Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 32: Praise Nyx For Giving Me This Talent

As soon as James saw the zombies increasing exponentially, he started to check them carefully. The zombies were not slow, so they could catch up with him by running, but he was of course many times faster than the zombies, so he had little to fear.

This meant that there was no reason for him to kill the zombies.

That's exactly why he thought he had to take action and started running around. He was constantly looking left and right and looking for something that caught his attention.

There were three items he had to find, even if he didn't know what they were, he had to reach them immediately.

After a short while, a shiny object caught his eye about 15 metres away. After running towards the object, he picked up a hollow triangle.


When he saw this window in its usual place his eye fell back on the black card beside him, he didn't want to use it right now, whatever would come out would change the way it currently functioned and it would be more useful for him to open the card after he passed this level.

He seemed to have found a piece of the key, the key seemed to have a different shape than he had expected and that changed everything.

Just then something else unexpected happened.


James felt something prick his leg and he turned round. A zombie had grabbed him from the ground, its claws digging into his leg.

He suddenly plunged Clarent into the rotten earth and took the zombie's life.

[You have been poisoned. You will feel dizzy for 10 seconds.]

After this window formed in front of him, James thought he had to act quickly and suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground. His vision was normal, he didn't feel dizzy, but the poison seemed to be affecting him.

It was as if something that wasn't there had infected him and was affecting him without him realising it. Whatever this poison was, it had to be incredible.

Knowing this, James turned back and cut off the zombie's hand and threw it into his inventory, there was a chance that this thing could be useful.

With that, the poison left his body and James started running again. As he killed one more zombie, the number of zombies increased to 18.

He realised that he was being surrounded.

Many of the hands that had just come out of the ground were standing around, and the zombies following him had already caught up with him.

The zombies were intelligent, they could work together, it was an incredible sight.

James thought that there would be no escape from them now. Another piece seemed to have caught his eye and he had to get past the zombies and get to it.

After carefully grabbing Clarent, he activated his dark step ability and quickly destroyed the 4 zombies in front of him.

Moving quickly, he took the cross on a tombstone and then started running again, he had one last piece left.


The difficulty of this dungeon seemed to vary from person to person. After all, unless someone realised that what was being killed was increasing exponentially, they would keep on attacking, which of course would lead to their death.

So there was no difficulty for James.

With each step, he covered a greater distance and before long he managed to find the third piece, which was a drop mark. In his opinion, the difficulty of this floor was the number of monsters that could increase exponentially.

Looking around after he had the third piece in his hand, James suddenly realised that there was a light stretching towards the sky, when he ran to the light and reached the place where it came from, he saw that all three objects could be placed in the gaps and just as he was about to place them, something came to his mind.

A zombie corpse was standing right next to him.

"Exploitation," James said, if exploitation worked on zombies, there was no limit to the power he could gain from it.

[Zombie Corpse x1 exploited].

James smiled frighteningly when he saw this window and grabbed Clarent tighter.

"Let's go Clarent, we have a tonne of zombies to kill." he suddenly said, and without waiting, he attacked.

Every time he swung his sword, at least two zombies died, but he didn't stop killing the zombies on the ground.

He had already killed 30 zombies and the next stage had begun, this time 60 zombies were coming towards him at a faster pace. James hadn't broken a sweat.

"Thank you very much, my lady, thanks to you I will become insanely strong," James said and with that, he moved towards the zombies.

The increasing speed of the zombies seemed to show James that more and more powerful ones were coming at each stage, but he didn't shed a drop of sweat, he was shaking with excitement as he thought about the stat points he could gain here.

Even if those stat points came to charisma status, it would still be a good thing, after all, that status increased his influence over others.

"On the right! A monk from above!"

With his self-talk, he made his moves and continued to mow down the zombies.

60 then 120, 120 then 240. With each kill, their numbers doubled and James continued as if he was happy about it.

It seemed like there were many more zombies to kill, he had to move forward....


Almost three hours had passed. James was drenched in sweat, the zombie blood on him seemed to have reached a gigantic size, with each step he took, half of Selene's boots were soaked in blood.

"How many have I killed?" James questioned himself as he looked around to see another horde of zombies coming towards him.

[Stage 6 is starting. There will be 1920 upgraded zombies.]

Immediately after reading this James spread his palms out to the sides and then shouted "Exploit!".

Immediately after he activated this ability, darkness enveloped the area and the zombie corpses dried up and turned to dust, as it was normal for undead bodies to die and disappear differently from goblins.

As soon as he realised that the exploitation was over, he ran to insert the keys and then quickly inserted them, when he entered the passage in front of him, he entered a white space and saw two more passages in front of him, but before that, he wanted to look at his profile to see how strong he had become.

But suddenly the windows in front of him stopped him.

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