City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 189: New Day

Chapter 189: New Day

“…Remus will be my representative,” 
Declared the Count to people filled in a hall. All the nobles of Nakar baronies were present, including my sister, and would be a new baron Lockridge.
There is also Ignatius Blackwell, who arrived earlier and held a talk with Count and me.
“I will try to live up to your expectations, my lord,” I said and bowed. “I know you will, Remus,” said Count, and patted my shoulder.
We moved into the crowd and began to mingle; I know all of them. Some, well enough, while others in passing.
As an adviser, I have met with them many times. The Count couldn’t always meet with them and not all things they bring, warrant his attention; such things are handed to us advisers.
The party lasted for four hours before guests started leaving, except for Ignatius Blackwell. He is staying in the keep. He will leave tomorrow.
He wanted to leave, but the Count had asked him to stay. His safety is important, especially before trade begins.
“I am handing over everything to you, Remus. I hope you will do a good job,” said Count Darrow.
“I will not give you a reason to be disappointed. My Lord,” I said to the man. “You better not,” he said with a smile, before sitting in a carriage.
He is leaving; I wanted him to stay the night, but he couldn’t. He said, there is someone he needs to meet tomorrow. 
That someone must be pretty important for him to leave at night.
I watched the carriage disappear through the gate and turned to the man beside me. 
“Major Jarvis, I hope we will have a good working relationship,” I said with a smile. “I hope so too, adviser,” he replied.
“Speaking of that, please ask Commander Dane to send Major Lawson here and ask him to bring the plans northern side,” I said, and a small smile appeared on his face.
“You don’t waste any time, do you?” he asked.
“There are a lot of things to do and a little time to waste,” I replied and entered the keep with him.
Soon, I stepped into the office and sat on the chair on which Count Darrow was sitting not long ago. 
For a few months, this is going to be my office. 
I planned these few months as short as possible. So, I could return to Greltheaven permanently. 
Though, I will not be hasty in my work.
There are several things I have to do in the next few months. First, of course, built the infrastructure, from roads to warehouses. Second, start the trade and bring it to the level that the Count had asked me to, and third, train my successor.
All three are hard, but the second and third are the hardest.
Second, because we have only signed the contract and Blackwell brought his forces. 
We have got a little ahead with killing and capturing a large number of bandits. Which I hope, will help in smoothening of the trade.
This condition also involves dealing with the bandits who are active in baronies and on other sides of Oksall’s territory. 
The safer it is, the more trade will come. I will talk about it with Blackwell and Major Jarvis tomorrow.
The third condition will depend on Count Darrow. A few people will be coming here from his territory. I have to access, train and choose my successor among them.
I am tired currently, but there are things I have to do. 
I took a deep breath and opened the file in front of me and took out the blueprints and sketches. 
When I crafted a plan, I included everything, including the plan for infrastructure and the cost.
There is only a slight modification needed to make due to the requirement from Oksall. Which thankfully, increases the budget.
I put out the plans in front of me and took notes. Major Lawson should come tomorrow and handling him won’t be easy, but is necessary.
The sooner I finish with it, the better it will be.
After it comes tenders; these are very lucrative contracts. Every big firm will want it. I have a few ideas about how I am going to do it and it is going to make a few people angry, but that is fine.
While I like to take everyone along. It is not always possible. Some of my decisions will always make people angry, intentionally or unintentionally.
I worked for one and a half hours before walking out of my office and into the suite. I am taking the second-best suit. The first will always be reserved for Count Darrow.
I fell asleep within a minute, and it was a deep sleep, with no nightmares.
Agent of Experience Lv. 18
Masterful Administrator Lv. 16
When I woke up, there was a notification in front of me and not one line, but two.
I had expected to level up in Masterful Administrator since the Count handed me this new responsibility and power, but leveling up to the Agent of Experience is a little surprise.
I have to ask whether something happened in the establishment yesterday.
Since I leveled up at the Agent of experience, I got the attribute point, which I immediately deposited into vitality.
The battle had proved how desperately I needed it. With this one point, I took it to the nine.
I felt its effects immediately. 
The comfortable cooling and slightly radiant skin, which had turned a little pale from the injuries I had received in the battle.


Agent of Experience Lv. 18

Masterful Administrator Lv. 16

Warrior Lv. 15

Trainer Lv. 02










·     Trustful Presence

·     Goods Sense

·     Contract

·     Torch for Seeker

·     Consecutive Strikes

·     Rapid Steps

·     Insightful Reading

·     Price Is Right

·     Weighted Strike

·     Persuasive

·     Gymnasts Grace

·     Sight Through Veil

·     Every Ear Listens To My Words

·     Swift Blade

·     Lords Mood

·     Privacy

·     Command Projection

·     Get Ready

·     Quick Parry

Attribute Points:


I opened the interface and watched the progress. It gave me the ego boost I will need for today.
A few seconds later, I closed the window and went to the bathroom to freshen up and shower.
I came out of the bathroom half an hour later and changed into a suit.
Today is important. I need to be at my best.
Seeing everything perfect, I walked out of my suit and immediately heard a familiar growl directed at me.
“I missed you too, buddy,” I said and picked Fang off the ground. He resisted for a few seconds before calming down. 
I looked at him clearly and there was no change in him.
“It seemed like he is really a dwarf,” I said. “It seemed to be true; there was no growth, except for his hair,” said Eli, who had a cloud-surfing sparrow on his shoulder, which had become slightly bigger.
“When did you arrive?” I asked him. “Just half an hour ago,” he replied.
I talked to him on the way to the kitchen. I sat at the table but stopped the chef from serving the breakfast.
I didn’t have to wait for long. A little over ten minutes later, Blackwell walked inside.
“I hope you were not waiting too long, Adviser,” he said as he took a seat in front of me. “I just arrived a few minutes ago,” I replied and asked the chef to serve us breakfast.
“Did you receive any message from Oksall?” I asked directly. “Yes. I have been informed that their people have started the survey of the route,”
“They will be finished in a week and will start the construction of the road after that,” he informed.
It had been done before and House Blackwell has a complete record of it. So, it shouldn’t take long for them to finish the survey and start the construction.
The distance from Fort Renin to Amberhold is less than half or nearly a third of what Greltheaven to Nakar Baronies, but due to hills and all; it is a difficult journey to make.
We are lucky, due to our side being a wasteland. It is plain, with little obstructions. We could cover that large distance in a short time.
“What about your side?” he asked. “Lord Count had already started on things, and I will try to expedite them further,” I replied.
“I am sure you will accomplish it on time; I will be doing the same with my side,” he said, and I smiled.
“I think we should start a discussion of collaboration on bandit extermination soon as possible.” 
“It would be wise if we have a framework ready by the end of the month,” I said after a few seconds of silence.
“I was going to suggest the same. While we have wiped away a large number of bandits, there are many of them who are still active on both sides,” he replied.
For a few minutes, we discussed that topic.
There are already a few lines added about it in the agreement that we and Oksall had signed. We have to develop the framework of corporations based on that.
It will take some negotiations. A lot of manpower will be needed for operations like this, which is going to be the easiest part of the negotiations.
Soon, we finished breakfast and walked out of the keep.
“Have a safe journey, Lord Blackwell,” I said as mounted. “I will,” he said and left with his force. 
I sent a platoon of soldiers with him for extra security; they will return after taking him safely to his fort.
I turned back and walked toward the keep.
“Master Silver,” Jill greeted, sitting at a table by my office.
“Jill, I hope the journey has been well?” I asked her. “Yes, there was no problem,” she replied. I smiled and walked inside, where another person was waiting.
“How are the things in the establishment, Lola?” I asked as I took a seat. 
I had called them here after the Count had handed me the responsibility. To be honest, I wish Carla had been here, but she had a business to manage in my stead and couldn’t leave the Greltheaven.
So, Lola is the next best choice. 
“They are good; the business is going well, and the new girls are adjusting, without any problem,” she replied.
I nodded and looked at my desk; it is completely different from the mess I left behind last night.
I took out the first file; it is about our finances; both establishments and my liquor business with Navr. I have accumulated a good amount of money; I could easily pay all my debts with it.
However, I am not going to do that.
When I went to Oksall. I saw the biggest city in the world. I opened my eyes to a completely different reality.
Seeing such a massive city, my perspective widened, and I realized. I have been playing too safe in these past few months with the establishment.
I should take big risks and give my all. If I take things too slowly, I might end up losing the opportunities I might get.
I should treat my business like a start-up. Take big risks, it is the only way I will achieve my dreams.
I read the whole file and made a few notes, before turning to Lola. 
“Did you bring what I had asked?” I asked. She nodded and took out the box from the corner of the office.
The box contains files, a lot of them.
“Let’s start; we need to finish with it, before the afternoon,” I said to her. She took the seat opposite of me and we started working.
In the afternoon, Major Lawson is coming, and I need to be prepared.

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