City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 172: Meeting

Chapter 172: Meeting

The carriage stopped in front of a manor. It is not big, but not small either.
It’s a red-brown manor with slanted roofs and vines hanging by it. The manor is not over beautiful or striking as so many buildings, but it looks homely and inviting, a few buildings give such a feeling.
If I am not wrong; it is old. 
At least centuries old; the style it is made of was popular a few decades ago, but that iteration was different from what it is made in.
Fashion changes every decade and came back. In every century, one will see different iterations of the same fashion.
I stepped out of the carriage and walked toward its door, where guards and a man with a butler uniform is waiting.
“Adviser Silver, welcome to the verity manor,” said Butler. “Thank you,” I said.
He led me inside and to the parlor, where Lord Harrods and my sister were already present, talking to Ignatius Blackwell.
I am quite seeing her talking to him with quite friendly, seeing it is only the second time they have met. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised, seeing both of them are about the same age and practice armament magic.
“My Lords, Lady Leila,” I greeted.
“Adviser, thank you for coming,” said Blackwell, and offered me a seat.
“It is my pleasure, Lord Blackwell,” I thanked and sat down.
“Now that Adviser Silver has come, we can start.” He said and tapped on the table between us and immediately, a map projected above it.
It is the map of Oksall, which he magnified to show only the southern part of the merchant state, with a focus on Amberhold city.
“We will leave a day after tomorrow through the ship for Manris City and from there, we will make the way for the Amberhold,”
“My father has already started preparation. So, we won’t be staying in the Amberhold for more than a day before taking the force for the Fort Renin; it shouldn’t take us over two to two and a half days to reach it,” he said, pointing at places.
Nobody seemed surprised by the travel plan; since there is only one main route, we had already expected that.
Though I certainly appreciate his quickness. He is not willing to waste any time, which is good, because we are already doing it here.
“What danger do you think we will face on our way to Fort Renin?” asked Baron Harrods. 
“There is only one danger, bandits, but we are bringing a force big enough to crush any attacks; even if some of them grouped together and attacked. We will be fine,” he said confidently.
Nobody is worried about the bandits.
“What about the assassins, Lord Blackwell?” asked Leila directly, and his expressions become serious.
“Yes, my family had been plagued by them for the past year, but till now, they have never attacked us outside the Amberhold or when we are in the presence of a large number of guards.”
“In all times, they attacked. There is always a gap of at least one month. So, I think we should be safe from assassins. If they attacked, even less of them would return than last time,” He replied with a fire burning in his eyes.
“We believe you, my lord, but I hope you will take extra care for your safety,” I said, using a strand of Persuasive’s power.
I hope what he said is true. I would prefer that no assassins attack him, as there is a chance that we might die in the crossfire, and I don’t want that. My life is important, more than delay and this deal.
“Don’t worry. I am taking care of my safety; I am quite young to die so early,” he said, and we all laughed.
We stayed there for twenty more minutes before walking out of his manor. 
I am once again in my carriage, reading the stacks of documents I have got from Blackwell. I already have most of the information from my research. Though these stacks do offer something different.
I am reading it all through Insightful Reading, and the skill is amazing.
I could read faster than before. Most importantly, I could process that information far more quickly. Which is more important to me.
This skill is very helpful and it is already proving his worth.
A few more hours passed, and I returned to the port once again. Carla had left in the morning and will be arriving soon.
I didn’t get off my carriage and focused on the book I was reading. I finished with a stack of documents earlier and now reading the book while waiting.
This one is about legacies; it had detailed knowledge of legacies in merchant states. It turned out merchant states have more legacies than any country on the continent.
More than twice the empire of the empire.
Most of the legacies are the places where people release their emotions. 70% of legacies in the merchant states are bars of different types, tavern pubs, and other things like hotels and brothels.
There are many other types of legacies, but I am currently focusing on hospitality.
I want my establishment second best to legacy, and I have been constantly studying things that could make it better. Not only about the legacies but also architecture, interior, F&B, and other things.
It had been helping me to improve the services and other things. I would use the methods in them, keep those that are working and remove those that are not.
Most importantly, I am doing that for the ritual charms. They have been tremendously helpful. I could feel the changes they are bringing to the establishment, and they are amazing.
So much so that others have started to notice them; I could see the question in the eyes of Carla, Margaux, and a few smart women.
They didn’t ask, and I didn’t tell them and nor I had planned to. 
What I am doing is dangerous. I am using witch magic and it could have repercussions for my business if it were to become public, but it is too useful not to use it. 
The clients could see the change, but they all attributed them to the skills. There are skills that could affect the entire establishment. 
Like The ‘Torch Of The Seeker’ skill I have. I have hinted to the girls to give this answer if someone had asked them.
I was in my thoughts when the ship docked in a place I was looking at and soon the people had started to come out of it. It is quite far, that I couldn’t see the people clearly, but I have sent someone, they will bring them to the carriage.
A few minutes passed, and I noticed Carla and Lola coming toward the carriage in the company of the guards.
The driver opened the door, and Carla and Lola stepped inside the carriage.
“Welcome to the Oksall,” I said to them as they sat in front of me. 
“It is a beautiful city from what I could see and huge,” she said, with a hint of wonder in her voice. “It is both of those things and more,” I replied.
“How was your trip?” I asked them as the carriage begin to move toward the port gate.
“Good. There was no problem.” She replied, giving me a look, which I ignored.
A few minutes later, the carriage had passed through the port gates and entered the fourth wall proper. I could see they were impressed by what they saw and didn’t disturb them.
“The city is really beautiful. I wish I would have been able to stay longer than a day,” she said, still looking through the window.
“You will get a chance at the future,” I replied. To which she smiled, and a minute later, a shock appeared in her eyes, when the carriage entered the lightway and its speed increased suddenly.
“This,” said Lola in shock.
“A splendor of magic and wealth; enjoy it,” I said, and they watched the road giddily as their carriage moved fast.
Even after using the lightway a couple of times already. I still feel wonder. It is really amazing and I wish we could have this at Greltheaven, but that is a fool's dream.
First, it is really expensive, and second, maintaining it cost a lot. Greltheaven couldn’t dream of having something like it.
Soon, the carriage got off the lightway and stopped in front of the huge hotel. 
The Myrithon Hargreaves.
It is big, over thirty stories tall; bathing in a beautiful in beautiful elvish lights and an enormous fountain in front of it, which is telling a story through the water arts.
Every day, thousands of people come to watch it.
It is one of the biggest hotels on the third wall and has a magnificent view of the city from the top; that is where I have booked the suites.
I am not taking them to our residence on the first wall. It is a diplomatic residence and couldn’t be used as a private one. 
The count would flip if I did something like that. 
We got out of the carriage and entered the grand lobby, which is a work of art in itself. There are hundreds of people who belong to different races, moving through it.
“Remus Silver, I have two suits booked,” I said to the green-haired elf. “Yes, sir. Gerd and Helna will you to suits,” she replied.
A moment later, the half-orc and the human concierge took us to lead us to the elevator.
The elevator was made of transparent crystal. It gave a wonderful view of the city and the sky.
Soon, the elevator stopped we got out, and the concierge took us toward our suits.
“We will have dinner in an hour,” I informed Lola before going to my suite with Carla. 
The suit was beautiful, but I am in no mood to look at it. Everything pales in front of Carla. 
“I missed you,” said Carla the moment the concierge left, and her lips touched mine a couple of minutes later, only moans and wet sounds of our bodies rang out in the suit.
We were so lost in each other that we didn’t even move to the bed and did it on the floor.
“We have to leave soon,” I said after nearly forty minutes.
We went to the shower and did it there. I wanted to cancel the dinner and call a room service, but I made a plan.
Besides, Lola had come to such a city for the first time and needed to experience things. She is one of the most talented in the establishment and I want to groom her for great things.
First, I had thought about sending her to Ina but immediately crossed that through. 
She had little interest in it. Though I have no doubt, if I had sent her, she would have done the job just as great as Ina, despite not liking it.
Her ambitions lie in different directions, and I plan to foster that and also blunt that inherent rashness in her further. 
She had gotten it under control, but I think she needs more time and I planned to give that to her, before handing her a big responsibility.
Till then, she will continue to learn new things and experiences.
Get Ready.
I activated my skill as I finished wearing the clothes and immediately. My hair dried out and fixed itself. At the same time, minor creases on the suit disappeared and my clothes adjusted well, fitting me more perfectly.
Seeing it, a surprise couldn’t help appearing on Carla’s face.
“It is the skill that will make any woman jealous,” she said, looking at me jealously, before turning to the mirror.
A few minutes later, Carla finished her makeup and turned to me.
“How do I look?” she asked. She is wearing a halter black dress and red lipstick on her lips that I wanted to kiss them.
“So beautiful that I wanted to tear the dress and have my way with you against that glass wall,” I said, and a smile appeared on her face.
“You could do that after we returned from the dinner,” she said and walked toward the door seductively.
I nearly raised my hand to stop her and tore that dress, but I stopped myself and took a deep breath before walking toward the door.
I only have to control myself till dinner, and then I will have her the entire night.

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