City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 148: Magical Threads

Chapter 148: Magical Threads

“Harder, push yourself faster!” said instructor David, and pressed me harder, with his attacks.
I dodged his attacks and those I couldn’t dodge, I tried to counter them with my sword at the cost of pain, but both of the options are not easy fighting against the man, who seemed to read my every move.
He has been training me for months and is familiar with my fighting style.
Not to mention his class affords him skills that will let him read his pupils. It will help them fix the flaws they have; he had been helping me a lot with that.
Time passed and continued fighting, before finally, he hit me on the knee, sending me to the ground.
“You are improving, but there are still many flaws,” he said, looking at me, who do not have the energy to get up. “Take this latest one, when I attacked your knee, you…”
He explained the flaws and gave me tips to improve them.
I watched him leave, but didn’t get up; today’s session had been especially intense. He wanted to push me beyond my limits and he did; the pain and marks all over my body are proof of that.
The intensity of the past few days had helped me get complete control over my strength, which I took to ten a couple of days ago.
After over five minutes of resting; I get up. It was so painful that I nearly collapse. Thankfully, I didn’t have to walk more than a few meters before I reached the changing room.
The manor I had rented had dedicated sparring space and attached to it a changing room.
I opened the door and walked into the changing room, before removing all my clothes. Which is akin to a torcher and started applying the numbing cream all over my body.
I wanted to just take a sip of the healing potion and get done with it, but I resisted.
After applying the cream, I rested for a few minutes before taking a shower. The water is ice cold and getting colder every day. 
The winter had started, and the temperature was falling; It won’t be long before the first snowfall occurs.
I walked out of the shower and wore one of the suits, I keep in the changing room. After looking at myself in the mirror, I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast before sitting in my carriage.
Carla is arriving in half an hour, but I am not going to the port to receive her; I have a meeting with the Count, that I couldn’t postpone.
It took six days for her to return and shopping had gone a little over the budget, but it’s fine. I have money earned from the Navr deals; half of which I had sent to Carla to shop more, while the other half went to pay my loans and other expenses.
I would have loved to give some of them to Valentina, for the new project, but I didn’t have it. As I am spending what I have to make a few changes to the establishment.
These changes may be small, but they are delicate and cost quite a lot.
Though I am not worried about my payments to Valentina. I am ahead in it; I am also ahead in my loans. I have to pay off both of them quickly as possible, before saving.
I have plans.
Though, I will not begin on them till I finished the project; which is going to cost a lot.
As I want to make further changes, but these are going to be even more expensive and I haven’t truly committed to them. I will decide, after seeing the earnings of my liquor business and establishment after the new girls' debut.
The debut is only three days away, and I have given most of my responsibilities to Margaux.
There is no other choice, I am busy. It had been a few days since the goods from Navr came. Now, we are in the preparations for the second tour; this time only merchants will go.
Ina will also go with them, and we have already received orders worth four hundred million crowns.
I am now busy with many things; getting the people who used to do the idea of goods from Navr to contacting merchants' guilds of the neighboring cities. I had Ina out on the second day, along with a few people, to meet merchant guilds of surrounding cities.
They will go to the merchant guild; give them details about the trade with Navr. 
The merchants will put pressure on their lords and governors, who also like to have trade, but are waiting. I am trying to fasten the process and make it smooth as possible.
“How are our representatives doing?” asked Count Darrow. The moment I stepped inside the office, he didn’t even let me greet him.
He seemed to be in a bad mood for some reason.
“They are doing good, my lord; many low and mid-level merchants are showing interest, along with a few big ones.”
“I am sure it will put pressure on their lords to act fast,” I said and gave him the look, to which he sighed.
I have a limited clout. I could at most talk to others at the adviser level. Count, on the other hand, talks to leaders. He is the most powerful noble in the whole region if I weigh the power of his house.
Even without it, he is powerful; came second in an entire region behind Marquess Gats; same league as the Lord of Deerpond.
“I am trying, Remus, but those bastards want to wait till they get the complete picture,” he said, with gritted teeth.
“The bastards from Oksall are not willing to budge as well, even after seven months. How much time they need to start the fucking trade!”
So, that’s why he was angry; he wants the trade with Oksall. Currently, we have an official trade relationship with Meldhorn. While some unofficial trade comes from Oksall and Belnin, it is not enough.
I have one idea, but I decided to not say it. I first need to sort out the trade with Navr, before meddling with other problems.
I have to prove myself by handling Navr first. 
It will give me enough capital to poach the other idea. I had already told him about it, but he didn’t listen with much care.
“Have a little patience Lord Count; Empire is a big market and they are merchants. They won’t be able to resist it, despite all the grudges, they have,” I said, and the Count nodded.
Even Lancel smiled hearing that.
We talked for a few minutes, before the Count turn to me with his expression serious.
“Remus, someone from the capital had come; I am going to meet him in half an hour, I want you to be there,” he said, surprisingly.
Usually, I know all the important people coming to the city. As there is preparation to be made to welcome them according to their position. When I wasn’t aware of it, means the meeting is secret.
Count Darrow had many secret meetings before. It is the nature of politics. It is the first time I will be attending one.
“It will be my honor, my lord,” I replied.
Three and a half hours later, I walked out of the mansion, with deep thoughts running into my mind.
The meeting was something else; it had sobered me.
Though, I will be not discussing what I heard with anyone. It will not affect, the things till the emperor dies, which is going to happen soon. In less than three years.
His health is deteriorating, and the only reason he is even alive is because of the alchemists and healers.
It could be said, he could die at any moment and it will plunge the empire into chaos. It will affect the entire continent, especially the western side. 
I shudder, thinking about it.
To survive it, I will need to accumulate wealth and power; it is the only way I would survive.
If I had not accepted the position of adviser, I would have been much safer, but I accepted it knowing full well what it could do to my future, and I have to bear the responsibilities for it. 
By the time I had reached the establishment; my mood had calmed down enough.
I got out of the carriage and walked into the establishment. I took the side entrance, seeing the ladies practicing. Though, I had stopped at the corner and watched for a minute.
What I saw satisfied me; the girls are doing great.
They have been practicing for nearly a month; it made them very good. Not to mention the classes, the spa, and a few other things have given them confidence, which is showing on their faces.
Soon, I reached my office, and I had just sat down when the door through Carla’s office opened and she and Margaux walked inside.
“How was Namdar?” I asked as they sat. “Amazing; the friend of yours had been very helpful and Eudo had said she had given us a big discount,” said Carla, and a smile appeared on my face.
They have spent a total of seventy-one million crowns on shopping; over three times more than the last time.
80% of which had been brought from Eva’s store. 
I didn’t tell them to buy from Eva’s store; I had only to tell them to give it priority, but I was not surprised, seeing they have brought all those things from there.
The store is huge. It has everything one might need.
“You have got everything we need, right?” I asked. “Yes, and more,” she replied.
There are only three days before the debut, and everything is ready. My only regret was that I wasn’t more involved in it. Though, I am trying to be as much as I could.
I have already the most important thing. The list of girls who are going to debut and their number is bigger than I thought it would be.
It made me very happy.
“Was there any problem?” I asked, to which she shook her head. “No, the journey was smooth,” she replied, and I wanted to sigh.
Only I have bad luck in journeys; I have been attacked and nearly died, more times, than I could count.
“Has Elese delivered the dresses?” I asked, and Margaux nodded. “She delivered them all in the morning and they are amazing,” Margaux replied, and seeing the smile on her face, she was quite impressed.
I am glad she is because I have paid, quite a lot of money for them.
The start of the month is going to take the standard of establishment to a new level. More girls are going to be present, wearing more expensive dresses and jewellery than before.
There will be better food, wine, and entertainment.
I have a target of ten million crowns, and I planned to achieve it. It will be challenging, but I know it could be achieved.
“Elese had also brought something which she had been working on and it is amazing, unlike anything I have seen before,” said Margaux with eyes filled with excitement; it made me curious.
“It is better if you just see it,” said Carla and got up. I hesitated for a moment before getting up and following them out of my office.
Carla took me to a small room, beside my office and opened the door, revealing the things inside.
It froze me on the spot.
There are five dresses of different styles and colours; from halter to backless. In red, blue, white, silver and black colours. The designs are amazing, the best I had ever seen from Elese.
It is not what froze me on my spot; what froze me is one thing they are made from; magical threads.
They are not complete magical thread dresses; only the stitching was done with that, but even then, it had taken the dresses to a completely different level.
“Tell Elese we will buy every dress of magical thread she can make,” I said after more than a minute of silence, surprising both Carla and Margaux on the spot.

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