City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 208: Purple Claws

Chapter 208: Purple Claws

The two parts of aireni’s body fell to the ground. Splashing some of the gore on me.
I wanted to use Get Ready to clean it up, but I didn’t. Every skill is important, and I shouldn’t use it unless it is extremely necessary.
I pushed that thought and took out the healing potion swiftly from my pocket and poured it, on the wound, before taking a small sip.
Thankfully, the wind bullet had caused only a small wound. The bullet was thin, like a thick needle; the hole it had left behind had stopped bleeding in a couple of seconds.
If it had a Grade 2 aireni’s wind bullet; I could forget using my hand or might not have the hand.
I was putting on the potion bottle in my pocket when heard the loud roar that pierced through all the noise that battle was making.
The roar of the leader.
My heart tightened hearing it. It is definitely a command and I really hope it isn’t something bad.
For a few seconds, there was nothing, before I started to hear the gaggle of faint squeaking noises, which started to get louder rapidly.
I didn’t get a good feeling and when I saw the things making the noise, fear couldn’t help but appear on my face.
The green-eyed rats and there are hundreds and maybe thousands of them and they were coming, attacking anything and everyone. That was in their way.
Each one of these rats is as long as my arms and has dark brown fur and long sharp teeth and claws. 
That could tear through the bones.
Individually, they are not hard to deal with, but in groups, they are terror. A group of them could eat a man in less than a minute and it is why people aren’t letting them form the group.
They are attacking every rat; they come across, but the rats are not the only monsters we are dealing with.
There are other monsters as well. The rat monsters took advantage of that.
A group of rats surrounded a man and covered him as he fell to the ground. His mournful screams rang for seconds, but cut abruptly.
No one was able to help the man before he died horribly at the hands of the monsters. 
A few seconds later, rats left than place, leaving nothing other than torn clothes and metals. The rats ate everything from hair to nails, leaving nothing of his behind.
They are really a terror and soon that terror will be on me.
Squeak Squeak
It didn’t take long before two rats appeared in front of me. They looked at me for a moment, before coming at me from the left and the right.
They were fast, and I wanted to run at them to finish them as quickly as possible, but I didn’t and instead, I stayed on my spot, till they were directly in front of me.
That’s when I acted and moved at the highest, speed that Rapid Legs could give me before appearing behind the rat monster on the left and attacking it with Swift Blade.
The monster sensed my attack and tried to dodge it, but my sword was fast and able to decapitate it before it could dodge the attack.
I moved toward the second rat and swung my sword at it when I noticed something.
I saw two more rats coming, and they were moving toward Fang.
“Fuck!” I cursed loudly, with fear and panic rising in my heart.
Fang is scared, seeing how he took a slow step back. Anyone would be scared. Hell, I am scared thinking about what they will do to him.
I couldn’t do anything to help him, as I was already doing it.
I am moving toward him, while my sword moves toward the rat in front of me. I hoped Fang would use that agility and dodge those rats; it wouldn't take me more than three seconds to reach him.
My sword cut the rat into two and moved toward the two rats who were on Nero.
They attacked him, and he dodged them by leaping high in the air. 
Seeing that, a smile appeared on my face. He may be small, but he is fast and agile. If he ran at full speed, I couldn’t catch him, even with the full power of skill.
I was watching him in relief when he did something shocking.
Instead of moving away, he performed a maneuver in the air. That helped him dive back toward the rats.
“What are you doing?” I shouted.
‘What is happening to him?’ I couldn’t help asking myself. First, he ran away from Lola, which he never did, and now he dived back into rats instead of escaping.
Those bloody rats will tear his cut little body apart, and they are ready to do that. Seeing how both rats stood up their legs, with their sharp claws shining.
Soon, there were only a few centimeters of distance between them and him. It would take me another second to reach him before I could attack those rats bastards.
Fang had reached rats, and they attacked him. When something shocking happened; something that I had not expected in my wildest dreams.
Two purple energy claws came from his cute front claws. These energy claws are long, longer than his tiny legs, and moved them at the rat on the right.
The purple claws met the claws of a rat on the right and cut through them like butter, before cutting through the whole rat.
He killed the rat while, avoiding the attack from a rat on the left. After he killed the right rat monster, he leaped at the rat on the left.
A second later, he had those claws into the head of the second rat.
“My god,” 
It is the only word I could speak. This tiny puppy-shaped dwarf wolf had killed the two rats, within a second.
The way he did it; it didn’t seem like it was his first time doing something like this. It seemed like, I had misunderstood, when he took a step back earlier.
He was not scared; he was just preparing to kill the rats.
He had also never shown those purple energy claws or any sign that he could use the magical attacks.
Or he could even fight.
Nobody would think he could fight, seeing he looked like a puppy.
I wanted to congratulate him, but before I could say any words, the new guests had appeared. 
Inbur or Iron Fur Bear.
It is a gray bear monster, bigger than me, with metal fur. Every hair on its body is metallic, and they are sharp as the needles.
This bear could fight on two legs and loved to take its prey in embrace. It then pierces those metal needles into them, which it could straighten at will.
It is why this monster is also called a huggy bear.
Its hide is defensive, making normal weapons have a difficult time breaching it.
It had not come alone. There are four rats, who came with him.
“Fang, handle the rats,” I said to him and moved to dodge the attack from the Bear monster. I could see the rats were also coming toward me, but I hoped Fang would handle them.
I have no other choice. I couldn’t deal with the rats while dealing with enemies like this iron fur bear.
If Fang hadn’t shown me what he could do, I would have run toward the group of guards. I know which battle to fight and when I should take help.
Fighting a powerful monster like it is a risk, but it is better than running toward the guards. They are busy dealing with a bigger threat than I am facing.
I dodged its claw and moved, attacking the bear at the same time. The purple energy claws appeared on Fang's front legs, and he attacked the rats.
The bear had stopped my sword with his claws, shaking me from up to down and forcing me to take the steps back.
I was doing that when it attacked me again.
I dodged the attack by inches, before attacking, and the bear once again moved its claws to defend.
The bear monster is faster than it looked and has quick limbs that it was able to defend against my attack, before attacking me with those huge claws.
While I was unable to make any progress, Fang had killed the first rat and now the remaining rat had grouped together on him.
It once again stopped my attack and sent me back.
‘If I keep doing that, my hand won’t be able to survive; I have to finish it quickly.’ I thought, feeling the pain in my hand.
In a moment, I made the decision, and instead of dodging its claw; I swung my sword toward it, with Swift Blade, Weighted Strike, and also added the Consecutive Strikes and Quick Parry.
I felt the pain, but I bore in with all these skills, but I bore and continued with my attack.
My sword clashed against its claw and stopped it, and, to my surprise, I felt less pain than I had earlier.
I wanted to use this as a counter with the help of Quick Parry, but the bear didn’t let me do that.
So, I took back my sword and attacked it again.
Since I started to use the Consecutive Strikes. I need to get as much as attacks while maintaining the rhythm as possible; it will make my attacks stronger and faster, helping me deal with it.
Clang Clang Clang
My sword clashed against it, in offense and defense, without breaking the rhythm.
‘This monster is really something,’ I thought.
It had been over thirty-eight attacks and defenses, but the bear was unharmed.
I will have to make my attacks even stronger and faster; I just hope my hand will be with me, till the end.
The stronger power and speed had their benefits, but it had side effects as well. Especially when fighting against an enemy as powerful as this one.
It growled angrily and attacked once again; I swung my sword to defend, before attacking it.
I was fighting it when I saw Fang finished dealing with the four rats and the fifth one that came later, and now it moved again.
I was confused at first, but a second later my eyes widened, seeing him leaping at the bear from behind.
“No!” I shouted.
The rats are dangerous, but only in groups. This bear, on the other hand, is dangerous on its own. It is a very powerful monster; Fang will be squished by it.
Even if it didn’t attack Fang with a claw; those sharp hairs on his body would be enough to turn him into the porcupine.
The bear sensed him instantly and turned, before moving its one claw at him, while moving the other claw toward my sword, which was aiming for his head.
If the claw hit Fang; it would tear him into pieces, and I would be powerless to stop it.
I am trying, using every ounce of my strength, to move my sword faster, but it is Nero who will reach the claw of the bear first.
In one of these movements, I really wish I would have been a mage. The mages have a lot more freedom compared to the warriors and are a lot more powerful.
Nero reached the claw, and the bear’s claw moved to slice him. 
I nearly closed my eyes when I saw Nero do something incredible again.
He maneuvered in the air, around the claw. Dodging it by less than a centimeter.
It was incredible, and he had done it, without using any magical power.
Only his body and he were very graceful.
He avoided the bear's claw, but the bear's claw couldn’t avoid his claws; those long purple energy claws appeared once again and touched its iron arm; on which all the iron hairs stood up like spikes.
They didn’t seem to affect his purple claws, as they cut through them before cutting the limb.
The Bear’s claw fell down, making it growl loudly in pain.
However, it also provided me with a great opportunity. As Fang sliced the claw; my sword reached the bear's other claw.
As it did, I flicked my wrist a little, making my sword avoid the claw. Though at much less grace, than Fang did.
I had tried tens of times to do this, but never succeeded, but now, I did. 
Thanks to the bear being distracted by pain.
It didn’t take Bear to realize what happened, and it moved its head toward me and an alarm flashed in its eyes as my sword had reached its head.
It tried to move its head back and retreat, but it was already too late.
My sword touched its neck before cutting through it.
There was resistance, but with enchantments on the blade flaring and the power of Consecutive Strikes, I was able to decapitate it cleanly.

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