight by others, and only they knew how heavy it was.

"The difference between the real saint and the real saint is too big ..." The burning song tǐng started the slightly curved ong chamber: "The difference between the first line is the difference between the stars and the earth, even if my body fighting skills Strong, but still unable to withstand a blow you did not do your best! "

"The magical power sealed on me, please leave my body, I need to awaken all the strength of the whole body to fight this powerful front three-headed golden dragon bloodline warrior. I need to use all my strength to defend the Burning Path family. Glory. "

The burning song murmured whispering, the index finger of both hands cut a wound on the wrist, and a drop of blood was flowing outwards, accompanied by the blood flowing out, there was a dazzling light, and the light suddenly broke away from the wound of his wrist, The wound disappeared completely.

At the next moment, everyone knew that there was a force in the body of the Burning Mania〗 〖Awakening.

Even those who haven’t practiced any fighting skills can also know that the eyes of Burning Road’s crazy song suddenly start fiercely.

There is no need to feel the martial arts. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The throne of the gods is the best. Moving Qiankun will kill the night of the gods and the seal of the throne, and ask the demon to be proud of the world. Nine days is the strongest. Seeing that, the muscles of Burning Mania began to swell in the air surrounding him, forming a whirlwind, enveloping him in the eyes of the wind.

The fighting whirlwind was small from the beginning, and gradually became larger. In a blink of an eye, the space with a radius of four meters of his body had been enveloped. All the dust, whether it was stones, was swept up by the fighting. The sky collided with each other, and the mad song of Burning Path turned into a head from the ground that had been sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years. The top-level Warcraft just awakened from the ground just woke up with the impact of the fighting spirit, and the powerful power didn’t need to go Perception, visible to the naked eye!

Most of the young warriors sitting around the platform were shocked to straighten their bodies, and even stood up. The older generation on the VIP table almost all stood up at the same time, holding their hands on the tabletop and opening their mouths in surprise. The amazing change of the burning song on the ring.

Real Saint! It is still the strength of the real saint, but now the explosive power that has burst out has already passed the ordinary real saint too much too much! From no real saint can accumulate to the realm of burning path crazy song!

Real saint, a realm that is only available to bloodline fighters. When bloodline power reaches a certain level, it is easy to awaken new powers to enter the true sacred stage of celestial awakening.

Even if the previous Peterlit used the sacred tool as an auxiliary, the strength of the fighting was improved in a very short time, and the so-called first-line true sacred strength still had a significant gap compared to the current burning path crazy song. .

terrible! All the old generation of strong men were surprised to see the burning song, and they couldn’t understand why the strength of the real holy boat could be so powerful!

The two battles hún suffered a seal at the same time. For others, it may be just a double seal. For the sake of burning the road, the double seal hún fell on him. When he exerted the two battles hún power, it was equivalent to being sealed. seal.

The seals of these days, the special training of these days, the burning song of madness has always resisted the double hún unity to enter the true holy method, the training is harder than anyone else. The double hún after the seal was released, the abnormal explosion finally Bloom in front of everyone.

Real Saint in this state! Would it be okay if he really got him into the true saint?

"Li Dongfeng! Don’t you want to see the power of Golden Palm? Now ..."

Burning the wild song with a volley in the sky, a huge golden palm sprinted across the sky, leaving a faint golden luster, Li Dongfeng’s feet leaped freely, the stone standing behind him was beaten by the golden palm, instantly Burst exploded, and countless gold dust spilled in the sky!

Li Dongfeng flickered from 〖from〗, followed by〗 〖Zero from Burning Road Crazy Song, both palms waved in the air, and Jin Sè’s palms fluttered wildly.

Leilong Li’s backhand pressed against the golden palm, and the surface of the palm suddenly glowed with a layer of golden light, and then was blasted out of the body by the powerful fighting force, and the gold powder in the sky was more floating.

What a terrible golden palm! Thunder Dragon and Li’s heart beating wildly, is this the special holy fighting technique of Dazheng Jin’s fighting spirit?

Holy level of fighting spirit, Holy level fighting skills, double fighting hún, unlock the seal! When all the things in this series are piled on the Burning Mad Song, the power that bursts out is that the true saints need to pay a little attention.

Lei Long Li already felt very clear. Although he could shake the gold powder out of his palm in one shot, the water in the palm would be taken away by the gold powder at the same time.

Even if it is very small, there is a limit on the body’s water content. If the water is constantly taken away, even if it is not completely sealed by the golden palm, then you will gradually lose your 〖body〗 Water inside, which greatly reduces the combat effectiveness, and even the power to fight back.

"Don’t think that only you have a stunt! Crazy song, you are really sè, it ’s a pity! I thunder dragon and li are even more sè, look at the holy fighting skills of our Li family ..."

"Bronze and silver palms, perfect anti-chaos stars!"

The burning song of Burning Path did not care about Li Dongfeng at all, and the light of the copper palm quickly appeared on the palm, then it was replaced by the silver palm, and then the two palms were merged together, and they were one palm in the air!

Lei Long Li’s heart was beating at this moment. The two holy fighting skills combined together? This has a taste of the two ultimate fighting skills of the Li family together! Although it is not comparable, it is still amazing!

"True strength, the stars are invincible! Golden Dragon Clan, Dragon Sigh!"

Li Dongfeng flicked his arms, and his forehead also opened an eye, which was the eye of the beast king of the three-headed golden dragon family!

Unlike the magical eyes of the elven king family, the magic of the eyes of the beastmaster is not the same as that of the magical eyes of the magician, which brings together a hundred, hundreds, or even thousands, and tens of thousands of magics to bring out the power of destruction. .

The magic of the Beastmaster’s Eye is a single kind of magic, Dragon Breath!

Dragon Breath, an attack method that only exists in rumors of dragons, attacks by spitting. Different dragon breaths have different effects. The main effects are flames, sour icy ice!

The three-headed golden dragon’s breath is not these dark ways. Its attack method is simple and direct, but it is also full of violence. It is a golden light. It is similar to the demon eyes of the fallen angel, but it does not have a flame. The ability to burn.

However, if you cover the sky, who dares to underestimate the destructive power of this dragon breath magic, the end is usually extremely miserable.

The copper and silver palms hit the dragon’s breath, and the front light turned out to be metallized. Then the metalized part was broken by the dragon’s breath at the back, and the rest of the dragon’s breath was not polite. He hit the position of ong mouth of the burning song, and directly knocked him out again, leaving only the sound of a blunt object hitting the metal in the air.

With a full blow from Zhensheng, the burning of mad song ong mouth was bursting with blue smoke, the impact force and the impact of the body produced a strong rubbing burst of acrid taste, as if the muscles of ong mouth were cooked.

The older generation of powerful saints can’t help twitching in the corners of their eyes. If Zhetian faces such a blow, let alone a dead body, if there are still a few parts left in the world, they are all one. Kind of luck.

Then, today’s burning path song ong mouth is just broken bones and splattered with blood, the body has entered a type of bone that has never been decayed. There are several white aa bones. It just pierces the muscles and skin of the body. Outside, blood dropped from the air down the bones and hit the ground.

"Mad song, you play well.

"Lei Long Li looked up and watched the suffocating mad song in the air," I can admit defeat. " "

"Don’t ..." There was a stubborn stubbornness in the ravenous laughter: "I don’t want to lose, you haven’t tried your best to hit me now! My brother is still watching me. I must continue to fight . "

Full strength? The older generation of strong men are rubbing their foreheads. This crazy song of Burning Path is really persistent!

"Li Dongfeng, what are you doing?" Breaking the wind suddenly shouted and shouted loudly from the ground: "Show all your strength, slap this paranoid asshole! Just throw him out of the field! Do you really want to see him die? "

Li Dongfeng shrugged helplessly and stunned him? Easy to say! The man in front of him is burning mad song, if he did not release the seal, I can easily stun him, do you think I can still stun him easily? He unlocked the seal, how much strength has skyrocketed, don’t you count? Even if you are motivated to shoot, you can’t guarantee to easily stun this persistent guy.

"What the **** are you waiting for? Give it all, strength! All strength!" Broke the wind again and growled loudly, causing everyone around him to be very suspicious, all strength? Even if Lei Long Li didn’t take out all of them, he should also take out a small part of his strength. The double-hún that burned the mad song in front of him is difficult to deal with, and the explosion after unsealing the seal is also a terrible double explosion.

There was a moment of hesitation in Li Dongfeng’s pupils, and the drive to look across the ground. What is all strength? All strength is to unlock the seal in the body! And this seal of his own was the seal that Zeng Jin only untied when he wanted to face the aggressive World War I.

Now ......... Li Dongfeng bit his dragon’s teeth, and the huge golden dragon wings behind him spread out all around, and each wing was ten meters long. People in the audience instinctively shivered as if to see Here comes the terrible real dragon.

"Mad song, in order to show respect to you, this was originally what I was going to do when faced with motivation.

I wanted to do more accumulation, but I can’t let you get hurt anymore! "

Like Li Fengfeng’s crazy song, Li Dongfeng cut a scar on the wrists of both hands. At the same time the blood had just leaked, it was dazzling, and the rays of the sun sprayed out from his wrists.

Suddenly, the old generation’s strong man seemed to be pinned on the buttocks of all the people. They jumped up in surprise, watching Li Dongfeng with his arms wide open, and the young three-headed golden dragon blood fighter. .

If Zhetian said, the burning of the burning song of the burning path before breaking the seal revealed the amazing strength.

Then "Now! Li Dongfeng’s body explodes, which is the power of terror!

That’s right! "Only horror" can describe the old generation of strongmen facing Li Dongfeng’s strength description after the seal was lifted.

terror! Who would have thought that a young man who had just entered True Saint last night!

Even if he came out of the three-headed Golden Dragon Bloodline Family Well Bloodline Warrior.

Even though, he is the three-headed golden dragon bloodline warrior most likely to enter the ultimate awakening.

However, after all, he just entered the state of true saint last night. In the eyes of other true saints, that is a rookie true saint.

But this moment! No one dares to regard him as a rookie! Li Dongfeng’s ever-increasing fighting strength, even the top strong men like Gan Zhanxuan, got up and paid attention.

No one can ignore Li Dongfeng’s performance. "It was completely an eagle with no hair. Suddenly, this eagle with no hair has suddenly become ......... Top WoW undead bird!

This change is too fierce! Except for those who were psychologically prepared before, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see it, otherwise even the strongest devil of the time would see it, and he would lose heart for a moment.

A person can use a special secret technique to instantly double or even double his strength. If he continuously explodes the fighting skills, the hún domain “hún” may also grow to ten times his strength.

However, those are short-lived ways to increase strength, usually with very strong after-effects.

At present, all actions of Li Dongfeng have given people a sense that he is definitely not a brief surge in strength, but has been hiding strength!

At this moment, all the strong men focused their attention on Li Dongfeng and Energetic.

Before Li Dongfeng unlocked the seal, even if they were both true saints, the magnificent battle of the battle against the mystery was very impressive. He was recognized as comparable to the old true saint warrior. Strong, as for Li Dongfeng?

Although Lei Long Li is already a true saint, the veteran powerhouses will not soon recognize that he is comparable to the veteran true saint power.

However, it was at this instant that the horrifying power that Li Dongfeng 〖Body〗 burst out completely changed the views of all the veteran powerhouses in an instant.

At the same time, the veteran true saints suddenly appeared, this time the rookie king contest, with Thunder Dragon Lee untied the seal relationship, the title of rookie king became difficult to guess in the end who will go!

Let me stand up and count your win! The veteran true saints think of motivation. These days, the words have been high-profile, almost a gloat smile on their faces. Now Li Dongfeng is not only enough to make the energy stand up, even shows that there may be a chance to beat The strength of motivation.

After Li Dongfeng lifted the seal, his strength kept rising, rising, and rising again. The huge three-headed golden dragon hún swelled continuously, sweeping the endless sand and dust around, and the roaring tornado sounded.

Scales! The thick chains were rushing out of the huge three-headed golden dragon at this moment, trapped and constantly inflated and raised, as if to rush the strength to a pinnacle hún like never before.

Cursed Chain!

At this moment, Li Ba stood up nervously. No one has ever appeared in the cursed chain of the three-headed Golden Dragon Blood Warrior in Tianji Awakening. Even the three-headed Golden Dragon Warrior in the ultimate awakening has never appeared the Cursed Chain. .

If the sky is not motivated, the Bloodline Warrior does not know the existence of the cursed chain.

Now, this cursed chain suddenly appears!

There is only one possibility. Without the ultimate blood power of awakening, Li Ba, relying on his own savings these days, even directly forcibly hit the mysterious awakening that countless days want to touch, but the ultimate awakening that cannot be touched for life!

That’s right! Li Dongfeng is impacting the ultimate awakening! All the old generation of powerhouses stared at the Thunder Dragon Season on the ring. Among the three bloodline fighters, this Thunder Dragon Lee was the most overlooked person.

Because, instead of maintaining the independence as the other two descendants of the ultimate bloodline, he got closer and closer to the drive, and even became friends.

The strong, the strong in the hearts of ordinary people, usually remain independent of nature!

At the moment when Ran disappeared, it was easy to attribute that person to mediocrity.

Before the start of Fengliuqiang, some people even predicted that the three-headed golden dragon of this session will eventually awaken and will never appear on Leilong Li.

Now, those who have prophesied are dead, and Li Dongfeng has become one of the three ultimate bloodline fighters, the first one! The first person to shock the ultimate awakening!

"No one wants to trap me Li Dongfeng! I will stand proud above the stars! My name" will run through all future history! Damn the chain! Give it to me! Off! Off! Off! Off! "

With every hysterical roar, there will be a cursed chain on the three-headed golden dragon, and every time a chain is broken, the strength of Li Dongfeng will increase again.

The three-headed golden dragon, who has been sleeping for many years, seems to be fully awake at this moment!

The ultimate awakening power is being opened a little bit in Li Dongfeng’s body. Each increase of power is like a warhammer impacting the minds of the older generation of watching around.

Just one day ago, "Li Dongfeng, who was just the top of the Holy Saint, suddenly entered the real state of true saint and became the new true Holy Power.

In a blink of an eye, he unlocked the seal that no one could have thought of. The power of sleep would have a direct impact on the power of ultimate awakening. What about the newcomer king contest ...?

"Hmm ..."

One, one teaching ... one teaching ... Another chain!

Li Dongfeng gasped with a big mouth and broke a full 300 chains, and the climbing power finally stopped temporarily ... The wild ng in the pupil gradually returned to peace.

Shock Ultimate Awakening Power Failure! Without the blood of the ultimate awakening, it is too difficult to succeed.

Many of the old true saints are showing a lot of sweat on their palms, which was shocked by Li Dongfeng’s performance.

Burning Road sings and laughs and looks at Li Dongfeng, this Thunder Dragon Li really treats himself as a friend. If he covers the sky, he will continue to seal himself for a period of time before opening the seal. Maybe it really becomes the first to awaken without the ultimate blood power , Who will be able to impact the ultimate peak of blood.

But he gave up!

It was only because of the unyielding fighting spirit of the friend, and only because he did not want to make the friend suffer more serious injuries. ”So he untied the seal and temporarily broke the seal that can continue to improve his strength.

Two identical seals? The older generation of keenly aware of this problem, very curious staring at the two young powerhouses on the ring, their unsealed seals seemed to be a special seal of self-repression and self-experience. The seal can still continue to improve its strength.

crazy! This Thunder Dragon Lee is crazy!

The older generations suddenly realized that if Li Dongfeng continued to seal, maybe it would take a few more days to reach the peak of his achievements.

can! He just gave up temporarily! Just gave up for an ordinary soldier!

"Confused!" Gan Zhanxuan gave a loud roar, and the palm of his hand smashed the coffee table in front of him. The angry voice spread throughout the arena: "Confused! Confused! Confused!"

Three bewildered, the road is full of anger in Xuan’s heart, giving up an even bigger exhibition for an ordinary soldier! For an ordinary warrior, even unlock the seal in advance! For an ordinary warrior, ignore the victory of countless warriors on the battlefield! For an ordinary soldier, the future of Zhizhen Ce Dynasty is ignored! For an ordinary soldier, set the endless glory of the three-headed Golden Dragon family!

All the old strong players know that the overlord of the Gan family is not worried about the strength of Lei Long Lee. He has played the Elven King family in the Rookie King Contest. In his heart, he is most concerned about destroying the Demons and defeating the Lucifer dynasty!

If the sky can destroy the demons, even if all the soldiers on the bloodline of the elven king, including his life of Ganzhanxuan, the overlord of the Gan family will not blink.

"The owner of the family, I have received the most elite education since I was a child. I have been told by countless people that I am the strongest person in the future. I have been told by countless people that I only need to learn to be in my hands. I do n’t need friends at all. Destroy the Demons. "

"I always think so, and these claims are true."

"But ... until I know them!" Li Dongfeng pointed to energy, cut off the wind, Mu Nazhence, Panmeng, Isaac, and the burning song of the burning flames in the sky, with pride on his face. Smile: "I only knew that my life was never complete. I never entered the sun in my life. It was they who brought me sunshine. It was they who told me what a friend is. I am Li Dongfeng. Times, made friends. "

"Friend! The kind of looking at you is unpleasant, you can spray your face directly, slap your **** to congratulate you, when you call netg in the morning, it will lift your quilt directly, throw a frozen magic into it, and drag you on late at night The streets drunk loudly and sang loudly. On the battlefield, they can give their backs to each other without reservation! "

"Friends! It is them that make my life 〖true〗 and full of color. It is them that make my life complete." Li Dongfeng calmly shook his head and whispered in a low voice. "Friend, you don’t understand, don’t understand, don’t understand, don’t understand."

I do n’t understand three times ~ ~ The endless feelings of pride in Li Dongfeng, the power of the cursed chain, is rising again at this moment, and the roaring three-headed golden dragon burst out like never before Pride, that is an unspeakable pride, urges the power that should have been restrained to rise again.

The pride of the three-headed golden dragon mixed with the pride of Li Dongfeng, perfectly evolved the warrior way of Thunder Dragon Li. This chapter of ps strictly speaking, Not a chapter of exclusive motivation. Gu n) this chapter, it is a chapter that belongs to Feng Yunyun completely. (Since I started writing the first word of this story, I have always wanted to work hard to make any corner sè distinct. *, Everyone will like some corners sè inside, and will also hate some corners sè, but also I will admire some horns, and I hope to do my best to give them life. (, Gan Zhanxuan, from the beginning I wanted to write a hard-headed, stubborn person, I do n’t know if I can do it completely, but I’m trying to do it. (N) Lei Long Li, at the beginning his sense of existence was not strong, I have always been clear, that kind of ng makes it difficult for him to have a strong sense of presence, but after this chapter, I can be proud Say, Li Dongfeng has his own color and has his own light. *) This is a chapter that belongs to Feng Fengyun, and I am very satisfied with it. I hope everyone can like it. Gu n) If so, everyone is interested in this chapter The twelve thousand-word chapter feels satisfied, cool, and touched by the moving blood. Give me the monthly pass, a.

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