Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 185: Wizard of Wizards (5)

Chapter 185: Wizard of Wizards (5)


"Let's see Since stew is usually cooked slowly, I guess there's no need to add too much water, right?"

Heres another inconvenience without the system assist.

The sensation of using magic has changed.

It wasn't as if magic appeared simply by saying appear!' even before. But once I managed to pull out the image, something that felt like energy gathered at the expression point, almost in a middle-schooler fantasy style, and then it would come out by squeezing it.

But now I can feel that mana with my senses.


It's the third time the iron pot, covered in soot, has overflowed and extinguished the fire.

What should I call this like my blood pressure refreshingly rising? Or like goosebumps running over my skin?'

"Hmm If I cool and round up the refreshing part here"


"Glurp! Glurrrrrg! Gulp! Pfoooargh! Apfuph!"

"Oh, sorry!"

"Grrr. Big small human. I may be a troll, but I know at least three better ways to wake up than this."

Eventually, the uncontrolled blob of water doused Notum, who had been soundly asleep, and the sound of her snapping a fresh log to replace the soaked kindling woke the rest of the party one by one.

"Hmmmm- you're full of energy from the morning. We arrived here amidst yesterday's chaos."

"Good morning, Aldritch."

"Krhhhmm. Can't say it's exactly good. Sleeping outdoors is tough at my age. We had to cross the mountains fleeing those crazy undead monsters. A half day's rest hasn't quite eased my fatigue."


A warlock who had been captured by the Ro Haram church and unexpectedly joined the party.

Although a warlock, he wasn't involved in evil experiments but practiced a more primitive form of black magic called soul magic. Apart from being less useful during the day, he was a decent person and a fine member of the party.

"Oh, Notum. You woke up early. Yes, a healthy body hosts a healthy spirit. Good habits pave the way to a good life. Where did you wash your face? I was about to go clean up myself."

"Glurk. Old ghost teacher. My method wouldn't be good for you."


"I was washed."

Aldritch laughed heartily upon seeing Notum's fingers pointing alternately at him and the damp ground.

"Hehehehe! I should have known. You must have been experimenting with some strange magic again. Hmm~ it smells good. Is that stew?"

"Yes. I wonder if it's okay to eat meat in front of an elf but the party's strength is important too. Lets see When it's half cooked, add Pablik seeds and Ganyreng leaves"

It was a recipe often made during his days playing as a warrior character. If the system were still available, instructions would have automatically appeared in front of him, but now he had to recall everything from memory.

"Ah. A handful of Tag berries would be good for restoring vitality. I think I saw some in the corner of the wagon earlier"

Just as he reached out, remembering the pouch of black berries he had seen while fetching pepper,


"This is my personal property, gathered with my own labor! Tag berries become a premium spice when dried and are sold for a high price inland!"

A small hand emerged from the pile of luggage, stopping him.

The girl, who appeared to be about seventeen with fiery red hair and fierce eyes, was an accidental member of the Gold Geyser company. What was her name again?

"It's not like I'm eating it alone. Just a pinch should do."

"Those huge, clumsy hands of yours will take all of it if you grab a handful! I am Lucilla Aedran! Never in my life as a merchant have I engaged in such a predatory deal, nor will I ever! That bag alone could buy a premium breakfast at a mid-tier inn in the Empire every morningspending such a fortune on a moment's craving is wasteful! Wastefulness is the most barbaric expression of human nature!"

Ah, right. Lucilla Aedran. That was the name, and quite the character she was.

Although somewhat prickly, she was undeniably useful.

Even during our crossing of the Blue Line, it was thanks to her skills in inflating our supply numbers that we managed to bombard our way through with Ro Haram's holy flash bombs until our eyes hurt.

And now, she had been gathering noticeable things around as soon as the situation calmed down, including those Tag berries.

Seeing a few unseen leather pouches piled up in a corner of the wagon, it seemed like having her around meant we wouldn't starve.

Anyway, theres no need to quarrel with a kid like this first thing in the morning. I'd better handle this maturely.

"Get down."


"If you're unhappy, get off. I've been the one pulling this cart up to here. Want to calculate the cost of a wagon pulled by a hero of my caliber through the middle of the Blue Line? Shall we really tally it all up?"

"Well, that can be offset by my contributions to the party and the rewards Ill receive when we reunite with the company people"

"Is that so? Then let's consider our dealings concluded at that level, and from now on, you're out of any additional profits. Hmm a long-hidden village of banished elves Just picking up a few utensils lying around in that village could be sold as gold-class auction items at the Empire's precious goods auction. You go on and pick up more expensive berries. I'll turn my life around selling holy water. Ah, to dismiss the Manhattan dream in front of you and claim you're a merchant!"


"Orinstead. You could continue living as a unified party member, providing for each other in a happy relationship."

"Hmm I was short-sighted"

"Hehehe. You're quite agreeable too."

See? Handle them right, and they understand.

After receiving cooperation' from Lucilla and putting every last Tag berry into the pot, stirring for about 10 minutes, an irresistibly appetizing smell spread through the chilly morning air of the forest.

Yes. Since we cant go outside and have to live here for a while, let's thoroughly enjoy it. Even if its just a stew whipped up by an amateur like me, it contains fresh ingredients that could only be dreamed of in reality. These aren't just any ingredients, but ones from a fantasy world, bringing a taste you'd savor and mull over.

"Grumble. That's a nostalgic smell. Is this a southern-style stew? Heavy on spices and light on water to make it thick This isn't just amateur work. Well done, captain."

As everyone was intoxicated by the heartwarming aroma, a shaggy, bear-like creature, smelling like a wet dog, approached.

"Did you sleep through a werewolf carrying you away? Youre supposed to have the best senses among us."

"I was having a nightmare."

"Shouldn't nightmares wake you up earlier?"

"That depends on the type of nightmare, doesnt it? Perhaps because the environment here is similar to my old home, I dreamt of the village where my tribe used to live. Its been a while since I've seen those familiar faces, so I didnt force myself awake."


Borka stretched out in his wolf form, shaking off the dew from his fur.


"In front of the food bowl, you dog!"

"Sorry, captain. Perhaps because this forest reminds me of home, I unconsciously acted like the old days."

"Home, huh Sorry for asking."

"It's okay. Arent we on our way to end that nightmare? It actually revives my will. Enough chitchat, let's eat. The hunger, the deep forest like home, the familiar food. If you guys arent eating, it would be rude not to start myself."

Borka Dalun. This fellow was a werewolf from the south who set out to find his kidnapped children. By chance, he was captured by the super-racist Ro Haram church and similarly joined my party.

During the archbishops commission to select a group to join the battlefield, information from the church revealed his children had been taken towards the Empire, across the Blue Line mountains.

His enthusiasm seemed double than when he was hunting warlocks. Now, it wasnt just an assigned task; it was as if he was on his own mission.

"Phew, phew"



"Kraaaa! I'll kill you!"

The hearty stew filled their empty stomachs, and the jerky from the Ro Haram church melted tenderly, releasing umami with each chew. The rich taste tired their tongues, but the unique fragrance and fresh taste of Tag berries followed!

Even the other members of the party, including the usually grumbling Lucilla, quickly emptied their bowls and reached for the ladle, indicating that everyone's taste was more or less the same.

Tap tap tap


"Hmm. But you, being a water mage, is it really okay for you to eat like this? Ottoman over there strictly adhere to a mage's diet."

"Kruaak! Each mage has different imaginations. Mages might think staying close to a state of pure water helps with magic. But I'm different from them. Vapor in the air is water too, and unless it's distilled, drinking it means ingesting countless microbes and residues, and, well, 70% of the human body is water"

"Microbes? Distilled water?"

"Yep, those exist. Anyway, eating like this doesn't really affect my imagination. As long as you don't get swept up in rumors, you can dismiss them as nonsense."

Even if it did affect his imagination, he resolved not to give up the pleasure of eating. If a novice cook like him could create such excellent stew from memory, what kind of dishes might Roderick or famous restaurants in the imperial capital offer? Perhaps they were comparable to Michelin three-star restaurants, which he couldn't visit even when the world was normal.

Goodness. Ive missed out on half of life! The ordinary brain is the best! The game is ten times more fun, isnt it?'

The anticipation was thrilling. He needed to charm some elves soon and head over to the empire. The feel of mana was becoming second nature, which was fun. Drawing out imaginations had become easier than when he had the system. Maybe he could even aim for the third rank.

While lost in thought, the large iron pot was now nearly empty. Each member expressed satisfaction as they gathered around the campfire, stacking their wooden bowls.

But one of the bowls returned just as it was taken out. One person is missing.

"Ah. Magician Ottoman. I forgot about him."

Looking up, he saw a blue robe and a white beard dangling from a tree.

Hed hung up the water mage in a tree, hadn't he?

"Hmm Look here, Professor. Even if Ottoman is a skilled mage, isn't he too old? Putting too much strain on an aged body should be avoided"

"Um That won't be possible."

"Why not?"

Because, while he may look as quiet as a dead mouse now, the moment the rope slackens even slightly, hed jet off toward the elf village.

Professor turned his gaze toward a place thick with the scent of water.

A half-human water spirit wore a distinctly chillingly unpleasant' expression, clearly annoyed by Magician Ottoman. The man had a bunch of moisture around his mouth and was mumbling something.

It looked somewhat like a messaging spell using steam as a medium

"Is he singing?"

"Um. I can hear it too. It's a sort of serenade commonly performed by bards in the Roderick taverns. Ottoman, that old man, is really behaving foolishly."

Lucilla grimaced at Aldritchs explanation.

"Ew. So, you mean to tell me that grandfather is flirting with the water spirit even while hanging like that?"


"All night long?"

"Um The elf that welcomed us must have watched us all night, so probably. She hadnt relaxed her combat stance."

"Ew, what is that? It's so magician-like.'"

"Yes. Truly magician-like' behavior. Embarrassingly so."

Professor watched as Aldritch and Lucilla sighed in unison and quietly shelved his plans to climb the ranks.

I was a bit reckless myself. Maybe I should consider becoming a high-ranking magician more carefully.'

If a dignified and gentlemanly old man like Ottoman could change so drastically, what about me, already perceived as definitely mad by both social and subjective standards? If I were to take on magician-like' traits, it might well bring about an apocalyptic disaster. The only thing intact is my sanity, and even that should be carefully preserved.

It seemed even someone as experienced as himself was not ready to handle such a wildly diverse group of party members.

"Let's start packing up and get moving. Just lower Ottoman down to the ground while he's still tied up."

".Isn't that dangerous? He doesn't seem to be in his right mind yet. He might cause a major incident, especially with diplomatic negotiations upcoming"

"We can't just leave him hanging there until we leave, either. Besides, there's no guarantee they'll step forward for negotiations."


Ssssh Ssssssh



As the sun rose a bit higher and sunlight began to seep into the clearing, elves and spirits, fully armed as if by some agreement, began to appear one by one from between the trees.

Their movements were so secretive and swift that neither I, whose senses had been sharpened by mutation in my Mute cells, nor Borka the werewolf, could detect them.

Moving fluidly like a single organism, they surrounded us by climbing the trees, and an elf with a familiar face approached the group, chewing on bark.


Accompanied by a shadow-like water spirit.

".As promised, we have waited one day. We are grateful for your good intentions in response to our impoliteness. Nalim of Caneran, Idrasil grants you entry. Your party of heroes may converse with the branches of the Mother, and as long as you do not infringe upon their free will, you are relatively free to."


".Human? Are you listening?"

Swooooosh Whooooooosh

That's just a blob of water. Just a moving H2O, a personification of freshness, its transcendent beauty almost offering an instant path to enlightenment through its mere existence, embodying the water spirit's sublime allure. Uuuuuh!

".Just a moment."


"Wait a minute, elf."

Feeling as though he was struggling against mental contamination, Professor, leaving Idrasil behind, approached a nearby tree that appeared to be over three meters in diameter.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He started banging his head against the tree.


As the elf in the tree yelped and moved away, leaves fluttering down and blood spraying wildly, mixing slightly with what looked like brain matter

"Ah, refreshing refreshing indeed Can't show such a horrendous sight in front of diplomacy"

Shiver, shiver, shiver!

"V-Viviabless my arrow."

"I, as a Nalim, as a branch of the Great Mother, will not be subdued by such, by such things"

Shiver, shiver, shiver!

Having finished his frenzied purification', Professor, now in the midst of a circle that had nearly doubled in size, approached the elves with an outstretched hand.

His eyes and tongue were half out, giving him the appearance of a madman, as he staggered forward, bleeding profusely.

"Good, cough! Good morning to you, elves. Cough! Hmm! Ugh! There was a little disturbance."

"G-g-g-good morning human."

At that moment, Idrasil had no choice but to admit, even though her pride was hurt.

She was overwhelmed by the boundless madness of this human, who masqueraded as a hero.

Not just her, but all the Nalim who had instinctively stepped back about ten meters, stringing their bows in terror, felt an unknown fear toward this human who, seemingly close to death, still requested a handshake.


The sound of the wind brushing through the deep forest.

Amidst the faintly echoing sad love song of the old mage hanging in a tree, Professor unknowingly succeeded in leaving a lasting impression on the elves he had just met.

"Gwok. The soul of the mad big small human just slipped out between his cracked skull. I saw it clearly. It was within arm's reach."

".It's truly fortunate that he's not the same as us."

"A magician isn't quite considered a human, I'd say. Lets not lump ourselves in the same category."

"Aldritch, arent you a magician yourself?"

"Ah, I'm a soul mage, a spiritist. We hardly use mana. We don't even associate with the souls of magicians, except for a few lunatics."

Of course, he had also made a profound impression on his companions who had been with him for several months.


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