Celestial Peak

Chapter 52: Should he or should he not do it?

Chapter 52: Should he or should he not do it?

Wang Ling came to know of their names as they ate. He already had a vague idea of who is which when he got the paper from the Mission Hall.

As the four of them ate in silence. Lu Lin, the matured looking senior of the inner circle noticed the strange behavior of Zi Lian, the young girl from the sect.

She saw the worry and on guard status of Zi Lian and immediately understood why she was acting like so when she traced her line of sight. The girl was warry of Wang Ling, and it should have been caused by the numerous 'bad' stories she had heard about Wang Ling.

Zi Lian was a late-energy palace stage cultivator at such a young age of 16. Her mind was still immature and couldn't really see through the rumors that had been circulating all over the entire academy.

The rumors and stories about Wang Ling was not only about him 'brutally' beating up female students when they so much as look at him, there was also another story that he rapes women in secret.

This kind of absurd stories were spread by the defeated students. They couldn't beat Wang Ling in an upfront battle so they wanted to beat Wang Ling this way. In just a short few days, stories about Wang Ling's 'misdeeds' circulated all over the academy.

Some believed it while others didn't. Well, either way, it didn't really matter much as Wang Ling never paid any attention about his reputation in the first place.

Lu Lin gracefully turned to Wang Ling and smiled alluringly. She found the situation funny but for the sake of the mission, she wanted to clear the misunderstanding here and now.

"Junior brother Wang, I have heard many stories about your 'exploits' inside the other circle of the academy and I just want to confirm if you really chose to beat up those women opponent you had without mercy."

Wang Ling raised his head to Lu Lin and answered her question in full earnest.

"Yes I did."

It was an unexpected straightforward answer that even caught Lu Lin and Fang Guan, who was sitting beside Wang Ling in silence. He inwardly smiled as he realized that this man who had beaten his cousin was truly not ordinary.

Lu Lin's mouth twitched. She didn't expect him to be so direct and forward about his intentions that he would actually answer her with honesty. She know that Wang Ling was aware of her intentions in her asking that question so why couldn't he just went along?

Wanting to say something, Lu Lin was about the question Wang Ling once again so she can somehow salvage the situation, but Zi Lian's voice erupted before she could say anything.

"Despicable." Zi Lian's face looked at Wang Ling with anger in her eyes. She couldn't believe that this man was so shameless that he would actually admit such acts without a hint of shame found in his voice.

Wang Ling turned to Zi Lian this time and shook his head. It would seem that the team wasn't really that silent as a kid managed to get in and is throwing a tantrum already. He really just wanted to ignore her and have her hate him along the way, but it would irritating to hear her constant yapping along the way so he chose to confront her.

"What do you mean by that little girl?"

Zi Lian's mouth twitched as she heard Wang Ling's words and immediately erupted in anger.

"Show some respect, I am student of the inner circle and had joined the academy earlier than you so you better treat as your senior. To call me l-little only reflects more about your hateful behavior." Zi Lian was apparently angered by Wang Ling's choice of words.

"What is wrong about calling a little girl, little girl? If you argue that you entered the academy earlier so I must show you respect then you better respect me as I have entered this world far longer than you did. Show this elder brother of yours the respect he deserves."

Zi Lian was a stumped for words as she realized that she was also being disrespectful to someone older than her. Her prideful self couldn't stomach the fact that she was losing on a battle of the words to Wang Ling on the first exchange so she changed the topic.

"Y-you are still someone who acts ruthlessly. How could you beat up women in such a merciless fashion? You even broke Liang Xinyi's arms and extorted points from her correct?" Zi Lian was really unwilling to lose so she brought this matter up.

Wang Ling shook his head and started to speak in an indifferent manner.

"I did broke her arm and took her points. But do you really think that's bad? She challenged me and lost, I have said I will take it from her so I did, if I treated her differently that is what's wrong."

"But Liang Xinyi only wanted to correct your wrongs. I heard she wanted to take revenge for the others you have bullied. What's more is that she didn't even managed to take stance when you hit her."

"That's right and I retaliated. Do you think I will just let her hit me and just take it without saying anything? What utter nonsense, in this cultivation world your gender does not matter once you step in the battlefield, if you step forward and think that you will be fine because your enemy will take pity on you because you are a woman then you are sorely mistaken.

"Men and women of the martial world does not give a shit what you are. What they care about is living the next day by sacrificing the life of other if need be. There's even a chance a cultivator must kill a child for his survival, so what is there to care about gender?

"Your way of thinking about 'respecting women' is flawed. If you think women can get away of trying to hit men then you are sorely mistaken. The life of the two has equal value so there's no reason why a man should give preferential treatment to a woman if she is not his comrade or woman. Let me advice you little girl, take this kind of mindset on the battlefield and you will be the first to lose your head."

The entire atmosphere of the VIP room became awkward all of a sudden as Zi Lian was at a loss for words. Unable to refute Wang Ling's words, she could only hang her head down low as she contemplated about the words uttered to her.

Lu Lin assessed the situation and also found it awkward. She wanted to say something but chose not to and just kept the smile on her face constant. Defending Zi Lian here will only have detrimental effect on the entire team and she thought that Wang Ling's words was correct.

She didn't think that this man from the outer circle of the academy had such a broad mind like this. For him to be so open and true. Lu Lin evaluated Wang Ling once again and realized that this man in front of her was someone wise that has a deep understanding of how to live in this world of cultivation.

Wang Ling continued eating and drinking wine, the whole event of them eating then finished without anyone saying anything to one another. Fang Guan stood up and beckoned the entire group to leave.

Wang Ling followed him and the other two did the same and followed them outside. Fang Guan and the rest didn't need to bother about paying the restaurant as the academy will take care of the expenses inside the city.

Of course this privilege only apply to certain type of things but it is still a good service nonetheless. Also, this only applies for students who are a part of the inner circle and has been granted by their red uniforms.

Wang Ling left the Dragon Fever Restaurant with the rest and left the city altogether for the Eastern Gate. They left the city and as soon as they went out, four beasts had already been prepared outside and was only waiting for their arrival.

The beast that was waiting for them were pinnacle-energy palace stage [Midnight Eagles]. The black feathers of the eagle was beautiful and their statues were as large as a carriage. It was over four meter large and was extremely fierce looking.

Their eagle eyes were piercing, but they instinctively avoided Wang Ling's eyes as they felt the need to do so. Wang Ling had the bloodline of devils, even the lowest bloodline purity of True Devils were far stronger than savage beasts.

There were four eagles in total. These Midnight Eagles were also prepared by the academy, their travel time is going to be long as the White Dragon Valley was two thousand kilometers away from the city.

Even with the help of Midnight Eagle that can travel five hundred kilometers a day. They still need four days to reach that place. Travelling was boring unless there were pursuers that is closely tailing behind you who also happens wants to kill you.

Wang Ling got on the back of one of the eagles. The rest did the same and the quickly left the city for the White Dragon Valley.


The journey to White Dragon Valley was long and boring. But from time to time, there would be savage beasts who will try and attack them, but will be fend off by both Lu Lin and Fang Guan.

Wang Ling who was cultivating as he rode on the back of his Midnight Eagle couldn't be bothered of fighting with the savage beasts so he chose to keep quiet and got out of their way.

While travelling and fighting, he observed the fighting styles of both Fang Guan and Lu Lin. He observed them silently and secretly took note of their habits and attribute of their spirit qi and martial techniques.

From what Wang Ling had seen, Lu Lin was a master of flames and wielded a terrifying orange flame called [Sunset Flame]. Wang Ling was not expecting her to have such a thing because he had seen her as a mature and calm girl.

This type of person usually cultivates water attributed cultivation technique as that suited their temperaments better.

Flame attribute users were usually more flamboyant and rowdy. They will wreak havoc and constantly pick fights and burn down mountains in the process. But it was clear that Lu Lin was someone who had no such temperament.

[She must be practicing in some kind of discipline. Considering her patient and calm attitude, she must be proficient in Alchemy where these two temperament is a must.]

Alchemy was something that tempers the mind and spirit. As long as a flame attributed cultivator does this, they will have a strong mind and spirit that can match that of a monk who had done meditating for years.

Wang Ling was correct, Lu Lin was indeed proficient in Alchemy and she spends a considerable amount of time in practicing her alchemy skills. Considering her age, cultivation level, and the fact that she was practicing alchemy. Wang Ling knew that Lu Lin was someone talented.

He wondered, if this mature looking girl was to be nurtured in some sacred land, will her strength improve faster? Wang Ling was wondering about this the whole time when she thinks of Lu Lin.

By is contemplation ended, he wondered if this girl is worthy of him becoming his personal alchemist in the future.

[Nurturing one is not a bad thing. If I can help here cultivate then she will become deeply attached to me as she is bound by her feeling of gratitude.

If I pull her to my side now, will she become a proper companion in the future?]

From Wang Ling's discerning eyes, Lu Lin had a lot of untapped potential that is restricted by her environment and limited resources. The Sunset Flame she had was also weak, it was something that Wang Ling wouldn't even turn to if he can.

On the third day of the journey to the White Dragon Valley, Wang Ling decided that he will be deciding Lu Lin's worth in this little adventure. If she turns to be someone remarkable then he will consider pulling her to his side and will help her cultivate far stronger techniques.

Lu Lin had no idea that her future was being decided by Wang Ling. Depending on her results, Lu Lin can have a place beside Wang Ling when he conquers everything or not.

[Hmm, that's weird. Did I just really contemplated about recruiting someone?] Wang Ling had a realization.

It was a weird thing. For the loner Wang Ling to consider such things was something huge. Was his family that had given him the sense of companionship and familial feeling starting to change his idea about having a companion?

Wang Ling laughed as he thought about this matter.

For Wang Ling, the [Blood Seeking Celestial] to consider such a thing was truly laughable and unthinkable. He was something inhuman in the past and in the path of him seeking power led him to having inhumane thoughts that led him to have conflict with many different powers.

Of course he didn't regret any of those events because the times when he was looked as the enemy of numerous sects was the few moments he felt that he was really alive.

Wang Ling laugh as numerous memories flashed in his mind. The Midnight Eagle that he was sitting on shuddered as it felt killing intent that Wang Ling exuded by having his memories recollected.

Around sunrise on the fifth day, the White Dragon City finally came into view.

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