City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 150: Today

Chapter 150: Today


“Clothes and accessories?” I asked, 
“Checked. I have looked at every dress and accessory with Eudo. Everything is good; Elese had also sent six of her people to make any adjustments we will require in the dresses,” replied Lola.
“Food and Liquor?” I asked Andrea. 
“Perfect; I have checked everything, including the magical ingredients; I have kept guards by it and also asked Stena to keep eyes on Drev constantly,” she replied, and I took a small sigh of relief.
I don’t want the kitchen to burn down at the last moment.
Keeping an eye on Drev is important, even though till now, he had not given a single cause for the complaint.
“What about the interior?” I asked Della. “Mr. Lloyd said his men would be done in two hours,” she replied, and I looked at the file in front of me.
“It seemed like we have finished with most of the tasks, but we shouldn’t relax till the successful debut,” I said and they nodded.
It is morning and today, the new girls would debut, and it is not something that happened in the past two times. 
The numbers are huge. We are doubling the girls in a single day.
Even at the start of all, seven months ago, there were only thirty-four of us and now, the number of new girls is double that.
Seventy-one girls are debuting today, taking the number of working girls to one hundred and fifty-six. 
If everything worked, the number of patrons will be huge today. It will put pressure on everyone, not only girls but also on the staff of the bar and kitchen.
Thankfully, we are prepared. The actors we hired had trained the girls and the staff. 
“Go and handle your things. If you see any problems, fix them,” I said. 
They nodded and got up before leaving my office, while I slumped back in the chair. 
I am really glad that Carla had forced me to take the assistants. If I had been alone, I would have been bogged down by this huge work. With these three, I am quite relaxed. 
Though, there are a few more things I have to work on, the seating arrangement of the girls.
The seating is an important part and one that is complex. I am finished with nearly 80% of it, with only 20% remaining.
‘Madam Margaux, sister Varza had come to meet you,’ said the teenage voice through the magical intercom.
I love this thing and the new personal assistant.
“Sent her in, dear,” I said.
A few seconds later the door opened, and a short hair young woman came out. She had the shortest hair of all the girls.
So short that I had to ask Master Silver’s permission for that. Her hair is even shorter than men's.
It is not conventional, but Master Silver gave her permission for it and even said she shouldn’t come to him for such permission. If someone wants to go bald, he is fine with that too.
It was not a joke.
“How can I help you, Varza?” I asked the young woman, a raven-haired woman. “I leveled up, Sister Margaux,” she replied, with a happy smile on her face.
“Really?” I asked in surprise. “Yes,” she said excitedly. 
I am surprised, not because she had leveled up, despite the break yesterday, but because she had gained eight levels in the seven months.
I knew this girl for years and was aware she was at Level 12, on the first day. We had started here and now she is at Level 20. 
This made her one of the youngest people to reach Level 20. Only behind Andrea.
“You will have to show me before I give you the key,” I said to her. She smiled and opened her class, and I sensed it with mine and the smile on my face become bigger.
I could feel the weight of class and know she reached the second capstone.
“Congratulations,” I said to the young woman. “Thank you, Sister Margaux,” she said.  
I placed the key in front of her, and she took it; a couple of seconds later, she was out of my office.
As the door closed, I took out a file and wrote Varza Steele on it, at number forty-three. We now have forty-three girls in the establishment, with Level 20 and above.
The girls have been leveling up fast and now, with new girls working; they will too level up fast. Not that their advancement was slow before, even without working, their leveling up was fast.
It quite confused me till I asked Master Silver about it. He answered. It is the same answer; I give it to the girls when they asked me about it.
It took me over one and a half hours to make the seating arrangements and a few other things before I got out of my office and walked above the hall.
The moment I saw the hall, I couldn’t help but become surprised. It had changed so much in a little time, from late night to morning.
The changes were supposed to be small, with the new tables, new paintings and art, and some changes in the bar, but these few changes have completely transformed the hall.
Earlier I had come, but everything was covered and the things that weren’t covered were being worked on. 
“I was quite surprised when I saw it,” said the familiar voice from behind. “When did you arrive?” I asked Ina.
She had been out the second day she had come back to the city. She had come back but stayed in the city for a few hours before she had to leave for another city.
I wanted to talk to her but had been busy the day she arrived, that I didn’t get a chance. 
“Just half an hour ago; I had come to say goodbye to you all and pick up the dresses,” she said. 
Of the five magic threat dresses, two were for me. One was for Carla and the last two were for Ina. 
“You are leaving today?” I asked her, despite knowing she was. “Yes,” she replied with a glowing smile. 
 She is happy, the happiest I had seen her.
“Have a safe journey and be careful of the undead,” I said to her. “I will,” she said and before I could say anything further, she hugged me. 
The sudden surprised me, but I didn’t resist and hugged her back with a smile with tears in my eyes.
“I am happy for you,” I said. She didn’t reply, but hugged me tighter, before letting go a few seconds later.
“Take care of the girls and yourself, Margaux,” she said as she finally let go girls, before walking away.
I watched her leave before wiping away the tears from my eyes.
She had found that gives her joy.
The girl had always been smart, but nobody was able to see it; all they saw is a whore, till Master Silver.
He saw her for what she was worth and will never regret that decision.
I looked around before walking toward the bar, which had become even longer with more seats. It also looks much better than before, with dwarven-made counter and shelves which they assembled through the night.
Currently, the bar staff is stacking the liquor.
We have brought many types of liquor, expensive ones, the ones we have not used before, but now we will use them.
“How is everything?” I asked Cresa. “Great; we will be finished with stacking in a few minutes, and then we will do a little more practice to get used to things,” she said.
“I am glad,” I said. I didn’t talk to her much as she had work to do.
I looked around the hall and walked out. We didn’t make many changes outside, except for doing some mild touches up. We didn’t even need to do that, but Master Silver said, slight changes are good.
It makes our patrons feel we are doing things for them.
As he had said, it was all part of the experience.
I turned back and was walking toward the establishment when I stopped and turned toward construction.
I had been thinking about something for the past few days. 
A thought had come to my mind, and it was not leaving. I had not talked to anyone about it, not even Carla, as even I am not sure about it.
Though, the more I think about it, the better I feel about the idea.
I pushed those thoughts away and went back to the establishment. I walked past the hall, into the kitchen, where the preparation for the night had already begun.
All the kitchen staff is present, including Wanda. The girl had been working hard and seemed to be enjoying herself; currently, she is learning, but in a few months, she will start working with chefs here.
Today is an important day for these people; fusion dishes will enter the menu.
We have kept a limited number of them for safety. 
Currently, the kitchen is not equipped to handle a complete fusion menu. It is not just the safety and equipment, but also the staff; currently only Drev could cook them.
He is teaching a few people, but it would take time. 
One simply couldn’t handle the magical material; they are dangerous things and should be handled with care.
It is a risk, but I am happy that we will be serving the fusion dishes. We will be the only place in the Greltheaven that will do that. 
It is a great advertisement, as Master Silver put it; it will attract more clients to the establishment.
I nodded at Andrea, who was keeping a stock of things here, and walked toward the studio. 
As I entered it a minute later, my eyes couldn’t help, but widened; big changes had happened to it, in a little more than a day.
The space has become bigger, with more racks filled with new dresses and the stuff they have brought from the Namdar.
There are now twelve chairs and three red round stands for the girls to dress and undress. It will be fast, with two stages, rather than one, that was before.
The studio looked great, but the one that makes it great and has everyone looking is the three beautiful dresses on the mannequins. Dresses made from magical threads.
Elese had told me; the threat she had used on the red dress is from Ourchene, a monster. It is also known as a ruby eye spider; these threads are very hard to work at.
One needs great experience and skills for it.
It is the one I will wear tonight and couldn’t help but feel excited about it.
I moved my eyes from dresses and turned to new hires, who are talking to Eudo. We hired four more people for the studio a few days ago and they are good.
The first time, when we had posted a notice for the make-up artists, only three people had come for the interview. This time, there were over thirty men and women had come for it.
We are training our people too; there are eight young girls who are learning to be beauticians plus Lauren.
She had worked hard in these past three months, and from today, Eudo was going to let her work on the girls. 
It will be a big step for her.
“How are you feeling?” I asked Lauren. “Good, nervous, but also excited,” replied the redhead.
“You have worked hard for it; you will do great,” I said to her. “Thank you, Sister Margaux,” she said, with a nervous smile.
I talked to her, and Eudo for a few minutes before walking out of the studio.
One by one, I had checked everything. If I see any problem, I will ask people to fix it, but there are few; the girls have done a great job of handling everything.

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