City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 178: Attacked

Chapter 178: Attacked

Ignatius took a step forward as appeared in front of the army. 
“Today is an important day; we will be moving to chart a path of prosperity for our city and the whole merchant states,”
“It is a great responsibility, but I am confident that we will succeed,” he said, and the crowd cheered.
“Let’s go,” said Ignatius, turning to us and we walked toward the beasts.
Soon, I appeared beside the beast I will be riding. It is a blue horse, with thick hoves and a dense, soft coat. My sister and Baron Harrods sat on a similar horse, while Ignatius sat on a black horse with a purple scale around its legs.
I sat on the horse in one smooth motion, the other did the same, and soon we moved toward the gates.
I felt the skills activating around me, some had covered me. Immediately, making the experience a little comforting.
A few seconds later, we passed through the gates and became part of something that I had only been a spectator.
There are a large number of people on both sides of the streets cheering loudly. 
I had not expected this, and the thing is we are still on the hill. The proper city is down below, where more people seemed to have gathered.
It all feels surreal, but I forced myself to sober up and move my hand close to my sword.
If the enemies of the Blackwell want to assassinate Ignatius, it is a great chance. With such a large crowd, they would be able to target him and get away.
It is likely why the guards have moved a little closer to him and there is a presence of heavy guards among the crowd who are keeping them in control.
Not letting them get too close.
I looked at this novel experience and, to be honest, it felt good. Despite knowing, they are cheering for him, not me.
Such a send-off is only reserved for the lord going to war or coming in with victory, but there are some exceptions as well. Like this journey to Fort Renin, which had the potential to transform the destiny of the city.
Speaking of the city, I wanted to explore it but didn’t get a chance.
I have heard so much about its parks and public buildings that are open to every citizen. 
The Blackwell’s had spent a huge amount of money on the public infrastructure. 
They had even reduced the size of the army to half. So, they would be able to spend more on the Amberhold and towns and villages that came under their territory.
Which helped them to get their territory out of the destitute state.
Soon, we came down the hill and, as I expected, the number of people increased.
So much so that guards seemed like they were having a problem controlling the crowd.
I have seen such things many times in my life since coming here and I could see the people genuinely love the Blackwells. Most of the time, people asked to come for such things, sometimes forced to.
The love and respect needed to be earned. You didn’t get it, just by inheriting the title.
The Blackwell’s had earned it.
Finally, we reached the city gates, where the crowd was dense, but a large number of guards were handling them efficiently.
“Your people adore you, Lord Blackwell,” said Leila as the whole force got out of the gates.
“It is my parents. I haven’t done anything to earn their adoration,” he replied, with his cheeks flushing a little. 
A minute later, we have ridden out of the gate, and in front of us was a snow and forest. 
We will have to travel through these snow-filled hills to reach the old fort.
More skills were activated, and our pace increased. In a few minutes, the city seemed far, and it was getting further.
The army is moving fast, in perfect discipline.
The Blackwell might not have a large force, but what they have is experience. In the past decade and a half, they have fought in every big battle merchant states had faced, including a horde of Navr.
Unlike his father, Ignatius Blackwell is a warrior. He had led his forces to the wars and is very good, especially when he has that thing in his hands.
An hour passed and then another. 
Soon, it was three and a half hours since the march had begun, and we had reached the last village. 
It is a small village of about a hundred houses and they cheered, like all the other towns and villages we had passed through in the past three hours. If the trade flourishes, these places going to benefit a lot.
As the village passed, we crossed into a proper forest, where there are no paved roads, but small trails.
The people become more careful as we entered the forests. The scouts moved further in all directions and the guards surrounded Blackwell and us more tightly.
“The wildness is really beautiful,” I said in wonder as we crossed through the small stream of crystalline water.
“It is,” replied the old man beside me.
To be honest, I had completely forgotten about danger and the cold. Since we left the village and entered the forest, I have been enjoying this mesmerizing beauty.
Now, I could understand why my friends would go camping and spend nights in the environment. That could kill them if something went wrong.
It is really beautiful, untouched by anyone, even the orc tribes live a little further. This area acts like a little buffer zone, with proper civilized Oksall and wild orc tribes.
In a few weeks, a large number of people will descend here, and a road will be made for the trade, and even a few more villages and towns may pop up in a few years.
It will only take a small part of this vast forest. They won’t dare to build a large city in this area.
At Fort Renin, maybe, but not here.
Nobody wants to antagonize the monsters of the extreme magic region. If they started sending out the horde and nobody wants that.
A few more hours passed, and we started to come across the tribes of orcs and currently, we were traveling very close to one.
It is only a few hundred meters away; I could see the huts they live in and some orcs, who are watching us from the distance.
There are a lot of orcs tribes. If a few of got together and attacked, they could potentially wipe us out, but even they have realized how idiotic that would be and had been warned about such actions.
Currently, it is the tiny Blackwell army, but if they did something, then the army of Oksall will descend and it will be merciless.
“The snow is getting heavy,” said Leila. 
She is smiling as she gathered the snowflakes in her hand. Only she is smiling. Everyone, be it Ignatius or Baron Harrods, or me, has serious expressions on our faces.
Unlike her, we didn’t practice the ice element or have any magic.
“Do you think the snow is going to increase, Lady Leila?” asked Ignatius. “Definitely; there is going to be a heavy snowfall in the night.” She replied, and his expression turned bad.
“Colonel Grennan, increase the pace,” he said to the orc-blood man. 
“Yes, my lord,” he affirmed and immediately, he fired orders, and a couple of seconds later, our pace had increased.
A few more hours passed, and it was evening. In a few more minutes, it is going to be completely dark. Colonel Grennan suggested setting up camp earlier, but Ignatius want to push through, till we reach our decided spot.
Thanks to the increased pace, we will be able to reach there in time.
I would have loved to stop early, but both Ignatius and Baron Harrods think that it is better to stop at a predetermined place.
Soon, it had become completely dark, and seeing there is no moon; the journey felt even more eerie. 
Especially with the snowfall getting heavier.
While there might be no moon, there is no end to the light. Crystal torches had lit up, providing enough light for us to see around, but not enough that anyone will see us miles away.
Not to mention cloaking skills have been activated. So, unless one is close, they won’t be able to see us.
Two more hours passed, and we finally stopped as we reached the place. It is a large hill, and we are doing to set our camp there. 
It will make it easier for enemies to discover us, but hard for them if they attack us.
I cursed in my heart as I got off the horse. The cramps are painful, so much so that I wanted to drink the potion, but I didn’t and instead took deep breaths.
Slowly, the pain subsided enough that I could walk around and did, to free up the muscles.
The soldiers have begun securing the parameters and setting the camps. They had already removed the snow and put firestones on the ground to make the preparations for the cooking.
Everything is happening smoothly and efficiently.
“Blackwell’s forces are quite well trained,” commented Baron Harrods, as we sat on the makeshift bench. “Hope, they are just as good as defending. If any enemy came at us,” I replied.
To which he smiled.
Soon, an hour passed, and dinner was ready. We were all served on a makeshift table, with a large cloth hanging above us to protect against the snowfall.
It is increasing every hour and if it kept increasing as such; it will make the journey tomorrow very difficult.
“Will the snowfall continue tomorrow?” I asked. “Very likely,” replied Leila, and I sighed.
“I am glad we had brought enough cold-resistant potions. If the need arises, we will use them,” said Ignatius. 
The dinner was simple, but it was hot. They added drops of cold resistance potion in it, which made it even better.
After dinner, Ignatius held a small meeting for tomorrow’s journey and looked at the security arrangement before going back to his tent. 
I have gone to mine. It is a small tent, made of monster hide. Which keeps everything inside warm. 
I had removed my winter coat but didn’t remove the light armor I was wearing. It will be uncomfortable to sleep in it, but I will bear it for my safety.
After putting my sword beside me, I closed my eyes to sleep. It seemed like the journey had tired me more than I had thought. Even wearing the armor, I fell asleep within seconds.
“Mr. Silver, wake up!” 
I was in a deep sleep when a powerful hand shook me awake with a loud voice. I opened my eyes immediately and gripped my sword.
“What happened?” I asked Jon. 
“Bandits, a lot of them,” he replied. I shuddered, before quickly calmed myself and got up. 
The first thing I did was drink the cold resistance potion. 
“You have all your potions, right?” I asked him. I have given all of them potions, from healing to cold resistance. Not only that, but they are also wearing the enchanted armor.
The gear had cost a lot, but I didn’t want to be unprepared for whatever danger we might face here, especially after what I had suffered last time, and it seemed like it was a right bet.
“Yes,” He replied and got out of the tent. 
I followed behind him and saw what was happening; it made me shudder for a moment.
Around me, the army was in position around the camp.  
Baron Harrods and my sister are with Ignatius Blackwell, and all of them are looking at the tide of people coming toward the hill from all directions.
Seeing those numbers, horror couldn’t help but filled my heart.
“They have at least double our numbers,” I whispered. “Nearly triple,” replied Stone behind me.

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