Canon Fodder



I woke up to Hancock sucking my dick. The 19 year old girl moaned happily as she licked all over my shaft. A lazy blowjob she was working on her technique as my eyes opened. Taking me as far down as she could, saliva dripped down her chin as she got 3/4ths of the way there. Glugging noises sounded as she used her lower jaw and tongue to move side to side on my dick. 

Groaning, she smiled widely up at me. Plopping off she looked up at me as she jerked me off. “Morning, husband,” she said before taking one of my balls in her mouth. 

“Good morning, wife,” I said as my legs widened further for her. Jerking me up and down she was happy to stay like that for a while. 

“Where is your 3rd heart?” She asked as she pulled away. “The one on your shaft?”

There were 2 pink Watanabe hearts on my nutsack, 1 over each ball. I guessed I awakened the 2nd stage like I had originally with Reina. 

“That takes a giant orgy,” I said. “I’ll fill you in later.” She nodded and continued working. After working on her deepthroat skills I was almost ready to cum. Moving her hands to straddle my waist she moved her perfect D-Cup melons over my dick. 

“Fuck them how you like,” she said. I nodded and squeezed her tits together. Moving my dick between them I started to hump into her. Hancock stared up at me as I did. Her tongue extended out. She teased me as I sped up. 

“I’m going to lick every bit of your cum,” she said in a hot voice that would make a sex phone worker sound like a gravelly voiced radio host. “My pussy is so sore. But you can use every other part of my body to cum with. My ass is still virgin. My throat. My hands. Anything and everything.” 

I groaned, speeding up. I humped up into her jiggling tits one final time and began to release huge spurts of cum. Her tongue still out, she looked down to it. When I finished cumming she looked back up to me showing that one glob had made it to her lips. As she licked it I groaned as my lower half relaxed on the bed. 

“You’re still rock hard,” she noted. 

“Yes, but we need to work,” I said, reluctantly. 

“Let’s shower first,” she counter-offered. I was too weak to fight it. Picking her up I carried her into the shower and it wasn’t long until she was jerking me off again. Demanding it down her throat this time I happily obliged. She coughed and sputtered, but took every ounce of cum in her throat. 

“I fucking love you,” I said, forcing the chakra to stop going to my dick. 

“I love you,” she said standing up. Manhandling her I needed to show her how much I appreciated her efforts. Massaging her body she groaned happily. Cleaning her hair with shampoo she relaxed into me. Her perfect ass sandwiching my dick as her body writhed against my chest

When her body was good and soaped up I played with her clit. Forcing chakra into it she came loudly and spent the rest of the shower in a relaxed stupor. Carrying her out we settled on the sofa for a bit. 

“What is our plan, husband?” She mumbled, laying her head on my chest. 

“From what I remember of the original manhwa, there is a trainer somewhere around here,” I said. “The man should be able to teach us a technique and give us a clue on what to do next.”

“Fun,” she mumbled. “What then?”

“Then we kill every monster we can. More people will start showing up to this stage. I am pretty sure this Block and the next Block have a lot of boss monsters to fight and get gear from. Block G is the last one, and is a huge battle royale.” 

“Do we kill everyone?” She asked like it was nothing. 

“I don’t think so. We can fight them for Karma. The more we have, the more chances we have of winning,” I said. 

“Okay,” she said, snuggling up again. I could feel some anxiety from her though. “A-are we good?” 

“We are better than I thought possible,” I assured her. I felt her heart flutter. “I kind of wasn’t believing you about allowing more women in the bedroom. I feel better about having my Chikyugi.”

“I love you,” Hancock whispered. “And it’s not like I don’t get off on it.” 

“I know, but you always kept up with me. And I feel bad looking at other women around you.” 

“No, my body goes on autopilot when we fuck that hard. I hardly remember anything from last night,” she said. Her body shivered in pleasure. “That was such a good first time. But I look at other women when you’re around. We can rate them together.”

“Deal,” I said with a chuckle. I continued to comb her hair with my fingers. She let out many content sighs as I did. “There is something I need to show you.” 

“What is it?” She asked, concerned. Instead of answering I tapped her side. Getting up I took her hand and walked her to a spare room. Inside there were bookshelves lining the wall. Every shelf was filled with manga, books, and comics. 

“What is this?” She asked. 

“I might have had a few shadow clones getting us information,” I said. “The world of Second Life Ranker is a lot like my own. They have the same celebrities and entertainment. I was able to find a lot of the books and manga I could have chosen. Although there was no manhwa, we should still be able to prepare you. These 2 shelves are the mangas of all the worlds I chose. Including One Piece. This shelf has what I could remember of the books I was offered with the World Choice. I’m sure I chose some of them. And this one has comics. Mainly marvel and DC stuff, but you should be able to get a better idea of what we are facing.”

“Why did you not show me this before?” She asked, walking up to the manga shelves. 

“Because we were busy as it was. We are weaker, so we were training to get used to everything. Now I am confident we are strong enough. I don’t plan on spending a lot of time reading. But why don’t you grab one and start working your way through.” 

I expected for her to go to One Piece, instead she chose Naruto. “I have the Earth Element. But you don’t know any jutsus for Earth. Would this have hand seals and examples of jutsus that use Earth Nature?”

“Actually…yeah that’s a good idea,” I admitted. “I don’t remember any, but you might be able to learn possibilities.” 

She looked through the manga and started at number 1. Since the capsule had most everything, I could brush up on some stories. I didn’t know if the stories were the same as my world’s canon of them, but I guessed they were. Grabbing the Eye of the World book I thought it was a good idea to brush up on it since I was positive Wheel of Time was one of the worlds I picked. 

We read, relaxed, and ate for a time. When the shadow clone's memories passed to me I reluctantly got us moving. Hancock put the manga in her pack and I put my book away. Emptying the monster materials I had collected in one of the home's compartments I pulled the switch for shrinking the house and we left. When the smoke billowed out and the house had shrunk down to a capsule again I happily put it in my Status Screen. Amazed by the convenience of it all. 

“I will need that home every night,” Hancock said as we began to run toward the mountainy area of the map. 

“Yes, dear,” I said. “As long as it is safe, we won’t sleep out in the stars. I will need sex like that every night as well.”

“Are you sure there are no women that interest you in this tutorial?” Hancock asked. Her Haki leaked a great deal of pain. I did not go easy on her. “I thought I saw a few pretty ones yesterday.”

“There’s only 1 I know of, but she is strong and is doing this tutorial with her brother. Why, sick of me already?” 

“My body is that of a virgin, I hurt,” she said. I leaned over and threw her on my back. She laughed but latched on happily. I sped up my run. “You are so strong now. How much do you think you compare to your old body?” 

“In my old body I could easily run with 2,000 pounds hanging on me. You are about 160 pounds.”

“150,” she lied. Her chest was far too big for that kind of low weight. 

“Exactly. I am stronger, but running fast only because I am moving chakra to my body,” I said. “I am guessing I’m about 1/40th of my old self. Which is a huge bump. I was about 1/200th before.” It was nice to be in a world that awarded stats. I didn’t have to wait near as long for strength. 

“How do we get you back up?” She asked. 

“Keep fighting…and maybe find a special world,” I said.

“Like where?”

“No idea. There are some options I know I took, but I really want to get the World Lasting Physique before leaving this Hall.” I was done sticking to one Hall. I had to spread around like Mikhail had, in hopes of getting the World Lasting Physique. 

“How do we do that?” She asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Last time I got World Lasting Physique in Naruto World, which was the 3rd world I went to. That might have something to do with it.”

“Hmm, we will find out,” she said. I nodded and ran on. 

The trees turned into grassland which turned to rocky terrain, and eventually full on mountains. My clones having gone to the 4 corners of the map I knew where most all the big camps of monsters resided. For now I went around them. Making Hancock run herself up the mountains we ate the miles until we came to a well hidden clearing at the top of a plateau. 

A small hut built between some trees and boulders the cabin was out of place and the only non-threatening home I found. 

“Hello!” I yelled as we approached. I felt the Spiritual Energy all around me. Nothing too big in the vicinity we risked it and continued forward. 

As I moved to knock on the door, I felt the presence approach. Hancock and I turned around as an elf stopped right behind us. Long dark brown hair, tan skin, pointy ears, he had a bow and arrows at his back and wore green and brown leathers. 

“Can I help you?” He asked, annoyed by our presence.  

“Uh yes,” I said. “We have heard that you have some information about the area? And can teach a skill.” 

The man frowned, studying us. The nerdy part of Hancock barely held herself back from squealing at seeing a real elf. 

“Who did you hear that from?” The elf asked, annoyed.

“Does it matter?” I asked, unsure if I had to pass some test to even get what we needed. I knew the guy was important, but I couldn’t remember exactly why. 

“,” he said. Letting out a sigh he moved between us. “Come inside then.” He stepped into the cabin without another word. Hancock and I shared a look. She clapped quietly as her sense of adventure peaked. 

We stepped in to find a much smaller house than our portable one. The bedroom, living room, and kitchen were all one large room. There wasn’t much to see. The elf rubbed his temples as he stood across the table in the middle of the cabin. 

“What do you know?” 

“I know you can help us summon a snake,” I said.

“A snake?” Hancock whispered, intrigued. I guessed I forgot to tell her. But from the elf’s Spiritual Energy reaction to the words I could tell I was right. 

“Are you 2 actually strong enough to deal with it?”

“Uh yeah,” I said.

“Look, Akasha has killed a lot of people. I can’t let just anyone go after it,” he said. “You’ll have to prove yourselves.” A classic setup for a quest, I was excited to really start the adventure. I wondered if this was a real person or some NPC. I guessed he was a non-playable character since he should be in every tutorial. 

“Fine with us,” I said. “I’m Weston. This is my wife, Hancock.”

“Wife?” The elf asked. Hancock nodded. “You’re crazy to want to take your wife.”

“Hell, she’s stronger than I am,” I said. Hancock playfully slapped my chest but I could feel she loved the words. My lust leaked out, wanting her more from the simple touch. I forced my own lust away. I had to get back in the habit of holding back. Hancock wasn’t wrong, she would need help. 

“I am Galliad,” the elf said, calming down a little. “You will need to pass my test if you want my help.” With that a pop-up appeared. 

Second Life Ranker Quest 2.1:

Catch Galliad 5 out of 10 times



Light Step


“Works for us,”  I said, excited to try. Galliad nodded and we went back outside. 

“You will have 15 minutes each try to catch me,” he said. With that he disappeared. Hancock and I shared a look and followed. Though he was faster than the eye could see we could lock onto him easily enough. Our Observation Haki spread out over the area, his presence was obvious to us. Both of us moving to opposite sides of him we boxed him in and tapped him. 

“...Very good,” the man said, surprised but he disappeared again.

It took us an hour to catch him 10 out of 10 times. When we did we got the Light Step in both our Main and Second Life Ranker Status screens. It was a weird feeling to suddenly be able to use a technique I didn’t know anything about before.

I felt lighter as we moved back to his hut. Faster too, as if the wind was helping us move. Unsure how we were managing to use the skill subconsciously I settled on playing with it later. 

“This is Undine’s Glass,” Galliad said as he dug a large diamond out of a chest in his hut. Hancock grabbed it and studied the gem as he spoke. “This has part of Akasha’s spirit inside of it. With it you can summon the great snake and attempt to challenge it.” 

I was pretty sure there was some backstory with him and the snake, but I wanted to get the hunt over with. I was sure that Phante and Edora were not too far behind us. As people raised in the tower, I was sure they knew of a lot of tricks and secret events as well. “And where can we summon it exactly?” 

“That way. You will know it when you see it,” he assured. Studying us for a moment I could feel his worry for us. “I have never been caught so easily. I pray you are not making a mistake.” 

“We aren’t,” I assured. Reaching out, Hancock reluctantly gave up the gem. We said our goodbyes and were on our way. Heading off in the direction he suggested, Hancock was quiet as we jumped from boulder to boulder. The man wasn’t wrong though, we found it easily enough. 

A large empty brazier sitting on another flat area, we received another quest. 

Second Life Ranker Quest 2.2:

Summon and Defeat Akasha



Minor Venom Resistance


That was new. Usually the rewards didn’t have Minor in front of their name. I guessed that was an upgrade brought on by the Handicap. Unsure what to do I got ready to throw Undine’s glass into the brazier when I felt Hancock leak sadness. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked. 

“Nothin,” she mumbled, frowning as she kicked a rock. 


“I just miss my snake, Salome,” she pouted. Every woman on Amazon Lily had a pet snake. Hancock was no exception. 

“You and your snakes,” I laughed. “Is mine not enough for you?” I pointed down to my groin. She rolled her eyes.

“My people have long worked with snakes. We trust them. Breed them for loyalty. They are our protectors.” 

“You know, most people are scared of snakes, right?” I asked.

“They are dumb people. My Salome would never hurt anyone,” she said. I let out a sigh. Looking to the brazier, then the glass, and finally to my status screen an idea came to me. 

“What if we find you another?” I asked. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I mean, I tamed a wild beast,” I said, summoning Nibi. The small blue and black 2-tailed cat looked from me to Hancock. Hancock dropped down and the tailed beast ran to her. Wrapping itself around her shoulders happily. “I got an item called Pet Choice. What if we look through some more doors in Manhwa. See if we can’t find one for you. We could try to tame this Akasha instead of kill it.” 

I knew that there were far stronger monsters later on in the tower, but a part of me guessed we could maybe get another Pet Choice at that point. I really didn’t want her to limit her Pet to a snake because she missed her own.

“Really?” She asked, her smile wide. “What about the quest?

“I told you that quests will often increase rewards if we do something interesting. Maybe they’ll reward us a Pet Choice just to see us do it. Let’s see what else manhwa has to offer,” I said. 

“Okay,” Hancock said, her gloomy attitude leaving her. “I love you.” She leaned in, kissing me deeply. The cat hissed but we ignored her. 

“2 more worlds,” I said. “If we don’t get what we are looking for after that, you will give up.”

“Okay,” Hancock said. “And your snake is more than enough.” She grabbed my groin and I laughed. 

Horny again I forced myself to say, “World Escape.” 

Sorry that smut slows down for a bit. I know people don't like it, but Weston breaks out of his boring remorse here in 20 chapters. I know I said it about the last arc, but I'm positive you will like where the story goes after that. Been struggling with where to go from here, but I think I finally have it. Releases will probably only be about 10/week since stuff is getting busier at work for the next 2 weeks. But should be able to keep submitting.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.