City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 181: Battle On The Hill II

Chapter 181: Battle On The Hill II

I didn’t even get a moment to relax as I killed the Orc bandit when two attacks came at me from the opposite side.
I immediately ducked down and moved right with everything I have, dodging the attack by inches, before getting up and attacking the human bandit to my right.
He defended, giving me a buzzing shock to my arm, but I bore the pain and moved left to defend against the attack coming from the half-orc. Which I did, but soon, the human bandit attacked again.
I dodged by moving right, but quickly moved left to dodge the attack from the half-orc.
These bandits are not weak, and they are careful seeing how I killed the first bandit.
I kept dodging the attacks, as I had trained for since the last bandit incident, and it seemed to work very well. I am dodging every attack.
Though the range I am dodging them is quite uncomfortable.
Still, I am dodging the attacks without getting injured is already a miracle, seeing both of them are stronger and more experienced than me.        
Seconds passed, and I kept dodging and the more I dodged. The better I would become, and it is frustrating my enemies, who are using every skill, they have in their arsenal to kill me.
More than a minute passed, and I dodged another attack by ducking down when I saw the opportunity and took it, without hesitation.
I jumped toward the human bandit.
I could jump quite high, with a combination of Gymnasts Grace and Rapid Legs. 
The bald human bandit was alarmed, seeing me doing it. Opening myself to him, completely, it made him grin for a moment before he realized where his sword was and how fast I am moving.
I have trained hard to survive in the battle.
Dodging the attacks is a main part of that, but what helped the most is killing the enemy. 
I am using a perilous maneuver, but I have no other choice. These two have been swarming me with attacks.
If they keep doing that, one of them will hit me hard, and I will be finished.
Not to mention the number of bandits is increasing. If I keep dodging, the number of people I am fighting might increase and I do not capability to handle them, given my level.
My guards are already helping me a lot, dealing with a lot of bandits coming at me, but they couldn’t stay too close to me, seeing they are being swarmed.
Bandit leaders have come to deal with them, seeing how they were massacring the bandits.
I appeared close to the bandit, and directly put my sword into his eyes. 
He had tried to defend his face with his armguards, but the enchantments of my rapier lit up and pierced my sword into the whole arm, before going through his eyes.
I pushed my legs on his chest and used it to fall down and while I was doing that; I was attacked by a half-orc, who gave me a cut on my back.
I tried to dodge, climbing over the falling body of the bandit, but couldn’t defend fully from the attack.
‘Fuck!’ I cursed loudly in my heart as I felt the blinding pain that brought tears to my eyes. 
The bandit used a pain skill and its exceptionally powerful, giving me a similar level of pain that instructor David’s skill does.
It is the only reason; I am thinking straight and not screaming in pain.
“Die!” screamed the half-orc and launched another attack and this, I couldn’t remain on my spot, or I will be killed. 
So, I jumped from the falling body, using it as leverage, and landed in the middle of another battle, where I made an instant decision and swung my sword at the orc, who had just dealt with the attack of the soldier.
Slice Pachak!
My sword moved fast and cut through the hand of the orc, and I turned, before swinging my sword to decapitate him.
I killed the orc, while the soldier stopped the attack of a human bandit he was fighting.
The head of the orc hadn’t landed on the ground when the half-orc had reached me, with anger raging in his eyes.
“Bastard, you will pay for what you did!” roared the half-orc and attacked me, but I dogged it and launched an attack of my own, which he defended and attacked again.
I dodged.
Dodging is much better than defending against a powerful enemy like him. It also irritates them the most, which is another plus point.
“Try harder or I will send you where I sent your friends,” I taunted. It glared but remained quiet.
Though he is angry and is using everything, he has to kill me.
I dodged every attack while observing his every move and skill. He had a good skill, but the one that impressed me the most is his pain skill, which is still giving me hell-like pain.
It is like someone had poured chili powder on the wound.
I wanted to lie down on the ice under my feet and let the cold of it numb the pain. 
Four and a half minutes passed, and we were still fighting. It is still attacking me, and I am attacking him while dodging the attack.
‘I think I should take a chance,’ I thought as I attacked again, which he defended and attacked me.
Though, I don’t know what benefit I will receive after killing him. Currently, it seemed like he is being alive would be better than him being dead.
He is providing me shields; all new bandits that would come in would go to the soldiers, seeing us fighting. If I killed him, other bandits would come, and they might be more powerful than him.
Not to mention, taking a chance against him, come with risks of its own. 
I could die.
I looked around me and decided to take the chance. I have to do my part. I couldn’t act selfish and keep hanging on to the single enemy, while people around me, fought to death to kill the bandits. 
Immediately, I changed my fighting style, and it became more daring.
I begin to push hard against the half-orc, targeting his weakness that I had learned. 
It grinned at first, but soon his expressions become serious. After, I have come close to injuring him, a couple of times.
A few seconds passed, and I was about to try the risky maneuver to finish him off, when I saw another half-orc coming at me from behind and moved sharply left to dodge the attack.
I dodged the attack, but not fully, as it cut through my sleeve, giving me a cut across my arm. 
Thankfully, the cut is not too deep.
“It is my prey. You could go find yours,” said the first half-orc, glaring at the second half-orc that appeared.
“I will not,” replied the second half-orc and came at me with speed skill, which is as fast as mine, while the first half-orc had launched the attack from the other side.
I moved three steps left and right, two steps, dodging both of the attacks by inch difference.
They didn’t waste any time in coming at me again and the way they did it. It is clear they have fought together many times before and that is bad news for me.
It is already difficult for me to handle one of them and now I am going to fight those who have good synergy.
“This one is slippery,” said the second half-orc, as he injured me in the thigh. I was able to dodge it on time or it would have taken a bone and that would have been a death of me.
The second one is faster than me, making it quite hard for me to dodge his attacks.
Not that I have any other choice. My guards are busy dealing with a swarm of bandits attacking them. 
Still, they would kill most bandits coming in my direction.
Several minutes passed and I kept dodging the attacks. Though it is costing me a lot; injuries have appeared all over my body.
Thankfully, one of the soldiers seemed to have a rare hemostatic skill. It is a rare skill, and they have it on army type, which makes it even more rare and the reason, I am not bleeding to death.
There are a lot of injuries on my body, but I am bleeding. The hemostatic skill had stopped the blood from coming out of the injuries.
The way I am fighting is not good. I couldn’t keep receiving the injuries, I need to kill them, or they will kill me.
I have an idea.
These two may be good at working together, but they hate each other. So much that they wouldn’t come, less than a meter away from each other.
Many times, they have let go of many attacking opportunities.
Whatever happened between them must be pretty intense to not be within one meter of each other, especially the first half-orc.
I didn’t believe it at first when I saw it, but I confirmed it several times. I am pretty sure, it is a real, not some ruse on their part.
If it is, then I am sure they must have a good level in their acting classes.
I decided to take the risk and started to move according to the plan, which is to do it slow, without letting them suspect anything.
They are bandits, not fools. 
A minute passed, and I have them where I want them. It took some effort to bring them close, but I was able to do it.
The second bandit launched an attack, and I dodged it.
Instead of dodging from the left, I moved back toward the first bandit, who I am sure, has a smile appearing on his face, seeing me finally coming to him to die.
The second bandit stopped, while the first bandit’s sword had reached so close to me that I felt all the hair on my body stand.
Anyone watching me would surely see me walking into the mouth of death on my own.
There may be a few inches of distance between his sword and me when I pressed my legs down and moved forward with everything I have.
I harnessed every bit of power my skills could provide and harnessed it through my legs as I ran toward the second half-orc bandit.
I felt the sword of the first bandit across my neck, giving me a cut on it. If I reacted a moment late, my head would have been flying in the air right now.
The second bandit was surprised, seeing me coming at him, and reacted immediately, but still, it was slow.
His attack couldn’t pick a speed before I appeared in front of him and pierced my sword into his heart with Quick Blade and Weighted Strike.
Killing him instantly.
Its fading eyes looked at me with shock, and I am a little shocked, too.
The whole plan depended on him assuming I would die at the hands of the first bandit and thus relaxed his guards, and that cost him his life.
Screamed the bandit behind me and when I turned back, I saw it frozen in shock and with immense grief.
A moment later, it turned into a bubbling rage.
‘Oh,’ I thought.
I had thought they were friends and had a falling out, but it seemed like, I had been a little wrong in my assumption.
“I will kill you!” roared the bandit and came at me with all the anger in the world.
I also moved at him.
It took me a moment to appear in front of his blade, due to the short distance between us, before I spun. Feeling his sword on my neck a second time in less than five seconds.
In my training, I was able to delve deep into Gymnasts Grace. It is an amazing skill, capable of helping users to take their bodies to the limit.
Like real gymnasts do.
I completed spin and attacked the half-orc bandit.
Seeing that, all the anger left his eyes and alarm flashed in his eyes, which turned to horror, but it couldn’t do anything.
As its sword is moving in the opposite direction and dodging is not possible, with how close I am.
My sword touched his neck before cutting it cleanly. I could see the hate and unwillingness in his fading eyes as his head crashed toward the ground.

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