City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 170: Negotiations II

Chapter 170: Negotiations II

“We cannot agree with increasing the trade limit every month with the baronies. At most, we can agree to increase it by quarterly by 10%; it is our final offer,” said half-elf with the power of her skills pressing down on me.
This is the last point of negotiations. We have finished the route, infrastructure, taxes, men, and other things, only this remained.
These bastards had been adamant about it. As they know, we need trade. Far more than them they and they are taking full advantage of that.
First, they have even refused to discuss trade with the Empire. Forget Empire and the region of Renwell; they have refused to discuss trading with the city itself.
The only exception they are willing to make is a Nakar Baronies and even there, they have placed the limitations on it.
They are freaking merchant states; they shouldn’t be creating trade barriers, but they are doing it.
Though I can’t really blame them. The emperor’s words and actions were such that even merchants would hold a grudge.
The monthly limit they have placed is big, and it will make baronies rich if they use it well, but it won’t be enough. People like my sister will gobble the limit and their appetite will only increase every month.
I looked at the Count, and clearly; he was not happy about it either.
It is not just him, but also Baron Harrods and my sister, whom it will affect the most. 
They are worried and looking at me to do something.
The half-elf is also staring at me with a smile on her face. It is a pretty smile, but currently, I am not liking it very much.
Seconds passed, and I know I need to decide soon or accept their offer. We cannot simply walk away from it; they know it, which is why they are putting such undesirable conditions in front of us.
I was about to open my mouth to agree and end these negotiations when an idea come to my mind.
“There is another way we could sort this out,” I said, putting my best smile on my face, but there is not a single bit of interest in half-elf or Councilman Grimgore’s face.
They plan to reject whatever I say.
“We propose tying the trade limit to your trade with Navr.” 
“If your trade with Navr increase, you will increase the trade amount on baronies and if the trade with Navr decreases, you will decrease the amount,” I prosed and could see the interest lighting up in their eyes.
The half-elf woman looked at Councilman Grimgore and he nodded.
“We are willing,” she said as she turned to me. 
For the next forty minutes, we negotiated like hell. A few minutes into it, Robin took over from me, giving me the rest. 
We had done this many times during the negotiations.
I am barely above Lv. 10, in my lawyer and Adviser classes and she is over Lv. 30. The difference between us is stark. If she used the full power of her skill, she could make me unconscious.
That would be a breach of etiquette, and the Count wouldn’t have that.
I have to thank Robin a lot. He had been supporting me with his skills. He is the reason why I have lasted so long.
“So, we agree?” I asked as we come to a decision. She looked at Councilman and he nodded. 
“Yes, we agree,” she affirmed, and relief flooded into me.
I am tired and felt like I fought a great battle, which I kind of did. If I had not been with these people, I would have slumped in my chair. 
“This deal will usher in a new chapter of the relation between our countries,” said Councilman Grimgore.
“Without a doubt, Councilman,” said Count Darrow, smiling ear to ear. He is ecstatic and I would be too if I were in his place. 
I am ecstatic at my place, too. It was my plan.
“Lord Blackwell here had already started the preparation. His forces will clear the route and the state of Oksall will develop it immediately.”
“If everything goes smoothly. The trade will start within a month,” said Councilman Grimgore.
Hearing that, a smile appeared on my face, but also the thoughts raced through my mind. This is a tremendous opportunity, and it will be a shame if I didn’t use it.
I could earn a fortune like I am earning from Navr.
Though, using this opportunity will be difficult since the merchants from the merchant state already have connections in Navr. They may not have a direct road to the region we have, but they trade with them.
The merchant cities trade with the whole Navr. We are just giving them another route for that, which will save them money and time.
Finding opportunities will be hard, since the agreement we had signed will have them trade with Navr, with us as a bridge. Only Nakar baronies are an exception.
Nakar baronies, on the other hand, will trade with the Greltheaven and other cities. The trade limit is big and if Oksall’s trade with Navr continues to increase, the limit of trade will also increase.
Technically, I couldn’t do business since I was from the city, but that is I least of my problems. It could be done. There are several clauses and loopholes that would let me do that.
The real challenge is finding the business. Something these merchants didn’t have connections with.
I was thinking about that when a bulb lit in my mind.
“We will start our preparations on our side, while Baron Harrods, Lady Silver, and Adviser Remus will go with Lord Blackwell to Amberhold City,”
“From there, they will be with Lord Blackwell’s forces, who will clear the path to Renin Fort,” said Count Darrow.
I was so engrossed in my idea that for a moment; I didn’t understand the words that Count Darrow spoke. 
When I understood them, my expressions changed drastically, and blazing anger burned in my heart before I controlled my expressions and emotions.
‘This bastard! I have helped him achieve what that bastard Hardt couldn’t do more than half a year and what did he pay me with?’
‘He is sending me to Amberhold. This fucking bastard, I knew nobles couldn’t be trusted, but I didn’t think he would do this to me.’
I looked at him, and he gave me a look before looking at the Orc. It is not time to discuss it.
“The Council will give its complete support to Lord Blackwell. We want this done as soon as possible,” said Councilman Grimgore.
“The city of Greltheaven will finish the preparations on time,” the Count replied.
Half an hour later, we walked out of the city hall. It was midnight, but people could still be seen coming and going out of the city hall.
A minute later, we are carriage.
“I am sending you to the Amberhold and from there you will travel to Fort Renin with Blackwell’s forces,” said Count Darrow after a few minutes of silence.
“My lord, it is dangerous. My sister and Baron Harrods are capable and could handle everything. I on the other could not,” I pleaded. 
I like city life; I don’t want to go into the wild, where there will be danger.
“It will not be dangerous, Remus. There are going to be thousands of Blackwell people. If any pests dare to attack, Blackwell and his forces will wipe them out,” he said.
Still, I opened my mouth to protest, but his eyes turned serious.
“I am sending you, because I trust you, Remus. I don’t trust Harrods or your sister. I know, as long as you are there, any problem that occurs will be dealt with swiftly,” he said, staring directly into my eyes.
I wanted to object, but I know that look. No matter how much I object, he will send me there and unless I want to lose my job, I will have to accept it.
“As you command, my lord,” I said finally. 
He is right, with Blackwell's forces, nothing bad will happen. Even those two dangers wouldn’t be able to do anything.
One is undead of Navr, and the others are bandits.
There is a huge army of merchant states at the border with Navr. If their hordes come, we will get a warning. 
As for bandits, I am not worried about them; there are a lot of groups that operate near the boundary of Oksall and Renwell, but not a single one is dangerous enough to threaten us.
I am more worried about the third danger, the assassins.
I heard Blackwells have been attacked by the assassins a couple of times in the past year. I am scared of them, ever since I saw them decapitate my father, in front of my eyes.
I fear I might get killed by them. It might happen if I am in the same room with him.
This selfish bastard sending me and if I want to save my carrier, I want to follow his order, no matter how dangerous it is.
“By the way, it was a good idea linking their business with Navr with their business with baronies. It will be beneficial to us,” He praised.
“Thank you, my lord,” I said and bowed.
I did something today with the plan, negotiation, and signing that happened today. I am going to level up in both of my levels, despite the crowd effect.
The things I have achieved are too big for me to not level up through it. 
If there wasn’t a crowd effect, I had have leveled up twice. Hell, I have had more level-ups in the past month and a half. With the cities, I was able to convince them to trade with Navr.
Soon, we reached the mansion but didn’t immediately go inside. Instead, we went to the office of Count Darrow.
“Lady Silver, Baron Harrods, I have an important job for you two,” he said, as he closed the door. 
“We will do as you command, my lord,” said Baron Harrods, while my sister just looked.
“I want both of you to protect Ignatius Blackwell; he is integral to the trade. If something happened to him, the deal will be delayed by weeks or even months. I don’t want that to happen,” he said, looking at them seriously.
“We will do our best, my lord,” they said in unison.
It is a job they will have to do with all their hearts. Not for the Count’s sake, but for their own sake. 
Baron Harrods is especially desperate. He was on the edge of being broke and needed this deal to succeed. His reputation depends on it and for a proud man like him, it is everything.
A few minutes later, the meeting ended, and I went back to my suite.
“Zela, send a message to Carla and tell her to come to the Oksall earliest,” I said to her to her and instead of sending the message, she looked at me.
“We will be here for three days,” I informed.
She nodded and closed her eyes to send the message. 
I have brought both of the mages with me, but there are mages to the establishment. Students Mage Aldridge, I had hired them to stay at night for emergencies like this.
“Also, tell her to send Andrea and Clair to Ina,” I said as he opened her eyes.
I was planning to send Andrea to Ina anyway, but I had planned to wait a month more. So, she could learn a few more things from Margaux and Carla.
I had told her about my intention to send her to Ina a few days ago and had asked her if she was willing, with magic classes and all, but she was very willing.
Clair will also be going; Andrea needs a good assistant and Clair is perfect for her.
“Inform Ina that both of them are coming to her,” I said to Zela and once again, she opened her eyes.
I am going to have a talk with Ina. As I had said, I would be an idiot to let go of this opportunity to waste.
I already got a plan in mind.
It won’t turn into a profit immediately, but if done well, it will benefit me immensely.
As for why I am calling Carla here, to get new girls off course. I will be here for three days, and I couldn’t waste time. 
I need to get things done.

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