Canon Fodder



I punched the robed man hard in the gut. He went flying out of the arena and the crowd went wild. The man had proved more of a challenge than I originally thought. He used Nen to spin his body like a top. Then used a bunch of other spinning tops scattered on the arena floor to attack randomly. Since the Nen powered tops didn’t show up on my Haki it had been a little harder to defend. But I was strong, had my water, and a bunch of other abilities he had no idea how to counterattack. My ice bullets knocked the majority of tops out of the ring and he became a sitting duck after I let his body hit a Reject Dial. Then he was thrown back in the air with a more powerful opposing force. 

He was the 3rd challenger that had gone against me once I reached the 200th Floor of Heaven’s Arena. I remembered the Top and his friends from the manga. They had hoped to crush Gon and Killua when they arrived, but since I was the new up and comer and the protagonists hadn’t showed up yet, I became the center of their focus. 

The first challenger had been a weird looking guy that had telekinesis or something. The other was in a wheelchair and had whips. The whip guy had been the easiest. But I had beaten them all 1 by 1. I was currently 3:0 on the 200th floor, only 7 wins away from taking on a Floor Master. 

Floor Masters were basically gym leaders. They were someone that had 10 wins and were paid lavishly to defend the title of the strongest on the floor. I was sitting pretty good on money currently, so I didn’t plan on becoming a Floor Master, but it was an option. 

Kiri, Jill, and I had been working our way up the floors. I soared past them early on. They were winning but I was trying to get up there as soon as possible. Fighting multiple times a day. I had faced no real challenges as of yet, and jumped dozens of levels at a time. People didn’t fight there for free though. Paid for everytime I won before level 199, I was sitting at 262,582,115 Jenny. That was about $2,000,000 with my estimation of a can of soda costing 150 Jenny. With money in my screen I had been living the good life. It was finally about to pay off. 

I left the fighting arena and headed off to my room. One of the many perks of passing the level 100 floors was that I had a private room. Paying a little extra, I was able to secure a larger room as long as I continued to fight at least once a week. 

I came in to find Kiri sitting on the bed and Jill on the bed. Both were still in their pajamas. Jill opened her eyes as I came closer. Flashing me a smile she asked, “How did it go?” 

“You know, my first fight you both were nice enough to show up,” I said, acting annoyed. 

“This fight was so early though,” she defended, sitting on her knees as she grabbed my belt buckle and pulled me closer. “I’m guessing you won?”

“I did,” I said, kissing her lips. My hands going to her tight ass cheeks as I felt the heat rise in her. “Not interested in watching me fight?” 

“I don’t see the draw,” she admitted. “Without this Gyo, or whatever you called it. The fights look like magic to me.” Jill didn’t hesitate to undo my belt buckle. “Come sister-girlfriend. Let us service our man.”

“Don’t call me that,” Kiri grumbled, finally opening her eyes. The older woman blushed deeply as she eyed us. 

Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika went to find Killua. I opted out, claiming a sob story about my parents. They said they would get Killua and I had full confidence in them. Heading to Heaven’s Arena with Kiri and Jill it had actually been Jill’s idea for me to approach Kiri in a sexual manner…that’s what she thought at least. She had offered it to me as a suggestion, nervous if I would accept. Having grown up with many mother figures she was still under the impression that it took many women to satisfy a man. 

It hadn’t taken too long to bed Kiri. After I explained to her the power of chakra, and kept my Lust Aura up around her, she was willing to try. Which turned into us 3 sharing a hotel room soon enough. 

Jill had been very surprised that I suggested we all have sex. She had expected to leave the room, giving me a chance to be alone with Kiri. It hadn’t taken long to show her that many could be involved in the activity. 

We started using condoms, and were no longer at risk of pregnancy. Jill was growing and learning in many ways. Sexually Jill was up for anything I suggested, but she was also expressing herself more as she did new things outside of the bedroom. We had checked out an amusement park, spending a day there. Gone to a zoo. Went to every type of restaurant we could find, and she was still excited by the most simple of things. A shopping plaza was her favorite place so far. So many different shops around it reminded her of a bazaar back home. One she had never been able to go to, but always wanted to. 

I had to spend some of my Berserk gold for seed money until I started winning real fights, but now we were sitting well on money and the girls were working their way up the tower. Not in a hurry like I was, they were still around level 100 and only fought every few days. They mostly trained with chakra and sparred one another as they built up strength. 

“What should I call you?” Jill asked, confused. 

“Girlfriend?” I offered. 

“That’s even worse,” Kiri said with a huff as she got up. “Just start the sex already.”

“I wish to know what to call you,” Jill said in an offended voice. “We sleep with the same man in the same bed. Why do you have such trouble with this?”

“Because it’s not normal,” Kiri said, stopping next to us. 

“Don’t mind her,” I said, kissing Jill’s cheek. “She wants to go first this time.” 

“By all means,” Jill said, scooting back on the bed. Still not fully understanding what Kiri was upset about. The young princess had a bubbly attitude that I found I couldn’t get enough of. Whether Kiri stayed with us or not was up in the air, but I planned to keep Jill always with me. She had become more herself outside of the Hunter Exam. Laughing, screaming in joy at simple new things, and uncaring who I slept with. She was my kind of girl. 

My hand moved to Kiri’s ass. She frowned while staring up at me. Her emerald green eyes giving me her puppy dog look. “What?” I asked, unsure where her attitude was coming from. 

“I spoke to my mom this morning,” she admitted. “It was kind of hard to tell her I was sharing a guy with another girl.”

“Ah,” I said, remembering that I should have probably called my parents at some point. Perhaps sent them some money. I decided to think on that later. “What did you tell her?” 

“That I was at Heaven’s Arena with a guy and a girl I befriended during the exam,” she said, pouting. “She was all excited and asked if we were dating. I didn’t know what to say.”

“That’s a tough one. I mean, we are dating, right?” I asked. 

“Are we?” She asked. 

I rolled my eyes. “Do you want to be my girlfriend? I mean we spend every day together. I take you everywhere I go. We have known each other for weeks now, oh and I saved your life at least once.” 

“When you put it like that, it sounds more obvious,” she whispered. “But still, isn’t this weird? A guy and 2 girls?” 

“Not in my country,” Jill offered. Deflating a little as she realized we were taking a break before the more fun stuff. 

“I know, but come on, Weston,” Kiri said. “Am I weird for not wanting to admit to my mom this kind of thing?”

“I wouldn’t have a problem with it,” I said. “I like being with you both. No, I am not ashamed of it.” 

“You’re a guy, it’s a form of pride for you,” she pouted. 

I lifted her chin. “It really is,” I admitted. “But it’s not for everyone, Kiri. You are strong, smart, and beautiful. But we aren’t forcing you to be here. We want you to be. But if you don’t want to, I understand.” 

“I didn’t say that,” Kiri said. “I just…give me time to get used to this whole thing.” She chewed her lip as I released chakra around us. “My mom might randomly show up. She fought here once before too. So I would appreciate some discretion from the both of you.”

“Fine fine,” Jill said. “Hurry up. I want to go.” I was done talking as well. Picking her up I threw Kiri down on the bed. Jill laughed, clapping as she sat on a pillow, watching us. Her eyes sparkling, I wondered if she might have awoken a little voyeurism as well. 

Kiri was soon done talking as our lips met. She was in her early 20s, and had not been a virgin. She was able to fully appreciate my skills, where Jill tended to take them for granted. 

Slipping Kiri out of her pajama bottoms I didn’t hesitate to dive in. She came hard with the simple thrust. Her large chest jiggling in her tight shirt she moved the straps to reveal her nipples. 

I was on the dark and round areolas soon enough. Licking her nipples as I began pounding into her. All talk was forgotten as I humped into her. Yelling out with reckless abandon, Kiri took all I had to offer. Her tight cunt squeezing me harder with each thrust she enjoyed it just being she and I. 

Kissing deeply in missionary, her legs wrapped around me as her arms held onto my shoulders. Gasping every time she came as her breasts were pushed up with my thrusts. Her sash had done a good job hiding the large melons. D-cups, her dark tan skin made her even more beautiful as my hands roamed her body.

It wasn’t long until I was pulling out and cumming on her stomach. She gasped, lifting up her shirt. We had done mostly condoms at the start, but it wasn’t too long until they had seen a doctor to get on something. The pills should take effect any day now, so we would risk more then, but for now the only way for their Mark to absorb chakra was for me to cum on or in them. They didn’t receive as much, but it added to their reservoirs of strength. 

Exhausted, Kiri moved to the side and Jill was soon taking her turn. This time she wanted to be on top though. I obliged, letting her take control as she rocked back and forth. More heated from the show we had put on she only moved me in and out a couple of inches, but she came again and again. 

It wasn’t long until I had to begin helping her. Too lost in our lust I flipped her around and was taking her in doggy style. The smaller girl taking everything, she yelled my name as I pulled Kiri up. The woman was hesitant but followed. Kissing her deeply as I fucked Jill we were a groaning mess as the session continued. By the time I had cum on Jill, Kiri was turned on again and we started all over. 

“She is ready to see you now,” the butler said. He was a short man in a tuxedo. I looked back at the girls. We had been in the middle of another round of sex when the knock came. 

“Can I bring others?” I asked. 

The butler shook his head. “The invitation is for you, and you alone,” he said. 

I frowned but nodded. “I’ll be back when I can,” I said.

“Good luck,” Jill said as she continued to cover up her naked body. I was soon out the door and following the butler. 

I had made contact with Qiress once I got to floor 100. There was an intower messaging system that all could use when you were at a high enough floor. She had denied my message and I continued moving up the tower. It wasn’t until I reached floor 200 that I tried again. That was a week ago. It was finally time to meet the mysterious Nen Master that Satotz had put me in touch with.

The butler took us to a special access elevator. Flashing a keycard at a receptacle the elevator dinged and moved us up. The man was about 5 feet tall, but walked around confidently. Normally people became scared seeing people from the 200th floor, but he didn’t appear to mind in the slightest. I had heard being a Floor Master had it’s own perks. Next to the butler I realized just how many. The butler was strong. I could feel it from his Haki. Not anything I needed to worry about, but strong enough to potentially pass the Hunter’s Exam. 

We arrived on the 240th floor and he escorted me down a long hallway, opposite the fighting arena. Stopping at a set of wide double doors he opened them to reveal an immaculate penthouse suite. Not near the top floor, a penthouse suite was just how I was able to think of it. Tall ceilings, golden doorknobs, wide hallways, marble stone floor, the place was probably the most expensive dwelling I had been in, including Momo’s house. 

Walking in, the hall opened up to reveal a large sitting room. I had expected a throne room for some reason, but it was worthy of one. Huge dips in the floor held couches with thick cushions. There was a balcony that had a large jacuzzi sitting on one side. The other side of the balcony had a woman sitting at a small table. 

She was not what I had expected. I had heard stories of Qiress, the Floor Master. No one had challenged her to a fight in 6 months. All too afraid to be a made a fool of. Able to make men literally shit themselves, more than one had given up after entering the ring with her. Men that had put in the time and effort to beat 10 other challengers, all to try their luck against her. All had failed since she became a Floor Master 8 years ago. 

The butler waved me to the door that led to the balcony. Opting to stay inside he was off somewhere else to continue his work. I walked out and approached the older woman. Qiress was gorgeous. In a long flowing robe she read the newspaper as she faced the edge of the balcony. Staring out to the clouds level with us. Long golden blonde hair it was braided behind her head. Her skin was pale, and she had a longer nose, but it made her all the more beautiful. She appeared a little familiar to be honest, but I couldn’t place her. 

Her bored eyes looked up from her paper. Turning to me as I stopped a few paces away. She smirked and I felt my gut clench up. Immense danger expelled from her like I was facing an imminent death. Jumping back on instinct, I landed near the jacuzzi. Crouching, ready to attack, I noticed that she hadn’t moved at all. 

“Good reflexes, and you didn’t shit yourself, which is a plus,” she said, turning back to her paper. “Come on, I won’t bite anymore.” She kicked a chair out from under the table beside her. I wiped my brow of the sweat, still unsure how I was alive. I had thought that Hisoka had a strong killing intent, but hers was a few levels above. 

Collecting myself I moved closer and got the nerve to sit in front of her. She continued to read the paper, eventually asking, “You have to ask questions for me to answer.”

“Uhh,” I started. “I was hoping you could teach me and a couple of my friends Nen.”

“Not interested,” she said. 

“Then why take my request for a meeting?” I asked. She stopped reading and looked up. Her large eyes staring at me as she sized me up.

“Many are too scared to question me after I show them a little power. That is test 2 you have passed,” she said. I sighed, realizing that this was all some elaborate method of hers to choose students. 

“How many tests are there?” I asked. “I didn’t study.”

She cracked a smile. “Enough,” she assured. “Tell me, who told you about me?” 

“A Hunter named Satotz,” I said.

“That idiot?” She asked. “He still running exams?” I nodded. Qiress eyed me up and down again. Really looking this time I felt naked in front of her, which was fine with me. I was really digging into the strong woman kink. “You’re young. How long have you had your license?” 

“Couple of weeks? Less?” I admitted. 

“And how did you find the exam?” 

“In all honesty, it was easy,” I admitted. 

She smiled more widely. Leaning forward as she put her paper down. “Last test failed,” she said. 


“You failed my last test,” she said simply. “Condolences.”

“How did I fail?” I asked. 

“Wrong type of Nen,” she said. “There are 6 types. Enhancement, Transmutation, Emission, Conjuration, Manipulation, and Specialization. I am a Specialist. I only have an interest in other Specialists. I sometimes take on a Conjurer or Manipulator because they are more likely to awaken a Specialist power, but rarely. Been doing this long enough I can tell what you are, kid. I have no interest.” 

“What am I?” I asked, thinking on what to do. 

“Enhancement. You’re straightforward and don’t beat around the bush. Clear as day to me. Sorry you wasted my time,” she said, picking the paper back up. 

“What about this though?” I asked, raising my hand. Inside of it I held a ball of chakra. Not water this time, the white/blue ball of power. It resembled a less chaotic Rasengan of Naruto’s. But it was pure power. A power that made her eyes slowly widen. 

“What are you doing?” She asked leaning forward to get closer to the ball. “It’s not Nen.” 

“No, it’s my own special power. Haven’t you been watching my fights? I thought you agreed to this because you could see I was doing this sort of stuff without Nen,” I said.

She wasn’t paying attention. Staring at the ball she moved her hand closer. Fingernails running across it she moved her hand back as if shocked. “This is…power,” she noted. “Pure power. How are you doing this?”

“Guess I’m special,” I said with a smile on my lips.

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