City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 202: Demolition

Chapter 202: Demolition

“…we need it urgently,” said the middle-aged man.
There are two people in front of me; they work for a liquor business in Inam. They have come to me for an emergency order; they want a large quantity of the Navr liquor.
While they could get that from Oksall, I can get them slightly cheaper.
“It won’t be a problem. You will have it in three days.” I said with a smile.
Ina is not Navr, but she didn’t need to be for us to buy the goods from Navr. In these few months, we have proved ourselves enough that we could get the orders with message alone.
We have big credit lines with several liquor merchants.
If I sent a message now, they would pack the goods immediately and send them by the evening. Tomorrow, the goods will reach the Mirador Hold, by night they will be at my warehouse in the city.
From there, these people would take the goods to Inam.
“Good. We will be expecting the delivery in three days,” said the middle-aged man, and we signed the contract.
I watched them leave, before turning to the check in my hands. This is the biggest order I have received from a single person. 
Five hundred million crowns.
Five million imperials. 
I should start using the imperials instead of crowns; people use them. Only the house of Silver is slightly different.
There is a rule in house unless you start earning a million imperials a month. You have no right to use the higher currency.
It's an idiotic, stupid rule, but it has been in the house for nearly millennia, and everybody follows it despite knowing how stupid it is.
Due to the stupid rule, I have got so used to using crowns. I am having a problem shifting to the imperials despite its months since I started making over a million imperials a month, months ago.
I will need to be more conscious of using it; it is the only way; I will be able to break that stupid habit.
“Send the message,” I said to Zela, who nodded and closed her eyes.
I stayed in my office for three more hours and met a few more people before walking out.
Since I came back yesterday; I have been busy. There was not a single minute where I wasn’t doing anything.
Till the evening last night, I had talked to various employees. From Margaux to Drev, taking their views and discussing things with them.
After that, I watched the establishment for two hours, before I had to attend the party with Valentina.
Today was the same. In the morning, I went to Count Darrow where it was as bad as yesterday, before coming back to my office, and now, I am going back to the establishment.
I have to meet people there.
Soon, the carriage moved through the gates of the establishment before stopping.
There are many people around the establishment. Mainly removing stuff and putting them into the carriages.
“How are things?” I asked Carla and Caena as I walked out of the carriage. “The girls have been shifted. We also shifted their personal stuff; the rest is going to the Nielsons warehouses,” she replied.
We had shifted the girls at dawn after the last patron left. I have rented a huge place for them, where they will live for a month.
It cost me, but there was no other choice.
The entire establishment is going to be overhauled. Every single room, from above ground to underground. It is a very expensive change and if it hadn’t been for the profits of the liquor business, I would have needed to take the loan.
“Have they arrived?” I asked as we walked toward the establishment. “Yes, they are waiting for you.” She replied.
I entered the hall, and it was a complete mess; people were breaking walls. Putting support columns for demolitions.
In a matter of a few hours, they have transformed the whole floor and not just the first floor. The demotions are going on all the floors, everywhere I look, I would see people breaking something.
The only place they aren’t breaking is the one I had entered.
In the room, there were four people present, aside from Margaux and Valentina. There is a bearded man and a blond woman who look to be in their late thirties.
The man is wearing a black suit, while the woman is wearing a blue dress with a purple leather belt.
“Merna, Ivan; this is Remus Silver,” Valentina introduced.
“It is nice to finally meet you, Adviser,” said the man. “It is nice to meet you, too. Merna, Ivan,” I said as I shook their hand before taking my seat.
These two are interior designers. 
Nielson guilds have their in-house designers and Valentina has some talent in that field as well, but I hired these two.
She herself suggested I hire them. 
Saying their expertise is suited to the vision I have, and I will also be their first client. They have left their jobs to start the company.
“So, have you finished?” I asked them.
“Based on the information you have provided, we have created several samples for the establishment and circle,” replied the woman, and activated the slate. 
A moment later, a projection of an inside view of the establishment appeared.
My eyes lit up seeing it. 
It was amazing and looked beautiful, but most importantly, it seemed to have captured the vision for the establishment I have in my mind.
They have been working for three weeks; researching and watching how the establishment works. I have even given them access to hundreds of rough designs I have made and ideas I have written down.
Through the messages, they asked all the questions they had in mind, and I answered them all to the best of my abilities.
Seeing the design, it is clear. They have worked hard to capture my vision and have been successful at it.
“Let’s start from the first floor,” I said after a minute of silence. They nodded, and the woman tapped on the runes.
Soon, everything aside from the first floor, everything disappeared, and it magnified.
“Bring out the other models of the first floor too,” I said, and five more first floors appeared in a palm-sized icon, the side of a huge model of the first floor.
“All six models incorporate the elements you have asked for,” said the man and began to explain in detail.
I didn’t disturb him and listened carefully while studying each of the six models.
“They are good, but some changes are needed,” I said after more than ten minutes.
“Please tell,” said the woman, and I began.
Over 90% of the changes are me taking things I like from different models into the ones I like. Only a small number of changes, I needed to mention, which they applied on the spot.
The first floor is going to be the most important one; it is where the biggest changes are being made.
It is a kind of gamble, but if it worked, it would bring me enough riches to finance my other plans.
It took three and a half hours for all the changes to finalize and another hour and a half for the changes in the circle. 
The circle didn’t take much, despite being bigger. It is not a place of business and thus; I had given more responsibility to the designer. Let them present their views in consultation with the girls.
I have to say; that they have done an impressive job, and it is going to be not as expensive as I had thought it would be.
Thought it would still cost a lot.
“I hope you will be able to do it in one month,” I said to them. “It won't be a problem, Adviser,” said the woman with confidence and walked out of the room with her husband.
“So, do you want to watch it, from above to below?” asked Valentina. 
“From above,” I said, after a moment of thought, and walked to the fifth floor. There is something amazing going to happen and I want to watch.
It is just not me. Even the ladies want to watch it, seeing they are following me.
 Soon we reached the fifth floor and stopped where Valentina wanted us to stay.
“Ready?” she asked with a smile. “Do it,” I said, and the staff in her hand lit up.
A moment later, the floor in front of me collapsed, the floor, below it collapsed and the floor below that.
All the floors until the first floor collapsed, but not all of them; only a certain section of the inn, from and among each collapsed section, is different sides.
Half of the roof above the first floor had collapsed. While only 25% of the floor we were standing on had collapsed.
As for why, I demolished part of the roof on every floor because I wanted this five-floor building to have four floors in front.  
I did it to have the seating area with the high ceilings. Higher than what I currently have.
This change is internal. On the outside, nothing had changed; I only made the roofs collapse and not the buildings. 
“You have a huge work ahead of you,” I said to Valentina. “It won’t be a problem, since the walls are breaking easily this time,” she said back, and I smiled.
If it had been a small work, I wouldn’t have kept the establishment closed for one month. 
Valentina will now reconstruct these roofs and laid down enchantments before handing things to the interior designers. 
It is a lot of work for her and interior designers to do within a month.
After the dust settled. I walked down, checking each collapsed roof. 
Looking at the things, everything seemed to have worked perfectly. Now, the workers are collecting the rubble and bringing it out of the establishment.
They will not throw it away and instead; they will reuse it. I had specifically told Valentina to do it.
“Master Silver, I have to talk to you about something,” said Margaux as walked back into the office.
Her expression was serious; it seemed like she wants to talk about something important.
“We will return in ten minutes,” said Carla and walked out of the office with Caena, leaving me and Margaux alone and the guards.
“What is it?” I asked, hoping everything was right with her.
“I hope you will let me resign from the duties of the madam of establishment and give me responsibilities of the circle,” she said, surprising me.
I already discussed the command structure with them, and the head of the circle would have the same authority as the madam of the establishment in their domain. 
Both of whom will work under Carla, like Ina is doing.
Though, the prestige of the madam of the establishment will be higher as it is a place that earns the money.
So, it is like she is asking for the demotion.
“Why?” I asked after a minute of silence.

“I think it will be the right decision for me. It will also give me more time to focus on the things I want to pursue while giving me a chance to take better care of the girls,” she replied.
I could feel the honesty in her voice. She meant what she said.
To be honest, I want to decline her request. She is great at her job, never giving me any chance to complain. 
“Have you really thought about it?” I asked. “Yes, I have been thinking about it for months,” she replied, and I signed.
“If this is what you want. I will give it to you,” I said, and her face bloomed into the most joyous smile I had ever seen on her face.
“Thank you, Master Silver,” she said with her eyes watering.
She left a minute later, while I slumped back in the chair. I had a person in mind for the circle, but now she is taking that job; I have to choose someone to run the establishment.
Which will be harder than choosing a person to run a circle.
“Mister Silver, there is a message from Major Jarvis. He wants you to reply as soon as possible,” informed Zela, bringing me out of my thoughts.

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