Canon Fodder



Hancock and I finished up our fun. She became a little too sore so we ended up just sitting on the couch. Reading manga and books she was finally near the ending of Naruto.

“And you married this girl?” She asked, pointing at Hinata. 

“Yeah, last thing I did before… Fuck,” I said, remembering it.


“Before I died,” I said. “Shit. I was gone from her for 20 minutes. She probably freaked out.”


“I had just taken her virginity. We were in a tent and…” 

“You had sex and escaped a world?” She asked. “Talk about nut and run.” 

“Thanks,” I said, unable to help but laugh. “We need to get back there.”

“I agree. I need to learn more Earth jutsus. I can control it, but still,” she said. Her feet on my legs as she laid down she added. “Hey, it will be alright.”

“I feel bad.” 

“As you should,” she assured. “But we will fix it. Alright?”

“Yes, dear,” I said. 

“Good, now keep rubbing,” she ordered. I went back to rubbing her foot while reading with the other hand. When night came we had a small meal and ventured out. I put the house back in the capsule form and we looked around us. 

“You want a snake Eley?” I confirmed. 

“Yes, where should they be?”

“I’m guessing weak ones are in the forest. All the strong stuff is in the mountains there,” I said pointing in that direction.

“What do you want?”

“No idea,” I admitted. “These maidens are really strong too. We might have to dump the handicaps. Let’s check out the mountains and see what we find.” That’s when we got the quest. 

Elemental Maidens World Quest:

Tame a Maiden



Pet Choice


“Dang, that was fast,” I said. 

“Yay,” Hancock clapped. “Now carry me, my legs are still wobbly.”

Giving her a piggyback ride I made some water-chakra and stepped on my platform. Because I was stronger from my Solo Leveling body, I had more chakra available. Yet still not as much without the handicap. Flying was the best way to travel though. Once we were in the air we were able to see most everything. A few Eleys flying way in the clouds, they were too far to attempt to tame so we kept on. 

“What’s your home in this world like?” Hancock asked. 

“A craphole,” I said. “It was founded like a century ago. We’ve had a few run-ins with Maiden hordes. But been pretty lucky so far.”

“My city is gigantic,” she said. “Like the size of Seoul.”

“Jeez. My village was convinced we were the last people in the world,” I said.

Hancock shook her head from my back. “Oh no. We have a lot of strong people. Most of the Venturerers have 3 to 4 Eleys. And they help fight off anything too big.”

“Too big?” I asked, a little worried. 

“Yes, we are near the ocean. There are a hell of a lot of Eleys there. Huge whale class. I’ve heard of a kraken class attacking too.” 

“Kraken? Sounds fun to tame,” I said. The Eleys were typically based on animals in their original forms. And were classified as such. They were also classified by the element. You could have a fire type snake class, or water type snake class. There were certain names for each type, but I never bothered to remember them all. 

“The kraken has a bunch of tentacles. Maybe that should be my goal,” she teased. 

“Hell no. Tentacle porn doesn’t do it for me,” I admitted.

“Good,” she said, holding tighter to me. We flew on and noticed more than a few Eleys fighting. Cow class and Lizard class fighting it out we watched as the cows threw Earth and the Lizards spit fire. 

“What the hell do you think caused the world to go to shit?” I asked. 

“We were taught that a male Elemental descended on the world. He hated humanity so much he changed some women to maidens. Forcing them to become wild. There is a legend that if the right person comes along they will find the male Elemental and kill him. Making the maidens no longer keep their animal form.”

“That’s basically what my village believed,” I said. “Maybe it’s true.”

“Should we do that?” Hancock asked. “Save these people?”

“Maybe someday. I need to prepare myself for now, though,” I said. “We have to get stronger. Not train a bunch of women to fight for us.” The cows pushed the lizards back and we continued on. When we got to the base of the mountain I hovered close enough over the rocks to feel a wide area and we began our search. 

It wasn’t for a good hour until I was finally able to find a nest, but it wasn’t the snake she had been hoping for. 

“A gargoyle class,” Hancock said with a gasp. “I’ve only heard of those.” Hidden in a nook on the mountain side was a large stone flying devil. Gray skin, it pretended to be asleep as we moved closer to it. It’s Haki was full of excitement as we drew closer. I guessed it thought we were easy prey. 

“You want it?” I asked.

She nodded. “It’s…calling to me,” she whispered, I could feel her excitement grow. “Something about my Earth chakra is reacting to it.” I didn’t know enough about the Maidens to contradict her. I guessed her Devil Fruit was reacting as well. Since she could control the Earth and turn others to stone, a gargoyle was just another addition to her nature. 

“What do you want to do?” I asked.

“I’ve never heard of a stone gargoyle where I come from. Know anything about them?”

“Just that they can turn you into stone if you let them latch onto you. Then they eat your petrified body. Don’t let it touch you,” I warned.

She nodded and without hesitation she jumped off. I assumed she moved chakra away from her body. Latching onto the stone devil she threw it back into the rock behind it. The thing screeched in surprise, but Hancock wasn’t about to lose this chance. Her hands extended out and she controlled the rock of it’s body like I did with water. 

Pulling it to her and throwing it away the gargoyle was her’s to play with. The thing appeared rather strong too. Body growing, the bat-like wings tried to fly toward her. The sexless gargoyle screeching at her, Hancock was ruthless with the beast. Grabbing more rocks with chakra she pelted it, never letting it get too close. 

This was not something I could help with. Maidens wouldn’t tame if someone was seen as needing help. They would just as soon die if more than one person was fighting them, but as the fight continued on and the gargoyle increased to 8 feet in size I felt the change in it’s Spiritual Energy. 

Like waking up, the anger filled energy began to brighten and dim continuously. Over and over as they fought. The gargoyle got to her, large claws slashing into her arm. Hancock drew her arm back and punched it in the face. Throwing it back farther it struck the mountain side and it’s Haki stabilized to a bright ball of energy. 

With that it’s body began to glow white as it took on the change. Shrinking from the huge size it changed from an angular face to that of a beautiful woman. She had a long nose and more alterations began to appear as the light surrounding it dimmed. Wings shrinking to the size of her shoulder blades, chest ballooning out to Hancock’s bust size, her gray skin took on a brighter sheen. The moonlight reflecting off of it, the naked Elemental maiden looked to Hancock and was upon her. 

Hancock panicked, pushing her back for a moment but then caught herself. The Maiden attuning to her, I felt their Spiritual Energy mix slightly as whatever happened during taming continued. The Maiden was desperate to get at her. Hancock acting on instinct disrobed before the Maiden could tear off her clothes. 

The gargoyle and my wife continued to share Spiritual Energy. I caught myself amazed as it happened. Both woman and Eley nude, the subservient once-gargoyle began eating Hancock out. 

I had heard of this happening, but never seen it. More than a little fascinated I felt like a voyeur. Both turned on by the show in front of me and intrigued at the same time. The Maiden’s long tongue entering into Hancock’s pussy the beast licked everywhere. Hancock gasped and shuddered, lost in her own lust as it happened. Hancock should gain an immunity to petrification with the gargoyle taming. They would both share a little of the other’s powers. 

As Hancock came loudly I noticed another large pulse of Spiritual Energy shared between them. The gray skinned Maiden licked her clean and moved up. Kissing deeply the 2 shivered as if both had come from the act and cuddled together. Tired from whatever happened between them they started to doze off. Their Spiritual Energy dimming slightly as they relaxed. 

Amazed, I floated over to them. Sitting on a large boulder I watched as Hancock ran her fingers along the gargoyle's back. I could feel her contentment. 

“Have fun?” I asked, making them both jump. The gargoyle girl hissed at me as she sat up. 

“No, hold,” Hancock ordered to her 5 foot tall maiden. The gargoyle hesitated, looking from me to Hancock, unsure what to do. Pushing the Maiden off, Hancock got up and began putting her clothes on. “That was…different than I imagined.”

“Same,” I said. Studying the scared gargoyle girl. “You get your Pet Choice? Gonna use it on her instead?”

“I wasn’t planning on it. Why do you ask?” Hancock asked in confusion. 

“You both shared Spiritual Energy somehow,” I said. 

“We did?” Hancock asked, sliding into her leathers. 

“Definitely. Some kind of change happened between you, that’s for sure,” I said.  

“Interesting,” Hancock said, turning back to the gargoyle. “Sit,” she ordered. The gargoyle girl followed the command. Sitting cross legged, the naked girl was focused on Hancock. “I think maybe I can feel her.” Hancock moved closer, studying the face of the stone woman. Her hair cut short and slicked back I could only feel love for Hancock from the Maiden. “What is your name?” The gargoyle didn’t seem to understand, oblivious to the question. 

“What should I name her?” Hancock asked. 

“Demona,” I said. I couldn’t remember the name of the female gargoyle from the old cartoon Gargoyles.

“What? That’s a terrible name,” Hancock said. Tapping her chin she thought for a moment. “Rose.” 

“Rose?” I asked. 

“Yes, she reminds me of a rose,” Hancock said. “Do you like the new name, Rose?” The gargoyle didn’t appear to understand, but she appeared to be up for whatever Hancock did to her. “This is so weird. How do you do it? This girl or animal or whatever is now tied to me.” 

“I try not to think about it,” I said. “I’d love to live on in some of these worlds, but you’re right. Its sometimes hard to know that you’ll end up leaving.”

“Rose, stand, come,” Hancock said. The woman followed after Hancock as she moved from the alcove to me. I kept thinking that Rose would need some clothes. A blanket to cover herself up perhaps. But no, a little bit ago she had been a wild animal. It was hard to picture she was anything but the beautiful girl following after Hancock like a puppy. She had spent all of her life living in the wilds, fighting other Maidens. 

“What now, husband?” Hancock asked. 

“Are you going to have her come with us outside the world?” I asked. 

“No,” Hancock said after a moment of thought. “She would take too much of my focus. I would prefer a more concealed protector.” 

“You might be able to get her to shrink,” I said. 

“That takes too much time. And we don’t have that. No, if we ever come back to this world, I would prefer to take the time to get to know her. Capture more and see how we could help this world,” she said. “You said we should get strong in Solo Leveling? Maybe we can come back and do some good here.” 

“Very true,” I said. “Which brings me to my next point…we should leave manhwa.” 

“What? Already?” She asked. 

“We got the World Lasting Physique,” I said. “I would like to get it in the other 2 halls. Then we gameplan and figure out which worlds to conquer quickly. In Solo Leveling I am pretty sure the canon is not too long. 6 or 8 months maybe. So that would be a good one. We could get strong and breeze through a lot of the other doors here. But I would like to go to the other Halls and get World Lasting Physique first. For all I know, to trigger the Challenger slot for World Lasting Physique, all we have to do is earn it in all 4 Halls. We might have to clear a door in each hall, but I would prefer to go step by step. If we can get the World Lasting Physique we could have a base strength in all the halls and wouldn’t have to start over from scratch in each.” 

“I see what you mean,” Hancock said. “There are skills I’ve earned that I like though. We only get Challenger slots by clearing worlds?”

“Sometimes there are quests, but there is another way to get one,” I admitted. “If we opened all 11 main doors we would get a Challenger slot as well.”

“Really? So if I were to use my Pet Choice and we opened all 11 doors I could maybe get a Pet Challenger Slot?” She asked. 

“You could,” I said. 

“What happens if you open all doors in this room?” She asked, after some thought. 

“What room?” 

“This smut room? There are only 5 doors. Could we get a Challenger Slot?” She asked. 

“I don’t think so…but we might get something?” I asked, unsure.

Hancock nodded. “Then let us experiment,” she said. “Do you want to find your own maiden?” 

“I did but I’m hesitant now,” I admitted. “With you sharing Spiritual Energy could there be long term effects?”

“I don’t feel any different,” Hancock admitted. “But I see your point. Maybe you should have sex with Rose. See if anything happens.” 

I barked a laugh, looking at the Maiden. “I think she would petrify me if I tried,” I said.

“True, you might have to spend some time with her so she isn’t so scared of you,” Hancock said. “But it seems a waste for you not to have some fun in this world. I propose we open the other doors in this room. For…science. To see what we can get. Who knows what other worlds we might find?” 

“We should be working…” I said weakly. 

“Oh come on. It’s been less than 3 weeks since we started. We have what? Almost 2,000 days? Why not a little fun?” She threw her arm over the Maiden. Kissing the gargoyle’s cheek I could feel the love for Hancock from the Maiden. “I would like to stop talking about bringing other girls to us, and actually do it.” 

“Fine,” I said. “But I make no promises that I won’t ignore you completely in the other worlds. Have my own fun.”

“That will not work. How I understand it I could become a sex crazed she demon. I would need you to sate me,” she said. Releasing Rose she walked over to me. “You can’t touch her, but you can touch me. I’m sure I can talk you into summoning me in the next world.” She leaned forward, kissing me deeply. The Maiden whining behind her. “Come Rose. You can put your tongue to work.” 

I shook my head. Unsure how I found someone more of a freak in bed than me. I went with it though. We had a few hours until we could escape the world anyway. 

It wasn’t long until Hancock was blowing me while I sat on the couch. Her new Maiden, Rose, was hungrily eating her out. One blowjob turned into 2, and by the time she began riding me she had more than talked me into summoning her in the next world. 

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