Case Files 013

Chapter 258: Death Insurance Investigator

Chapter 258: Death Insurance Investigator

Zhao Mingkun's motorcycle still roams the streets and alleys, flying around like a homeless bird. However, looking at the oil gauge of the motorcycle with a probe, it's still full. Thinking about it carefully, I knew that Zhao Mingkun must have cheered me on when I fell asleep again.

It's just that Zhao Mingkun is always by my side during the day, and I don't know what she does at night, but she can always wake me up early the next morning. Sometimes I even wonder if this woman is human and needs sleep.

We came to this community and followed the address to find Liu Ruijie's unit. The house Liu Ruijie rented was a three-unit 901, and when we got there, we found that the door was locked. Whether we knocked on the door or rang the doorbell, there was no response from the inside.

"Has he moved?" Zhao Mingkun glanced at me.

I stood back and looked carefully at the door of 901.

After a while, I opened my mouth and said to Zhao Mingkun, "Look at the insole changing at the door. You can clearly see that there is a lot of dust on both sides, but not much dust in the middle. This shows that people often step on the middle of the insole to enter. There is a lot of dust on both sides, which means that the people who live here are not paying attention to hygiene. Look at the wall. There are no other places, but this wall is covered with small advertisements, and no one cleans it up. "

I pointed to the door frame and said, "Do you see anything missing?"

"What's missing? " Zhao Mingkun looked at it and didn't give an answer.

I turned my head and pointed to the door frame of the opposite door and said, "Couplets! There are no couplets on the door frame of his house. Look at his door frame. There is no trace of tape or paste, which means that he has not pasted it at all. Couplets for the Spring Festival. It's not long since the Spring Festival. You can see that other couplets are still the same as new. "

"What does this indicate?" Zhao Mingkun asked suspiciously.

I put my chin on my hand and said, "This shows that there is a person living in this house who is not careful and pays no attention to hygiene. If I had to guess, this would be a man. He has lost his sense of life, so even if it's Chinese New Year, he doesn't post couplets. This must not be a young guy. "

I tapped my chin lightly and said, "From the comprehensive analysis of these points, there lives a man here, and he is a middle-aged man in his forties. He lives here alone, and his wife and children are not by his side. " He's fat, doesn't have much hair, and has a habit of drinking. "

Zhao Mingkun nodded and said, "What do you mean, Liu Ruijie still lives here? Seven years ago, Liu Ruijie was in his thirties. Now, it fits your description. "

"That's right," I said. "That's what I meant."

Zhao Mingkun was silent for a moment, then said, "What if not?"

I shook my head and said, "It's impossible. I wasn't born a policeman. If it was a policeman here, they wouldn't dare to guess when they hadn't collected enough evidence. What they want to do is to have a lot of evidence. To speculate and solve the case under the premise. For me, it is different. "

I pointed to my head and said, "I guess first, and then look for evidence. If I can't find evidence, I'll make another guess. And this is the big difference between my thinking and the police's thinking. Perhaps this is why Team Leader Shao fished me out. If guess and evidence corroborate each other, Liu Ruijie definitely still lives here. "

"It's just." I shook my head, "It seems that Liu Ruijie did not remarry his wife. What do you think is the reason for this? "

While knocking on the door, Zhao Mingkun said, "His wife didn't forgive him. Or, did he take the money but didn't repay the debt, but went to gamble again? "

"Unlikely," I said, "if he still had a gambling addiction, he couldn't have lived here for so long. During his gambling addiction, he probably committed domestic violence on his wife, so his wife did not forgive him. It's a possibility. But there's another possibility. "

"What?" Zhao Mingkun said.

I said slowly: "Liu Ruijie killed someone seven years ago in order not to involve his wife and children, so Liu Ruijie himself is unwilling to go back. Based on the possibility that Liu Ruijie killed someone, this is also a possibility. But what is the reason? Liu Ruijie does still live here. At seven o'clock now, Liu Ruijie may not have woken up yet. "

"Boom!" I knocked on the door a few more times, but there was still no response.

Zhao Mingkun glanced at me and said, "Look for a property. The longer we stay in one place, the more dangerous it will be. "

Half an hour later, someone from the property came. I still showed my police ID card, and the property owner didn't say anything. After knocking on the door several times without success, he took out the spare key. But after twisting the key for a moment, there was no way to open the wooden door.

"Changed the lock?" I asked, frowning.

"No!" said the person from the property, "Look, the security door has been opened, but the door inside can't be opened. If the key can't be turned, it means that he has locked the door. Open the door, police! "Hey, don't sleep, the door is open.

But no matter how much they shouted, there was no response from the people inside. A bad premonition rose in my heart. I was afraid that the slamming and shouting of the door might be heard by the residents in other buildings, but the people inside were indifferent. But since the door is locked, it proves that there must be someone in the house.

Someone, but there is no way to open the door. I don't want to think about it any more at this moment.

"Come on!" Zhao Mingkun looked at the two of us and said, "There must be someone inside, and it's more bad luck than good luck."

A few of us looked at each other, shouted "one, two, three," and then started to bang on the door. When I felt my shoulders burning, I heard a "click", and we finally closed the wooden door. Bumped away. I must thank the fact that this is a standard latch rather than a more advanced one.

As soon as the door was knocked open, there was a foul smell coming up. It was so flavorful that it nearly smoked a few of us out. At the same time, my heart sank. This blend of smells I often smelled when I was a non-staff cop, and it really wasn't a good smell.

This is a kind of large and small stool combined with the smell of a corpse, which is the most common smell of a corpse.

We looked around and saw a man lying on his back on the ground.

Judging from this person's body shape, he is of medium stature, and his belly is bulging and bloated. It can be almost concluded that this person is Liu Ruijie. But what I didn't expect was that Liu Ruijie had already died.

"Stand here and don't move." I said to the person at the property, "Let's go over and see the situation."

The person from the property nodded, and Zhao Mingkun and I walked forward.

As I approached the corpse, I could smell one stench after another. Zhao Mingkun took it out of his pocket and handed me a disposable mask and gloves.

"You have a lot of stuff in your pocket," I said.

Zhao Mingkun shrugged and joked, "Did I mention I'm in this line of work?"

The two of us crouched down and finally found the source of the stench. On the crotch of the corpse, you can clearly see a yellow solidified ** mark on the trousers, and at the position of his trousers, there is a piece of dried excrement.

I pointed to the piece of shit and said, "The fact that shit can fall from the crotch to this position means it is definitely not caused after death. That is to say, this is not caused by incontinence after death due to the rotting gas in the abdomen. He had already excremented and urinated on his pants before he died, but a middle-aged man at a young age would not suffer from the incontinence symptoms that only the elderly have. "

Zhao Mingkun frowned and blocked her nose with her wrist, which made her voice "buzz" , "A big man, in the absence of illness, you say, what is the situation that makes him incontinent?"

I looked at the marks on the ground; a slipper near the door, and a slipper on my feet. From this point of view, Liu Ruijie should have walked backwards, causing the first slipper to stay near the entrance.

And at this moment, Liu Ruijie suddenly became incontinent for some reason. Liu Ruijie was unfortunately slipped by his own urine and faeces during the process, and he fell to the ground.

"Frightened." I said decisively, "If there is anything else that can make a middle-aged man incontinent, the only thing I can think of is fright. Looking at the clothes Liu Ruijie is wearing, they are ordinary pyjamas. His shoes are slippers. This means that he heard someone knocking on the door when he woke up in the morning or was going to sleep at night. "

Zhao Mingkun nodded.

I continued, "When he opened the door, someone walked in, and this person should have been the murderer. When Liu Ruijie saw the murderer, he suddenly felt extremely frightened. He stepped back, and at that moment, he became incontinent, and then fell to the ground. You see him covering his eyes with his hands. Psychologically, this is an escape action. "

"That is to say." I continued, "Liu Ruijie is very afraid of seeing this person who came in, and he is very afraid of this person who came in."

Zhao Mingkun stood up, looked at me and said, "You mean, this person was also scared to death? But I have a question to ask you, " Do you think the murderer is human? " "

Of course it is." I said, almost without thinking, "Of course the murderer is a human being, otherwise, could it be a ghost that killed the murderer?"

Zhao Mingkun nodded and said, "I'm not a staunch atheist like you, but if someone kills, how did the murderer escape? This is the ninth floor, and the murderer can't escape through the window after killing someone. This is not a secret room at all, and you can see that the door is locked. "

Zhao Mingkun pointed to the lock on the door, and I could see that it was indeed locked.

"If it was done by a human." Zhao Mingkun said word by word, "How did the murderer leave the room after locking the door? If he was a human, how did he do this? Or, Liu Ruijie was the only person in the room all the time. The thing that scared him out of his crotch was not a person, but something else. "

It was clear that it was broad daylight, but when I heard Zhao Mingkun's words, I still felt a little chill on my back.

(End of this chapter)

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