City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 153: Plans and Perspectives

Chapter 153: Plans and Perspectives

I watched the carriage stop and a blue-haired man came out. Seeing him, I touched the runic switch on the wall, and a moment later; the guards begin to close the doors of the establishment.
“Welcome to the Velvet Garden,” I greeted the blue-haired man, who looked around the hall, before turning to me.
“My friend was right, it did not feel like a brothel,” he said, and a smile appeared on my face.
“I am like glad you like it, patron,” I said. “It is good, but I don’t see any space for me?” he asked as he turned to me. 
“There is, let me lead you to it,” I said and took him to the bar, where there is only one empty. 
“It is always this packed?” he asked as he sat down. “Yes, our patrons liked us enough to keep coming back,” I replied. “That, I have no doubt,” he said as he looked around.
“What can I get you?” asked Cresa from the bar.
For the first hour, this girl had been nervous and even made a mistake spilling a few things, but now she had gotten into the rhythm. 
It didn’t seem like it is her first day, but those with eyes could see she is under leveled compared to other bartenders besides her. It is the reason why Master Silver had put her to work.
The practice could only take one so far; the levels come from real experience.
“I will have a calisno neat if you have it,” he said, and Cresa smiled. “We do,” she said and took out the bottle with the golden-brown liquid.
“Enjoy your time with us, patron,” I said to him and walked away from him.
I move around the hall, greeting the regular patrons, and talking to those I don’t know. In this business, personal connections matter a lot; the patrons like it when I greet them personally.
“Drink it, you whore!”
I was mingling with patrons when suddenly a loud slurred voice rang out through the hall.
“If you excuse me, Mr. Carlson,” I said to the bald man, I was talking and turned to the table, where the loud voice came from.
There is a man in his mid-thirties, forcing Hatan to drink the wine. He has taken the glass to her lips and forced her to drink. 
Hatan is a teetotaler, she didn’t drink. 
Seeing, Hatan won’t be able to handle the man on her own; I activated the Feather Walk and walked toward the table. The skill is very good; it is not only fast but also provides me with great control over my body.
With it, I could easily move around the tables and people without touching them, and on top of that, it made my movements look graceful.
To others, it seemed like I am gliding on the ground instead of walking, which is what this skill feels to me. The first day, I got it; I used it all day, till I couldn’t anymore.
I could feel the eyes of people around me; many are staring openly, while others are looking from the corner of their eyes. 
Soon, I reached the table and turned to the red-haired man.
“Is there any problem, patron?” I asked the man and looked at the young woman reassuringly. It is such a regret that the girl has to experience this one on her first day.
“Yes, there is a problem. This whore of yours is acting high and mighty.”
“I had ordered this expensive wine for her, and she is refusing to drink,” he complains drunkenly, with accusing eyes. 
Like the fault is ours, and he has done nothing wrong.
I wish I could be surprised by such behavior, but it is quite common. 
Most of the patrons keep themselves in control, but there are always people like this man who would cross the limit, and I want to do nothing less than throw them out.
“It is her choice, patron. If she doesn’t want to drink, you can’t force her,” I replied politely.
It seemed to have made him angry as he smashed his fist angrily, flipping the plates, and splashing the wine all over, including some on Hatan’s dress.
“The hell it is not! She is a whore, and I am paying for her time. She will do what I say,” he said loudly, slurring some of the words.
‘That’s enough!’ I thought angrily; I was willing to give him a chance, but instead of apologizing, he took it even further.
“It seemed like you had too much of a drink. Mr. Asdoo,” I said and looked behind me with a smile on my face. This time, the smile on my face is genuine.
“Guards, take Mr. Asdoo to his carriage,” I ordered. They moved immediately, while the man looked at me with shock.
“Mr. Asdoo, your behavior was regretful today and thus you are banned from the establishment for a year,” I said to him with a big smile on my face.
“You whore, you can’t do this! Do you even know who I am?” he shouted and to my surprise, even leapt at me, but before he could do much. The guards picked him up and carried him away while he struggled wildly.
I looked at him for a moment before turning to the scared young girl.
“I..I am sorry, Madam Margaux,” said the girl, with tears starting to come out of her eyes. 
“It is not your fault, dear,” I said to her. “Now, go back to your room and rest. Try to sleep, if you can,” 
The girl hesitated before accepting.
I watched her leave and walked toward Carlson, whom I was talking to before.

I heaved a sigh of relief, seeing the man getting thrown out of the establishment. These types of incidents had lessened a lot, but they still happen.
I am glad Sister Margaux had thrown him out.
“I have never seen anyone getting thrown out of a whorehouse, aside from the reason of pay dispute,” said Oron. He is the man brought by Sister Margaux a few minutes ago.
He is fun to talk to.
“Well. It is different here,” I replied and couldn’t help but feel proud of that fact.
“I can see it,” He replied, taking a sip of his drink.
I smiled, before going to another customer for their order. There are a lot of customers, even with six of us, we are barely getting a second of rest.
There are always orders and some of the drinks they order are complex. It takes time and skills. 
This Blissful Breeze I am making needs nine ingredients, and making it is time-consuming, compared to the simple pouring of drink from the bottle.
I have to do it while making the whole look enticing to the eyes. It is the job of the bartender.
It is a good thing these complex drinks are expensive, with a high margin on them, and those who ordered them tipped well too. 
The tips are so much that I feel like I won't have a problem making what I was making before changing the trades.
I didn’t mind. If I made a little less.
When I had first chosen bartending, it is out of desperation and it is something I liked, but as I learn the trade, I begin to love it.
It had given me purpose, the skills that nobody would be able to take from me. For the first time in my life, I am not worried about the future. I know no matter what happens, I won’t need to go back to being a whore.
Not that I wish for something to happen; I love this place as I love this trade. It had become a home I never had.
“It is quite rare to see human woman bartenders. You are only the third human woman bartender I had seen,” Oron said, and I smiled.
Bartending is considered a man’s job; most bar owners would laugh at the thought of hiring a woman bartender, especially among humans. In elves, they are little more in number, while among the dwarves, they are said to be common as men.
“It all thanks to Master Silver. He had given me the opportunity,” I replied. Feeling grateful from the bottom of my heart.
“Remus Silver is quite a man. He had to take his business to such a height in a matter of months and done even better, in his political carrier,” commented Oron. 
This time, I only smiled.
I knew when to reply and when to not. It would have been fine if he had talked about the establishment, but since he spoke about Master Silver’s other job, I would remain quiet and smile, as I had ordered to.
Sister Carla had asked every girl and even staff to not talk about Master Silver’s other job.
I don’t understand the reason behind it, but since it was an order, I will follow.
“Your words are true, my friend. The rise of Remus Silver is really something,” said the middle-aged man beside him, who had been quiet till now.
I talked with other customers as I served drinks, but kept my ear on their conversation. Listening to every word, they spoke.
“You are right, Caena. It is really good,” said Evander. As he took a sip of the bluish drink with others.
“Our bartender had changed one spirit in Frosted Fizz and added one lesser-known spirit from Navr. It made its whole taste change,” I said to them.
There are five people sitting around me and all of them are lusting for me. I am harnessing it to charge the enchantments.
Two of these five are regular and are quite freaky, while the other three are their friends. They have brought them here with a special purpose.
I am going to do five of them together. They are young and it will be fun, most importantly, I will get the huge amount of lust I want in the shortest time, to charge the enchantment.
I have a lot of enchantments to charge and these five will help a lot with that. 
These five will not be the only, there will be more.
I couldn’t help but feel excited about it. I have even a special room reserved for me, thanks to Master Silver, where I had made some preparations, which will help me harness the lust from them more efficiently.
With five of them, I will also get five times more money for my time. Also, the gift they had hinted at a few times.
Which they will give me after we finished.
If it had been a few weeks ago, I would have been quite excited about it. As the money selling the gift would have got me the resources to craft ritual enchantments.
Now, I do not need to worry about that. 
Master Silver is bringing the resources for the ritual enchantment. Through them, I am not only creating the enchantments he needs but also some I need.
Or rather, the establishment would need; I just couldn’t tell him about that.
With his cautious nature, he wouldn’t give me permission for them, but I know they are necessary. 
If my mother had been here, she would have been proud. I am using crafting complex magic, something I had never done before, but my mother and other elders do it.
It will require hundreds, if not thousands, of ritual enchantments to craft that magic, but if succeeded, then it will be able to do things no one could think about it. 
If this establishment had become a legacy; then Remus Silver will have a weapon that will make his enemies shudder.
I am not solely doing this for him, but also for me. It will help me take revenge on the people who have taken everything from me.
“Caena, where you have lost to?” asked Rij, bringing me out of my thoughts.
I immediately controlled my emotions before bringing a seductive smile to my face.
“I was thinking about what tonight would be,” I said, and the expression of all five of them changed; I could feel their lust spiking, and I harnessed it.
“Really?” asked Evander excitedly, and I nodded seductively. 
A few seconds later, I got up and walked out of the hall. 
I am alone. I asked them to follow me after a minute. It will give me time to activate all the preparations in the room.

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